Tyleran OOC

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Tyleran OOC

Post by Sirrusly »

This is the OOC thread for my roleplay, Tyleran
Main thread here
Sirrusly wrote:Tyleran is a land full of magic and creatures such as dragons, full of legends and champions.
From vast oceans to endlessly tall mountains, the realm of Tyleran has it's beauty, and also, it's cruelty.
And yet, it holds so much life. So much knowledge.

So much power.

There is a king, they say. A former tyrant. A monster.
He once lived in these lands, and created a new Order. The Felvin Order.
This group was created mostly of powerful mages, nobles, and warriors. Together, they created objects and spells far beyond the capability of anyone else in Tyleran.
However, one day, the King was assassinated and the Order simply vanished, taking all of the knowledge and power with it. It was never found afterward.
However, some say that it still exists, deep underground. The City of Silence.

And of course, when this much power is available, somebody has the need to take it for themselves. A demon who calls himself 'Lenphus' has created an Order himself, and he intends to find the Silence Ruin and take all the power he can, so he can take the place of the former king, and plunge Tyleran into chaos.
Fortunately, a group has formed. A band that wants to stop Lenphus before he destroys Tyleran, and cause everything to be lost forever.

1... Please be semi/lit to lit. I don't want any one-sentence or one-lined responses, as those are a bit hard to respond to.
2... Please, don't make any Mary Sue/ Gary Stu characters.
3... Just as above, don't make any 'over powering' characters, and don't be a godmod.
4... Try to use correct / proper grammar.
5... Please try to stick to the storyline! I don't mind any mini-plots, but nothing that drives away from the main plot.
6... 'Fade to Black' when necessary
7... Please don't have only mages, or only elves. We need some variation!
8... You may have as many characters as you like, as long as you can handle them.
9... If you don't post for more than a week and a half without telling me, your characters will be presumed dead until stated otherwise.
10... Please post your forms in the OOC thread.
11... Have fun, and more rules to be added, possibly!
Username: Sirrusly
Name: Lethion Davelen
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Race: Elf
Class: Warrior
Appearance: Lethion, much like any other elf, has a lithe body shape, and stands at 6' 1'. He has dark green eyes, and white hair that reaches down to his shoulders. He has a rather thin face shape, and has pale skin that doesn't have many marks, although he does have the occasional freckle on his arm, and a small scar on the bottom of his chin. His ears are long and pointed, much like any other elf, although they are slightly longer than usual.

When he is not wearing his armor, Lethion can normally be seen wearing a grey, button-up shirt, black pants, and boots. However, when he is armored, it tends to be made of iron or steel, with a dark brown leather vest, and jeans. He also has a leather belt around his waist, which normally holds his mace and his war horn. On his back, he will carry an iron shield, given he is not using it at the time.

Personality: Lethion is extremely determined and stubborn, and it is difficult to get him to stop trying to do something, particularly when he's been trying to do said thing for awhile. While this determination does help him accomplish several tasks, it can also get him into trouble, and cause him to get into a situation that he is unable to handle.

Lethion can be impatient under circumstances, especially under situations that he would find to be a complete waste of time- which is why he avoids talking to boring nobles or something. Seriously, why must they insist on talking about fancy soups for fifteen minutes?

He is also honest, which is both a good and a bad thing, as he tends to give his complete and honest opinion without sugar coating it. The only time he would lie is if whoever he was talking to was intimidating enough to keep him from being too brutally honest.

Lethion can be incredibly serious when he finds the need to be, but if he is with people he knows well enough he will use sarcasm or human where ever he sees fit. He also heavily dislikes seeing others sad or upset, especially if he knows them, so he will often try his best to cheer them up. Despite the whole Elven 'I-hate-humans' stereotype, he is very tolerant of other races, and will simply just judge a person on how they act.

History: Lethion was born to an Elven family in Teban, who were not all that rich, but weren't poor, either. He lived a rather comfortable life, and his older sister often tried to get him to learn how to use a bow and arrow, but he could never quite get it right. So, he went on to warrior training instead. Despite his parents preferring that he'd become an archer, like his sibling, he preferred the feeling of a sword handle better, and was able to learn how to use it fairly quickly.

