Have-A-Lock Poems || Open || UPDATED: April 20th

Share any written short stories, novels, or poetry

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Have-A-Lock Poems || Open || UPDATED: April 20th

Post by Havelock »

Have-A-Lock Poems

“Welcome! I am glad you have found this place. Welcome to Have-A-Lock. I am your Keeper. Keeper of all things poems, that is. And plot introductions as well, if you must know.

“What’s that? You want a poem? Sure! I’m more than happy to oblige to that request, my friend. Now come, sit over here. Let me get my quill, ink, and paper. Now, please, tell me what you would like.”

1.) Request as many as you like.
2.) I ONLY do free verse poems.
3.) Each poem will be off the top of my head.
4.) Each poem is 50g.
5.) One Short Plot Introduction per order.
6.) Short Plot Introduction costs will very depending on length of intro and the time it takes me to write them.
7.) Short Plot Intros will START at 200g. Price goes up from there.
8.) I can deny your request at any time.
9.) REMEMBER I am on a semi-hiatus.
10.) Please be patient with me.
11.) I WILL NOT write poems or short plot introductions if it deals with Your school homework. That’s called stealing.
12.) All credit goes to me—please.

~ lunagillian is allowed two Free Poems and one Free Short Plot Intro. Lunagillian also--from here on out gets 50% off.
~ Reason: She is the first and only person to message me. A good, caring friend. :t-^_^:
Last edited by Havelock on April 20th, 2014, 8:58:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Havelock »


1.) You can only guess once.
2.) Don’t change your answer.
3.) If you guess correctly…you receive one free poem.
4.) If you are ONLY going to answer this riddle or question—Please PM me the question and your guess.
5.) First Person to guess correctly wins. Sorry.
START: 8pm, Sun. April 20th. CST
END: 8pm, Sun. APril 27th, CST

I can run but not walk. Wherever I go, thought follows close behind. What am I?

Answer: TBA
Winner: TBD

Previous Winners:
You cannot see me. You cannot touch me. Yet you feel me everyday. I act upon you every second of every day, yet I go undetected and unnoticed by most humans. You can measure me, but you cannot weigh me. What am I?

Answer/Winner: Gravity/kipwi
Last edited by Havelock on April 20th, 2014, 8:57:38 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Havelock »


Code: Select all

[b]Poem and/or Short Intro:[/b]
[b]Number of Poem(s):[/b]
[b]Number of Short Intro(s):[/b]
[b]Topic of Poem(s):[/b]
[b]Topic of Short Intro(s):[/b]
[b]Total Gold:[/b]
[b]Need A Due Date?:[/b]
[b]Reason For Poem and/or Short Intro:[/b]
[b]Question or Riddle of The Week-Answer:[/b]



The Beaten Path
The Beaten Path
Torn and Damaged.
Dirt trembled.
Rocky path.

The world around it,
So dark and lax.
Crumbles before
The hidden lad.

The light from above
Shines down upon us.
The world seems brighter
Then once before.

The sun light fades
And soon turns to darkness.
The Evermore,
Is here at last.
Dear Body
You wasted mind
You piece of sh*t
You deserve no less
Then what you did.
In face--Dear Body,
You need to die.
Your life is worthless
I tell no lie.

Why do you hang here?
You still live on?
Fine, I'll make
You worse then before.

I dare you--Body
To go get help.
I swear to you
It will not help.
The Deep
The Deep edges of fear scrape against you.
The world you once knew is failing.
The world is no longer as you imagined.
Torn, piece by piece.
Flesh, by flesh.
Until--at last--nothing remains.

The home, is crumbled.
The Govn't now torn.
A War resembles
All We Worked For.

The Deep trembles.
Wains and crys.
A saddened look
Upon It's eyes.

The Deep laughs.
Shakes its fist.
Then lays still.

The Deep takes one final heave
And with one final blow,
Destroys what is left Humanity.
The Deep now left,
It too will die.
A Slow painful death
As such with These Eyes.
The Earth
This earth so rich
We humans so poor,
We steal from Earth
And make Her poor.
While all the while
We make us rich--
We strip the earth
Of all goodness.

