Valentine's Day Creatures! #967-71

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Valentine's Day Creatures! #967-71

Post by randomname »

They're here! Flooding up to and including Feb 20

All will be able to breed

Stealing thisto start from BBkat's post--thanks, BBkat! And thanks to all who are posting hatchies, adults, etc. as we go! Makes my job so much easier!

#967: Charubi, stream, permanent
This egg has a tiny heart.

Charubi female/male hatchling


Charubi hatchlings are very clingy, always staying a little behind their magi. Charubi hatchlings follow their magi everywhere, no matter where they go. They require constant attention, and if their magi doesn't pet them at least once an hour they will begin keening in a very high-pitched, annoying sound. Having a Charubi hatchling usually means a tiny deer sleeping curled up next to you in bed. Thankfully, as long as they get enough attention, they will be content and happy, and repay their magi with cozy affection.

Charubi, female, male

Upon reaching adulthood, Charubi deer begin their quest for their devoted companion. This may mean finding another deer at the Keep, or even venturing into the wilds to find the right one. This behavior isn't well understood. Companion does not always mean mate, as Charubi deer will mate outside their union. And there is no way to tell which deer will bond with which. Magi have tried arranging unions, only for their deer to choose completely different companions. And in the sad case where one's companion dies, the deer will venture to find another. But eventually, every Charubi deer will always find another deer, and the two will become inseparable. They will eat together, sleep together, and even venture out on dangerous quests together if one deer's magi leaves the Keep with it in tow. A magi with one Charubi deer is almost certain to end up with two once it reaches adulthood, and should be prepared for the responsibility.
Charubis are cheeky creatures. They are very persistent about getting attention from their chosen companions. A companion pair of Charubi are literally never apart, but while they are devoted, they also take out their frustrations on each other in harmless, sometimes humorous ways. They will nip each other's ankles or even rear ends to get attention, and if the two companions are both male, will sometimes butt their antlers together in mock fights. Whatever mischief they make for each other, all will be forgiven once one deer picks up a leaf and places it on its companions back. This gesture seems to be one of reconciliation or maybe a way to ask for forgiveness for whatever annoying thing the deer did. Once this happens, they will coexist happily for a while, content to munch their favorite meals or to follow each other wherever each one goes.
Sprite art: DarrkestDrow | Description: Raneth

#968: Blushing Charubi, stream, limited
This egg has a tiny heart.

Blushing Charubi female/male hatchling

Charubi hatchlings are very clingy, always staying a little behind their magi. Charubi hatchlings follow their magi everywhere, no matter where they go. They require constant attention, and if their magi doesn't pet them at least once an hour they will begin keening in a very high-pitched, annoying sound. Having a Charubi hatchling usually means a tiny deer sleeping curled up next to you in bed. Thankfully, as long as they get enough attention, they will be content and happy, and repay their magi with cozy affection.
Blushing Charubi adult, female, male

Upon reaching adulthood, Charubi deer begin their quest for their devoted companion. This may mean finding another deer at the Keep, or even venturing into the wilds to find the right one. This behavior isn't well understood. Companion does not always mean mate, as Charubi deer will mate outside their union. And there is no way to tell which deer will bond with which. Magi have tried arranging unions, only for their deer to choose completely different companions. And in the sad case where one's companion dies, the deer will venture to find another. But eventually, every Charubi deer will always find another deer, and the two will become inseparable. They will eat together, sleep together, and even venture out on dangerous quests together if one deer's magi leaves the Keep with it in tow. A magi with one Charubi deer is almost certain to end up with two once it reaches adulthood, and should be prepared for the responsibility.
Charubis are cheeky creatures. They are very persistent about getting attention from their chosen companions. A companion pair of Charubi are literally never apart, but while they are devoted, they also take out their frustrations on each other in harmless, sometimes humorous ways. They will nip each other's ankles or even rear ends to get attention, and if the two companions are both male, will sometimes butt their antlers together in mock fights. Whatever mischief they make for each other, all will be forgiven once one deer picks up a leaf and places it on its companions back. This gesture seems to be one of reconciliation or maybe a way to ask for forgiveness for whatever annoying thing the deer did. Once this happens, they will coexist happily for a while, content to munch their favorite meals or to follow each other wherever each one goes.
Sprite art: DarrkestDrow | Description: Raneth

#969: Krill, stream, limited
These jelly-like eggs are fused together. They only ever seem to move together.

