Restore the Old Glory to the Pharaohs

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Restore the Old Glory to the Pharaohs

Post by Serianna »


As you enter the great pyramid time stands still for a moment. Suddenly the dust stirs up around you and you are transported back to the beginning...or is it ??? There stands Ahmose I Thutmosid and Ahmose Nefertari Thutmosid looking at their many ancestors and descendants, but some seem to have gone missing??? Ahmose I and Ahmose Nefertari turn around and whisper " Why do you disturb our final resting place ?" You bow with great reference and say "I've come to help restore your family line, In order to do so I need a few of your children to help begin restoring it." Granted I can't go back in time beyond here I can begin here and go forward with your dynasty becoming the new first dynasty moving forward through time recreating your great legacy. All magi shall remember your greatness and efforts to restore the great Egyptian Lineage....

Ahmose I and Ahmose Nefertari smile with respect and whisper, " We greatly appreciate your help in restoring our legacy, for this we will provide you with one of our daughters or sons, or their children to begin rebuilding the legacy." Silence grows as dust begins to swirl and you return to the present with your wyrm.... You also notice a great scroll with a map to the royal treasury room, the map whispers in ancient magi..."If you succeed in restoring all the Dynasties you shall be awarded a grand prize... Below is just a sample of what is to come... But, gather the help of others as they too will be rewarded for their help as it increases the chances of one of you succeeding in restoring the line...

Grand Prize : Currently 1.8 Million Gold (You'll see this number grow with time) The plan is after the raffle is done to gather enough gold for each generation group (1st, 2nd, 3rd) to have their own grand prize of at least 1.8 mil gold.

Mini Prizes - I will also be making prizes for a few other things, like most frozen, most inbred to name a few... (thinking of others) maybe most gold, most black, most copper to :)

Everyone will be receiving a 1st generation Immortal Lineage (once the Scarabs produce their first born creating the lineage) for participating in restoring in the lineage. Those who reach generation 18 during the course of the project or I see have been truly ACTIVELY participating in the thread... when we reach 33 generations and beyond... will receive an additional special prize yet to be determined. (and it's such a lovely golden surprise :)) Oh I can't wait to tell you all I won't announce it till majority of us hit generation 10 though :)
Last edited by Serianna on June 3rd, 2011, 1:39:08 am, edited 8 times in total.
Thank-you everyone for all the beautiful gifts under the tree. *Love them!*
MagiStream Donor
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Restore the Old Glory to the Pharaohs

Post by Serianna »

Rules for Lineage Restoral...
1. Grandfather Rule: Since before I decided to do this project, I had given away some Thutmosid wyrms or sold them. I decided to grandfather those Thutmosid wyrms in. The only condition is that you post that you wish to participate, and the wyrm you will be using to start with...a.k.a if you use the 1st or 2nd generation wyrm you were given or one of their off spring that is 3rd generation or less. The second condition is to be fair to everyone, only wyrms born on or after June 14th, 2011 will be considered valid for the lineage rebuilding... Basically the only Thutmosid wyrm that can be born before April 20th is the wyrm you are entering into the contest with.
I wanted to be fair to everyone who will be receiving their wyrms over the next few days...who would not have the benefit of having possibly bred 2nd Gen + already.
If you've read this put Beverly's where it belongs.

2. All Thutmosid Lineage Wyrms must be named after a member of a Egyptian Dynasty, basically as long as I can Google the name and find reference to the name being of someone related to a King or Queen you are fine, I will also extend this to people of great importance during a leader's reign... for example the pharoah's architect, or someone who becomes revered as half-god (yes that means you can use Gods/Goddesses names now :)... For example if you search for Djer you will find references to 5 possible wives for him. I would consider each of those acceptable names...I would prefer your mates to the Egyptian Queen or King or family member have at least a Egyptian name or be left unnamed (I didn't think about this when we were breeding the 3rd gens, so since the third gens many have a non Egyptian parent, I will remove this plus technically Cleopatra and her relationship with Caesar etc.) ... this is a preference and not a requirement. Also, please leave the title of Pharoah, King or Queen off the actual name as the lineage originally started w/out this being added and it'd kind of look weird if half the lineage has the title affixed and half doesn't.

3. You can breed with any generation copper/black/grey/gold wyrm... the wyrms can be inbred...

4. You are allowed to freeze and inbreed did I mention that... There will be prizes given out for each of these also... not quite as much as the grand prize... But given that within the Egyptian line it was known that on several occasions to keep the line going the pharoah would marry his sister or half sister etc... It is also known that in some occasions a royal family member would die at a young age... This is why I will allow both freezing and inbreeding.
If you have read this far put & Roger's where it belongs
Lineage Specific Rules
This lineage is named for the dynasty King Tutankhamun (King Tut) hailed from. As is obvious, this lineage is in honor of King Tut and celebrates the wonder of Ancient Egypt and the 18th dynasty of Pharoahs.

There are only three rules for this lineage is that the wyrms be named after members of Ancient Egyptian Dynasties, and no Grey Pearl Wyrms in the lineage. Also, please leave the title of Pharoah, King or Queen off the actual name as the lineage originally started w/out this being added and it'd kind of look weird if half the lineage has the title affixed and half doesn't. As you read and research for the name you choose for your Thutmosid wyrm, you will realize why freezing and inbreeding will not be banned from this lineage.

At this time there is 52 available Thutmosid Wyrms (if all 52 are deplenished I will breed upon request but, you will potentially have a delayed start for the contest itself :)
When filling out the form please provide the name you'd like your wyrm to be named after... I request you provide both a male and female name of a Egyptian Queen or King :) etc... This is so I can name the little one prior to giving it to you and that the gender/name match etc.