No Second glance
Or even thought.
The World
We knew--
Forever lost.
My Voice
I swear to you
By Tongue and Voice
I'll keep you safe
Throughout the night.

My Voice,
So calm.
So strong with might,
It does not show
My Heart's dislike.

For even though
My Voice is strong
My Heart aches
It weakens.
My body so shallow,
So small and frail.

My Mind is even worse for wear.
My Mind--it crumbles.
It breaks apart.
And soon there will be
Nothing but an empty dark.

That, my friend, is the point of no return.
A simple stillness of ashes burned.
And what then?
Will I come back to life?
For I am mortal.
No Eternal Light.


The Dark (Prince Of Life)
Here lies what remains of the Prince Of Life. The good and the bad that remains is only seen by what you see lying before you. Here; at the point of no return. Here; at the point of your last breath. The swirls of your conscious and unconscious mind seem to blend into one eternal plunder. You gasp for another breath as the life slowly dims from the Prince's eyes. But there you stand--unable and maybe, unwilling, to help him. A silent but near deafening scream escapes from the Prince's mouth. You stand in awe at what is happening. The Prince slowly rises to his feet. Even inches from his own death the Prince still proves to be a worthy man.

The Prince struggles to his feet, but manages to find his own solid footing. The Prince sways as he stands; as if he is about to fall over. But he maintains his upright position. The man's bangs fall in front of his face, giving him the appearance of being possessed. But he stands ready. Taking one step forward, the Prince gives way and collapses to the ground. But still you dare not rush to his aid. You don't know what to think. And even when you will your body to move, you find that you are immovable. As if someone has cast a spell about you to make your body stand still.

The Prince once again clambers to his feet. The Prince continues this struggle for quite some time until he is able to stand fully erect and able to carry on, on his own. But something has changed in him. Some Dark part of The Prince has emerged. Something that wasn't there before. The Dark fills the Prince's mind with terrible yet compelling thoughts. The Prince, you can tell, welcomes these thoughts. He takes pride in them. He is obsessed with them. And it is all he can think of.
Shaking, he sits down, curls into a ball and clings to himself. His breath gets rapid, his eyes widen with the utmost terror. In his mind he is terrified of the coming events. He knows what comes next. He didn't see this coming. How careless of he. He should have known. His thoughts race away with the events that are unfolding before him. His hands start to sweat..and then he starts to violently shake. He can't control it...he can't help it. He grips his hair, as if he is going to tare it out. He tries to take deep breaths--but they only come out as shaky gasps for air.

He can only wait for this torment to pass. For the torture to end. Oh how he hates when this happens. He can't prevent this from happening..it just comes.

Finally he is able to control his breathing. Taking deep breaths and holding them in for about 3 seconds at a time and then slowly releasing them. He does this until he settles down enough to start again. Finally, after a good 10 minutes, all symptoms have stopped or faded. He climbs to his feet and stands there for a moment...regaining and recomposing himself. Finally, he walks away, off to where he was going before.
What Becomes Of Me Now
"Stand still....can you hear it?? Can you hear the earth breathe? Can you hear what is not heard? Can you see what is not seen? Do you have that mentality? If not--leave. This place is not for you. For in this world--only the unseen and unheard can enter." Said the man's voice. His lips...never moved. Yet here was his voice, clear as day. He held out one arm to let me know I could pass. But stayed where I was. I couldn't move. Maybe it was wonder, maybe it was fear. But for what ever the reason I could not move my feet.

The man's arm dropped and he moved to block the portal that lay ahead of me. The portal...the only source of light in this place. And even with the light shinning directly onto the man...no distinguishing features could be seen.

"I will give you one last chance. Move now--and you can enter into this world." The man's voice was deep; Calm, but very unnerving. It was a sound not known to the solid world. The world we humans once called reality. Still, I could not move. No part of my body could move.

The man's eyes narrowed, "So be it." He stepped back into the portal...his body seemed to waver, a distortion took place. His body had no shape, no contour lines. Yet his eyes narrowed further.

