Little Zoo Pen- mini adoptables : Is Closing

This forum is for art threads giving out adoptables

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Little Zoo Pen- mini adoptables : Is Closing

Post by Zackeline »

2011 July 24th- I've been pretty tired at school, due to the stress from homework I have to re-do as I haven't been to school for 2 weeks. And thanks to my lazyness, I don't think I can do any more adoptables. But don't worry, I'll finish those Customs that you've ordered so far. Other than that, don't think there's anyhing to say but goodbye Little Zoo Pens!

2011 July 18th- Well, you've seen the Guardians Cures but have you heard of the Legedary Cures? I'm sure you have not so why don't you scroll down to the 'Event' tab to find out more!

2011 July 8th- The Cures are here and there's more coming! So, Custom Cures are available too, but only for this month. Meaning after July, there won't be anymore Custom Cures available, so get them now! But don't worry, there'll still have Cures showing up at the Shrine though. By the way, there's also a small batch consisted 3 Leons, with special markings!

2011 July 2nd- A new place have been created known as The Shrine and lived 2 guradians known as the Cure. They can communicate with spirits and heal those creatures who are sick or wounded. I may add a new feature into this, so stay tune! :wave:
2011 June 20th- Pokemon Week 1 is over but here comes Pokemon Week 2! It's the same like the last one and there's another thing, I've uploaded a batch of creatures in the adoptery after weeks of lazyness.
2011 June 16th- There's a new event and guess what? It's Pokemon Week!!! Wanna know more? Stroll down to the 'Event' post for more info!
2011 June 6th- So, my rangers finally transport the new species here and they're Girafee. There's 2 availale to adopt now!
2011 June 2nd- A new contest awaits you all- The Rose Garden. Check the event post for more info! I've also uploaded a few creatures, most with backgrounds. So get them quick!
2011 May 31st- The contest has end and the winners are annouced. Thanks to those who participated and congratz to those who won. I'll be busy for awhile now and may also upload a batch along with the prizes the winners won.
2011 May 27th- Everyone has loss loads of stuff due to the crash. My rangers did some seaching to cheer you guys up, and they found lovely Peacock. There's 3 available for adiption right now, I hope their beauty helps you to release your stress a little.
2011 May 15th- With the released of the Temple Dog, I've designed a pair of Cats that resemble them. They're now at the adoptery, so be quick!
2011 May 10th- I've uploaded a new batch which consists the newset species, Cats! And also a little surprise, A Blue Sky Leon, one of the rarest Sky Leons of the Elementals.
2011 May 8th- I've set a special event, the Parade of Flags. For more details, stroll down to the 'Event' section.
2011 May 1st- We're offically OPEN!
About 'Little Zoo Pen'
Well, you've seen Blackunia's Kothos, Pearlevil's Caits but have you saw a lion or an elephant? Nope! So here's the place where you can adopt creatures like that but special of course. Have you seen an elephant in pink or a lion in flames? Well, lets continue on how to obtain one.

1. The Adoptery- From time to time, there'll be creatures available to adopt. Adopting one cost some gold, but on several occasions they may be half price!
2. Customs- Yup, you heard me right. I do Customs too with cheap prices. But I'll only open them twice a month, so start stalking!
3. Breeding- Wanna breed? You've came the right place, nut first you'll need to have the Love Liquid. It makes your creatures fall in love and have babies. You may, of course, breed with other player's creature, but make sure you've got their permission first!

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Little Zoo Pen- mini adoptables : Adoption and species

Post by Zackeline »

The Adoptery
Welcome to the adoptery! The place where you can adopt creatures to good homes. Check below for different creatures and their breeds.

1. You may not adopt more than 3 at a time, give others a chance!
2. Do not use them in other sites.
3. I may add more rules if needed.
4. If you don't want your adoptables anymore, you could release them to the Shrine or gift them to someone else.

Gift/ Release to the Shrine

Code: Select all

Number of creature:
Gift or Release?:
If gift, to whom? :[/b]
Creature Data
Elephant- Just like regular elephants but special in colors. (Retired)
Birdie- Just like regular birds but special in colors.
Cat- This is a special type of kitty as it can come in all colors and markings.

Leon (Old) Leon (New)- Just like anormal Lion but comes in different colors and patterns.
Peacock- This lovely creature was brought from the exotic rainforest to cheer us up whenever we are down.

Girafee- These were brought from the land of Africa, if one processes these, you'll have the ability to grow taller whenever you want.
Elemental- There's different species of Elementals but most of them resemble Leon. I'll need more info on this too.

Available at the moment
Image 265g

Adoption form:

Code: Select all

Type of creature:
Number of creature:
Name for the creature:
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Re: Little Zoo Pen- mini adoptables : Breeding Center

Post by Zackeline »

Breeding Center
Once you have your Love Liquid, you may breed them with others and get babies. They may have between 1-5 babies at a time. If you want to have 5, that's possible but it cost more gold and time, but the most is 5.

+1- 150g
+2- 300g
+3- 500g
+4- 800g

1. If you want to breed yours with other player's creature. make sure you have their permission first.
2. You may also gift your babies to other players.

