The Dragonsouls ~ OOC Thread

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The Dragonsouls ~ OOC Thread

Post by Silvereil »

Silvereil wrote:X


The downfall of Chaos comes at dawn with the king's return

For hundreds of years, the Chaos Dragonsoul Erithia and her precedents have ruled over Ariad, putting down those who dare oppose them. The Sun Dragon has not been seen or heard from since the day Chaos took over, and the people of Ariad as well as the other remaining Dragonsouls are beginning to lose hope. It seems as though Chaos will rule forever.

Then one day, things change. On the day of the Festival of Fire, the day when a new Fire Dragonsoul Apprentice is chosen and the Apprentice made Dragonsoul, something extraordinary happened. The Fountain of the Sun erupted, and the Sun Dragon emerged. From the line of Fire Apprentices, he chose one. Not the strongest, the bravest, or the most clever, but the one with the purest heart and the strongest soul.

The Sun Dragon has returned with a new Dragonsoul, hope has been restored, but can the world return to peace and order?

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Aside from all the other fun MS rules and the rule to be nice to each other and polite, the only rule is to Have fun!
Last edited by Silvereil on February 20th, 2015, 11:35:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Flight RisingGryffsScripturient

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Silvereil's Characters

Post by Silvereil »

Erithia Nitari
Username: Silvereil
Name: Erithia Nitari
Title/Nickname(s): Lady
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Dragon: Idira (The Stormcaller)
Dragonsoul or Apprentice? Dragonsoul
Sword: Curoc, a blood red blade imbued with the chaotic and untamed spirit of the Stormcaller herself. It is well-balanced, the hilt a dark black color. Silver dragon claws decorate the top of the hilt and the point where the hilt joins with the blade. Silver dragon heads curl upward on top of the claws, or downward, depending on which way the sword is held.
  • » Tempest ~ This is the ability to be able to call up large, chaotic storms complete with lightning, heavy rain, strong
    X winds, and thunder. The reason this power is so strong is because Erithia has boosted its power by drawing upon
    X Idira. However, she must plan ahead before using this
    X ability by saving up energy and focusing herself. After this ability is used, she cannot use it again for at least a
    X week and a half or so.
    » Agitation ~ If she wills, Erithia can walk into a crowded room and just her presence will rise the anger and
    X irritation levels in everyone inside, causing them to fight amongst each other and creating general chaos.
    X However, this requires much concentration and for everyone to be in the room, staying in the same general area
    X and not moving around. This is particularly difficult to pull off with the other Dragonsouls, who know of her power
    X and are constantly in motion or out of the room.
    » Cunning ~ This is not a specific ability, but it is certainly a strength that Erithia has. She is smart and cunning,
    X making it difficult to pull tricks over her. She is always suspecting something, and has clever ways of keeping
    X everyone in check and taking those out who do not follow her order.

  • » Anger ~ Erithia is known to become extremely angry, sometimes to the point where her anger blinds her. This can
    X make her act brashly and not think things through before she acts. Even though this causes many to fear her
    X even more and bow to her more, this makes her more vulnerable to attacks and plots against her.
    » Thirst for power ~ Erithia only cares about power. She loves it, and does not want to lose it, always trying to find
    X ways to gain more, even when she is told she has all the power there is to have. If the other Dragonsouls weren't
    X so hard to kill, she would probably kill them all and try to take their Dragons' powers.
    » Fear of being overthrown ~ This fear makes Erithia rather paranoid. She does not trust anyone,
    X not her guards, not her advisers, no one. Every night, she locks all the doors and windows, and has extra security
    X posted around her house. There are traps and trip wires everywhere, and she has three different locks on every
    X door and window of her sleeping area so no one can get in. Probably the only one she trusts completely is her pet,
    X though she is still a little wary of even it.