"You've made your choice." The man said. His lips moved...and the voice that came from his lips was much different then what was originally heard. This time, his voice was icy cold. Stern and harsh. His voice was even deeper than before. His shapeless body faded and so too, did the portal. And just as abruptly as the portal and man appeared...it disappeared.

I was left to my darkness..my own thoughts. And suddenly I could move again. As if I was free from the bonds that had held me in place just a few short seconds ago. I looked around to see if I could spot the portal again. But nothing was to be found. Just an empty space...just darkness. Just me.
Do Not Try To Steal Any Of My Examples. They Belong To me. They Are From My Blogs:
The 'A' Side And 'B' Side
The Darker Parts
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Re: Have-A-Lock Poems--Open

Post by lunagillian »

Hi there friend .3.

Username: Lunagillian
Poem and/or Short Intro: Poem and short intro
Number of Poem(s): 2
Number of Short Intro(s): 1
Topic of Poem(s): 1. Acceptance 2. Friends
Topic of Short Intro(s): A man beaten down but rises up due to the help of an unseen friend.
Total Gold: (I know you said free but I am going to give you 100g anyway. As a writer myself I know it takes some inspiration and time to write and I always appreciate it when someone is willing to do it)
Need A Due Date?: Nope .3.
Reason For Poem and/or Short Intro: .3. Because you said I could haha
Question or Riddle of The Week-Answer: hmmmm... I'll say time
"I'm just like you, made by He, despised by they, I'm almost me. I'm nearly human. Look at me, I'm almost a human being."
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Re: Have-A-Lock Poems--Open

Post by Havelock »

I shall get right on it! The poems I can whip in a jippy. The Short Intro will take a bit longer. And thank you. :t-:3:
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Re: Have-A-Lock Poems--Open

Post by SkyToastt »

Oh, lookie here! Another customer!
Username: SkyToastt
Poem and/or Short Intro: Poem, please
Number of Poem(s): 2(One of them I think you wouldn't do, so if you can't, 1)
Number of Short Intro(s): Oh noes, there is none!
Topic of Poem(s): 1.A prophecy about four people, 3 girls and a guy, who are about to save their country full of people with special powers channeled by stones that they wear around their necks. The guy is actually a demon, and I believe I asked the person who was playing him for him to be actually evil in the end.Here's a link to the RP so you can understand it a bit better. It's under "Our Wonderful Theme" 2. Flying toasters in the sky
Topic of Short Intro(s): _____
Total Gold: 100g/50g
Need A Due Date?: No, not really
Reason For Poem and/or Short Intro: 1.For and RP I am doing. Don't worry, I'll give credit. 2.The other one is just for fun. I'm going to put it in my signature, and also give you credit.
Question or Riddle of The Week-Answer: I'm guessing time, also. Dang it, I just copied Luna :derp:

Toasters fly
High in the sky.
Watch your head
They’ll knock ya’ dead.
Have some toast.
On the fly.
But beware the toasters.
They’re flying by.
Credit to Havelock Click my Eggies and Hatchies here!
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Re: Have-A-Lock Poems--Open

Post by Havelock »

I'll get on yours right after I finish Luna's. Which will be in a moment or two.
I do not know if I'll be able to fit your first one in a poem. But I will try. :)

EDIT: Now starting yours, SkyToastt.

DOUBLE EDIT: SkyToastt and Luna--yours are done.
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Re: Have-A-Lock Poems--Open

Post by Duk3OfSound »

Username: Duk3OfSound
Poem and/or Short Intro: Poems
Number of Poem(s): 4
Number of Short Intro(s): 0
Topic of Poem(s): 2 for love and 2 for war
Topic of Short Intro(s): N/A
Total Gold: 200g
Need A Due Date?: Nope.
Reason For Poem and/or Short Intro: For a friend. Don't worry...Credit will go to you. I will link this page as well.
Question or Riddle of The Week-Answer: Uh....space?
"United we stand, divided we fall. And we are falling."
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Re: Have-A-Lock Poems--Open

Post by Havelock »

I'll get right on them!

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