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Re: The Red String Remake OoC

Post by Elfie »

Joining to surprise a dear friend who talks very highly of this RP. I must say romance normally isn't my thing but I took the time to read through the intro and system behind the Red String and it's very intriguing.
If anything is wrong with the form let me know asap c:

Súrion Alfheim
Pronounced: sue-REE-on
17.5 years old
Súrion is well built, lean and rather broad in the shoulders, not exactly a brick but he could sure lift a sack of potatoes if need be. He’s more of the athletic type I should say, lacking the professional finish for he doesn’t like much physical activity. He’s facial features lean towards a youthful side, bright, and charming, he has a strong jaw line that is always clean shaven. Dark brown hair frames his face, it sits in whatever the morning dictates but it seems to have a liking for a soft feathery appearance, complete with a side swept fringe. Not that Súrion notices. Complimenting his lively face is two intelligent deep blue eyes that constantly twinkle with an inner wonder, it’s safe to say he likes to see new things no matter how cheesy or touristy.
Despite his easy 5’11 ft height he walks with a fluid, natural cat like grace, he has a dignified stance even though he strolls through life seemingly without a care in the world. His voice matches his composure, heavily accented and lilting, he can say the most absurd things in the softest or deepest voice, normally rising and lowering pitch drastically in the same sentence.

Attire wise he’s smart causal, always liking to wear anything that’s loose fitting and roomy. Curiously enough he also carries around a gold pocket/fob watch that has the distinctive dignified air of being at least a hundred years old.
Reckless and impulsive Súrion is not likely to heed words of warning over the sound of his own wants. It’s safe to say the logical side of his brain is an underused muscle. He’ll jump in feet first without a clue what he’s getting himself into. He’s happy in the middle of a brawl or gallivanting off on some adventure to sight see the country side, basically he craves attention and action where ever he might be. A real extrovert if ever there was one. Due to this he does love new experiences and isn’t frightened of embarrassing himself in front of others, not that his cool cat ways would actually allow him to be embarrassed, no matter what he does. He’s a confident, cocky and poised beastie and will not back down from a fight ether, the troublesome sod.
Contrary to this he can be quite snarky, reserved and generally a smart ass to people he doesn’t fancy, he’s also liable to avoiding everyone for days on end if he feels like indulging in his own company. He can be quite temperamental.

On top of this Súrion is decidedly lazy, or to be accurate labour is a word he’s not familiar with and will blatantly ignore any and all chores if it doesn’t benefit himself in anyway, same goes for favours. It’s best not to ask him for any serious favours for he’s liable to ignore them, that is if they’re not amusing to him. If you’re ever in a pickle, and I mean a real dangerous jam where the lid is closing in on top of you with no chance of escape, then he’ll help.
One huge character trait that must be discussed is his flirtatious nature, he’s a lover at heart and will smooth talk his way into anyone’s soul, even in normal conversation he’s able to slip in a few subtle vibes often making others giggle or roll their eyes. Also if you haven't picked up on it already he's totally smug with himself, it borders on narcissism.

If there’s one characteristic a lot of people oversee it’s his honorific side, he might be a lofty asshole but if he gives his word he’ll stand to it no matter the cost to his own person. Said he’ll give you a loan? Than he will. Offered his place as your own, than you better well stay over. Another attribute others miss is his appreciation for the little things - The handmade birthday card, the photo bombed selfie, the homemade pie you baked, he’ll take these small tokens of time and effort as if they were sacred. Due to this he can be quite the hoarder.
Surion tends to stick out like a cat’s claw and is never one to simply “blend in”. It’s easy to assume he’s not a local, and you’d be right.
The boy grew up in what can aptly be described as a faraway land, or as less poetic individuals would call another country, English is not his first language and so can be hard pressed to find the right words to fit the situation without reverting back to his mother tongue. Why the reason for the move to Astreia two years back?
There are a few theories which fly around, flinging their warped existence back to Surion who sends them on their way even more outlandish. One theory states he’s running away from unsavoury individuals who are pining for his head on a pike, and to be in a shop display complete with doilies, another foretells of a lonely soul in search of love and reflection from a life of hardship and heartache, and yet another will tell you he’s here to start afresh after the death of his family. In short no one knows.
What is known for certainty is that he has an older brother, used to live with him, and then was mysteriously left to fend for himself. He is well off after inheriting money from an unknown relative, and is liable to flaunting his rich status by buying any poor person who appeals to his eye a drink. He also has a pen-pal which is why out of all the towns in the world he picked Astreia.
Sexual Orientation:
It is a well-known fact to all his friends that discerning his “orientation” is about as fruitful as making a polar bear confess it’s love for heat waves. However it’s also imperative to note that Surion will hit on anyone, or anything, within a five mile radius.
-Leaving this section blank until further notice/advice is given. Feel free to exploit his pen-pal or any other connections however you like-
True Love:
~ Has a pet Main coon cat named Quaint, smuggled him into the country.
~ Is liable to sleeping in odd places, such as under the coffee table or on top of the kitchen counter.
~ Is perfectly happy answering his doorbell nude if it happens to be someone he knows.

