Neko's Awesome OoC

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Neko's Awesome OoC

Post by NekoKyu »

This is an Out of Character thread for The Red String Roleplay. This is for important or even unrelated discussion, as I prefer to keep my threads clean. Please post character forms and other such things here.

I'm not really expecting too much out of this little drama baby of mine, but it might be fun so let's see how it goes. ^.^

Edit: The Red String Remake is officially up and running. Jump straight to here for the first post announcing the remake (It's certainly much easier than reading 30 pages).

Username: NekoKyu
Name: Edelmira "Edel" Azure Almeda
Age: 18
Sex/Gender: Female
Appearance: Edel is 5'6" with naturally pale brown skin, and is easily capable of tanning without getting a sunburn. She has thick brown eyebrows in low arches, and hooded eyelids. Her narrow, straight edged noise ends in a rounded tip, and her jaw is strong and square. She has a narrow face with high cheek bones that compliment her smile. Her dark brown eyes are surrounded by a thick ring of long, dark eyelashes. She has naturally dark pink lips, even without wearing makeup.

Edel has a habit of dressing in dark clothes with plaid print and stripes. She's always wearing steel toed, black, knee high boots, not only because they look great but because they last long as well. She occasionally enjoys dressing up, but she usually prefers to stay in a black sweater. She has several piercings, 6 on one ear, a double chain piecing on the other, and a tongue piercing. She is never seen without her golden locket hanging around her neck. She has a white feather tattoo on her back, located near her left shoulder with 'Angel' spelled out over it.

Personality: Unless fired up or passionate about something, Edel is generally easy to sway. She gets easily swept up into everything around her, and as a result can be easily manipulated at times. She tends to take criticism and comments to heart, and is easily upset by the simplest of things going wrong. She gets frustrated with things she can't understand, and often has a hard time controlling that frustration. Her emotions get the better of her constantly. She is aware of this, however, and she tries very hard to keep control over herself. She cares very little for herself, and because of that there are times she gets into harmful situations. She doesn't see why protecting herself is important, but she's very skilled at hiding this sense of low self esteem.

However, Edelmira is fiercely headstrong when she wants to be. There are few things she finds important to her, but of those things she is willing to fight for. She may not always know the best course of action to take, but she wants strongly to keep the ones she loves with her forever. There are truly only two things she loves so dearly, her little Angel and the jewelry locket she wears that plays a lullaby. All else, she is unsure of how she feels. Other than that, she is mildly attached to art. She loves to draw and sing, and is even trying to teach herself to play guitar.

History: Edelmira was always a child of easily swayed emotions. She had difficulty picking her favorite animal, favorite foods, even her favorite color. She couldn't choose between which of her friends she wanted to play with, and often spent times alone or constantly moving from group to group. It wasn't until the third grade that it changed, when she met Rose. They quickly became best friends and were inseparable. They shared their lunches, held hands, and exchanged secrets. They were more complex than friends, however. They wanted to be together forever, gave each other flowers, and had even been each others' first kiss. They would say 'love' to one another without fully understanding the phrase, although it wasn't until years later that Edel realized she truly did love Rose more than a friend.

Had they been friends longer, their relationship might have progressed. However, Rose and her family perished one night in a fire. After that, Edel quickly reverted. She struggled with Rose's death, and struggled to find other friends to be with. The years passed, and Edel began a life of being constantly pressured. She dabbled in unhealthy and not entirely legal activities, and began hanging out with toxic people. She stayed out late, and went to parties. One such night, she was convinced into her first time. He was a stranger of a boy, but the one time resulted in a pregnancy.

At 15 years old and nine months later, Edelmira gave birth to a little boy. She named him Angel. She works at a family restaurant to help support him, and is trying to reenter school and make her life better. Her home life is not supportive, however. Her parents constantly argue with her, saying unkind words and threatening to take her son. They are ashamed of her, but at least so long as she pays them rent they allow her a place to live.

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Relationships: She is the mother of Dante Floyd's son.
True Love:
Other: She has a two year old son named Angel.
Username: NekoKyu
Name: Raziel "Ray" Kenn Devereux
Age: 22
Sex/Gender: Male
Appearance: Raziel is fairly tall, being 6'2" and 188 pounds. He has a very clean and clear complexion. There are no freckles or blemishes, only a small beauty mark upon his chest. His skin is very smooth and youthful, with a light-medium tone. He has a healthy glow to himself, being the type to take care in his looks. There is no doubt that Ray has a decent muscle tone. He's on the heavy side, with a thick chest and strong shoulders. He's trim and slender however, with muscles more fit for being a strong swimmer. His legs are short in comparison to the rest of his body, as is atypical of a swimmer. He's very lean and moderately sized.