Krill female/male hatchling

Young krill are unable to swim against the rough ocean currents and so spend most of their early lives drifting in the open ocean. They're filter-feeders, so most of their food (tiny algae and occasionally even smaller animals) comes along with them. They remain close to their hatchmate, using their tiny legs to swim closer together if they start to drift apart. It doesn't take long for them to reach their full size -- usually just a few weeks.
Krill female/male adult

Adult krill can reach lengths of up to fifteen centimeters, though most are less than a third that size. They remain fairly small creatures, especially compared to the much larger animals that eat them. As adults, krill are capable of swimming against weak currents. They use this to their advantage to avoid predators during the day, preferring to spend time at depth while diurnal predators are active, and wandering closer to the surface at night. However, strong currents can produce upwells that sweep swarms of krill to the surface of the water where they can incite a feeding frenzy among their usual predators. Some krill can escape these events by diving to lower depths, though they can also shed their exoskeletons to use as a decoy for a hungry predator. Whether they escape or not, hatchmate pairs stick close together to ensure they endure the same fate.
The cold northern and southern oceans are home to many marvelous creatures, but almost all of them depend, in one way or another, on these tiny crustaceans. Krill are the base of the arkenian food chain, at their peak season forming masses that weigh millions of tons. Whales, seals, penguins, leviathans, fishes, and many other creatures feed largely or exclusively on krill. The small invertebrates are interesting as more than just food, however. Accustomed to living in enormous clusters, krill dislike being alone. To ensure this, their eggs are always laid in pairs, and they remain with their hatchmate for life. They are never far from one another, and can be identified by their beating hearts, which are visible through their semitransparent exoskeleton and beat in sync with one another.
Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: PKGriffin

#970: Daius Esplendid, stream, limited, obtainable by other means after event
This egg has a pink fluffy tail curled around it.

Daius Esplendit female/male hatchling

Young esplendits hatch completely helpless, flightless and unable to do much more than wiggle and chirp. Upon first hatching, all esplendits are light pink and wingless, and it is very difficult to tell the daius and noctus hatchlings apart based on appearance. As they age, their colors fade into their telltale pastel or dark hues, long before their wings grow in. Until then, the most reliable way to tell them apart is by observing when the hatchling is most active. Daius hatchlings wake at dawn and are active all day, begging for sugary treats and sniffing about flowers. Noctus hatchlings wake at dusk, begging for harsher flavors like fermented fruit and enjoying the light of the moon.
Daius adult, female, male

Though as hatchlings esplendit hatchlings are difficult to tell apart, it is quite simple to identify them as adults. Daius esplendits come in soft, pastel colors with butterfly-like wings and sweet, kind personalities. They build relationships based on selfless acts, assisting in tasks and presenting one another with treats, including nectar, sap, and candies. The daius esplendits choose their mates over many years, patiently searching through their colony and others for their permanent mate. Noctus esplendits have quite different attitudes. Each night during their mating season, they arrive coated in droplets of alcohol and with slices of fermented fruit, and they dance through the tree tops on foot and on wing to attract mates.
Esplendits grow magnificent wings upon reaching maturity. Once grown, daius esplendits begin their journey to find their permanent mates. This may take many years, but once they have found each other they stay together for life, raising young in a small family group. Noctus esplendits, out of mating season, begin working to raise the colony's young as a large group. Rarely does a noctus parent raise its own young, instead giving it over to the colony to be raised by many members.
Sprite art: Lazuli and Xenomorph | Description: Lazuli

#971: Noctus Esplendid, stream, limited, obtainable by other means after event
This egg has a pink fluffy tail curled around it.