If you have read all the rules then you know the first part of the key word the final part is "trip to the King Tut exhibit in 1977." ~~~ My parents' first official date :) ~~~

Please Fill Out The Following Form To Participate:

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[size=150][color=#8040BF]I want to help restore the ancient Egyptian dynasties![/color][/size]
Magi User Name:
Grandfather Rule: (Please post your Creature ID # and name here if you are being grandfathered in) 
Name to be given to your wyrm: (Please provide a Queen and King's name) 
I have read and understand the rules of the project and will abide by them, I acknowledge this by providing the key phrase which is: 

Would you like a Stream Wyrm or 1st Gen Wyrm to pair with your Thutmosid Wyrm to get started ? 

Last edited by Serianna on June 14th, 2011, 4:33:51 am, edited 13 times in total.
Thank-you everyone for all the beautiful gifts under the tree. *Love them!*
MagiStream Donor
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Magi's Who Helped Restore The Royal Family

Post by Serianna »

Participants with 1st Generation Wyrms
(required to get to dynasty (generation) 31 to Win Grand Prize)

1. Tinnidawg - Akhenaten - (grandfathered) creature/2253551 NTS
2. Zunami - Narmer - creature/3872982 (new Thutmosid - for tracking purposes atm) NTS
3. Jadeunicorn - Cleopatra - (grandfathered) creature/2375700 NTS
4. Mcath - Imhotep - creature/3920609 (new Thutmosid - for tracking purposes atm) G

Participants with 2nd Generation Wyrms
(required to get to dynasty (generation) 32 to Win Grand Prize )

1. Seraphin - Sobeknefru - creature/3649256 (new Thutmosid - for tracking purposes atm) G
2. FyFy - Sesh - creature/3798359 (new Thutmosid - for tracking purposes atm) NTS
3. GrowlingCupcake - Khasekhemwy - creature/3920610 (new Thutmosid - for tracking purposes atm) G
4. ErrantMist - Neco - creature/3923929 (new Thutmosid - for tracking purposes atm) NTS
5. SideShowMom - Ramses I - creature/3688055 (new Thutmosid - for tracking purposing atm) G
6. quelyn - Huni - creature/3709162 (new Thutmosid - for tracking purposes atm) G

Participants With 3rd generation Wyrms
(required to get to dynasty (generation) 33 to Win Grand Prize )

1. Zozzy - Qa'a - creature/3923930 (new Thutmosid - for tracking purposes) G
2. Orange - Ankhesenamun - creature/3686329 (new Thutmosid - for tracking purposes) NTS
3. Xoje - Hotephirnebty- creature/3871594 (new Thutmosid - for tracking purposes) G
4. Saphyre - Tiyi - creature/3997090 (new Thutmosid - for tracking purposes) G

IloveChuck - Scorpion - creature/3207592
Last edited by Serianna on October 30th, 2011, 7:29:26 pm, edited 24 times in total.
Thank-you everyone for all the beautiful gifts under the tree. *Love them!*
MagiStream Donor
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Restore the Old Glory to the Pharaohs

Post by Serianna »

Acceptable Names can be found at several websites: ... Egypt.html

The link you will need to click on each of the names to determine male and female... but here a few to help you out:
Dynasty 1 -
Menes (Hor-Aha)
Wadj (Djet)


Banners!!! to carry around :)
Thank-you Zunami for the wonderful banners :)


Code: Select all


Code: Select all


Code: Select all

Last edited by Serianna on April 20th, 2011, 12:25:53 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Thank-you everyone for all the beautiful gifts under the tree. *Love them!*
MagiStream Donor
Member of Society of the Trident
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Restore the Old Glory to the Pharaohs

Post by Serianna »


Here is the Family Link :)

Prolly should have that somewhere :)

Seri's goal for end of contest gold wise...

It's too long for the pretty shiney sig!
Last edited by Serianna on May 6th, 2011, 4:57:30 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Thank-you everyone for all the beautiful gifts under the tree. *Love them!*
MagiStream Donor
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Restore the Old Glory to the Pharaohs

Post by Serianna »

Last edited by Serianna on April 20th, 2011, 2:48:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
Thank-you everyone for all the beautiful gifts under the tree. *Love them!*
MagiStream Donor
Member of Society of the Trident
Posts: 1627
Joined: August 29th, 2009, 12:10:31 am
Gender: Female

Restore the Old Glory to the Pharaohs

Post by Serianna »

Last edited by Serianna on April 20th, 2011, 2:48:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
Thank-you everyone for all the beautiful gifts under the tree. *Love them!*
MagiStream Donor
Member of Society of the Trident
Posts: 1627
Joined: August 29th, 2009, 12:10:31 am
Gender: Female

Restore the Old Glory to the Pharaohs

Post by Serianna »

Last edited by Serianna on April 20th, 2011, 2:48:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
Thank-you everyone for all the beautiful gifts under the tree. *Love them!*
MagiStream Donor
Member of Society of the Trident
Posts: 1627
Joined: August 29th, 2009, 12:10:31 am
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Restore the Old Glory to the Pharaohs

Post by Serianna »

Last edited by Serianna on April 20th, 2011, 2:48:35 am, edited 2 times in total.
Thank-you everyone for all the beautiful gifts under the tree. *Love them!*
MagiStream Donor
Member of Society of the Trident
Posts: 1627
Joined: August 29th, 2009, 12:10:31 am
Gender: Female

Restore the Old Glory to the Pharaohs

Post by Serianna »

Thank-you everyone for all the beautiful gifts under the tree. *Love them!*

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