He has a strong jaw and square face, with drooping almond eyes. His eyebrows are thick and wide set. He has a straight bridged aquiline nose, and light stubble. His lips are rosy pink with wide swags, and the bottom lip is larger than the top. His eye color is often described as stormy, being a clear blue with a darker, almost greyish outline around the iris. His hair, being medium brown with natural golden highlights, is longer in the front, with his bangs often tousled carelessly. The back reaches to the point where it's just barely creepy down his neck. His hair is swept rather messily, both because he purposely keeps it so and because it's hard to keep neat. It always looks like he just woke up. He's very peculiar about his appearance, and as such he wears clothes that show off his physique, but aren't so form fitting that he feels uncomfortable. He usually prefers comfortable jeans and button ups. In general, he's a pretty big fan of being bare foot.

Personality: Raziel is a man with no cares or worries, mostly. He prefers to go with the flow and handle whatever life throws at him. He's lighthearted and easy going, and likes to keep things simple and uncomplicated. He's very friendly6, and his ego is surprisingly level. He is a bit of a troublemaker though, and will never argue against having a bit of fun. Ray is certainly not the type who would be considered shy. He greets new people with ease and never worries about embarrassing himself. In fact, he doesn't really show much shame. He's truly quite comfortable with showing himself off too, and has been known to run the streets naked.

He is, safe to say, loose. And he certainly has no qualms with it. Heck, often times it's a trait that'll go hand in hand with his trickster nature. Venturing into risky behavior, such as being a taken woman's lover, just makes it all the more fun. He is flirty, but there are two sides of himself to this. One is the typical lewd jokester who's constantly throwing out sexual comments. This is often done more to get under someone's skin, should he decide they're fun to annoy. The other, more common side is much more romantic and spontaneous. He's certainly very loving, as he enjoys surprising his lovers, cuddling, kissing, and the like. This is more because he likes the beauty of romantic behavior, but there is no deeper meaning further to it.

He has a soft spot for children, though he'd never admit to it. He doesn't deny it either, he just doesn't like to talk about it. The way he figures, just because he likes kids it doesn't mean he has to settle down and have kids. He enjoys his freedom and being able to go where ever he likes without worries. However, he has a tendency of going out of his way if it meant making some random child happy.

Sadly, Raziel does place a lot of value in appearance. He likes things that are beautiful, simple as that. He always takes the time to appreciate a lovely sight when he sees one. As for the ugly, that is an extreme word applied to only seriously extreme cases. Most times, the sights of the world are just normal to him, nothing worth noting over. However, disrespected or ruined art is something worth his anger. Ray is a superficial man, but he takes art very seriously.

He's not someone that should be depended on, no matter how much it seems otherwise. True that he can be selfless at times, no one should count on it to happen when they most need it. He has his own alternatives and motives, and takes his chances when he sees them. His only true goal is to survive, and he does what he must to achieve that. It is very difficult to predict him and pinpoint his thoughts though, and he doesn't make it any easier. It's hard to say what kind of person he is; he is both honest and a liar. Only he truly knows himself, and even Raziel refuses to acknowledge who he is.

History: Raziel is the offspring of a man and woman who married, but were not true loves tied by the Red String. Granted, at the time they weren't aware. When the a magic love shop first opened in their town, Ray's father went to buy a Rose Lens. Through it, he found that his son's mother was not tied to him by the fate of love. Late that night, the man left. Ray, who barely remembers his dad, was still but a young toddler. They never heard or saw him again. After he disappeared, Ray's mother turned harsh. She began drinking heavily, and in those moments she was emotionally abusive towards her son.

Raziel, who had been considered a beautiful boy all his life, was already unusually abused by his neighbors. He was well loved, considered sweet and very friendly. He was also the only boy on his street, and many of the girls were a few years older than him. His naivety was taken advantage of, and the girls constantly got him in trouble. His mother, who was already strict with his behavior, especially towards women, was very fierce. She was gorgeous and strong, and he both loved and feared her. He did anything to please her and get her attention, and without his dad, Raziel's battle for his mom's attention became harder. She was always distracted by her own thoughts and would go off by herself or bring people home randomly. One night, before Ray was out of his teens, his mother left him with his grandparents saying she would come back for him. He believed her, and waited for the woman to return.

He was patient at first, but after 7 years of waiting, he decided it had been long enough. He moved out of his grandparents, and found an apartment for rent in a small town known as Asteria. Here, he hopes to forget his old life.

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual, but under the right circumstances he might be willing to test new waters.
True Love:
Other: He won't admit it, but he's beginning to develop a streak of masochism. He occasionally has self-inflicted wounds.
Username: NekoKyu
Name: Eilise "Eli" Cerise Ashton
Age: 15
Sex/Gender: Female
Appearance: Eli's most striking feature is her hair. Consisting of many shades of orange and red, it is constantly messy and always falling in front of her face. She has thinly arched eyebrows curved above her eyes. Her nose is small and flat, though a bit wide towards the end. Her lips aren't particularly full or thin, but they are pale pink and nearly as light as her skin. She has a very clear and smooth complexion, making her seem even younger than she already is. It is her eyes that capture others and draw them in though. Grey and steely with a dark rim, their allure is not in beauty, but in her lost and ever searching gaze.