Appearance: Erithia is beautiful, in a frightening, terrifying, untamed, and chaotic way. She has long, light brown hair that is often put up into some sort of fancy hairdo and decorated with white flowers to show her rank and power. Her eyes are a beautiful yet terrifying amber-orange color that hold a chaotically cunning intelligence deep in them. Erithia's skin is very light and pale, yet smooth and unblemished. This alone gives her the look of a terrible, yet beautiful dark queen. And then there are her clothes. Erithia dresses everyday in dark colored dresses of great beauty. She adorns herself in accessories, from rings and earrings to necklaces and scarves, with bracelets lining her wrists. In her house, there is an entire room full of clothes, her closet. There are a multitude of dresses, all of the same dark colors. Her shoes often match the outfits she wears.
Personality: Erithia's personality, much like the rest of her, is of course chaotic. She is quiet with an air that makes anyone around her nervous, a threatening aura of danger. When she speaks quietly, there is poison in her voice able to corrupt even the most noble of warriors. Just her presence is terrifying and strikes fear into those around her. She is cunning and smart, so it is hard to pull tricks on her, for she is always suspecting something. Erithia's patience does not stretch very far, and she gets angry quite easily. Her anger is explosive, and depending on the strength, can be deadly and disastrous. There are tales from one of these explosions. She summoned a storm in her palace and killed nearly everyone there. She is the type who expects those under her to follow her orders exactly and get everything done perfectly and on time. The only one she truly cares for is her loyal pet, a pure black messenger falcon that not only carries messages for her, but also performs duties such as punishing those who disobey her and spying for her.
Family: None
Relationship: None
Pets: A pure black messenger falcon named Benthil, who shares in his master's dark dreams and chaotic, evil nature. He often flies out to spy, carry messages, and even sometimes punish those who must be punished. He is very intelligent, and understands everything humans say. He is larger than normal messenger falcons, stronger, and more terrifying than them.
Other: N/A

Kale Arothil
Username: Silvereil
Name: Kale Arothil
Title/Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Dragon: Elros (The Peacekeeper)
Dragonsoul or Apprentice? Dragonsoul
Sword: Talamir, a stunning white blade that is perfectly balanced and fits so well in Kale's hand that it almost seems as though it were made for him. The runes inscribed at the base are the blade's name. Talamir means "Peace and Order".
  • » Charmspeak ~ This is the ability to put enough power into one's voice to make others listen, and sometimes to do
    X what they are commanded to do. This comes in handy when Kale needs the others to listen to what he has to say,
    X or sometimes when he needs them to do something. However, this power only works for a short period of time, up
    X to maybe two and a half hours at the most.
    » Supernova ~ This is the ability to produce a blinding white burst of light that will blind and confuse opponents for a
    X few minutes, allowing enough to time to either attack or escape. However, this requires a large amount of
    X energy, and as a result, it is not something Kale often uses.
    » Immunity ~ This is an ability of the Order Dragonsoul specifically, the ability to resist the powers of the Chaos
    X Dragonsoul. Kale is more immune and less perceptible to Erithia's influence than anyone else, able to resist her
    X power and energy.

  • » Kale, having been alone for the longest time, is still just getting used to being around others. His social skills need
    X some brushing up on, and he is not always the easiest to get along with, even when he is genuinely trying.
    » With no other Dragonsoul to teach him how to be a Dragonsoul himself, Kale is inexperienced and rather new to
    X this world of energies and powers. As a result, he needs guidance and wisdom and to learn on his own how to fit in.
    » Built for speed and agility, Kale is not quite as strong as he should be. While he's quick and hard to catch with
    X many tricks up his sleeve, if he was weaponless and down to a physical fight, he would not do so well.

