December Dragon Story Contest! (LAST EVER BY ME)

Share any written short stories, novels, or poetry

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December Dragon Story Contest! (LAST EVER BY ME)

Post by Namyre »

THIS MONTH'S THEME: Christmas OR New Years!

This will be the last of my monthly writing contests, so I want it to count. The turnout for the lot of my contests was far less than I would have hoped, so I hope this contest can wrap up the year with a good number of entries. Do me a favor, get the word around.

• Must include a dragon; as in main character.
• Story must be in a spoiler.
• Use proper grammar.
• Use hard intentions.
• Follow the theme.
Failure to follow the guidelines= your entry will be ignored.

What is/ is not a dragon:
Wyrms, wyverns, serendins, leviathans, crystalwings, serpaens, verikan, drakes, amphiptere, quetzalcoatls, amphista, arkai, axolotls, anything resembling a dragon counts. You can PM me if you're still not sure. (If it has "dragon" in the name, it counts, obviously.)
However: calidims, anagui, ankylocrocs, sohbek, xocomel, rose imps, icists, basilisks, manticores and direcores alone would not qualify. That means you'd have to replace it with another, more dragon-like creature.

1st: Image2nd: Image3rd: Image

BE CREATIVE! Have fun!! And remember, the contest actually ends
December 30th, 11:59 PM so that I can judge the entries on the 31st. ^_^
Last edited by Namyre on December 26th, 2013, 5:33:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: December Dragon Story Contest! (LAST EVER BY ME)

Post by bloodmoonwolf »

Past and Future by Bloodmoonwolf

Standing on the time between years, 1minit to midnight. The young serendin sat atop his spire and watched the fireworks light the sky and shimmer off his scales.

Between a hatchling and adulthood, he was not fully formed; His green fur and scales weren’t at their brightest, nor was his body up to the incredible speeds of his older kin. His knowledge was minimal, of only what his dam and life had taught him. He glanced behind him, from the past had come.
He watched a little egg hatch, snuggled between his mothers forelegs. A bright little green fella, (not ready to know the world) bound about his mother and frolic in her main. All too soon its play ended as a gentleman came and whisked him away.

Treated with kindness but a firm hand. The hatchling was shown the ways of its kind from a thief, who had once been a decent man, if he hadn’t found thrill in breaking the law. The hatchling was tutored to steal and conceal the goods, stolen from the keep’s tallest towers; how to resist the effects of shiny gold and jewels, along with training to help make his body twist, turn and bend in the serendin way.

When the thief was content that his pet could complete his desires, he told the hatchling to go to the uppermost room in the keep and take any jewels that shined the best. Obediently he did as his master ordered, but was caught in the process of opening a chest. His unfortunate master was jailed and he was set free of the bond.

He had spent many years, travelling till he rested on a spire during New Year’s night. The past made him sorrowful so he looked ahead to what the future would bring.

He saw a magnificent emerald dragon, covered in silver and gold. A young brown serpentess coiled about him, nursling his fur with her nose, inside a light crystal cave, with quarts lining the floor and jasper paining the ceiling red.

A new sight before him appeared; the emerald emperor was twisting and turning though trees with a rider astride his back. A girl with wavy auburn hair blowing behind her was dressed in royal blue breeches and shirt made of the finest silk. She was smiling and happy like he.

The image soon changed again, to a dusty old drake, all mighty and honour leaking from him like a spilt wine bottle. That old beast hobbled though the burnt trees of his youth were he collapsed on the caracoled floor. Staring at the sky, The old dragon watched the etainian Quetzalcoatl of the sun, spit and burn to reach his lover, while the Nareaun Quetzalcoatl of the moon, glided gracefully to her glowing partner.