Eli has a gentle curve to her waist, being small and hourglass shaped. However, it's not easily spotted beneath her sweater. Knitted loosely with red thread, it is very large on the girl. The sleeves conceal her fingertips, the neckline barely cover her shoulders, and it appears as almost long enough to be a short dress. She tends to wear it fairly often, though she occasionally will dress up. Eli usually just wears a black tank top or t-shirt and old blue jeans, and a striped scarf one occasion. Her shoes are considerably worn down, being frayed and falling apart. She always keeps on her black rimmed glasses.

Personality: Eli is eagerly sweet and childish. She's generally very easy going, often smiling and having fun. She's generous, ever willing to share and to make others happy. She enjoys gaining the approval of others, and loves getting complimented on how she's such a good kid. Even though she gets good grades, she's fairly clueless and not a clever girl. She's forgetful and average, but she's a hard worker and dedicates herself to studying. Of course, she can hardly put anything she learns to good use, and usually she can memorize things without understanding them or will forget the facts later. She is more likely to know random tidbits of useless information, such as the size of a hummingbird's egg.

Despite her cheerful attitude, Eli gets moments where she looks very lonely. If mentioned, however, it will quickly disappear as she fixes up a smile. She's generally always hiding behind smiles, not wanting to admit when she's scared. She acts brave, but the truth is she's not. When push comes to shove, she hides. She gets very attached to people, but she fears this as well. She believes that her clingy nature will annoy others and push them away. She tries very hard to be independent and to get people to like her, because she's very afraid of them leaving her. She is especially vulnerable toward aggressive behavior. She sometimes hears angry voices in her head, remnants of her childhood. She is terrified of making others mad, and the sound of shouting cause intense headaches to form. She is very good at handling physical pain, but words and loneliness hit her a little too heavily.

History: As a child, Eli suffered neglect from her parents. She was often alone and easily forgotten or mistreated. She wasn't always given food, and had to learn to scavenge and cook for herself. Her parents didn't seem as if they knew how to take care of a child, or perhaps they didn't want to. Lonely and wanting attention, she veered for approval from her neighbors and peers. The kids bullied and teased her, convincing her to misbehave because they believed it would be funny. They pinned the blame on her for everything, even if she hadn't done it. Her new troublemaker reputation turned her parents' apathy to anger. They began physically abusing her to try and keep her in line.

She stopped acting out at home, but she continued to get in trouble at school. Her grades were falling, and she wasn't interacting with the other kids. After two years, her school found out about the abuse and neglect when a teacher noticed consisting bruising and burns on the girl's arms. Eli was admitted into foster care while the school went to court against her parents. After a few years of moving from home to home and family to family, the girl was eventually permitted for a family to adopted.

She became extremely close to her new family and loved her adoptive parents, and her life began to turn up. She became a happy child. She loved to play, would always help others, and kept a stream of good grades. She wanted to make her new parents proud, and when they were expecting she was eager to be a good model for her new younger siblings. Her siblings, being a 3 year old girl and 5 years old boy, often get the most attention when family visits. This often causes her parents to argue with the family, as they in turn are protective and loving of their adoptive daughter as much as their biological kids. They boast about Eli's acceptance into Asteria Academy.

Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
True Love:
Other: Her family affectionately calls her Cherry Top. Honestly, her eyesight isn't that bad either, but she's been wearing her glasses for so long that it just feels weird. However, her eyesight is changing slightly, so perhaps she might need them again.
NekoKyu wrote:Okay! So I think I finally got the rules all figured out for the randomizing event. With that, I believe I will finally venture into trying it out for real this time. For those of you who might have missed my countless posts of discussing it, here's an official breakdown of it:

Random Relationship Assignment (RRA) involves rolling dice and drawing numbers/names. The first part of this little "game" will be with the dice, in which I will roll a die to determine the number of relationship a character will have. I have placed a limit on the number allowed, however. If I roll a 1, 2, 3, or 4, the number of relationship will correspond with that number. However, if I roll a 5, then the player gets to choose the number. And If I roll a six, than the number of relationships is zero.

After the number of relationship is chosen, I will then roll the die to determine the type of relationship between any two characters. Each relationship has been assigned a value, which will be listed below with an explanation for each.

