Free Rein

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Free Rein

Post by EmLenore »

Hey y'all. Just put ideas, ANY ideas you have put here.
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Re: Free Rein

Post by SethDaimon »

Things to be changed in the front page of the rp forum.


3 Years
Wolf/ Demon
Flight and can transform into demon form.
Side: Neutral.

Top Three Gods
Nyhnerizz, The Forgotten Goddess of The Land ~ Created by Xanethedragonknight
The reason why Nyhnerizz does not have a from is because no one knows about her. Only in songs of bards, in lore and stories is she told but the have forgotten her. Some only believe that she is a myth or does not believe she exists at all. To keep this realistic no one will know her form except for Dr. Beans, Seth, Xane, and myself, besides that she is in known only by the two top gods and her daughter, other than that she is also forgotten by the other gods. If you have any questions about this, ask in PM or OOC forum.

Her daughter, Adona. Besides that, no one should be following her.

Camarat, God of Healing and Medicine ~ Created by DrBeansMD
Name: Camarat
Gender: Male
Abilities: This god has the ability to heal any injury or illness, both mental and physical, except death. He can speak to his followers through their dreams, and see through their eyes
Symbol: Image
Artifact: The Crown of Wybren; gives the wearer the ability to see through the eyes of anyone the wearer has met, in real time
Known for: God of Healing and Medicine
What are the followers called and who are usually the followers: Usually elves or other creatures, called 'Camarites'
Can your followers do anything?: They have the ability to heal minor injuries/illnesses, usually mental OR physical, seldom both. Most of them are healers/doctors.
Current State: Self-induced sleep, in his dragon form. He sleeps in a hidden room in an elven temple, deep in the darkest part of the forest. He is guarded by four elven warriors, and only those pure of heart can even see the entrance to his his hidden room.
Typical Personality: Honest and open, very benevolent, his word is his bond (trustworthy and loyal)
History: Camarat gifted the artifact to Hemah, a massive white lion with empathic powers. Hemah was the first King of the Forest, and was crowned by Camarat himself. Hemah was rewarded with the Crown of Wybren after ruling the forest peacefully for half a century. He had found favor with Camarat many years ago for freeing the god from his dormant form (where several powerful demons had imprisoned him). This was before the demons had been sent to their prison dimension.
Elven form (Normal):
Dragon Form:
Relationship with other Gods: TBA


Zelara, Mother of Magic ~ Created by SethDiamen
Name: Zelara

Gender: Female

Abilities: Creator and controller of The Weave (The source of all magic) Mistress of knowledge and learning.

Symbol: Image

Artifact: Pendent of the Archmage: Grants the holder the knowledge of all previous holders no matter how briefly they had it.

Known for: Mother of magic.

What are the followers called and who are usually the followers: Minkelth (Vivi's race). Anyone who practices the magical arts.

Can your followers do anything?: The Minkelth are directly connected to The Weave and its power runs through their veins. Magic users that follower her usually have very good luck in finding magical artifacts or unfinished magical tones that she left around so entice their minds and lead them to discovering new forms of magic.

Current State: Dead (But not completely. She was put in a near death state by the goddess of spiders (A demon queen that killed the mother of magic to become a greater goddess (Not one of the top three just a high goddess)) and used the last of her power to put herself into a long sleep until she had the power to return. She is thought to be dead even by the gods and goddesses though some of them who look into the matter find it odd that Azrael has yet to make a new god/goddess of magic.)

Typical Personality: Curious, intense about learning, helpful but not too helpful. She will lead you in the right direction but will not help you get there.

History: When Zelara created the weave long ago the first creatures to react to its presence were the Minkelth. They were a young race that had to survive in a world much larger than them. The survived using their wits and their ability to learn and adapt quickly. The Minkelth created script to help teach coming generations from their mistakes and successes in this large world. They slowly began to flourish and made large hidden cities around the realm. When the weave was created Zelara took an interest in this clever race and subtly guided them toward the ways of the arcane. They took to this guidance far quicker than she expected. Before long the race was almost one with the ways of magic. They invented and perfected spells, cantrips, rituals, etc and seemed to thrive off the acquisition of knowledge. After many years the young race, now large and prosperous, even found a way to communicate with Zelara herself. As they spoke to her she began to grow attached to the creatures. The Minkelth started refuring to her as “The Mother”. Soon Zelara decided to grant the creatures a gift. They were so enthralled with the magical ways that she made the Weave of magic flow through their veins like blood. They became one with The Weave and were now truly her children. The one who discovered how to communicate with Zelara was granted the Pendent of the Archmage and was the first Archmage of their race, a title that would be past down generation to generation to the wisest Minkelth in the magical ways. In return the Minkelth helped their mother by spreading the ways of magic through the lands. They made half finished spells and hid them for others to find and entice their curiosity. They would be known to assist great mages when they were studying or working on new forms of magic. They became legends among the magic community. Young mage’s would dream of chancing upon one and learning their ways or having one help them in their studies. A while after the first demon wars Zelara was killed by the demon queen of spiders and the weave fell apart. Being connected to the Weave most of the Minkelth race were ripped asunder and their societies crumbled. The few who survived were scarred by the magical backlash. The rest of the race was scattered but they were split into two faction. The side of order who still seek to follow the old ways and help rebuild the ways of magic and the side of chaos who began to abandon the old ways and began using their wits to learn new skills and tricks to survive.