Appearance: A rather lean young man obviously built for speed and agility, Kale has sort of a surprising look to him, at least, one that is surprising for those who think of him as the Order Dragonsoul. This can sort of be attributed to his past and the way he grew up, but more on that a little later. Kale's appearance does have a tenancy to frighten people a little at times, with how he dresses like a hunter or assassin, wearing a dark hood with lightweight armor and equipped with quite a few varying weapons. However, there is in his physical look the hint of a noble background, a less savage background. His hair is a light color that reaches down to his shoulders, and his eyes are blue. Kale's skin is lighter as well, and fair, unblemished, though he does have a few scars from past fights, like a light one on his jaw, and one across his back. To see him without a shirt is very rare, but if he were to be spotted, though he's not the strongest, he is fit and does have visible abs. Around his neck, he wears a black leather cord with a pewter dragon on it, something he doesn't know much about other than it was passed down through his family for generations. However, this necklace isn't seen all that often since he almost always has it tucked under his shirt.
Personality: After the death of his family by one of Erithia's raids, Kale was on his own for a while until he was taken in by a sort of ranger-type fellow. He was raised to be a ranger, only having a few foggy memories of his childhood and his family. Because of this type of upbringing, Kale is used to being alone and having to fend for himself. He knows how to survive and be alone. He is quick-minded and always alert, having quick reflexes, picking up on small details and always ready to spring into action at any moment, whether unarmed or armed. This kind of ranger lifestyle he's lived in his childhood has made him rather socially challenged and not used to being with others. He feels he doesn't know how to get along with them, or how to act around them. Truthfully, this sharp instinct Kale has developed sort of mask what he knows deep down. Deep down, he is a leader, and he just can't see it yet. He has a good heart and soul, and knows how to get others to listen to him. He just has to remember that he knows how to do this and knows what to do. Kale may seem cold and distant a lot of the time, quiet and thoughtful, preferring to stay to the shadows. But if one gets to know him, they'll find he's loyal, hard-working, trustworthy, and can even be quite caring.
Family: Deceased; Killed by Erithia
Relationship: None/Open
Pets: On his travels, he managed to befriend a gryphon, who he nicknamed "Azrael". Over time, the two have become quite close, and Azrael will do almost anything to protect his human. At night, the white gryphon's favorite place to sleep is at the foot of Kale's bed, being too large to actually fit in bed without squishing Kale or pushing him out. For a gryphon, Azrael's playful, loyal, and does actually have a sense of humor.
Other: Though he doesn't know it, he's descended from the last Order Dragonsoul, Thirion.

Arreya Telmarith
Username: Silvereil
Name: Arreya Telmarith
Nickname(s): Text here
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Occupation: Archer
Weapon: Bow and arrows
Side: Freedom
  • » Archery ~ It is quite rare for Arreya to miss a target, however, she is human and she does still miss her mark from
    X time to time, even if she doesn't like to admit it
    » Silver Tongue ~ Arreya is very handy with her words and can often talk her way out of trouble, though she does
    X have a tenancy to also get into arguments with others
    » Fast Reflexes ~ If something happens or something not right catches Arreya's attention, she is quick to react,
    X giving herself just barely a moment whether to do something like attack, run, or calm down if it's nothing.

  • » Pride ~ Arreya is often to proud to admit things she does not wish to admit, ranging from small minor things to
    X some more serious issues. Given a choice, she is the type to keep it to herself and just shove it down rather than
    X go and talk to someone about it.
    » Trust ~ Trust does not come easily for Arreya, and she often finds herself alone because of it. Her friends number
    X very few, and it takes many years to gain her full trust.
    » Strength ~ Arreya is small and skinny, so when it comes to physical struggles and strength, she would be easily
    X overpowered. This is why she relies mainly on hard-to-reach places and her speed and agility to get away.

Appearance: Arreya is smaller and lithe, built for speed and agility. Her long, dark hair is often if not always put up in such a way that it won't get in her way or hinder her keen sense of sight. As said before, she is thinner and more pliable, able to bend and squeeze into spaces in ways others cannot. Arreya's skin is smooth and light-colored, elegantly pale. The only marks on her are not natural, like warpaint or something of the sort. Her eyes are an intelligent stormy grey color that can be rather frightening to look into sometimes. Often, Arreya's clothing consists of sleeveless shirts and long pants that allow her full mobility. She travels light, only taking what she needs when she goes. This is mostly just her bow and her arrows, and maybe a few other things just in case she gets stuck somewhere. If she ever happens to need armor, it is light and made of leather and thin metal plates that still allow her to move, yet protect her from enemy arrows. It's not strong enough to stop a blade though, and she does have a small scar on her side from where one got through once.
Personality: Arreya has a sort of tough-it-out attitude to her. It's how she grew up, and how she kind of expects everyone else to be. Yet, she does see that not everyone is like her, and tries real hard to accept that and see things their way, though it's not always the easiest. She is more of a take-action type of person, and very prideful, which don't go together very well sometimes. Arreya is too proud to be the pet of anyone, even of a Dragonsoul, and she will fight to the last to keep her freedom, taking down as many as she can if or when she goes. Arreya has a tough and fierce outer shell that is hard to get through personality wise, but when she wants, she can show a slightly softer side, one often reserved for close friends or those she truly cares about, or sometimes small children she finds in the towns that have been hit by Erithia's soldiers. When she's softer, she is gentle and caring, willing to cheer up those who need cheering up or find help for others. It's not that she's not this way when she's not soft, but it doesn't show quite as much.
Family: Tyris; younger brother recruited by Erithia
Pets: None, unless you count the horse of hers that was killed when her parents were killed in an attack on the village she had lived in as a child. Arreya hasn't had a pet since.
Relationship: Open
Other: N/A