Breeding form

Code: Select all

Type of creature:
Number of both creatures:
Once I post how your babies looks like, post the Naming form like the one below.

Naming form

Code: Select all

Name of creature:
Number of creature:
Future owner of creature:
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Re: Little Zoo Pen- mini adoptables : Customs and recolor

Post by Zackeline »

If you want a Custom, you've come to the right place! For a Custom, I'll charge by how complex it is. But take note that I can't do Customs as good as Blackunia did as I don't have those fancy art programs.
Since there's the new Cures, you may order Custom Cure too. The prices are the same- charge them by how complex it is.

Q: What the advantage if I ordered a Custom?
A: Well, you could choose any species for it (except for Elephant) you may choose any designs, backgrounds, colors, accersories, etc. May add more in the future.

Q: Can the Customs breed?
A: Yes, they can breed just like the others. Special thing is, their children have 50% of obtaining their parents markings, making them more special.

Super simple- 300g- 500g
Easy- 600g- 900g
Hard- 2.5k- 3k

Slots for July(please post if your name isn't here)
1. MythicalDragon- DONE
2. Firebird- DONE
3. Firebird- DONE
4. BreAngel
5. Firebird- DONE
6. MythicalDragon- DONE
7. MythicalDragon- DONE
8. xxavrilxx- DONE
9. xxavrilxx- DONE
10. HoukaRyuu- DONE
11. Firebird

Custom form

Code: Select all

Type of creature:
Name of creature:
Gender of creature:
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Re: Little Zoo Pen- mini adoptables Catalogue

Post by Zackeline »

There's a few ways to obtain items. Buy or Gift, or by winning in special events. You can buy items with gold or creatures.

Play toys
It costs 10g and comes in all sorts of patterns and colors.
This picture is done by the awesome Windspirit.

It cost 15g. Comes in all sorts of patterns and colors.
Another picture done by amazing Windspirit.

Decorations/ Background
Flower petals, 10g- Spring is in the air! Flowers are blooming and the wind is blowing!

Backgrounds- Bakgrounds are the scenery you want for your pets. You may order whatever background you want. They cost from 500g- 1.5k, depending on its difficulty.

Accerssories- This include necklace, earings, rings and other stuff that your pet may wear.

Special items
Love Liquid- A special item that makes your creature fall in love and have children of their own. It taste like strawberry and vanilla. It can only be obtain through special events.

Elemental Potion- A special potion that allows the creature that drank it turned to an elemental. It could be a fire elemental or maybe a water one but no one could be sure. It can only obtain through special events.

Buying form

Code: Select all

Name of creature:
Number of creature:
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Re: Little Zoo Pen- mini adoptables : Events

Post by Zackeline »


The Legendary Cures
So you guys know about the cure Guardians but did you know about the Legendary Cures? They were the most powerful of all Cures. One represent spring and rhythm; the second one represent passion and bravery. (there's another just for me :D )
Here's how they look like:
They're available for adoption but how do you adopt them?
Well, number 129 can be adopt by 3 methods:ADOPTED BY FIREBIRD
15 Savannah Alphyns
10 Minicorns (of any color)
20 Farir

How to adopt number 130?
She's obtainable by 2 methods:ADOPTED BY DESERTSTAR & MYTHICALDRAGON
5 Silvian Alphyns

NOTE: They must be Stream-born/ Shop-born.
Past Events:
Pokemon Week 2!!!
Welcome to Pokemon Week 2! Just like the last one, you may request creatures with features of pokemon. Well, you know what it is already so begin the event!

There's some rules too: (I know we hate them but we gotta have them)
1. You may request up to 3 only.
2. Do not ask for more slots.
3. They must be related to the creatures my rangers discovered so far.
4. I may add more if needed.

Well, since it takes time to do these, I'll be charging them. From 1k to 2k each, that includes background, items, wings and etc.

Use this form below:

Code: Select all

Type of creature:
Gender of creature:
Description of pokemon:
*Use the Naming form after I uploaded your creatures

1. Firebird- DONE
2. Firebird- DONE
3. Firebird- DONE
4. MythicalDragon
5. Zackeline- DONE

Until next time then! :wave:
Pokemon Week 1!!!
Welcome to Pokemon Week 1! As the title says, it's Pokemon Week, meaning I'll be making Pokemon-like creatures according to my adoptables. You may order up to 3, must be related to the creatures in the Data so far (peacock, lion, cat, bird, girafee) There'll only have 5 slots for this week, may have more in the upcoming Pokemon week.

There's some rules too: (I know we hate them but we gotta have them)
1. You may request up to 3 only.
2. Do not ask for more slots.
3. They must be related to the creatures my rangers discovered so far.
4. I may add more if needed.

Well, since it takes time to do these, I'll be charging them. From 1k to 2k each, that includes background, items, wings and etc.

Use this form below:

Code: Select all

Type of creature:
Gender of creature:
Description of pokemon:
*Use the Naming form after I uploaded your creatures.