Appearance: Left: material form. Right: Weave form.

Relationship with other Gods: TBA


Other Gods
Adona, Goddess of Nature and Mother of the Forest ~ Created by EmLenore
Name: Adona
Gender: Typically female, although there have been instances where she has been male.
She can sense the forest and mountain animals, if their afraid or hurt, happy or mad. She tends to them, helping care for the forest by growing trees and shrubs, fruits. She helps with the fertility in animals raising it if the population gets lower or lowers it if they are getting out of control. She can control the forest by bending the trees to her command.
Symbol: Image
Artifact: Cloak of the Blessed. The wearer has the ability to move between plants via the connection of their roots, also has the ability to go unseen through a forest, meadow, woods, swamp, or other natured areas.
Known for: Goddess of Nature, or Mother of the Forest.
What are the followers called and who are usually the followers:
They are not known by any specific name. They are usually those who tend to the forest or live in them, animals and some Elven people, nymphs and dryads, and some shifters.
Can your followers do anything?:
They are usually herbalists, farmers or gardeners, or some who treat animals. They have a natural talent in those areas and usually are better than those who do not follow her.
Current State: Put herself into her own slumber 10 years before the second war, she is located in a mountain.
Typical Personality:
Adona is typically a gentle being, perfering being alone with her creatures and in the forest. She is seen as a recluse by other Gods and too quiet and kind. Although if you get her mad she is a deadly foe, able to control the land around her, she is able to make the land once peaceful in a deathtrap.
Adona is the daughter of the long forgotten Goddess, Nyhnerizz. Nyhnerizz wore a cloak of the forest, a leaf from every kind of bush, a petal of every kind of flower, and a twig from every kind of tree that grew. This was a magical cloak that gave the wearer the abilities to communicate with every beast known, to feel every growing plant in the soil, to see through the trees of the forest around the world, and to hear every whisper that was carried on the wind. Nyhnerizz gave the cloak to her daughter once she created the world. Adona never wore the cloak for she could not handle such a power, instead she kept it stored with her at all times. She was a hermit even by the Gods reasoning and was never really seen communicating or being involved with the trifle of the world or with the gods. But when the war started to happen and her forest became threatened, she found a female warrior with the race of Lythari, a subrace of elves that is extremely rare, they have the ability to turn into wolves. She took the cloak from her bag and cut a piece away from the rest of the large cloak, fashioning it with a clip to be worn for the female warrior.
Usual Form:
Typical Animal/Half animal Form:
Other Forms:
Relationship with other Gods: TBA


Obelix, God of Conflict and Strength ~ Created by XanetheDragonKnight
Name: Obelix
Gender: Male
Abilities: This god has the ability to strengthen a single person or an entire army (He can give enhanced physical capabilities or knowledge to a single person and can only give strength in the forms of armor, weapons, tactical knowledge, and a moral boost to the army). He can also allow knowledge of leadership and command to a person. He also has the ability to take these away when necessary, but only from those he gave it to. He appears to most as a bear when he comes to them or they come to him out in the forests.
Symbol: Image
Known for: God of Conflict and Strength
What are the followers called and who are usually the followers: The followers consist of any and all who seek strength in times of war or, in certain circumstances, those who wish to start a conflict.
Can your followers do anything?: Either they are shown the way to start and/or win a war, they are given the strength to fend off an attack, or they are given the strength to put an end to the conflict.
Current State: Weakened and dormant.
Typical Personality: Similar to the Greek God: Ares. He can be ill tempered and hot headed at times, but tell him to command an army and his focus is set and his head is cool.
Bear-Hybrid: More bearlike features replace the human face and hands. Image
Bear: He can, but does not always appear with the armor. Image
Relationship with other Gods: TBA


Muten Korzteiq, Lord of Swarm and Plague Master ~ Created by vv11
Muten Korzteiq
Witch Lord/Lich King/Lord of the Swarm/Plague Master


Famine; the ability to desecrate farmland or woodland by means of a horde of locust or insects that will and can feed on any plant or unfortunate life that has gotten trapped within the swarm. This is conjured from Muten Korzteig’s very body, and is controlled by his own thoughts and sight. Often he’s in the center of the swarm, controlling it like a queen bee a hive. It’s often confused with the Swarm ability, since this technically is a swarm in the offensive tactic.