Number Rolled:
  1. Enemies - A form of hatred or dislike, or any type of negative relation (such as fear, for example) exists between the characters. It does NOT need to be mutual, only the player character needs to view the relationship negatively.
  2. Acquaintances - The two characters are aware of each other, but don't really know each other. Perhaps they work together, etc, etc. This DOES need to be a mutual relationship.
  3. Friends - There is a positive relationship between the two. This is mostly a mutual relationship.
  4. Crush - A lingering attraction exists within the relationship. This does NOT need to be mutual between the two parties, and only needs to exist on the player's side.
  5. Love - At some point, a "romantic" relation existed between both parties. It does not need to be of a sexual nature nor does it imply dating, it simply implies that some form or romantic or intimate behavior has occurred. This DOES need to be a mutual relationship.
  6. Player's Choice - The player gets to decide on the relationship value.
After the relationship value has been decided, then I will draw lots to determine who the Player's character has the assigned relation with. Now, because I understand that not every relationship will fit with certain characters, I will be editing the lists accordingly to match each character. However, because I am bound to make mistakes with characters that are not my own, I am attributing each character with three lifelines. These lifelines cannot be exchanged, moved around, multiplied, or "bent". These are the life lines and their explanations:
  • Opt-out - The entire randomization process is an opt-out system, which means that at any point the player always has the ability to opt-out their character, which includes even after the process has been completed for their character. This erases ALL randomized assignments for the character, and cannot be a "pick and choose" option.
  • Veto - This life line allows the player to ban any possible relationship value or person for the listing. The veto is best used for banning a relationship that conflicts with a character, or for banning a character that the player would prefer for their character to be a stranger with at the beginning or the roleplay. This life line must be used BEFORE any rolling has occurred, but I also suggest holding on to you veto until you have seen the edited version of the list for your character. (A veto can also be used to "un-ban" any bans I have made, such as un-banning "Love" from the value list.)
  • Reroll - Unlike a veto, a reroll is to be used after a character has gone through the randomizing process. A reroll allows a player to choose ONE relationship that they would like a second chance at. This means that if a character has rolled a "Crush" but the player doesn't like who the crush was on, then the player can choose to reroll it, but it will only be rerolled once. Alternatively, a player can also choose to reroll the relationship value if they want to keep the two characters involved but wish to change the type of relationship between them.
Note that, when drawing characters, I will be adding two more options to the lot: NPC and Player's Choice. Player's Choice is self explanatory, as it allows the player to choose who their character has the specified relationship value with. NPC (standing for Non-Playing Character) refers to a random character that the player can create to fill the relationship role but is not being played by any members in the roleplay. The NPC option has been included because I believe it has the chance to add some depth and/or drama to the roleplay.

Finally, after a character has undergone the randomizing process, there is a chance that I may eventually remove them from any future relationship value listings (or the mutual ones at least). This is to prevent any one character from having too many assigned relationships. Hopefully, that answers any questions or concerns anyone might have about the randomizing process. ^_^ If not, well feel free to ask. With that, members can officially opt-out at any point they desire (up until the rp starts, that it). With that, I give to you the official order that characters will be randomly assigned. To make things easier for myself (and possibly others) I have included sexuality, gender, and time of residence.
  1. Aoi Kobayashi - Demisexual ♂ - About 3 years
  2. Jasper Haine - Panromantic Asexual ♂ - About 4 years
  3. Cole Jackson - Homosexual ♂ - About 2 years
  4. Gabriel Desmond Williams - Homosexual ♂ - Unknown
  5. Robin "Puck" Ashwood - Bisexual ♂ - About 18 years
  6. Raziel "Ray" Kenn Devereux - Heterosexual ♂ - Less than a month
  7. Dante Edward Floyd - Bisexual ♂ - About 20 years
  8. Joyce "Joy" Bernard - Homosexual ♀ - About 19 years
  9. Eilise "Eli" Cerise Ashton - Demisexual ♀ - About 7 years
  10. Milinda R. Doolin - Heteromantic Grey-Asexual ♀ - About 2 months
  11. Shane Lucia Tanner - Bisexual ♀ - About 2 years
  12. Jason Elliot Trimmer - Heterosexual ♂ - Unknown
  13. Alice-May "Alice" Johanson - Heterosexual ♀ - About 18 years
  14. Edelmira "Edel" Azure Almeda - Bisexual ♀ - About 18 years
  15. Morgan Roach - Demisexual ☿ - About 9 years
  16. Jude Williams - Homoromantic Grey-Asexual ♂ - Entire life
... I would just like to point out that almost all the boys were ordered first, with only Fang's Jason being among the girls. :yarly:

Alright, with Aoi first, here's the edited list of relationship values for you Marth. If you would like to use your veto on any included values or to ensure a non-relationship with a specific character, you are free to use said veto now. ^_^

Here's the edited list of values for everyone! Vetoes are currently available to be used.

Aoi Kobayashi:
  1. Enemies
  2. Acquaintances
  3. Friends
  4. Crush
  5. Love Removed by NekoKyu
  6. Player's Choice.
Jude Williams:
  1. Enemies
  2. Acquaintances
  3. Friends
  4. Crush
  5. Love
  6. Player's Choice.
Jasper Haine:
  1. Enemies
  2. Acquaintances
  3. Friends
  4. Crush
  5. Love Removed by NekoKyu
  6. Player's Choice.
*Admittedly, Jasper is the one I am most unsure about for his list. I chose to remove "Love" and "Friendship" due to the part in his history about being in a town full of strangers. Because of how unsure I am in my choices, I will allow for you to use a veto to unban both of these options if you'd like. This will be the only occasion in which I will allow a player to do so.