~~Surion is a very important/precious OC of mine, he’s not to pass hands to another RPer, or yourself if for some reason I become inactive. I will of cause give warning if I /do/ become inactive or unable to post for some reason. If this is a problem don’t be afraid to PM me c:
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Re: The Red String Remake OoC

Post by NekoKyu »

@Elfie: Welcome! Surion looks just great. I only have one question about him: what sexual orientation should I list him as in the character lists? It doesn't have to necessarily be his exact orientation, it's simply to make it easier for me when it comes to ordering and pairing characters. Other than that, I have no issues with him.

@Marth: If you want then I say go for it. ^_^

Ugh, it so isn't. It's getting a bit better, but for a time I was having a panic attack nearly every day. A little bit less than a month to get through though, so I'm almost there.

@UniquePain:Seems just fine by me. ^_^ I imagine people are still pretty busy with real life (since I know I am), but at least this thing is getting some grease again. :lol:

@Paddie: The woes of not having legal drinking buddies. XD Although I'm sure he'll easily find some if he feels he really wants them.

It sounds cool, but at the same time I'd probably be super grossed out if my hands glowed a lot. Then again, I once used glow-in-the-dark lip gloss to paint my face, and that was pretty fun. ^w^
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Re: The Red String Remake OoC

Post by Elfie »

Thanks Neko ^u^
Should I write up a starter post for him or would you like me to wait until you've rolled the pairings ect? And is there anywhere in particular you'd like me to insert him in?
As for his orientation Pansexual should do the trick.
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Re: The Red String Remake OoC

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

*hugs Neko* stress sucks, :( hopefully you feel better once classes and the like end.

As for Cole, he will absolutely find drinking age friends when he gets the chance! :D

And Glogerm only gloes under blacklight so it wasn't like super in the way x3 they have glow in the dark lipgloss? Oh! I can be a Radium Girl this Halloween if I can find it o.o does that sound weird? That sounds weird...
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Re: The Red String Remake OoC

Post by Iliad »

Oh man finally posted - sorry for such a long wait, Pain! And here's the new kid. The form isn't totally done yet, but they're here:

Username: Marth
Name: Art Elliot Marta
Age: 17
Sex/Gender: DMAB Agender.

Appearance: Art is a curious mix of many European races, but as strange as their heritage may be, they're still about as white as Wonder Bread, and as such are rather pale in skin color. They have light freckles that are not usually noticeable, but could be under careful scrutiny. Their features are very androgynous, with a small nose, narrow chin, and undefined cheekbones. Their eyes are a cloudy blue but deceptively sharp for their color.

Art's hair is naturally dark brown, but they have bleached it and now it is a light shade of blonde; their roots are starting to peek out, though, since their hair grows pretty fast; it is a bit feathery and sticks out a bit at the back, but for the most part falls down straight. It's cut and layered until it ends at the top of their neck, and their bangs fall over their eyes, though they often push it back so that it looks more like a wave falling over their forehead. Their brows and lashes are the same color as their natural hair, so a lot darker than the dyed color.

Art is about 5'7", average height for sure; they weigh about 120 pounds. They're built slim, and tend to slouch a little so they appear an inch or two shorter. They have average proportions, if their legs aren't a little longer than the usual. Pain to buy pants.

Art's got a very meticulous fashion sense; they pick out clothes with a practiced eye, and as such usually look like a walking advertisement for some magazine. However, they specifically choose colors which draw little attention, like light grey to black. On a typical summer day, they could be seen wearing sunglasses, a loose tank top, and capris along with Converse sneakers. They like to wear woven bracelets as well, but more of these are handmade by them.

Personality: Art is a friendly person, no doubt about that. They act kind as a general rule, a small smile usually on their face - they're easily befriended, and trust easily as well (maybe a bit too easily). They're friendly, but not to the point of invading privacy; they seem to have a very good grasp of people's boundaries, and makes sure not to approach them.

Though friendly, Art is also soft-spoken and shy; more of a bookworm than a sports person (though they are in a track club), they like to keep quiet and read. It's a bit of a fine balance between being a little more outgoing and a bit more reserved, and Art has really good balance in that sense. They enjoy reading quite a bit, and despite the fact that textbooks are as dull as a river rock, they still seems to like reading them - possibly just for the distraction factor.

Art is extremely academically intelligent, easily keeping good grades throughout their years at school in the Honors program. They excelled especially in two completely contrasting topics - math and language arts. Though they were never good at creative writing at all, they found that writing expository and persuasive essays were quite easy and fun for them - a weird pastime for sure. However, despite their aptitude for school, they never joined any other athletic clubs. This was due to the fact that for most of his school years they were on the track team.