Disease; the ability to give disease simply by touch or breath. It wilts plants and makes animals faint. It is strong enough to induce an early death, but not strong enough to cause instantaneous death.

Cleanse; the ability to take a disease, but to mark the cleansed person, animal, or thing with a noticeable discoloration and a mark upon the flesh indicating that the being was touched by Muten Korzteiq. The price for asking to be cured of disease from Muten Korzteiq is that you are vulnerable of being controlled, although the power is weak. You might just hear him in your thoughts instead.

Feaster; the ability to suddenly make one or more persons suddenly break out in hives, rashes, or blisters, causing unbearable pain. The secret is the small, hardly noticeable insects that float around Muten Korzteiq in a small gaseous cloud that inject a skin irritant which causes discomfort and pain.

Swarm; the ability to make a swarm of insects so thick it blotches out the sun. This is mainly a defensive ability and is more or so like a barrier that protects from any known thing but fire and water. It may look like a swarm of bees attacking a person, when really; they’re protecting them, sacrificing their lives to protect whoever is in the middle. It’s rare to see entire piles of dead insects in one location or another.

A depiction of a large and rotted Lynchwood Boneyard tree with a large tri-colored stone of rare liquid ruby, sapphire and emerald fused together to make a stone called Artinium, which shines like a opal or pearl, embedded in the center in the jaws of a golden hornet.

Known for:
The destruction and devastation of all living life by means of disease or pestilence.

What are the followers called and who are usually the followers?:
Hivve (pronounced like heave), made up entirely of insect like people called bunautii (pronounced ‘brew-na-tea’) and druchii (dark elves, pronounced ‘drew-chee’).

Can your followers do anything?:
At birth, they are chosen to go through a rite of passage when they hit the age of ten. They’re forced out into a plague infested forest known as the Lynchwood Boneyard to which all trees are barren and dead with no living grass, and are to survive up to five years and return home at the age of fifteen. The woods are filled with abominations from mutations of the diseases and hunt these young children as an easy food source if they cannot feed off the insects that gather at the rotting corpses of years past. If they survive these five years, they are considered untouched by Muten Korzteiq’s foulness and considered a child of his. These chosen younglings are called the Hivve Hi, and are often given a necklace with the youngling’s choice of stone with gold thread that is made to look like hornet antennae. The jewel has the family’s sigil burned into it. Both the bunautii and druchii go through this together, although they don’t pair up. It’s rare that this happens without incident of one house killing the other of another house.

Those that are untouched are often made into scouts or ‘carriers’, moving through the ruined landscapes or plague ridden lands with ease. They’re paid very well for their duties and treated like nobles. ‘Carriers’ can transport diseases from plague ridden lands and the same diseases harvested from the Lynchwood Boneyard to spread them to neighboring towns or forests to destroy them. Soon these desecrated lands are taken over and turned into villages or cities of druchii or bunautii.

Druchii live far differently than the bunautii, with tall and pointed spires and roofs for homes in tightly packed cities with large walls. The towers have slits for crossbows and don’t trust one another when on the streets. Druchii are known to be greedy and violent when agitated, and can easily down a man- or woman- in one blow. Many hire assassins or acolytes to put up wards in their towers and homes ensure that no outsider enters without invitation. Bunautii are the insect folk who share common goals and insights as the druchii, live in mudded huts and houses near swamps and waterways, laying waste to unwary fishermen and boats that pass by their villages. They often live in what’s called a ‘swarm’ a massive hive created underground and in the trees of still living trees, using the trees as a source of nutrients by harvesting the waters in the roots. They’re very skilled collectors of herbal medicines and often trade with the druchii for weapons and armor. The Jeweled Hornets do not live together with their family, since in long days past; the returnee would eventually kill their family due to the diseases that stuck upon them. The search for a way to ‘cleanse’ the returnees is still underway.