At age 15, a small horde of demons had attacked the section of Teban that he had lived in, burning his previous home to the ground. His mother had perished while trying to defend them from the coming creatures, and his father had simply vanished, without a trace. He and his sister where forced to find someplace else to stay, but they didn't have much left after the attack. However, many did take pity on them, and a human family had agreed to take them in. Here, Lethion was able to get better warrior training, and his sister had left to join a group of very skilled archers to defend against anything that posed a threat in Tyleran.

After that, he lived a relatively normal and pleasant life, not thinking back on his past and growing to become a very skilled fighter and hunter. After leaving his foster family at age 20, he simply began to be a hunter, in an attempt to make some sort of living off of that. However, after spending some time in a nearby library, he began to grow more interested in the history of Tyleran, and more specifically, the Silence Ruin. Upon figuring out that there was a demon out to get power, he had gathered up a few people he knew and formed a group he called 'The Champions', and planned to stop Lenphus with any help he could get.
Alignment(Good? Bad? Neutral?): Good, wants to stop Lenphus.
Crush: N/A
Lover: N/A
Other: None
Username: Sirrusly
Name: Lenphus
Gender: Genderless, defines as male.
Age: Unknown
Race: Demon
Class: Unknown- presumed to be a mage of sorts.
Appearance: Lenphus has two 'forms', and he can shift between the two at will. The shape he most often takes is much more humanoid than the other. It is bipedal, with two arms, and stands at 9'2'. It's flesh is a dark grey color, with red spines trailing down his back and out of the side of his face. These spines appear to have some kind of liquid in them, given the fact that there seem to be patterns that move within them. His hands have five, long fingers- each equipped with a lengthy, sharp talon. The same could be said for his feet.

He has two, snake-like eyes on his face, each of them a dark crimson color with a single, white pupil in the middle. He lacks a nose, and instead, just has a couple of holes where the nostrils are supposed to be. His mouth is twisted and sort of grotesque-looking, with several fangs jutting out in several different directions. His body appears to be very malnourished, the bones visible on his ribs, arms, and legs, but he is still fairly strong despite this. He tends to wear black armor, most likely made from some sort of metal, with red, spiney shoulderplates on his shoulders.

In his other form, Lenphus is 12 feet from toe to shoulder, 14 feet from head to the end of his tail. His flesh is a charcoal color, and the spines are still trailing down his back. He has two, long legs with dangerously sharp claws at the end, and four arms with talons just as lethal. His face is round and lacks eyes or a nose, and he has a single, large mouth with several long, sharp fangs. His tail is long and could even be used as a whip, given the fact that it also has several spikes protruding from it. His body has a black, smooth, armor-like covering on it, with the few vulnerable spots being near his tail or claws.

Personality: Lenphus definitely isn't a friendly or compassionate entity. He is manipulative and sly, and will often try to find weak points in somebody physically or mentally, and use this against them. He enjoys seeing his enemies suffering, and finds human emotions to be 'hilarious'.

He is ambitious and will do anything for power, destroying anyone or anything that may get in his way, including his own allies. He does not care for anyone that serves him, no matter how loyal they are, and would give up his underlings for his own life any day.

Lenphus is also extremely short-tempered and easily angered, and even vaguely going against him will cause him to want that particular person dead. He is not easily satisfied and once he has his mind set on a goal, it is impossible for him to change his mind.

Once someone has proven to Lenphus that they are a threat to him or his plans, he will immediately set them as a sworn enemy, giving them no forgiveness, even if they did nothing to provoke them in the first place. Once Lenphus has become angry enough, he will go on a rampage and destroy as much things as he can, be it friend or foe to him.
History: Lenphus was once a simple farmer, much like any other, who went by the name of Saman. He was an Earth Mage at the time, giving him the ability to grow his crops exceptionally fast. One day, while farming, he found a peculiar red gem, and kept it for himself. However, this thing was corrupted with some sort of magic, and it slowly began to turn Saman mad, to the point where he stopped farming completely, and all he would do is sit in his room, staring at the crystal.

