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Trials Of Power OOC

Post by CursedNyte »

Hey everyone. Here is where you post character sheets, questions and generally anything that isn't coming from one of your characters. Just remember to be nice and respectful, and most importantly, have fun.
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Re: Trials Of Power OOC

Post by CursedNyte »

Username: CursedNyte
Name: Amaranth Nyte
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Race: Khaith
Appearance: Amaranth stands at five feet four inches tall with soft feminine features. He has long dark brown hair which reaches down to his mid back, bright blue-gold eyes, a slim, athletic body and wide, girly hips which give him an ideal feminine figure. He has beautiful, flawless skin which is very fair in color. He has even been confused for a woman by other members of his Race, and much of it has been the fault of his liking to wear women's clothing.
Host: Darkness
Host Companion(s): Due to his being a host of Darkness, Amaranth has a large amount of companions, though he tends to favor his twin serpents, Sorrow and Suffering.
Skills: Amaranth can control shadows into offensive and defensive capabilities. He can also create darkness into various creatures to do various things.
Weapons: Amaranth often uses his hands and feet in combat, but still carries a sword on his back when going into combat.
Training? Amaranth had actually been trained from a young age by a monastery of monks whom are close to his family. Through this training he had learned a great deal of control over his power and skills that are not dissimilar to that of a Terran Ninja.
Short History: Amaranth was raised on Kaithair, the home planet for his race. His family was one of the more wealthy ones, holding a place of influence within the Council of the Systems Trade Federation. He was raised among this but also within the darker dealings of his family, trained from a young age to know to fight. After he reached age ten he was sent to the Shado-Star monastery where he was trained. After a few years he mastered his training and returned home. For much of his life his family had him arranged to marry the son of a mother family name Naito, whom he had actually grown to love as he grew up.
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Re: Trials Of Power OOC

Post by LunarFang »

Username: LunarFang
Name: Naito Lunaris
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Race: Ahri
Appearance: Naito stands about five feet five inches tall with more androgynous features. He has medium length light brown hair that reaches to his shoulders and covers one of his sapphire blue eyes and has four teal beads strung in a line that frames the left side of his face, a lithe body frame, and a polished silver snowflake necklace. Naito's fox features are unique as they aren't the same color as his hair, his ears being snow white with two teal earrings in his left ear, and two black tipped white fox tails coming from his tailbone. With learning about the Terran tales of kitsune, Naito sometimes like to wear a icy blue and white kimono that gives him the appearance of a spirit, but when he has to travel he prefers more modern attire of a cyan tee over a thin white long sleeve, gray pants, and white sneakers.
Host: Winter
Host Companion(s): Naito has two companions, a snowy owl and a snowshoe hare, respectively named Sleet and Frost.
Weapons: Naito always carries, and uses them depending on the situation, a dark wood longbow and a silver and blue naginata that separates at the middle for easier carrying.
Training? Casual calm training/meditation to gain better control of his abilities every season.
Short History: Naito, unlike a good majority of his people, grew up on Kaithair. He grew up in a wealthy family, but he himself doesn't come off as a rich boy. Most of his life his family had him arranged to marry the son of a wealthy Khaith family by the name of Amaranth. Though most of his time growing up he spent it in the company of the Khaith boy, he got to know him as a friend and grew to love him as he grew older quite some time before his parents ever told him of the arrangement.
Other: Depending on the climate and season determines how strong Naito's powers are, the colder the stronger.
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Re: Trials Of Power OOC

Post by LoriensFireDrake »

((Is it possible to reserve a spot? I do not have time to fill a form tonight.))
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Re: Trials Of Power OOC

Post by CursedNyte »

Sure thing. Take what time you need.
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