Joyce "Joy" Bernard:
  1. Enemies
  2. Acquaintances
  3. Friends
  4. Crush
  5. Love
  6. Player's Choice.
Cole Jackson:
  1. Enemies
  2. Acquaintances
  3. Friends
  4. Crush
  5. Love
  6. Player's Choice.
Dante Edward Floyd:
  1. Enemies
  2. Acquaintances
  3. Friends
  4. Crush
  5. Love
  6. Player's Choice.
Alice-May "Alice" Johanson:
  1. Enemies
  2. Acquaintances
  3. Friends
  4. Crush Removed by Veto
  5. Love
  6. Player's Choice.
Robin "Puck" Ashwood:
  1. Enemies
  2. Acquaintances
  3. Friends
  4. Crush
  5. Love
  6. Player's Choice.
Morgan Roach:
  1. Enemies
  2. Acquaintances
  3. Friends
  4. Crush Removed by NekoKyu
  5. Love Removed by NekoKyu
  6. Player's Choice.
Milinda R. Doolin:
  1. Enemies
  2. Acquaintances
  3. Friends
  4. Crush
  5. Love Removed by NekoKyu
  6. Player's Choice.
*Based on her shy nature, but can be unbanned with your veto should you like.
@NekoKyu (Oh look, me!):
Raziel "Ray" Kenn Devereux:
  1. Enemies
  2. Acquaintances
  3. Friends
  4. Crush Removed by Veto
  5. Love
  6. Player's Choice.
Eilise "Eli" Cerise Ashton:
  1. Enemies
  2. Acquaintances
  3. Friends
  4. Crush Removed by Veto
  5. Love Removed by NekoKyu
  6. Player's Choice.
Edelmira "Edel" Azure Almeda:
  1. Enemies
  2. Acquaintances
  3. Friends
  4. Crush
  5. Love
  6. Player's Choice.
Shane Lucia Tanner
  1. Enemies
  2. Acquaintances
  3. Friends
  4. Crush
  5. Love Removed by Veto
  6. Player's Choice.
Jason Elliot Trimmer:
  1. Enemies
  2. Acquaintances
  3. Friends
  4. Crush
  5. Love Removed by Veto
  6. Player's Choice.
Gabriel Desmond Williams
  1. Enemies
  2. Acquaintances
  3. Friends
  4. Crush
  5. Love
  6. Player's Choice.
These lists are based entirely upon the information provided by the character's form. If there was something in their history, personality, or even sexual orientation that led me to believe that a certain relationship value does not adequately apply to said character then I removed it. Remember that each character has only one veto, so remember to use it wisely when deciding on what relationship or person to ban from a character's listing. Take all the time you need to carefully consider your veto, as I myself am still contemplating what to use my vetoes on, although do please try to announce your veto choice before your character's turn arrives for the randomizing process.
  1. Aoi Kobayashi - Friends with Gabriel Desmond Williams, Acquaintances with Milinda R. Doolin and Cole Jackson, and Enemies with Eilise "Eli" Cerise Ashton.
  2. Jasper Haine - Friends with Raziel "Ray" Kenn Devereux, a Crush on Robin "Puck" Ashwood and Dante Edward Floyd, and is Enemies with Robin "Puck" Ashwood.
  3. Cole Jackson - Acquaintances with Aoi Kobayashi, Friends with Joyce "Joy" Brenard and Morgan Roach, and a Crush on Gabriel Desmond Williams.
  4. Gabriel Desmond Williams - Friends with Aoi Kobayashi and Jason Elliot Trimmer, has an NPC Love, and is Acquainted with Morgan Roach.
  5. Robin "Puck" Ashwood - Acquaintances with Joyce "Joy" Bernard, has a Crush on Gabriel Desmond Williams, and had a past Love with Edelmira "Edel" Azure Almeda.
  6. Raziel "Ray" Kenn Devereux - Friends with Jude Williams, Acquaintances with Morgan Roach, and Acquaintances with Shane Lucia Tanner.
  7. Dante Edward Floyd - Acquaintances with Milinda R. Doolin, Enemies with Raziel "Ray" Kenn Devereux, and has a Crush on Milinda R. Doolin.
  8. Joyce "Joy" Bernard - Friends with Cole Jackson, and Acquaintances with Robin "Puck" Ashwood.
  9. Eilise "Eli" Cerise Ashton - No one.
  10. Milinda R. Doolin - Acquaintances with Aoi Kobayashi and Dante Edward Floyd.
  11. Shane Lucia Tanner - Acquaintances with Raziel "Ray" Kenn Devereux.
  12. Jason "Jet" Elliot Trimmer - Friends with Gabriel Desmond Williams.
  13. Alice-May "Alice" Johanson - Has NPC Lover.
  14. Edelmira "Edel" Azure Almeda - Friends with Jude Williams, and past Love with Robin "Puck" Ashwood.
  15. Morgan Roach - Acquaintances with Gabriel Desmond Williams and an NPC, Friends with Cole Jackson, Enemies with Jasper Haine, and Acquaintances with Raziel "Ray" Kenn Devereux.
  16. Jude Williams - Friends with Raziel "Ray" Kenn Devereux and Edelmira "Edel" Azure Almeda, Enemies with Jason "Jet" Elliot Trimmer, and a Crush on Dante Edward Floyd.
For Neko's weary mind~