A bell rung suddenly, pulling the adolescent serendin from the future. On the chime of midnight, he vowed that all the good that he had to come he, would work to get, while all the miserable horror, he vowed to try his hardest to change, as he didn’t want any more sorrow in his life.
thanks you : Vhaeraun, Sellerie, TDSaman, Logrin, DrBeansMD, Dark_Kitsune, KittenSmith, Dolphensong, crazyflower, mystcdra, auriene, orathy,, mistyoc, demonrage, alto, magistream staff and the anonymous senders plus the mysterious donder the reindeer Feel free to mine my Hatchling tab look in my keep for sale tabs,all are are priced. PM me if intrested My Cave Guardians ImageImageImageImage
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Re: December Dragon Story Contest! (LAST EVER BY ME)

Post by LightningDragon »

Christmas Gifts

The black ice dragon stalked quietly through the trees, sharp green eyes on the look-out for his quarry. Soft, powdery snow sank under his feet, thankfully preventing him from making any noise. He kept his wings pulled in tight to avoid scraping against the snow-covered trees that surrounded him. Creeping closer to a small clearing in the trees, he could hear a young human voice singing. He peered around a tree and finally spotted his prey.

A young female magi sang in a high, sweet voice to a forest imp that perched above her in the trees. Her thick cloak was bound tight around a slender body, and the fur-lined hood was down on her shoulders. Long, curly black hair tumbled half-way down her back, stark against her snow-covered robes.

The dragon pushed his luck and stalked closer to her, until he was only a few dozen feet away. He pushed all his weight onto his hind legs and pounced forwards. He had nearly landed and pinned the magi down when, to his surprise, she rolled out from under him. Before he could get his balance back and attack again, he felt a cold, hard object hit the side of his head, and snow exploded around the side of his face.

"I win again, Casey!" the magi crowed triumphantly, and Casey shook the snow off of his face with good-natured irritability. The forest imp chattered in amusement before he scampered off among the trees. The ice dragon snorted and shoved his nose against his magi's slight body. "Okay, okay; I'm a sore winner, I get it," she said, blue eyes twinkling in a flushed face. She glanced up at the sky, noting the position of the weak winter sun. "We had better get going; we still have to decorate for tonight!"

Casey snorted and knelt down so his magi could swing herself onto his back. Once she was secure, he hurled himself into the sky, and heard her delighted whoop of laughter. Snow and flying always put Neera into a good mood, especially when it was the day of gift-giving.

The ice dragon flew for a long while over a massive expanse of many trees, and caught glimpses of movement as other creatures followed his movements towards Neera's personal keep. Finally, the trees became less and less and thinner and thinner, and finally broke entirely to reveal a broad, snow-covered meadow. In the middle of the meadow was a beautiful keep, made of white stone with veins of gold. It seemed to have been made entirely out of a single slab of the stone, with no visible seams or cracks; such had been the magic of Neera's ancestors. A large, clear moat surrounded the keep, and the drawbridge was down over the water, allowing those creatures who could not fly to enter.

Casey disregarded the drawbridge and simply landed in the middle of the courtyard, his talons sinking into the short grass as he regained his balance. Neera hopped down and rushed over to the massive evergreen tree that towered proudly over even Casey. Dozens of brightly-colored boxes were piled around the base of the tree, in varying sizes. The young magi halted in front of the tree, threw her hands up, and murmured words under her breath. Tiny, colorful, bright little lights began appearing on the tree, wrapping around it like a snake; purple, gold, green, red, blue, and silver. As the sun sank lower and more creatures arrived, the lights glowed brighter until they filled the entire courtyard with dazzling radiance.

Hundreds of creatures of many sizes and shapes and colors filled the courtyard, minus those with fiery elements who couldn't deal with snow. Neera turned toward the presents and called names out, handing them off to her allies, who passed them around. Casey patiently stretched out in the snow, knowing it was unlikely he had gotten anything; gems were a paltry gift, and most magi didn't know what else to get their dragon companions. He shifted uncomfortably as he noticed many of Neera's companions were snuggling up to their mates, painfully reminded that he was one of the very few companions who had no mate.