Tyris Telmarith (Needs to be finished)
Username: Silvereil
Name: Tyris Telmarith
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Occupation: Warrior
Weapon: A black sword with gold trim named Anthris
Side: Recruited by Erithia (Bad)
Strengths/Abilities: (List some strengths or abilities if you're a mage. Max 3)
Weaknesses: (Minimum 3)
Appearance: Tyris More coming soon!
Personality: (At least 4 lines, please)
Family: Arreya; older sister fighting for freedom
Pets: Text here
Relationship: None/Open
Other: N/A
Last edited by Silvereil on February 28th, 2015, 2:26:53 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Flight RisingGryffsScripturient

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Post by Silvereil »

Reserved just in case
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Re: The Dragonsouls ~ OOC Thread

Post by AlphonseKynareth »

Username: AlphonseKynareth
Name: Saturne
Title/Nickname(s): none
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Dragon: Alroc
Sword: Sinistra. An oddly shaped long sword specially crafted for a left-handed person, hence it's name. It is extremely detailed despite its total color being black. The pommel is rounded and carved with varying ancient runes that translate into: "I seek the madness. I play the chaos. I shun the life. I bury the weak. I am devourer." The grip has very faint, tiny gold flecks in it. It is carved with a thin, wingless dragon wrapping around a sleek pillar. Despite the carving, the grip makes for easy wielding, only if you are left handed though, as stated. The guard is a typical crossbar with an inlaid carving of men impaled on spears that fades into shadowy horses on the ends of the cross grip on one side, and on the other, the carving is of two headless horses in a prancing stance, and their tales fade into flames at the ends of the cross. There is a carving of an eye against the blade between the guard and the blade itself on both sides. The blade is shaped vaguely like a flame. The blade is black like the rest of the sword, but nearer the tip, it fades to light gray then white at the very point.
Abilities: He can make things explode with a snap of his fingers, so long as he has a specific target in mind and is looking at it. He can have a super-like strength to the point that his bones will break from the strain, but when he heals from the damage, his body builds itself stronger to accommodate it. He can see inside another person's head and find the one thing that will completely and utterly destroy their very will to exist, and then he will have to say what it is. By doing so, he destroys their willpower, causing them to either commit suicide or possess no will of their own and obey his every command depending on what he says.
Weaknesses: He does not take well to happiness. He gets extremely confused by it. He reads smiles as an expression of pain and will get very hysterical if people smile for extended periods of time. He is also paranoid of the dark, scared by loud noises, paranoid of spiders, paranoid of bees, paranoid of scheduled events, paranoid of coordinated dances, paranoid of pillows, and paranoid of sleeping with a blanket on. He is literally incapacitated by the aforementioned things. It is best to keep him indoors in an empty room during festivals with a single light on. He also cannot swim, climb trees, or do many things that require hand-eye coordination. He claims to be deathly allergic to water chestnuts.
Appearance: Saturne is very golden in appearance. He has white hair with golden streaks in it. It comes down to his shoulders with bangs that go past his eyes. He keeps it surprisingly cleaned, brushed, and combed. He is an apprentice concerning Destruction, not Chaos, so it should not be that surprising that he has some order to himself. His eyes are a very shocking color. They are violet. It comes from a very rare pigmentation mutation. They usually look like a very soft blue, but in bright light, they are most definitely violet of color. His skin is a fair color with a golden-like hue to it. He possibly gets that from being out in the sun. He is devoid of any blemishes on the hands, face, and feet. But as those are the only things ever uncovered, it is hard to say if he possesses any scars or things just by looking at him. Truthfully, he does have a scar. It goes across his body from his right shoulder all the way down to his left thigh. He won't say how he got it, if he even knows. He has one of the skinniest frames ever seen. It is almost as though he never eats. His cheeks are a little hollow, his hand bones show, and he shakes a lot. His ribs and pelvis also show through his skin, but he wears such big clothes no one sees this. He is often quite shaky unless he has enough adrenalin and determination in him when he is focused on training or something of that sort. He never wears anything complicated, yet his clothing tends to never quite match. His most common outfit is a white t-shirt eight sizes too big for him and a pair of long, dark brown pants. He always goes barefoot. Only in the presence of the highest of upper class will he consider putting on a pair of boots.
Personality: Saturne is extremely antisocial. He refuses to form relationships and will continuously deny having any. He has a very bizarre view of the world. He believes that the majority of human life is useless and should be destroyed, unless they are capable of proving that they should exist. How one goes about proving their worth is unknown to even Saturne, but he demands it nonetheless despite admitting that he has no idea what proves one's worth. Saturne has no qualms killing people or ruining their lives. It is hard to label him as evil per se since he truly does not know any better. His teachers have always tried to direct him in what is right, but it is hard to say wether or not he takes their teachings to heart. He has to be monitored often and kept on a 'leash' of sorts. He is not really allowed friends or pets for fear of what he would do to them. At heart, Saturne does want to be normal. He never admits it, but he does believe something is wrong with him, and he wants to be accepted. He thinks it would be nice. But his inherent nature for destruction coupled by the Dragon who chose him, tends to contradict this desire. He ends up pushing people away and doing more harm than good. He will fight against the oppressors and the tyrants, but only because it is a destruction that people will approve of. Saturne otherwise does not show much personality. He is a very bland sort of person, always staring off, muttering things to himself, and spending his days locked in his room smashing things that he finds useless. When out and about, he needs to have someone monitoring him. Not because he will destroy things, but also because he is easily distracted and will wander off. Forever. He often has to be reminded to do the most basic of things like eat, sleep, use a restroom, take a bath, stop walking, sit down, breathe, blink, etc. He usually does things normally, but there are those times when he forgets. Like when he walked fifty miles nonstop and nearly died of dehydration as a result. All in all, Saturne is very strange, and all people are reminded to be on their guard when coming across him.
Family: Unknown. He was found in the streets as an abandoned orphan.
Relationship: None.
Pets: None.
Other: Nothing so far.
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Re: The Dragonsouls ~ OOC Thread

