Magiversary 2022! New Crystalwings!

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Magiversary 2022! New Crystalwings!

Post by Danafox »

May 10th 2022: Creatures 1318, 1319, 1320, and 1321 have been released.

They are limited Magiversary event creatures and will flood the stream up to and including May 19th.
They will be able to breed.

Image New Gifting Badge

Vernal Crystalwing
Bright stone petals are sprouting out of this cheerfully colored egg.

General Description
Vernal crystalwings are playful, curious creatures. They are not small, about the length of an average magi???s armspan from head to tailtip, and very heavy, as the flowers and petals all over their body are made out of gorgeous gems. Even so, they are incredibly fast and agile, loving nothing more than racing each other and any other flying creatures nearby they can goad into joining their games. Somewhat unusually for their species, vernal crystalwings do not do well in caves, as they require sunlight to grow. As a result, they are less adept at finding crystals to snack on, and as such are easily befriended by anyone who offers them gems to eat. They molt their petals in the winter, and those gems are gathered for crafting into exquisite jewelry and artwork. Items created from their gems collect and store sunlight, exuding it in a gentle warmth and energizing anyone nearby.
Female hatchling - Male hatchling
Hatchling Description
Magi who keep a vernal crystalwing hatchling often remark that they resemble nothing so much as kittens, with the way they poke their noses into everything and investigate everything that moves by trying to pounce on it. They spend a great deal of time napping in the sun as well, and derive sustenance from sunlight in addition to the crystals they consume. Vernal crystalwing hatchlings must be allowed outside all the time, as those that don???t receive enough sunlight grow pale and listless, the small blooms on their bodies slowly wilting. Happy vernal crystalwing hatchlings smell lightly of spring growth and flowers, and just being near one seems to make people feel a bit more energetic.
Female / Male Adults
Adult Description
An adult vernal crystalwing has wings and tail that are fully bloomed, hatchling buds unfurling into beautiful riotously colored petals. Adults are every bit as playful as they were as hatchlings and require considerably less sunlight, though they still enjoy basking. They spend much of their time flying about in flower gardens, chasing each other around and, at the Keep gardens in particular, harassing the rose imps. The presence of vernal crystalwings tends to make gardens grow faster and more vibrant, and so they are generally welcomed by gardeners, though heavily discouraged from landing on the flowers themselves, as their weight tends to crush the poor plants.
Obtained by: Stream, limited event creature
Sprites: Xenomorph/Lazuli
Description: Kestrad

Sommar Crystalwing
Golden gossamer??feathers adorn this egg spreading warmth around it.
General Description
Sommar crystalwings are a common sight once summer arrives. They can be found lazing around various areas around the Keep, often in the most unexpected places. Professors and students alike have had to accept that summer lectures cannot be held without at least a couple of curious sommar crystalwings attending as well. Although they are harmless, many students complain about the seemingly endless amount of hours these courses take. Not because they are boring, but because the sommar crystalwings emanate heat. Their odd wings appear to be made out of sun rays, not blinding but extremely hot. Standing in the presence of a sommar crystalwing can be compared with the time spent inside a sauna. The crystalwings do not appear to be aware of this as they love to be in the presence of people, especially on the warmest of summer days. Creatures like winged cats tend to stick around sommar crystalwings, as they laze about the entire day without a care.
Female hatchling - Male hatchling
Hatchling Description
When not chasing each other down the Keep's halls, spreading light and warmth around them, the sommar crystalwing hatchlings can be found lazing in the sun or searching for gems. They follow winged cats around, knowing they would find the best places of rest, even if those places include a professor's desk or the kitchens' ovens. The hatchlings enjoy the warmth and constantly seek it. The crystalwings that bond with magis will ride along on top of their shoulders during trips to the market or at the pond. Others will seek creatures with thick fur and take long naps with them. Although their wings appear to be made out of sun rays, they are, in fact, thin feathers. As delicate as they might look, the wings are strong. The hatchlings are capable of flight from the first few days of their life. They will cheerfully chase each other, a beautiful sight on warm summer days.
Female / Male Adults
Adult Description
Much like a cat, the sommar crystalwings love to sunbathe. They can be as lazy as they are active and even if it might seem surprising to some, the sommar crystalwings also love exploring crystal caves. People travel along, knowing the experience will be one of a kind. The light coming from their wings reflects on the colorful crystals, showing a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of colors. Bards who accompany these crystalwings sing songs about the beauty that they've seen. However, some say it is impossible to describe the wonderful colors painted on the cave walls. On hot summer days, the sommar crystalwing adults fly high in the sky, soaking up in the sun. The higher they fly, the more unnatural their wings look, as if part of the sun itself. When the summer days are over, and the cold starts to creep in, the sommar crystalwings leave the Keep with the promise to return with the next warm season.
Obtained by: Stream, limited event creature
Description: Real

Autumnal Crystalwing
This beautiful, heavy egg is covered in dead leaves.