He turned his attention back to Neera, who was opening her own presents, last as always. She was delighted to have gotten anything; odd little plants, curious rocks, gems from her crystalwings, eggs that some companions had found while exploring.

When the event was over, most of the companions chose to sleep in the courtyard for the night. Casey curled himself up in a corner, glad to have participated yet disappointed as well. He felt a hand touch his shoulder gently, and lifted his head up to peer at Neera. "Casey, your gift is outside the drawbridge," she murmured. He could sense the excitement and delight in her voice, and it piqued his curiosity. "Go ahead, find out," she urged, a small smile growing.

Casey lifted himself up and picked his way through the crowd of companions, finally making his way across the thick wood of the drawbridge. He glanced around, and felt his blood freeze as he noticed Neera's "gift"; a female white ice dragon sat patiently in the snow, her white scales glowing in the moonlight. She picked herself up daintily and mad her way closer, until she was mere inches from him. Gently, he touched his snout to hers.

"Casey, this is Kalopsia."

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Re: December Dragon Story Contest! (LAST EVER BY ME)

Post by macintot »

EDIT: Sorry, but I don't think I'm going to enter this one.
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You ARE full of purpose. You ARE priceless. You ARE indispensable. You ARE loved.

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Re: December Dragon Story Contest! (LAST EVER BY ME)

Post by Arrias »