Post by Silvereil »

Accepted, however, I forgot to mention this: Dragonsouls tend to be in their twenties, and they are considered apprentices if they are under 24.

So is your character an apprentice?

One other thing, your powers are okay, but maybe you could find some way to limit them, perhaps.
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Re: The Dragonsouls ~ OOC Thread

Post by AlphonseKynareth »

Sorry, yes, he is an apprentice.
The explosion power is limited by that he has to see and focus on the target to actually blow it up. So if he was blindfolded or something was in his way, the explosion would either backfire or not work at all.
The strength one will break his body, so he will be limited already on what he can pick up/break/can do just based on how his body has accustomed, and even then, if he does something beyond what he accustomed to, his bones will break/organs rupture/etc. Then he will of course be incapacitated until he heals again.
Would requiring heavy concentration and long exposure to the person be a suitable limit for the will-destroying power?
As an apprentice and at his age, he just won't be able to use the powers in general as is since he hasn't had enough time and practice to be able to use them to their utmost. So, while he has these powers, they are relatively weak.
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Re: The Dragonsouls ~ OOC Thread

Post by Silvereil »

All right. Yeah, the Dragonsoul/Apprentice thing was my fault since I totally forgot ( :faceplam: ). And the limits are good, I think. He'd have trouble with the long exposure part with enemies and stuff, so those things should be fine.

My apologies for not having forms of my own up there for sort of an example to follow. I forgot, but I'm on it now.
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Flight RisingGryffsScripturient

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Re: The Dragonsouls ~ OOC Thread

Post by AlphonseKynareth »

Yah, the will destroying one was never meant to be a fighting weapon. So... it can't really be used all that much.

And it's alright. I'm just really excited to rp!
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Re: The Dragonsouls ~ OOC Thread

Post by Silvereil »

Yep. We'll get started as soon as 1.) I finish my forms and 2.) we have some other people.
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Flight RisingGryffsScripturient

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Re: The Dragonsouls ~ OOC Thread

Post by AlphonseKynareth »

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