While he was becoming extremely ill, the crystal took his mind from him, and Saman began to search through his field for more of these crystals. Upon finding a large, round one, he reached out to grab it, and it killed him the moment he had touched it. It was then that the corrupted power within these crystals caused him to change into Lenphus, turning him into his first form. It is currently unknown on how he gained the ability to transform into something else.

Upon learning about the Silence Ruin, he instantly became drawn to it, wanting all of the power that had been stored somewhere within the ruin. So he formed a group that he called the Red Order, which consists mostly of demons and people who are either possessed or believe they will get their own share of the power, and began to try and find it. He currently knows nothing about the Champions.
Alignment(Good? Bad? Neutral?): Evil
Crush: None
Lover: None
Other: None
Username: Sirrusly
Name: Felvani Senthis
Gender: Female
Age: 26
Race: Shapeshifter, alternate form is a Screech Owl
Class: Fire Mage
Appearance: Felvani is 5' 11', with curly, raven black hair that goes down just below her shoulder blades. Her eyes are dark brown, as is her skin, and is relatively fair, without much blemishes or scars. Her face is slightly oval-shaped, and the bridge of her nose is smooth, and the tip is a bit flat. She is rather muscular for a mage, and is capable of using much more physical attacks when she needs to, but she mostly will just stick to magic.

When she's not wearing her battle clothing, she's wearing a black, longsleeve shirt, a white vest with a 'fire' symbol embedded on the right side, grey pants, and black boots. When she is wearing her 'battle' clothing, she can be seen wearing a long, dark red cloak, a white shirt, grey pants, and black boots, but these are not often seen due to the cloak being long enough to conceal most of her body.

In her animal form, she is a relatively small screech owl, with large, orange eyes, and white and brown feathers.
Personality: Felvani is intelligent and quick-witted, with the ability to figure out things like difficult problems or puzzles a bit faster than the average person. She is also an avid reader, and has quite a bit of knowledge on Tyleran's history, types of magic, and types of artifacts and their origins.

She is also a decent spy, often taking the form of an owl during the night to spy on a certain target. However, since her owl form is so small, she is unable to fight anything in said form, so this frustrates her greatly. She will often wish that she had ended up having the form of something else, like a bear.

Felvani is generally patient and laid-back, and it somewhat difficult to make her that mad. However, when she is upset, she will mostly likely start punching things, or shouting. If she was angered by a person, she will refuse to talk to them as much as possible until she has either forgiven them or forgot about it.

She can be a bit close-minded or narcissistic at times, however, and this could sometimes lead to her getting in trouble or angering someone without meaning to. She is also quick to point out errors in something, and gets agitated when she's in an area that is too untidy to her liking.

History: Felvani was born to a wealthy noble family Veleban, all of which where mages. Since she was constantly surrounded by magic, she took interest in it and began to study fire magic, as this appeared to be her favorite at the time. At first, she had trouble with fire magic and decided to go to Spirit magic instead.

In her spare time, she'd often go to the library in her house, and read. Felvani had the ability to read from a very early age, so she always took the chance to improve her ability whenever possible. Since she was homeschooled, she was able to read a bit more than usual.

After awhile of practicing Spirit magic, she realized that, while she found it easy, it simply 'didn't feel right', so she went back to practicing Fire magic. She did better than she had done before and eventually, at age 18, went to the Mage college in Grets. There, she excelled, and took any spare time she had to read. It was in the college that she learned Elvish, despite the fact that she never may need it.