I'm sorry to hear you won’t be doing anymore. I wish I'd had enough time to participate more, these were fun. Here's a little story, something I whipped up real quick in honor of you and the contest.
Jemma ran through the crowd, snow crunching beneath her feet. Her attempt to outrun Jace was foiled when he jumped on her, knocking her over.
"Alright you two, enough." Master Tellan picked them both up by the back of their coats. With a worried frown on her face she dusted them off. "What am I going to do with you two? Your parents expect me to train you to become strong, disciplined magi and here you are chasing each other through the snow."
"We're sorry Tellan." Jemma replied chastised.
"Yeah, we're sorry.” Jace responded with a grin.
“I want you both back here in an hour, we have the snow competition to go to remember?”
Jemma and Jace lit up at the mention of the snow competition, their favorite time of the Christmas season, besides the true meaning of the season. The two towheads took off back to their snow adventures. Master Tellan shook her head with a smile reminiscing about her own adventures when she was young.
The hour came quickly and Jemma and Jace showed up almost on time. Master Tellan decided to ignore the fact that they were a few minutes late and caked in snow. Instead she dusted them off before hustling them towards the snow competition.
“Alright you two, just remember that this is the final competition that will determine whether or not you receive your first snow companion. Remember everything I taught you and,” Master Tellan smacked Jace’s hand away from a Magi’s pocket before he could cause any mischief, “And try to focus. No mischief this time, your parents will be watching.” Jemma and Jace immediately straightened up at the mention of their parents.
Jemma and Jace fell into line alongside the other young magi. They waited nervously as the adults all filed into the arena bowl. The center of the arena was packed with snow just waiting to be played with.
Jemma bit her nails as she studied the other young magi in line. They weren’t the youngest but they were close. The oldest student was about twelve years old while the youngest was five. Jace fiddled with something in his pocket but as soon as Jemma peered towards it he hid it from her sight.
“Jace what are you hiding?” Jemma whispered from the corner of her mouth.
“None of your business.” Jace hissed back.
Hurt, Jemma tried even harder to see inside his pocket but Jace stuck his hand in making it impossible to see. Just as Jemma was winding up to kick him Master Tristan appeared on the balcony overlooking the arena.
“Welcome to the sixty third Snow Competition. Each year we gather two days before Christmas to celebrate the snow that we have so graciously been granted. We also come together to see what our youngest and most promising magi have been learning in regards to the art of snow. This year’s competition is broken into three parts. There will be three teams of four. Each team will compete against the other. The two team competitions are Snow Keep building as well as Snow Ball Throwing. The final competition will test our young magi’s imagination as the final team competes against each other to see who can create the most unique companion out of snow. Let the games begin”
With that Tristan threw a snowball at the golden gong. The echo reverberated through the entire arena and the crowd stood to its feet cheering. Jemma and Jace were shoved into different teams by the facilitators. Jemma pushed away from her facilitator trying to get back to Jace but it was no use. She turned to meet her new team.
There were two boys and one other girl on her team but there was no time for introductions. Tristan threw another snowball at the gong and the games began. Jemma sucked in a quick breath trying to keep up with her teammates, all of which were older than her. They formed a circle together around a pile of snow. The oldest girl pointed to the snow around them.
“We start there and begin building up. I don’t know how advanced you guys are but I want all of you on the outside building walls that could withstand a charging brontotherium. I’ll focus on the inside.”
“Who put you in charge?” The boy spoke up. He had dark brown hair and angry looking eyes.
“I did, we don’t have time to argue. You want to win right? Well we win by working together. Let’s go.”
With that Jemma raced to the area the older girl had pointed to. Looking around she realized that everyone else had already started their fort and had one wall done. Panicking she scooped up some snow in a mound trying desperately to catch up.
“Like this.” The other girl came up next to her. Breathing deeply she poured a solution into her hands then began a flowing dance. Jemma watched uncertain as the snow began to swirl together to form a wall. The girl poured some of the solution onto Jemma’s hands. Jemma watched for a moment as the girl continued her routine before joining in.
Together the wall grew and Jemma’s face lit up as she watched the snow form a thick impenetrable wall.
“Now onto the next one.” The girl glided over to the next area they wanted to build a wall and Jemma moved opposite until they were parallel. The girls finished the walls at the same time. With a grin and a hop Jemma moved forward to see what the inside looked like. Inside was open and spacious but the boy was finishing thing up, not the older girl.
“Where’d she go? The other girl asked.
“Outside” The boy responded adding an armory to the Snow Keep.
The two hurried back outside looking for the girl. Everyone else was done.
“Up here you two.” Turning they both stared in amazement at the Snow Keep. The older girl was standing at the top of a gorgeous ice tower connected to the Snow Keep. The Snow Keep was designed with gargoyles, arches, buttresses, and more.
The judges came out and quickly judged the castles. Jemma and Jace’s teams were both still in the competition. But now that meant the next competition would knock one of them out, much to the disapproval of their parents. Jemma looked at Jace trying to say sorry for whatever was about to happen only to find that he was ignoring her.
Saddened Jemma turned back to her team. They had two minutes to come up with a strategy, if any of them were hit by a snowball they would be out. The last team standing would compete against each other in the final round.
“Your turn.” The older girl turned to the boy. He looked up in surprise but a grin broke out as he realized she was turning the reigns over to him. “I’ve heard about you, your Owen, best strategist for your age.” Again Owen looked surprised. “I know we don’t have time for introductions but I’m Stal.”
“I’m Kriy” The other girl responded quickly.
“And Jemma.”
“Great let’s plan. There a bunch of hot rods over there, they’ll want to attack first so here’s what we’ll do.” Owen split the group up with Jemma watching the back with Kriy. Stal took the ice watchtower and Owen would guard the entrance. “Stal and I will draw them into the fortress while you two take them out as well as guard the back entrance.”
The gong sounded and the snowballs immediately started flying. The young magi’s quickly began throwing the snowballs that practically made themselves for them. Jemma made it inside with Owen but Kriy was hit before she could duck inside the fortress.
The two stood back to back inside the fortress watching both entrances. A cry of pain outside along with a victory crow from the other team brought them down two to four. Stal and Kriy were gone it was just them. One from the other team raced inside intent on destroying them. He had barely stepped foot inside when he was mercilessly pelted by Owen. Another two raced in but were hit by Owen. Owen turned to Jemma to say something when something hard smacked him in the face. He was down.
Jemma was on her own and right inside the doorway was Jace. A hard, cold looking Jace. Jemma looked around but there was no escape. She scooped up a snowball just as Jace did. They stared at each other before firing their snowballs at the same time. They both went down at the same time causing a tie.
The judges ruled that Jace and Jemma would have to compete in the final round against each other. The Snow Keeps were collapsed leaving Jace and Jemma in the snow filled arena once more. Turning their backs to each other they began to build. The snow was flying and their breath filled the air as they created the most incredible snow creature they could. As soon as they finished Jemma turned to look at Jace’s creature.
Lo and behold his companion was a beautiful snow dragon, unlike any they had seen before. Jace still had not turned to look at Jemma’s sculpture. He was fidgeting with something in his pocket when Jemma realized what it was he had been hiding.
“Jace no!” But it was too late. He uncorked the stopper from the vial and poured it over his snow dragon. Nothing happened at first but the creature began to stretch and groan. The crowd gasped with excitement as his creation, a snow dragon came to life.
Jemma stood next to Jace watching in amazement as the snow dragon nuzzled her brother.
"What's her name?" Jemma asked in wonder.
"Namyre, in honor of the first winter story teller. Plus it'll make Master Tellan happy that I actually have been paying attention during out studies." Jace grinned.