Druchii often dress in leather hides of human, gnome, or their elven cousins, dyed in different colors and shades. They’re adorned with jewels and armor, often hiring retainers or bodyguards to guide them through the cities. Bunautii dress in leather stripped from bark and killed game, and of silk woven by the females of their own saliva and special organs within their mouths. The silk is strong as super glue and able to withstand fifteen tons of strain. But it’s weak and easily cut with a knife and is therefore only used for show and events. They have no interest in gemstones or anything of the like; adorning themselves with simple rocks they find upon the ground and use it as jewelry. Often times amber is what they wear, which is common and easy to cultivate.

Druchii are dark elves; skin anywhere from slate grey to ash to pale blue to blanched violet. Black hair is the norm as is white, eyes can vary in many colors, from jade to molten red and everything in between. Nails are usually filed to a point and black; teeth are filed to a point, but are optional. Bunautii are bowlegged, odd looking insects much looking like a dobsonfly or beetle, but are tall and lanky like a praying mantis. It’s not common to see a bunautii with wings, for it’s a choice at adulthood to shed the wings or keep them. If they’re kept, they’re often sent to the aerial guards to guard the skies. They range in a variety of colors in earthen tones as well as red. Eyes are commonly black, green, yellow or brown. Antenna are often braded or cropped (the longest pair), considering they have six in total, to keep out of the way of others.

Current State:
Imprisoned by means of a conspiracy to commit genocide on another god or goddess’ followers. This is false, however, but it has led to the imprisonment of Muten Korzteiq. He his hidden deep underground in a moth cocoon, waiting to emerge. Around both sides of the cocoon are lava veins that ensure that Muten Korzteiq remains imprisoned until the gods and goddesses wish him released by cooling the intense heat and allowing him time to emerge.

It’s said that his imprisonment was fabricated because he was ‘out of control’ or ‘too dangerous’ of a god. He has sworn to himself that he’d deal with those who have wronged him once he emerges from his prison.

Typical Personality:
Muten Korzteiq is known to be a malicious and cunning being. Being this has led him to be cold and calculating, careful of who and what is around him. Often can be flighty when he assumes he is in any form of danger and will flee like a fly from an offending hand. When he speaks, he speaks quickly and without pause, but will use a lot of mental frustration to speak slowly so the ‘dim witted’ can hear him. He’s been known to steal from others just to satisfy himself, that being meals and sacrifices.

Being cold, he doesn’t really delve in the lives of mortals or other deities since it doesn’t concern him, adding on to his secretive personality. He can be quite caring and protective, but in rare times like in heat or dealing with a close friend (no, he doesn’t have any) who is injured. He’s often misunderstood and is known to be depressed and sad often, looking off in the distance and lost to the voices in his mind berating him.

When facing one far more superior that he, he often grovels and follows around like a lost dog and will do anything to stay on their good side or even get a reward for being so ‘loyal’. When not in their presence, he’s scheming on how to kill them. Even though he’d never carry out the plan, he’s too much of a coward to try and get himself killed for every little outburst he has towards another.

He also never smiles (well, not a genuine smile). He’ll have a distant look, always avoiding eye contact as he speaks and often has his nose in a scroll or book, learning anything there is to learn. He coughs once in a while, and speaks with a raspy voice due to all the diseases he carries within himself. He speaks in a series of chitters and shrieks when he is commanding a swarm or an insect, since they don’t understand the language of the gods.

Is a mix between druchii and bunautii, dark skin with bright amber eyes that almost glow. He has very pointed features that give him a more insect like appearance. Lithe build, hands that are clawed and slender, some say his fingers are like spider’s legs. His teeth are filed to points to give him a more ‘dangerous’ look. He is missing a few fingers on his left hand, and often hides it under a long sleeve or under his robes. Long flowing black hair that is party braided at the top and flows to the mid back. Four antenna sprouts from his forehead and outward, he has a pair of mandibles that jut out from the corner of his mouth and click once in a while when irritated. He has wings much like a hawk moth, but is rarely seen. Insects will crawl along his hands or neck from time to time to dig into his flesh, which holds hidden wounds all over his body under the clothing. He’s more or so a decaying man that is a host to every insect known to man. A small cloud of ‘smoke’ often wisps around him and is his to control to make images or shapes, even to use as spies and scouts.

He wears long robes of human hide tanned to a deep swamp green with moss growing in patches along his body. He has shoulder guards that ride on his shoulders that are made of the very Lynchwood Boneyard trees and are slightly spiked outward. He wears silks that he wars as a sash around his waist, offerings from his followers which has amber thread woven into a background of blood red thread adorned with several beads of amber and the rare Artinium. Upon his head he wears jewels of dewdrop ambers that dangle along his forehead and the side of his hard featured face.

Often seen as a giant Abbot's Sphinx Moth or Death's Head Moth and is a omen of the upcoming devastation.

