Trials of the Wisps OoC

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Re: Trials of the Wisps OoC

Post by SkyShard »

Okay good, I was worried there for a minute that it may have been too much. If I have time or the motivation to I might make a second character to add to the roleplay.
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Re: Trials of the Wisps OoC

Post by ParadiseSeeker »

Oh my so many females
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Re: Trials of the Wisps OoC

Post by SethDaimon »

@paradise I know and only one guy hahaha. @skyshard that would be cool.
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Re: Trials of the Wisps OoC

Post by ParadiseSeeker »

Seth if I can correct this I will make a male character we need to even this out! :)
“...she said all writers were prima donnas, drunks, social misfits, pompous, or depressed. Brilliant, maybe, but completely crazy.” ― Ilsa J. Bick
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Re: Trials of the Wisps OoC

Post by Iliad »

Username: Marth.
Name: Allen Rayet.
Age: 17.
Gender: Male.
Gender Identity: Male.
Appearance: A slender, willowy boy, Allen stands at about 5'7" - a little below average. He weighs in at around 125 pounds, and has a narrow, lithe-looking frame - obviously built more agile than strong.
He has pale skin, unblemished save for a few freckles across his cheeks. These are also light, and can barely be distinguished except for under sunlight. His hair is a muted golden-brown color - it is soft and a bit fluffy, with several strands curling up slightly at the end. Save for those, his hair is relatively tame and lies flat against his head. He has a long fringe, which he pushes to the left, and the rest of his hair goes to about halfway down his neck. It's neatly layered, if a little bit messy since he usually doesn't brush his hair too much - it tends to behave fine, though.
Allen's visage is very feminine - a rounded jawline instead of an angular one, soft cheekbones, a small nose, and sharp, long eyes. His brows are soft as well, a darker brown color. His eyes are brown near the pupil which lightens to amber, though they seem to flash brighter at times. These eyes constantly flash around, very observant, and seem to focus on and take in everything without trouble. His lashes are thick and straight, holding the same hue as his brows.
Allen usually wears casual or sports clothing, as he dresses for comfort and doesn't have much of a fashion sense anyway - most often, he wears a muted maroon track jacket, usually zipped up completely - though he tries not to show it, he doesn't much like how his body looks and would rather conceal it with baggy fabric. Though it usually doesn't show, under that he wears T-shirts from various shows he watches or schools he's gone to - he hasn't grown since the eighth grade, so everything still fits just fine. He also tends to wear jeans that border on skinny but are roomy enough for them not to feel tight; they tend to bunch at his ankles. On his feet he wears a pair of slightly-worn gray Converse sneakers.
Personality: Allen is a friendly boy, no doubt about that. He acts kind as a general rule, a small smile usually on his face - he's easily befriended, and trusts easily as well (maybe a bit too easily). He's friendly, but not to the point of invading privacy; he seems to have a very good grasp of people's boundaries, and makes sure not to approach them.
Though friendly, Allen is also soft-spoken and shy; more of a bookworm than a sports person (though he did use to be in a track club), he likes to keep quiet and read. It's a bit of a fine balance between being a little more outgoing and a bit more reserved, and Allen has really good balance in that sense. He enjoys reading quite a bit, and despite the fact that textbooks are as dull as a river rock, he still seems to like reading them - possibly just for the distraction factor.
Allen is extremely academically intelligent, easily keeping good grades throughout his years at school in the Honors program. He excelled especially in two completely contrasting topics - math and language arts. Though he was never good at creative writing at all, he found that writing expository and persuasive essays were quite easy and fun for him - a weird pastime for sure. However, despite his aptitude for school, he never joined any athletic clubs. This was due to the fact that for most of his school years he was on the track team.
As mentioned before, Allen is built for speed - he was a relatively good runner on the team. Not the best, but not the worst by any means. However, with the track team comes bad memories - he doesn't remember, of course, but he feels like his gentle personality may be built on something unhealthy. He doesn't like the feeling, can't remember why he feels it, and is basically surrounded by a sense of unease because of this.
He's also easily startled, as his ability to sense when people are around him is around zero. And he has no awareness. As well as this, he hasn't exactly been exposed to much stuff sexual in nature - while yeah, he has seen some stuff (who, by the time they're seventeen, hasn't), he isn't exactly... experienced. Thus, dirty jokes tend to fluster him a little. Quite innocent, if you want to say it that way.
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual.
Ideals: Allen's ideals include equality - of sexualities, of genders, of races. He's not sure how this change may be brought about, but he's willing to try. He also sticks to the idea of being true to oneself throughout life.
Fears: Allen is deathly afraid of, in equal measure, heights and deep water. He thinks that they're somewhat silly fears to have, but he can't stop himself from basically passing out when encountered with either one. His fear of deep water is so severe that he can't go in a swimming pool past the six-foot mark, and would panic and seize up, unable to think rationally to get himself out of the situation. His fear of heights is similar - he can't go more than about twelve feet up off the ground, and even looking over stairway rails for more than a moment is long enough to cause dizziness and shortness of breath. To a lesser degree, he is afraid of spiders and most insects, really - he'll kill them, but has an aversion at any rate. Perhaps just as much as the first two listed fears, though he reacts less at this one, Allen is afraid of being bullied or physically hurt by others, due to what he's experienced in the past. However, at this point, he just knows that he hates it - he doesn't know why (yet).
Desires/Dreams/Goals: Allen doesn't have many dreams or goals for the future, save for the fact that he wants to go to a good, multifaceted college, and developing his life from there. He also wants to make more friends, something he hasn't exactly had a good time trying to do.
Relationships/Bonds: None yet.
Flaws: Allen's resolve was never very strong, and though he has ideals, he was never one for standing up to them. He's easily guilted, and honestly, any bullying or ill-natured teasing might well completely crush him. He's not the most strong-willed, and crumples easily under pressure.
History: Though his history accounts for most of his personal development and personality as well, Allen doesn't remember any of it, which has thrown him off considerably.
Though Allen was borne into a happy family as an only child, his childhood was far from the happy one that would be expected. His home life was average - his parents, though a bit busy with their respective jobs, both loved him and each other, and everyone got along very well. Allen spent his first five years of life in happiness, developing a love for people since he got along so well with his parents back then, and was presented as a very happy-go-lucky child.
As Allen started school, he could sense that something was a little bit off. He didn't seem to be as social as the other kids, and he didn't seem to understand people quite as well as they did. Nevertheless, this hardly ever bothered him as a preschool student and elementary schooler, as small children tended to have less of a brain-to-mouth filter anyway.
As he entered middle school, Allen joined the track team. His social skills still seemed a little subpar, but nothing that prevented him from making a few friends. However, his bond with them began to crumble around the seventh grade.
Allen had always looked very feminine, and the judgmental minds of the athletes on the track team began to grate on him for that. At first it was just subtle hints of dislike - when grabbing Gatorade for the other members, someone would conveniently forget to get him one. Nothing he couldn't brush off. However, it was a different story when it started getting worse from there.
Gestures turned to words, and words turned to actions. By eighth grade, after track practice, Allen would be cornered when the coach left, and in addition to having curses spat his way, would be kicked, punched - all where no one could see. The insults got worse - slurs against gay people, which they assumed just from how he looked - and the hits started getting harder. This continued all the way through about halfway through his sophomore year of high school - and he never could tell anyone because he was threatened with more harm.
During this time, he largely lost any of his former bright personality - though he could pretend in front of parents and teachers, he couldn't bring himself to talk to the "friends" who had just stood there and watched as he was shoved against lockers and beaten. However, one day, the pain he'd had to endure came to an abrupt end.
It was at track practice, sometime in the winter - the middle of the year. Just the day before, Allen had been beaten just a little more severely than usual, with more people joining in. It wasn't exactly a new occurrence, but perhaps this time, they had gone a bit too far for his body to take. The cold air was hard enough to breathe on its own, and coupled with the abuse to his ribcage that had been taking place, Allen suddenly found himself short of breath. A little too short of breath - in fact, he couldn't breathe at all.
He keeled over on the track, and was taken to the hospital; due to this incident, everyone found out about the bullying. His parents, his coach, his classmates. The principle was notified, and the boys who had been found out as the ringleaders were expelled. Forever.
It turned out that their parents hadn't known either, and resulted in harsh words and punishments being directed at them. One even moved away. Colleges that had wanted them for their athletic ability redacted their statements.
This particular tale had a happy ending; in the next year and a half, Allen recovered quickly, and began to regain some of the warmth he had once possessed. Though still quieter than he used to be, he became once more the well-mannered boy that he had been.
However, any threatening gestures still strike a chord within him and he instantly freezes and shuts up.
Other: That was... quite a text wall. Well, then. Uh.
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Re: Trials of the Wisps OoC