They're also easily startled, as their ability to sense when people are around them is around zero. And they have no awareness. As well as this, they haven't exactly been exposed to much stuff sexual in nature - while yeah, they have seen some stuff (who, by the time they're seventeen, hasn't), they aren't exactly... experienced. Thus, dirty jokes tend to fluster them a little. Quite innocent, if you want to say it that way.

History: Art has lived a supremely uninteresting life, thus far; they were born to quite an average middle-class family, and were sent

Sexual Orientation: Panromantic demisexual.
Relationships: None yet?
True Love:
Other: Art uses he/him/his or they/them/their pronouns.
Last edited by Iliad on May 6th, 2015, 11:45:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Red String Remake OoC

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

I'll probably be posting later today, for once in ages I have some time to relax *dances* But I don't even know what to do with Dante right now, I just realized he's like lounging in his apartment doing absolutely nothing :derp: I love his character but he's being super boring x3
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Re: The Red String Remake OoC

Post by NekoKyu »

Elfie: You're free to write a post for him whenever and wherever you'd like. ^_^ The character pairings won't be rolled or revealed until later in the roleplay. Unless of course you're referring the randomisation stuff I did before I started the rp, in which case that's already passed. I could still do that for you if you would like though, it would just be a bit restricted.

Paddie: Thanks :t-hugs: Luckily, I'm on my last week for the semester. So with that, I should be more free to enjoy the summer. :3 It'll probably take me a while to reboot though. >.>

I'd offer up Ray, but he's recently gotten a job as the bartender. :yarly: Then again, it's not like that'll stop him. :lol:

Yeah, I found it once around Halloween. I had to hold it near a light bulb for about 30 minutes or so to get it to glow bright enough for me, but it was pretty cool. It's also pretty hard to wash off. I have no idea how long the glowing lasts though. Also, a Radium Girl costume sounds awesome. No idea what it's supposed to be, but it glows and thus it sounds awesome.

Oh! You could have a bird just fly into the window or something, and have Dante freaking out as he tries to figure out what to do? Or maybe he hears a lost dog outside? Almost all my ideas will likely involve animals. :derp:
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Re: The Red String Remake OoC

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

I'm so excited, I only have one more final left, Friday, so thankfully I'm just about finished completely :bounce:

What is Ray being offering up to do...uhm, that was not even English but I won't fix it! :evil:

And ohgosh, I'm overplaying his ability to freak out, and his utter paranoia, a bit, but a bird in his apartment would probably terrify him. Actually, that reminds me, there was this one time I was at one of my client's houses feeding the dogs before walking them when I hear this weird noise. I look around and there's this freaking bird flying back and forth trying to get out but failing miserably (the back door where it came in from was in the opposite direction from where the bird was), so I'm silently freaking out because birds are actually weirder than I had ever realized, and trying to sort of chase the bird back out of the house. It took like ten minutes for the bird to leave. Weirdest thing ever.

But no yeah, a bird in the apartment would be hilarious x3. Apparently he has a new phobia, because that makes somuch sense to me. x3 I should write that scenario out, I'll probably just edit it into my post, x3.

Edit: Also, Radium Girls were a group of female factory workers in the early 1900's who would paint radium on watch dials to for glow in the dark faces. They would use their lips to make the brushes pointier for finer painting, and would even use it as nail polish and lipstick because glowy! Unfortunately the girls didn't realize radium was dangerous, and their bosses never told them (because cheap labor!) and they contracted, and died from, radiation poisoning. They're one of the major reasons for modern labor rights :yarly:
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Re: The Red String Remake OoC

Post by NekoKyu »

Wooooooo congrats Paddie, you made it to summer! :t-glomp:

:lol: Ray's old enough to be a legal drinking buddy to Cole

Overplaying paranoia is awesome! :evil: Funnily enough, I had a similar situation when walking my aunt's dogs, only instead I noticed a bird that was trapped inside a store window. I wound up heading inside to help guide it back out to freedom.

Can't wait to see Dante's bird freak out. XD

Oh wow! Radium Girls surely would look awesome, but dear glob the atrocities of 1900's work ethics! Geez, you'd think that Radium Girls would be a must to mention during history lessons
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Re: The Red String Remake OoC

Post by Padfootsmistress777 »

I don't feel like I did but I did, yey! *flops over*

Ohheis, Cole would probably like Ray as a drinking buddy :yarly:

The bird actually scared me, it was all spastic and flaily, *shivers* they're nice outside, not so much inside x3. But go Neko for freeing a birdie!

I still need to write that, eh? Yeah I'llgodothat.

Well, at least from what I remember, mostly things like child labor was brought up, but not Radium Girls... But sadly I didn't pay as much in history as I wish I had ._.
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