Relationship with other Gods:
It’s hard to tell what his relationships are to the other deities, being that he’s trapped away for wrongful accusations. But many say he’s not to be trusted and is a very dangerous deity.


Azrael, Goddess of Death ~ Created by SethDiamen
Name: Azrael
Gender: Female (though this is not commonly known due to her skeleton form.)
Abilities: She guides the souls of the dead to their final resting place. If a god/goddess dies it is her job to appoint the new god/goddess by right or by order of the dying god. If neither exist then she must find the next most sooted being. She is also extremely skilled in battle due to having to fight strong souls or dying gods who could not except the fact that it was their time. Since she is death she cannot die like most beings because she cannot guide herself to her own final rest. Instead whoever kills her becomes the new god/goddess of death.
Symbol: Image
Known for: Goddess of Death
What are the followers called and who are usually the followers: Her acolytes are known as the hands of death.
Can your followers do anything?: Followers can see spirits and speak to the dead. They are supposed to help guide the lost souls to their goddess.
Current State: Awake and proceeding with her usual work.
Typical Personality: She is usually very laid back and relaxed except when she is working. When she is working she is cold and serious. She does this to make sure her emotions to not get in her way. She has a gambling problem though.
Appearance: Human and common form
Relationship with other Gods: Friendly but known as the bearer of bad news.

Vivi (unofficial)
Last edited by SethDaimon on October 4th, 2014, 10:35:00 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Free Rein

Post by vv11 »

Hello I feel like joining this, this sounds fun. oU o
I might not be able to respond for some days or whatever (getting a job and absence of net), so I apologize in advance.
. . .ImageImageImageImage. . .in the silence, you're the first one that i turn to
you're the first voice that i turn to, in the absence of my own
there's an enemy among us, there's an enemy among us
he stole as best he could, he stole a best he could
an enemy among us, there's an enemy among us
he stole as best he could, our hearts like an enemy should
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Re: Free Rein

Post by EmLenore »

Welcome :)
I do have a question about your post, is that stated towards my characters or was that just random prey you came across or was it the other group with orcs?
Hello, I am in my second year of college and am very busy.
I am also an avid roleplayer and have got myself caught up in several rps on three different sites. Not too mention I'm trying to create a guild on Gaia and run a roleplay on here. If I don't RP fast enough, I'm sorry, I have my reasons.
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Re: Free Rein

Post by vv11 »

Just a random prey. It could be a creature of yours if you want to. uv u
. . .ImageImageImageImage. . .in the silence, you're the first one that i turn to
you're the first voice that i turn to, in the absence of my own
there's an enemy among us, there's an enemy among us
he stole as best he could, he stole a best he could
an enemy among us, there's an enemy among us
he stole as best he could, our hearts like an enemy should
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Re: Free Rein

Post by EmLenore »

I think to wrap you into the RP it'll be mine and Seth's characters (Harpie, wolf, Flame), I'm currently waiting for him to reply to my post before replying to yours.
Hello, I am in my second year of college and am very busy.
I am also an avid roleplayer and have got myself caught up in several rps on three different sites. Not too mention I'm trying to create a guild on Gaia and run a roleplay on here. If I don't RP fast enough, I'm sorry, I have my reasons.
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Re: Free Rein

Post by vv11 »

Take your time! c:
. . .ImageImageImageImage. . .in the silence, you're the first one that i turn to
you're the first voice that i turn to, in the absence of my own
there's an enemy among us, there's an enemy among us
he stole as best he could, he stole a best he could
an enemy among us, there's an enemy among us
he stole as best he could, our hearts like an enemy should
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Re: Free Rein

Post by SethDaimon »

Sorry for the wait on my post I have been trying to get a new job and it looks like i might get one with Fedex so I have been doing things for that.
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Re: Free Rein

Post by DrBeansMD »

Grand idea, this RP. It's very freeing compared to some of the other ones.
I hope to be able to add some enjoyable content.
Looking for an RP partner? Check HERE!
Thank you for the gifts, everyone!
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Re: Free Rein

Post by EmLenore »


Thank you. I was just bored and did not want to have to put so much detail into another RP that wouldn't survive with me disappearing all the time.

Also if everyone could think of a name to either sides that would be cool. They're not good or evil, I was just to lazy to think of different terms for either side. And everyone can put their own opinions in and people will vote. I will only be participating in voting and not in creation of ideas.
Hello, I am in my second year of college and am very busy.
I am also an avid roleplayer and have got myself caught up in several rps on three different sites. Not too mention I'm trying to create a guild on Gaia and run a roleplay on here. If I don't RP fast enough, I'm sorry, I have my reasons.

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