After graduating, she began to write books about whatever she had found interesting- magic, artifacts, and even the occasional fiction. When she had seen a couple Champions walk into the city, she had taken the liberty to speak to them. Upon learning about Lenphus and his intentions, she had agreed to join them for a short amount of time, but only if she was allowed to investigate the ruin once they had stopped him.
Alignment(Good? Bad? Neutral?): Neutral, but helps Lethion and his group. Mostly because she doesn't want to be ruled by a demon tyrant.
Crush: N/A
Lover: N/A
Other: None
Username: Sirrusly
Name: Zita Belrose
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Race: Human
Class: Assassin
Appearance: Zita has a slightly pointed face shape, and the bridge of her nose is thin, and the tip is small. Her eyes are green, and her skin is olive. She has wavy , black hair that goes down to her back. She has an agile build and long legs, considering that she is an excellent runner. She has two silver earrings on her left ear, and a thin scar above her right eyebrow. She stands at 5' 9'.

She often wears light armor, often being leather, with a black belt running across her waist. This belt normally holds her daggers, which she has several of. She also wears black leather pants and brown boots. When not in her armor, she generally wears a beige shirt, a grey jacket, brown pants, and white boots.

Personality: Zita is flirtatious towards all genders and definitely isn't subtle about it. In fact, she isn't really subtle about a lot of things. She's very outspoken and not afraid to say her opinion, especially if it'll tick someone off, as she enjoys the annoyance of people she doesn't like.

Zita isn't someone you would call trustworthy, and she normally doesn't do things out of the kindness of her heart. She normally sets ridiculous prices to have her in someone's service, and she will also betray them if it'll save her hide. Being an assassin, she is merciless and never comes ill-prepared.

She is sly and swift, with the ability to steal things just under the bridge of someone's nose and take it for herself. She is also very manipulative, and will use people for things she wants, or targets that she must get rid of.

Zita is also humorous and loves telling jokes, or making fun of someone. Despite her attitude, she definitely isn't someone who is weak, or someone who should be underestimated, as she is a skilled assassin, and she rarely misses.

History: Born to a struggling family in Veleban, she spent most of her childhood in small, run-down houses or on the streets. Here, is where she learned to steal without anyone noticing, often acting like a hurt child to get what she wanted. When she was 10, her parents were killed by a group of thugs, and she was sent to an orphanage. Zita became angry at the loss of her parents and began to try and seek revenge.

It was then she found a small group of assassins that gladly started training her, but only on the condition that she would remain and join their group. She agreed without hesitation, and by the age of 20, had become a very skilled assassin.

Life after that was mostly finding contacts and eliminating targets, but it was soon that she was hired by Lenphus to be an assassin for The Red Order. She accepted, after much negotiation on her payment, and now works for the demon, eliminating anyone that gets in his way.

Alignment(Good? Bad? Neutral?): Chaotic Evil, can be Nuetral
Crush: N/A
Lover: N/A
Other: None
Last edited by Sirrusly on January 22nd, 2015, 9:07:34 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Tyleran OOC

Post by Iliad »

I... hope that we're allowed to post in this one already.
It sounds really interesting, and I've been looking for a fantasy-type roleplay to join!
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Re: Tyleran OOC

Post by Sirrusly »

Yeah, you're allowed to post in here!
I'll get the forms up either tonight or tomorrow :wave:
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Re: Tyleran OOC

Post by Iliad »

Sounds awesome! I can't wait, although I probably need to think a bit about what kind of character I'll be using for this one...
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Re: Tyleran OOC

Post by Sirrusly »

If you want, I can edit the Information real quick, so you'll know what kind of races you'll be able to choose from :)
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Re: Tyleran OOC

Post by Iliad »

:well: !! That'd be great!
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Re: Tyleran OOC

Post by Sirrusly »

Aight, it's been updated ^^
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Re: Tyleran OOC

Post by Iliad »

Cool beans! I'll be right back to decide, though I'm thinking a rather unorthodox elf.
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Re: Tyleran OOC

Post by Sirrusly »

Ooh! Can't wait for them to be created ^^
In this coastal town, that they forgot to close down
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Re: Tyleran OOC

Post by Iliad »

Could there be a berserker class, or a class that uses their fists to fight? I was thinking about making an elf that's not too good at magic but couples their weaker magic with martial attacks.
I am the tactician.
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