Noctus Esplendit male/female hatchling

Young esplendits hatch completely helpless, flightless and unable to do much more than wiggle and chirp. Upon first hatching, all esplendits are light pink and wingless, and it is very difficult to tell the daius and noctus hatchlings apart based on appearance. As they age, their colors fade into their telltale pastel or dark hues, long before their wings grow in. Until then, the most reliable way to tell them apart is by observing when the hatchling is most active. Daius hatchlings wake at dawn and are active all day, begging for sugary treats and sniffing about flowers. Noctus hatchlings wake at dusk, begging for harsher flavors like fermented fruit and enjoying the light of the moon.
Noctus adult, male, female

Though as hatchlings esplendit hatchlings are difficult to tell apart, it is quite simple to identify them as adults. Daius esplendits come in soft, pastel colors with butterfly-like wings and sweet, kind personalities. They build relationships based on selfless acts, assisting in tasks and presenting one another with treats, including nectar, sap, and candies. The daius esplendits choose their mates over many years, patiently searching through their colony and others for their permanent mate. Noctus esplendits have quite different attitudes. Each night during their mating season, they arrive coated in droplets of alcohol and with slices of fermented fruit, and they dance through the tree tops on foot and on wing to attract mates.
Esplendits grow magnificent wings upon reaching maturity. Once grown, daius esplendits begin their journey to find their permanent mates. This may take many years, but once they have found each other they stay together for life, raising young in a small family group. Noctus esplendits, out of mating season, begin working to raise the colony's young as a large group. Rarely does a noctus parent raise its own young, instead giving it over to the colony to be raised by many members.
Sprite art: Lazuli and Xenomorph | Description: Lazuli
Last edited by randomname on February 14th, 2019, 8:34:07 am, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: Valentine's Day Creatures! #967-71

Post by Hitsugaya »

Krill female Hatchling

Young krill are unable to swim against the rough ocean currents and so spend most of their early lives drifting in the open ocean. They're filter-feeders, so most of their food (tiny algae and occasionally even smaller animals) comes along with them. They remain close to their hatchmate, using their tiny legs to swim closer together if they start to drift apart. It doesn't take long for them to reach their full size -- usually just a few weeks.

The cold northern and southern oceans are home to many marvelous creatures, but almost all of them depend, in one way or another, on these tiny crustaceans. Krill are the base of the arkenian food chain, at their peak season forming masses that weigh millions of tons. Whales, seals, penguins, leviathans, fishes, and many other creatures feed largely or exclusively on krill. The small invertebrates are interesting as more than just food, however. Accustomed to living in enormous clusters, krill dislike being alone. To ensure this, their eggs are always laid in pairs, and they remain with their hatchmate for life. They are never far from one another, and can be identified by their beating hearts, which are visible through their semitransparent exoskeleton and beat in sync with one another.
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Re: Valentine's Day Creatures! #967-71

Post by CinnaminDraconna »

News says 5 creatures.. but I've only seen 4 so far.. and only been able to catch 3.
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Re: Valentine's Day Creatures! #967-71

Post by Revan »

The silver egg with the tail has two types. Daius and Noctus.
Last edited by Revan on February 14th, 2019, 12:15:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Valentine's Day Creatures! #967-71

Post by Sanax »

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Charubi / Blushing Charubi
This egg has a tiny heart.

Charubis are cheeky creatures. They are very persistent about getting attention from their chosen companions. A companion pair of Charubi are literally never apart, but while they are devoted, they also take out their frustrations on each other in harmless, sometimes humorous ways. They will nip each other's ankles or even rear ends to get attention, and if the two companions are both male, will sometimes butt their antlers together in mock fights. Whatever mischief they make for each other, all will be forgiven once one deer picks up a leaf and places it on its companions back. This gesture seems to be one of reconciliation or maybe a way to ask for forgiveness for whatever annoying thing the deer did. Once this happens, they will coexist happily for a while, content to munch their favorite meals or to follow each other wherever each one goes.

These jelly-like eggs are fused together. They only ever seem to move together.

The cold northern and southern oceans are home to many marvelous creatures, but almost all of them depend, in one way or another, on these tiny crustaceans. Krill are the base of the arkenian food chain, at their peak season forming masses that weigh millions of tons. Whales, seals, penguins, leviathans, fishes, and many other creatures feed largely or exclusively on krill. The small invertebrates are interesting as more than just food, however. Accustomed to living in enormous clusters, krill dislike being alone. To ensure this, their eggs are always laid in pairs, and they remain with their hatchmate for life. They are never far from one another, and can be identified by their beating hearts, which are visible through their semitransparent exoskeleton and beat in sync with one another.