Code: Select all

Gabriel Desmond Williams
Edelmira "Edel" Azure Almeda
Joyce "Joy" Bernard
Robin "Puck" Ashwood
Alice-May "Alice" Johanson
Eilise "Eli" Cerise Ashton
Dante Edward Floyd
Milinda R. Doolin
Jason Elliot Trimmer
Jasper Haine
Raziel "Ray" Kenn Devereux
Shane Lucia Tanner
Player's Choice
Aoi Kobayashi
Cole Jackson
Morgan Roach
Jude Williams
Red String Artwork:
Red String Original
Red String Remake
Ohmyglob, my puns need to be stopped. Guys quick! Before I come up with something really lame (if I haven't already, that is).
Last edited by NekoKyu on September 12th, 2015, 10:49:05 pm, edited 47 times in total.
Storytellers from the womb to the tomb :cool:

Standing on top of the world,
Who'd have ever thought that we would fall.

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Re: The Red String OoC

Post by Heart »

Hi, this sounds really interesting, and I'd like to join. However, how does the point system work? Since we'll be using those points to purchase things and all.

I'm still thinking up characters, so if you don't mind, I'll leave the skeletons here, and I'll notify you when they're done ^^' If that's okay with you D:

Username: Heart
Name: Hope Skeyler-Quells
Age: 17
Gender: Female
At 5'3'' (almost 5'4'', she swears), Hope is small for her age. Her timid posture makes her appear even smaller, and she is quite the skinny girl. More bone than meat, her poor eating habits have shaped her body into something thin (though she can't quite be called malnourished. She eats enough to stay just above being unhealthy). Her layered hair, dyed an ombre fashion, falls just below her shoulders, her bangs often hiding part of her face. Since entering high school, she began dying her hair in hopes people would notice her, but she supposes the colors she chose weren't very noticeable at all. Underneath mascara and eyeliner, doe-like hazel eyes peek out; in the light they cast a pretty glow from within. There are few freckles about her face, most of which are light and unobtrusive. She occasionally touches up her lips, which are a pale pink. She prefers they have a more natural glow than what she has now.

Her wardrobe is very simple: Hope often wears tank tops of varying colors, and when it gets cold, she just puts on a hoodie, and she has quite the collection of hoodies. As gray is her favorite color, the upper part of her body is most often dressed in gray. She has few dresses, the majority of them sundresses. From her clothing, many people could tell she was made for the cold, as she doesn't mind showing much skin (seems like not many people pay attention to her anyway). She very rarely wears bright colored clothing, and her shoes of choice would be a pair of neon pink running shoes, and gray/black sneakers. Sometimes, when she's feeling adventurous, she would wear her gray beret, which her mother knitted for her.
As a child, Hope had always been shy and mouse-like, only bonding with certain people, or sticking to one or two friends. She's never talked much and instead, observed life around her. . As a result, she's quite good at analyzing people, though she second-guesses herself all the time. With little self-esteem and confidence, she eventually grew into a soft-spoken shell of faults, which she constantly turns over in her mind to remind herself why she shouldn't praise herself. Styling herself as a realist, she's actually more pessimistic than she thinks, pointing out the worst in everything. In actuality, she never means anyone harm, and is quite the nice girl that she doesn't think she is. Being blunt is common when Hope talks, and that's also another reason why she thinks her opinion and concerns shouldn't matter--she hates hurting others the most; consideration is one of her strongest points, as well as her compassion.
Since she was young, Hope had always had an artistic streak in her, but she rarely shows off her pieces of art. She enjoys writing and painting the most, keeping a diary which she religiously writes in every day, and her apartment is strung with paintings. Since she doesn't have many friends, she spills all her secrets in her little leather diary, which she carries around with her everywhere. Like a natural writer, she finds coffee shops and the sound of conversations the most relaxing things in the world, and absolutely despises being alone and/or in silence, which is ironic considering how anti-social she may seem. Reaching out is probably the hardest thing for her, and heaven forbid her cozying up to a boy, of all things. Being a former victim of bullying and vindictive behavior contributes much to her personality and her lack of trust. She often refers to herself as "part of the background" and tend to blend in. She doesn't mind, however, and almost takes pride in being a wallflower.