Slots: Closed
1. shaowlugia- DONE
2. shadowlugia-DONE
3. shadowlugia- DONE
4. MythicalDrgon- DONE
5. MythicalDragon-DONE

Till next week then! :wave:
Sparkles of the Beasts
What's the occasion? Well, here's 2 adoptables, ones an Elemental Leon and the other is a Cat. They're both made of the sparkles of the night, earning them the name 'Sparkles of the Beasts'. How to obtain them? Well, they may be traded for
20 Koi Fishs
5 Ashevors
2 Quetzalcoatls of any kind

If you want them, send a post telling what are you paying with, I'll uplaod as quickly as possible. You may also ask for backgrounds for them.

Please note that they will never be able to breed, forever! :yey:

Bought by MythicalDragon with 2 Quetzalcoatls.
The Rose Garden
Welcome to the Rose Garden. I'm Eline, your guide for today. The Rose Garden is a place where you may find many species of roses, from the rares to the most common ones. But an evil witch has cast a black spell on the garden, turning it into a living nightmare. The only way to undo the spell is by finding the white rose, also known as the sacred rose. To those who managed to find the rose will be granted a rare Leon. I wish you all luck.
If you read the RP then you know what your mission is- find the white rose. I've place a picture of a white rose among my posts in this thread. If you managed to find it, you'll win a Custom Leon.

I've placed the picture, so get going! (The RP is random!)
Found by Firebird!
Parade of Flags!
Welcome to the Parade of Flags! Here's what you're thinking, 'What the heck is this?' Well, this is a parade, with flags of course. To enter this parade, you're assign to make a flag of your own, something that you like. You're allowed to submit 3 the most. I'll judge by the design, color mixing and so on. The deadline is the end of May, which is the 31st.

There'll be 3 prizes:
!st place: A pair of Custom Birdie, the winner will fill the details after the event. Won by Firebird!
2nd place: An Elephant with the flag you designed. Won by shadowlugia!
3rd place: A Love Liquid. Won by MythicalDragon!



Beauty of the Night
I've got 2 very special adoptables for you, they are:
How to obtain them?
They can be traded for:
40 Koi Fish
3 Pygmy Phoenix
20 Savannah Alphyn

If you want them, send a post telling what kind of payment you choose. I'll try to upload as quick as possible with your name and you may ask to add backgrounds for them.

Please note that they can only breed once, so choose wisely. And they don't need to use the Love Liquid to breed!

Bought by Firebird with 3 Pygmy Phoenixes.
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Re: Little Zoo Pen- mini adoptables : Owners and pets

Post by Zackeline »

Happy owners and pets

Zackeline-founder of Little Zoo Pens
ImageImageImage She's Rin twin sister so they have the same number.ImageShe's Wen twin sister so they have the same number.ImageImageImageImage
Firebird-Queen of the Birds
MythicalDragon-Owner of the Largest Zoo Pen
xxavrilxx-Princess of the Kitties
ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage Both Tini and Mini have the same number as they are twins, Tini is the elder of the twin.ImageImageImageImageImageImage Magic and Jade have the same number cause of this reason- they were born on the same day and time, the only differences is that they're from different species, also earning them the name- 'The Duo'. Jade is the older of the twin.
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Re: Little Zoo Pen- mini adoptables : FAQ

Post by Zackeline »

Frequently Asked Questions

Q What type of program do you used?
A: Microsoft Paint.

Q: When will there be events?
A: If you wanna know...stalk the thread!

Q: Where did you get your ideas from?
A: Daily life is a good example. Simpliy by looking at a t-shirt design helps me and watching the clouds helps too. I'll also listen to various music, even though I didn't know what it means.

Q: What's the reason you made this adoptable shop?
A: I thought of making one for a while now and I wanted to earn some gold to buy myself some DP.But I'll probably make a new one after I get a tablet of my own since it cost a lot in my country.

Q: How can we breed and obtain special items?
A: Well, your creatures may only breed when you have the item: the Love Liquid. It's a special item and can only obtain through events.

Q: How do we know if a creature is an Elemental?
A: The price of the creature will be higher than normal and they will have flame-like design coming out from them. The Birdie which resembles Pygmy Phoenixes and also consider as Elementals.

Q: Does the customs has special line art?
A: No, as it will take me sometime to draw it again and you know how MS Paint is...
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Re: Little Zoo Pen- mini adoptables : The Shrine

Post by Zackeline »

The Shrine

Welcome to the Shrine. Here's a place where unwanted creatures that people who didn't have time and heart to care for reside. The Shrine is guarded by creatures known as the Cures. As many creatures fell sick and pass on, the Cures have these special ability- to communicate with spirits and heal creatures that are wounded or sick.

Q: How to adopt them?
A: It's simple, just use the adoption ofrm like you would adopt a creature from the Adoptery.

Q: How much does it cost for a Cure?
A: It's cheap, just a Koi fish. The Koi fish is from the stream, not the Pond. It must be unnamed, unfrozen.

NOTE: If you want to name the Cure, make sure it has the word 'Cure' in it.


Here's the Cures that are available for adoption:
None for now!
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Re: Little Zoo Pen- mini adoptables

Post by Zackeline »

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