Daius Esplendid / Noctus Esplendid

This egg has a pink fluffy tail curled around it.

Esplendits grow magnificent wings upon reaching maturity. Once grown, daius esplendits begin their journey to find their permanent mates. This may take many years, but once they have found each other they stay together for life, raising young in a small family group. Noctus esplendits, out of mating season, begin working to raise the colony's young as a large group. Rarely does a noctus parent raise its own young, instead giving it over to the colony to be raised by many members.

I'm not sure, but I'm willing to bet the Krill are the permanent stream critters. :lol:

Edit: OH MY those Krill hatchies are so cute! :t-X3:
To hatchling only, please.

To adult, thank you. c:
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Re: Valentine's Day Creatures! #967-71

Post by Zeteri »

Sanax wrote:I'm not sure, but I'm willing to bet the Krill are the permanent stream critters. :lol:
I'm pretty sure they are one of the event only creatures. Because if you look at who made it it's Mystic (I don't remember the exact name) and she only did one that's an Event only. And the description says Krill we're done by them.
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Re: Valentine's Day Creatures! #967-71

Post by BBkat »

Zeteri wrote:
Sanax wrote:I'm not sure, but I'm willing to bet the Krill are the permanent stream critters. :lol:
I'm pretty sure they are one of the event only creatures. Because if you look at who made it it's Mystic (I don't remember the exact name) and she only did one that's an Event only. And the description says Krill we're done by them.
Yeah, looking at the info on the first page I think it goes like this-
967 (Charubi) permanent
968 (Blushing Charubi) event
969 (Krill) event
970/971 Daius Esplendid/Noctus Esplendid (limited in stream, but available in other ways later)
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Re: Valentine's Day Creatures! #967-71

Post by Hitsugaya »

Charubi female Hatchling

Charubi hatchlings are very clingy, always staying a little behind their magi. Charubi hatchlings follow their magi everywhere, no matter where they go. They require constant attention, and if their magi doesn't pet them at least once an hour they will begin keening in a very high-pitched, annoying sound. Having a Charubi hatchling usually means a tiny deer sleeping curled up next to you in bed. Thankfully, as long as they get enough attention, they will be content and happy, and repay their magi with cozy affection.

Charubis are cheeky creatures. They are very persistent about getting attention from their chosen companions. A companion pair of Charubi are literally never apart, but while they are devoted, they also take out their frustrations on each other in harmless, sometimes humorous ways. They will nip each other's ankles or even rear ends to get attention, and if the two companions are both male, will sometimes butt their antlers together in mock fights. Whatever mischief they make for each other, all will be forgiven once one deer picks up a leaf and places it on its companions back. This gesture seems to be one of reconciliation or maybe a way to ask for forgiveness for whatever annoying thing the deer did. Once this happens, they will coexist happily for a while, content to munch their favorite meals or to follow each other wherever each one goes.
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Re: Valentine's Day Creatures! #967-71

Post by CinnaminDraconna »

Why do they make the 'permanent' creature flood the most, when they know it will be the least wanted????? That always annoys me. :wtf:
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Re: Valentine's Day Creatures! #967-71

Post by Zeteri »

BBkat wrote:
Zeteri wrote:
Sanax wrote:I'm not sure, but I'm willing to bet the Krill are the permanent stream critters. :lol:
I'm pretty sure they are one of the event only creatures. Because if you look at who made it it's Mystic (I don't remember the exact name) and she only did one that's an Event only. And the description says Krill we're done by them.
Yeah, looking at the info on the first page I think it goes like this-
967 (Charubi) permanent
968 (Blushing Charubi) event
969 (Krill) event
970/971 Daius Esplendid/Noctus Esplendid (limited in stream, but available in other ways later)
I was just gonna come back and say that after looking at them again XD I agree with your order it makes the most sense when I was looking at them also.

Can't wait to see the Daius/Noctus! I love the egg!
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To Hatchling

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