Because her mother had taken such good care of her, Hope's motives are usually centered around Mrs. Quells, and as selfless as she is, she strives to work harder and harder so that she can pay for medication, sometimes exhausting herself to the point where she is "neglecting her studies". As a hardworking student and a part-time worker, that usually meant passing out right after making dinner, which, in turn, explains her frail-looking body.
Hope's father was a wealthy businessman, and made enough to pay for her sickly mother's hospital bills and anything else that they needed. Mrs. Quells was lucky; he was tied to her by the Red String, which was seen once when they both visited Pixie Charm. Both had decided not to marry unless they were meant to be, and the world was good to them. However, when Hope was just four years old, her father passed away in an accident. Years after her father's death, Hope's mother became increasingly sick as her ability to pay for medical bills dwindled. On top of frail health, she worked from dawn to dusk trying to make ends meet for her little girl so that she may attempt a life at luxury. Once Hope entered high school, they sold their house for an apartment, since Mrs. Quells became bedridden and could no longer work. As the money continued to disappear, the high-school girl decided that she needed to start working in order to take care of her mother, as well as study so that she may return the favor. As a result, Hope works at a coffee shop on the weekdays, and on weekends/day-offs, she works at a bookstore, returning from work just so she could immediately start making dinner. Afterwards, she would start homework. Currently, she is trying to get a better job, though she doesn't mind the coffee shop or bookstore.

Hope had once fallen in love with a boy, but the harsh rejection after shyly confessing her affection shut down her heart completely, and gave way to bullying. She's downright suspicious of all men in general, mostly due to her mother's warnings ringing in her head whenever she feels like she's going to fall for someone. She's absolutely terrified that fate would get her should she steal another person's partner, and decided that waiting was the best option. Because of the bullying, she's become afraid of getting hurt, though she's slowly become more emotionless in that aspect.
Sexual Orientation: Straight, but she doesn't limit herself.
Relationships: None for now? :P
True Love:
Other: Her mother is actually a very nice lady, she's just confined to the bed. She encourages her daughter to talk more and make friends, and even tried to get her artwork in a gallery, a plan that a flustered Hope immediately shut down. She also has an affinity for animals and houses a white cat who strays in and out. Her current art projects are about the adventures of the kitty, who she named Esther.
Username: Heart
Name: Cale De'Nair
Age: 18
Gender: Male
With copper brown hair and a fair face, Cale is quite a hit with the ladies. His cold blue-gray eyes are probably the boldest thing about him. He's quite pale for someone who likes the sun. He quite likes to groom himself, always sweeping his bangs to the side. When he's feeling out of whack, he leaves his bed hair, though. He likes his hair a little shorter than in the picture. His figure is somewhat lean, but back in high school, him and his friends liked to go to the gym, so he has some muscle to him. He's around 5'11'', but wishes he was taller. He doesn't have much of a preference when it comes to clothes, but he's comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt, with a dark gray jacket if it's cold. He has a necklace on, something he took off one of his past romances: On a red string, a sterling silver ring dangles with a peculiar pattern around the outside. It belonged to an older woman.
Cale is usually known for being easygoing and friendly, though that's only at the surface. Friends know him both as a joker and a gentleman, holding doors open for others, pulling out chairs for the females, etc., as if he were following some code of chivalry. Underneath such an exterior, he understands that some women dislike his actions (they have hands, after all, why would they need his help to sit down?), but in truth, he does it just to be nice. And another truth: His being nice is just another layer to his armor. A heavily guarded man, Cale undresses a person to the core, his thoughts something like criticism of any small detail he dislikes. He often hides his true self under a mask of sarcasm and careless smiles, with a weaponry of available jokes at hand. Other times, when he's not in a good mood, he'll just have a pokerface in place.

He greatly dislikes arrogance and ignorance, despite being arrogant himself. As for ignorance, it's more of an off/on switch to him, a choice as to whether or not to shut out the world and live in bliss, or face the parts of reality that appeal to him. When angered, he can lash out quite a bit, but sometimes he doesn't mean to. As someone who attacks with his words, he rarely thinks before speaking when emotional. When he realizes he's hurt someone, he always tries to shrug it off and act as if he doesn't care, but really, he himself feels terrible about it. Aside from that, he tries not to be very involved, though he's quite a womanizer (not so much now, however). Many would describe him as a rebel.

His more enticing and perhaps compassionate side is shown in his collections of poetry, of which he is incredibly fond of. He can also appear to be quite protective of his loved ones.
Cale comes from a family who you could say was rich. There were no tragedies, he was in a perfect situation. School went by breezily, but he wasn't always the bright student. His relations with his father was and still is terrible; they clashed often and ferociously, his mother and younger brother mediators of their fights. HIs younger brother, Dustin De'Nair, was everything his parents wanted: Diligent, studious, straight-A-student, knew where he wanted to do in life (which was somewhere along the lines of doctors), and most of all, obedient. After high school came and went, Cale and his father once more fought, but it was about the future and what his son was going to do. With no direction to his life, Cale didn't know what to do at all, and did not apply to college, claiming that it was his grace year. As a result, his father kicked him out of the house, forced to rent an apartment. However, lucky him, his mother helps pay his rent and send him money now and then to make sure he's taking care of himself.