Disclaimer: I know it doesn't focus on dragons but I literally pumped it out in about an hour or so just so that I could take place in one last competition.
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Re: December Dragon Story Contest! (LAST EVER BY ME)

Post by Mathcat »

Like Arrias, I'm sending in one last entry as thanks for all the fun I've had with these. I'm sorry there won't be any more. Also like theirs, it was written in under an hour and might get some polishing before the deadline.

The Gift
Sparrowhawk had never been this nervous about Christmas gifts before, but then again, this was his first time being the gift. It would be Rykian, too, that was his intended recipient. Tobran wouldn't have been half so bad, as he had a flock of dragons already, and would certainly know how to make a charming bronze pygmy crystalwing feel welcome. Rykian, though, scowled so, and had such imposing companions. Kestrel, the gryphon, was intimidating enough, but the other creatures didn't bear thinking about. He'd seen the way Malice hauled that dead decessus around, and he had no interest in being that calico tienko's next chew toy.

Still, there was nothing for it. Lord Firesoul had said he was to become Rykian's newest companion, so that the often impulsive magi could have someone small and clever to keep an eye on him, and that was an end to the matter. A little pygmy crystalwing against a big, fierce phoenix? He wouldn't stand a chance. Best to accept his fate.

Sparrowhawk knew, from past experience, that most gifts arrived in a box with a fancy bow, but there was no way he was cramming himself into a confined space - even one with airholes - with a vicious tienko prowling about. Rykian would have to be satisfied with a fancy bow. After a few days of searching, Sparrowhawk had liberated something suitably fancy (he hoped) from a distracted merchant. Large and brightly colored, its many shades reflected the numerous colors of crystalwing. Sparrowhawk had managed to tie it around his neck - in a neat bow, no less - had spent hours getting his scales to the proper shine, and had found a sympathetic rewin (one of Tobran's) to let him into Rykian's office, so now there was nothing else to do but wait.

Despite his nerves, Sparrowhawk dozed off, and was awakened by the sound of the key turning in the lock. He had just enough time to straighten the bow before Rykian was inside. Sparrowhawk tensed, expecting Rykian to glare at the small draconic intruder perched on his desk. He never expected the magi to smile kindly at him, let alone reach out and gently scratch Sparrowhawk behind his ears. Well, perhaps being Rykian's pygmy crystalwing wouldn't be so bad after all.
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Still on AO3 as Mathcat2 - stories for Magistream, Dragon Cave, Forest of Mirrors, and Jelle's Marble Runs, plus original fiction. New stories every Tuesday and Friday during November 2023.

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Re: December Dragon Story Contest! (LAST EVER BY ME)

Post by Namyre »

Thank you everyone for participating, with trades already sent, here are our final winners:

1: LightningDragon
2: Mathcat
3: bloodmoonwolf

I may hold one contest or another in the future, but none quite as organized as these. Happy new year!

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