General Description
Autumnal crystalwings are migratory creatures. They follow the seasons, feeling the most comfortable in the wet weather of autumn. It is believed the autumnal crystalwings bring abundant rains in the cold mornings of autumn as well as thick fogs. Their presence is marked by the faint scent of sweet maple and by the coloration of their bodies. Their thick, leathery wings resemble leaves. Although all of them have the coloration of autumn leaves, the males are brightly colored compared to the females. The males use the colors to their advantage, trying to attract the attention of females. With a great passion for dead and dying leaves, the autumnal crystalwings can be so focused on them that they no longer pay attention to their surroundings. The only other thing they care about just as much is colorful gems. They often venture inside deep and narrow caves in search of beautiful crystals. They eat some of these gems while hoarding the rest. A sleeping autumnal crystalwing can easily be mistaken for a pile of fallen leaves, only the shining gems giving it away. Unlike other crystalwings, the autumnal prefer to fly close to the trees, blending in with the autumn leaves. Gems that fall from their bodies are gathered and turned into delicate pieces of jewelry, often gifted to those who celebrate their birthdays in the fall season.
Female hatchling - Male hatchling
Hatchling Description
Autumnal crystalwing hatchlings are an odd mix of leaves and gems. They are heavy for their size, the crystals adorning their bodies dragging them down wherever they go. Unable to fly at such a young age, the hatchlings occupy themselves with finding colorful rocks to play with. They are brave little creatures, often visiting crystal caves. Their main diet consists of crystals and gems, but they also love to feast on fallen leaves. The crystals that are not eaten are instead gathered in small piles. Curious about all the dead leaves around them, it is hard to gain the attention of an autumnal crystalwing hatchling. The crystalwings can get so focused on them that they often forget about the world around them. They can play and sleep in the same pile of dead leaves for days and days. The only thing that could eventually take them away from their beloved leaves is their hunger for crystals.
Female / Male Adults
Adult Description
Many believe the adult autumnal crystalwings to be mystical fey creatures, beings of great elegance. Their bodies are covered in dead leaves and gems, having a quite interesting look. Even so, as elegant as they are, these crystalwings are rather silly. The adults never lose their juvenile spirit, loving to play in the piles of dead leaves, in which they blend in perfectly. The most important thing for these crystalwings is to spend their time between the dead leaves and be one with nature. The obsession with the fallen leaves varies, the males being less focused on them than females. They can often be seen at the base of trees, wrapped up in complicated dance-like displays. At first sight, none of their movements make any sense. However, they are trying to gain the attention of female autumnal crystalwings from the dead and dying leaves that have recently fallen. In some cases, the males manage to gain the attention of females. In other cases, the males fail and join their counterparts in playing with the leaves, their initial intent forgotten.
Obtained by: Stream, limited event creature
Sprites: Xenomorph/Lazuli
Description: Real

Vetur Crystalwing
This pale egg leaves a thin patina of frost on everything it touches.
General Description
Hailing from the northernmost stretches of Boreus, vetur crystalwings are reclusive and mysterious creatures. Covered in crystals that resemble the ice structures of their homes, they easily blend in with their surroundings, though their colouring is different. The white glitter of the females blends in with the snow where they nest to hatch their eggs, while the darker males hunt during the long nights, blending in with the sky and the stars. Magi can spot when a vetur crystalwing has passed by the frosted footprints they leave on any area bare of snow. Those vetur crystalwings raised by magi tend to be calm, quiet presences, large enough to take up room but not so huge as to cause damage with their gentle frost. However, when angered, vetur crystalwings can call up biting snow and wind to direct at whatever - or whoever - has offended them.
Female hatchling - Male hatchling
Hatchling Description
Hatchling vetur crystalwings tend to sleep a lot, though they can be very playful on cold, crisp days when the sun is shining. They do best in an outdoors area where they can sleep and play in the snow, as they don't enjoy much heat. Even freshly hatched they leave frost marks where they've been, but these marks are small and easily wiped away. Having multiple hatchlings is recommended, so that they can snuggle together without getting too hot, though this will cause the air temperature around them to drop. Fortunately, hatchlings cannot call up much more than a few snowflakes when grumpy, leading to what most magi term 'adorable' sprinkle fights between squabbling siblings.
Female / Male Adults
Adult Description
When still, an adult vetur crystalwing blends in so well with its icy surroundings that magi could walk within a foot of one and not know it was there. Vetur crystalwings often take advantage of sunny days to move around, using the sun striking off their crystals and snow blindness to hide in plain sight. A mated pair complement each other well, using their opposing colours to aid them in either hunting or watching over eggs and hatchlings. When not occupied thus, vetur crystalwings enjoy watching whatever activity happens to be going on around them, settling into a nice cold drift of snow to observe. Magi who happen to spot a wild vetur crystalwing observing should give no indication that they know they're being watched, and in this way can - slowly - gain the vetur's trust as it indulges its curiosity.
Obtained by: Stream, limited event creature
Sprites: Xenomorph/Lazuli
Description: Sochitelya

In a few days it will be another anniversary!

What are you hoping for this year?

I honestly don't really know what to expect, so I'm hoping for good surprises.


Last edited by Danafox on May 10th, 2022, 7:52:14 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Magiversary 2022!