While in high school, he's gone out with many women, but there was one in particular who struck him the most in his memories. She was an older woman, someone he met at a bar, and they began a relationship. They didn't do anything scandalous, just hung out together, ate, talked. She smoked and introduced him to cigarettes, complained about all the men in her life and how disastrously monotonous they were to her. He had hoped he wasn't like the ones she described, but in the end, she left. Every other girl after her did not give him the same feeling she had given him before, and he still thinks about her sometimes, when he's in a rut, but mostly, he longs for someone like the woman, to feel the spark again. He doesn't care much about the Red String.
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationships: None.
True Love:
Other: Cale currently has no job and doesn't go to school. He sometimes gets down about life because of his situation, and is slightly mystified by fire.
Last edited by Heart on May 26th, 2014, 6:04:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Red String OoC

Post by SparrowFlight »

I'm interested as well. Could I reserve a male spot please?

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Re: The Red String OoC

Post by SparrowFlight »

Username: SparrowFlight
Name: Peter Falmour
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Image
Personality: Peter is almost constantly smiling. He's an optimist at heart. He's always trying to crack jokes and lighten the mood. He's a fun person to be around, simply because he can make others smile. He a fairly successful procrastinator, in the sense that he can easily convince himself and others that he's going to get something done, only to 'forget' about a few minutes later.
History: Peter did pretty well in school. Not genius level or anything, but mainly As and the occasional B. He took several first aid courses, and had planned on going into medical school to become a paramedic, but didn't get around to applying in time. He plans on applying for the next year, but who knows if he'll actually get it done or not.

He still lives in his parents house, but their away on business trips most of the time, only coming home for a few weeks every once in a while. He has one sister named Cora. She's 20 years old and moved away a hear ago. She calls every now and then, send the odd postcard, but other then that he doesn't talk to her much.

His childhood was fairly normal. He had a group of really close friends, but wasn't really that popular. He didn't mind though, he just wanted there to be someone around to laugh at his jokes.
Sexual Orientation: Bi-sexual
Relationships: None yet, no other finished characters.
True Love:
Other: Nope
Last edited by SparrowFlight on May 30th, 2014, 6:34:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Red String OoC

Post by NekoKyu »

Welcome, Heart and SparrowFlight! :wave:

Very fine question, Heart. To be completely honest, the point system is a mystery. The Witch and Mistress charge for all their supplies, but they charges points instead of money. No one besides them really know what "points" really are or worth. Sometimes items can be bartered for points, and sometimes the a person will simply have a collection of points from over their life.

That's the in-story explanation for it though. Out-story, the point system is simply a reward system for interacting with the other characters, and for developing the story further. Certain actions will cause progression in certain events, and I'm even considering having little competitions in-story to win more points. I haven't fully figured out the math of it all, if only because I'm working off of theories and ideals. Once I've tested it out some in the roleplay, I'll provide a more detailed explanation. Well, semi-detailed explanation. As part of the math is players will be awarded points for discovering what sort of actions/situations/things will earn points.

I suppose I kind of made the roleplay more like a game show or mystery game to be honest. :derp:

And SparrowFlight, thanks for your character submission. ^_^ I finished mine as well, so I'll go ahead and put them up. Once more, welcome, and thanks for joining!
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Re: The Red String OoC

Post by Heart »

Finished my profiles!
And I kind of get it now. xD Seems a little complicated, but I'm sure it'll work out. :3
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Re: The Red String OoC

Post by NekoKyu »

Yeah it's a little confusing, but I'm hoping it'll make things more fun. x3
And thanks Heart, the look very nicely thought out and detailed; I'll go put them up. :bounce:
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Re: The Red String OoC

Post by Heart »

I can't wait to start :DDD
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Re: The Red String OoC

Post by NekoKyu »

Glad to hear your excited! ^_^ We'll be able to start as soon as a few more people join so we have a good balance of people.
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Re: The Red String OoC

Post by cantthinkofausername »

Username: cantthinkofausername
Name: Kyra Condie
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Appearance: ... -1.1543621
Personality: To be rped
History: Led an ordinary life up until middle school, pretty much until boys started noticing girls stuff I guess you could say. People had been trying to take advantage of her and in he junior year, she finally couldn't take it anymore, and moved here. Still, she has to endure the stares and such. She isn't much for actual relationships. Sure she'll fool around, but don't expect her to actually take it seriously. She enjoys messing with people.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationships: None yet
True love:
Other: She might just have a crush on Raziel
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