Post by SethDaimon »

Oh my god another guy and he is friendly it is a dream come true. Em I think we have enough people now. Alright everyone here is how we are opening this bad boy up. I want your first posts to be a respond to the scenario given in the main forum. What would your character do and how. Be as detailed as possible. Just do not rp the results because that will be my job. Side note your characters and all experiencing the same thing individually not as a big group. Good luck and half fun.
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Re: Trials of the Wisps OoC

Post by ParadiseSeeker »

To be clear what we first read about waking up in bed and all the lovely plot we add are character in and add extra?
“...she said all writers were prima donnas, drunks, social misfits, pompous, or depressed. Brilliant, maybe, but completely crazy.” ― Ilsa J. Bick
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Re: Trials of the Wisps OoC

Post by SethDaimon »

Basically. You do not need to copy the one on the top of the rp. Make it yours that is just the basics one to use if you like because the really important part is how your character reacts to the problem given.
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Re: Trials of the Wisps OoC

Post by EmLenore »

Username: EmLenore
Name: Illumina "Mina" Maboroshi
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Gender Identity: She
Appearance: ... -knows.jpg
Personality: Mina is normally very bubbly and happy, always with a smile on her face.
Sexual Orientation: [blank]
Job: Counselor
Relationships/Bonds: [not yet]

I'll edit personality more
Hello, I am in my second year of college and am very busy.
I am also an avid roleplayer and have got myself caught up in several rps on three different sites. Not too mention I'm trying to create a guild on Gaia and run a roleplay on here. If I don't RP fast enough, I'm sorry, I have my reasons.
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Re: Trials of the Wisps OoC

Post by SkyShard »

Okay, my first post is up! I can't wait to see How everyone reacts to the scenario!

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