Post by Celestronach »

Huh! When's the anniversary? What has it been like in previous years?
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Re: Magiversary 2022!

Post by Hitsugaya »

We the last Events get some Cat/Cat-Hybrid like Critters, so it would be awesome, if we could get some kinds of "Cat-Crystalwings" :t-swoon:
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Re: Magiversary 2022!

Post by pegasi1978 »

Celestronach wrote:Huh! When's the anniversary?
May 10 and this year is the 13th anniversary of the site.
2024 Crystalwings, Diamond Koi, horse-y things and Cypheles Crystalwings please!| Wishlist in profile | Avatar by Munin!
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Re: Magiversary 2022!

Post by Granitore »

me reading this:

alright, casually stops picking up eggs from stream...
i dont want to miss a single day where i could get my first ever crystalwings !!!

(i am still disappointed to find out that some of the ones i like the most, were the first that are not able to breed or get a pygmy version, but hey, they wont be the firsts to come out for my first anniversary as member on this site soo i am exited! I hope this years crystalwings can breed)

(it might just be the 10th anniversary where the event started on the first...yes, i read older anniversary posts...) but i dont want to miss a single day, so that means i wont have any new eggs now, thanks for this post!

what i expect: shiny new stuff... and as you said good surprises...

I dont want to put my hype ladder to high with new associations / new guilds (and for older guilds a bunch of new creatures so that not everyone runs to change to the new ones) or new spots on the map with quests for the guilds...maybe even a world map expansion...

So i expect a new gift badge and some new crystalwings? maybe even a new drink to get some creatures?that would do more than enough, i love collecting badges and i love the look of the crystalwings!
(ok a new drink is only on that list because i like collecting stuff and the art of the drinks is so good) <3
-- <3 Ty for your clicks <3--
-- <3 I love crystalwings <3 --
<3 I would love the new Selenic Crystal Wing and Helian Crystalwing as gifts! <3
(and if you find them, the elusive Cypheles Crystalwing eggs from the Keep stream)

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Re: Magiversary 2022!

Post by Graveworm »

They may not be able to breed, but…
Rosehill wrote:
Ryves wrote: Since these guys can't breed, does that mean no pygmy cws and gemdragons next year?
There will be gemdragons and pygmy cws of this year's crystalwings next year. They'll be acquired in a different way than breeding. :evil:
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Re: Magiversary 2022!

Post by Chess »

Graveworm wrote:They may not be able to breed, but…
Rosehill wrote:
Ryves wrote: Since these guys can't breed, does that mean no pygmy cws and gemdragons next year?
There will be gemdragons and pygmy cws of this year's crystalwings next year. They'll be acquired in a different way than breeding. :evil:

Excited to see what the CWs will be this year. I find breeding to be such a pain so literally any other method would be preferable. :lol:
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Re: Magiversary 2022!

Post by Windi1 »

Isn't this a bit early?! I know we get excited about it, but isn't this post too early?
My Wish list?
Looking for the following: Event pets!
agaori, all dragon breeds,
gryphons, hippogryphs
wolves, koi, spiders, Serendin, all Amagnaes Alvean Yale, All Wraithes
direcores, capricorns, jackalopes,
Vahti, Wallatrice
All khirin, event pets, shop pets and past donis

Image Big need: All Event pets, Wugu Amagnae Hoarding:ImageImage 25/25 gifts
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Re: Magiversary 2022!

Post by Granitore »

Windi1 wrote:Isn't this a bit early?! I know we get excited about it, but isn't this post too early?
Too early? well after hearing the anniversary is on the may be a little to early...

(i stopped grabbing eggs after i read this thread first, before someone posted the date)

but: we dont know WHEN exactly the event will start... on the 10th? so directly on the anniversary?
That would be tuesday. Or do they start it before the weekend to give a little head-start? is never to early to build up the hype and inform new players when a new event will start soon!
(it will be my first magiversary here on the site :woo: )

also thanks Graveworm for this info, now i am hyped! :hooray:
Graveworm wrote:They may not be able to breed, but…
Rosehill wrote:
Ryves wrote: Since these guys can't breed, does that mean no pygmy cws and gemdragons next year?
There will be gemdragons and pygmy cws of this year's crystalwings next year. They'll be acquired in a different way than breeding. :evil:
-- <3 Ty for your clicks <3--
-- <3 I love crystalwings <3 --
<3 I would love the new Selenic Crystal Wing and Helian Crystalwing as gifts! <3
(and if you find them, the elusive Cypheles Crystalwing eggs from the Keep stream)

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Re: Magiversary 2022!

Post by BeeNme »

Windi1 wrote:Isn't this a bit early?! I know we get excited about it, but isn't this post too early?
Definitely too early, especially when people have been told to wait until one day before to start a thread.

Tanzanite Gemstone Kirin, White Cukurba, Catalana Dismot, White or Piebald Cervinus Deer, Angora Jackalope, Ouranian Koi, Arkenian Sakeira, winged cats
Dream creatures: Silver Alicanto, Calico Tienko

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