The Dragonsouls ~ OOC Thread

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Re: The Dragonsouls ~ OOC Thread

Post by ParadiseSeeker »

Username: ParadiseSeeker
Name: Claire Meron
Title/Nickname(s): (Lord or Lady, or any nicknames)
Age: 24
Gender: female
Dragon: Theia
Dragonsoul or Apprentice? Dragonsoul
Sword: The sword is a rather short one only going from her elbow to her finger tips. Although small this sword is very sharp and double edged.
Abilities: Since she is the dragonsoul of life one of her power is to create plants and control them at her will, but flit can only last for three minutes.
Weaknesses: Clair doesn't like to be alone, during her childhood her parents would travel a lot and leave her home alone they would often be gone for days. The mention of her brother makes her extremely sad, he was older than her and always went with their parents on their travels, one day they were attacked and he didn't make it. The last weakness is that Claire can be very stubborn.
Appearance: Clair is not the tallest girl, she only stands 5'5 Claire keeps her hair pinned in a rather unkempt bun with braids holding it together. When her hair is not in a bun her blond hair goes down to her mid-back and is rather wavy. Claire has dark blue eyes the almost seem as dark as the sea, and minutes skin is rather pale. On Claire's back is three scars running straight down her back, even Claire herself is unaware of how she got them.
Personality: Claire is a "do now think later" girl, she doesn't hesitate. To do things if necessary. Claire is very selfless adding to her attitude she wont hesitate to do the thing that. needs to be done to help a person, Claire usually is quiet and likes to be alone. If she has no choice to be alone like if she had an apprentice Claire will act as if she is happy to be there smiling and seeming truly happy. When angry Claire has a "do what I want, give no cares" attitude and if you don't want her to do it she will. When angry Claire has a bad attitude sometimes making snarky comments about the little's of flaws, when happy Claire has a very kind attitude and seems as if she was a loving mother to everyone.
Family: Claire's mother Rosemarry and father Blake are both alive and well but other than that she has no one.
Relationship: come get her ;)
Pets: Claire has an ordinary male barn owl named Yatimah which means orphaned one.
Last edited by ParadiseSeeker on March 4th, 2015, 11:03:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Dragonsouls ~ OOC Thread

Post by Silvereil »

All right. It looks pretty good, but maybe you could add one more line to her personality? Also, as for the power, summoning spirits would be more of an ability that the Death Dragonsoul would have.

Some powers I would generally think of the Life Dragonsoul to have might include reviving dead plants or maybe being able to grow plants. A Life Dragonsoul might have healing powers, perhaps. Things kind of like that.

Feel free to have a look at some of my forms in the second post on the front page of this thread if you need any ideas of what kind of things to add to personality, or feel free to refer back to the RP thread for ideas on what kind of abilities a Life Dragonsoul might have.
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Re: The Dragonsouls ~ OOC Thread

Post by ParadiseSeeker »

Alright I will edit it in a little I was in a slightly rush. Right now I'm packing to move :)
EDIT: I'm using my phone so I cannot edit it tonight
“...she said all writers were prima donnas, drunks, social misfits, pompous, or depressed. Brilliant, maybe, but completely crazy.” ― Ilsa J. Bick
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Re: The Dragonsouls ~ OOC Thread

Post by Silvereil »

Okay, that's fine. Let me know when you get that done, and then your character will be accepted.
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Re: The Dragonsouls ~ OOC Thread

Post by Guardian_of_time »

Username: Guardian_of_Time
Name: Aaric Jairen
Title/Nickname(s): Lord
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Dragon: Tanethil, The Tideripper
Dragonsoul or Apprentice? Dragonsoul
Sword: Requiem a beautifully crafted blade that looks like it’s made of ice. The leather grip has silver inlay that makes a wave pattern going up to hilt. It is sharp and precise just like Aaric’s mind.
1. Water State Manipulation- Aaric can manipulate the form and temperature of water (ie lower temperature and freeze it). However depending on the extensiveness of what he’s doing this can drain his powers for a couple of days to a week.
2. Healing- Aaric can use water as a catalyst for minor healing, but it does take some time (about 3 days) for him to recover from it.
3. Tidal Wave- This power allows Aaric to create a fearsome wave to wash away his enemies, however due to the force of this it takes a lot of power out of him.
1. Pride- Aaric takes seriousness in what he does. If someone questions it he takes it as a personal attack against his pride. This does lead to him not seeing things the way they are at times.
2. Knowledge Thirst- Aaric can get on people’s nerves due to his extensive knowledge on certain subjects. If he doesn’t know something he makes it a mission to find out everything he can.
3. Serious- Aaric takes everything at face value and has little time for humor. If someone tries to joke with him he may try to humor the person, but usually gets irritated at such childish doings.
Appearance:Aaric stands tall and proud at 6’2”. He has a fluid look to him when he moves almost like a river that’s been contained to a human body. His hair is a deep brown and usually found messed up or pulled back out of his face revealing his grey eyes that look like two puddles of water. His skin is fair with a few scars on his arms and body from fights he’s been in.
Personality: Aaric’s personality much like water can change at a moments notice. While most of the time he is calm and collected it can change to full on rage at the drop of a dime. When he speaks there is an air of knowledge and seriousness which he uses to his advantage. He does try to sway the opinions of those he is talking to so they see his view, but if that doesn’t work he finds a way around the obstacle.
Family: His mother who is a ranking noble of the court. His father died when he was younger.
Relationship: Open
Pets: Two otters one named La and the other Tui. La is black with a white patch on his chest while Tui is white with a black patch on her chest.
Other: Rise of the
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Re: The Dragonsouls ~ OOC Thread

Post by Silvereil »

Ah, yes. The glowing sword. I love that image, and I've used it in the past.

Accepted! Let's see if we can get any of the other spots filled.
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Re: The Dragonsouls ~ OOC Thread

Post by ParadiseSeeker »

OK I edited it and changed the persanality sorry if its bad I'm using my phone.
“...she said all writers were prima donnas, drunks, social misfits, pompous, or depressed. Brilliant, maybe, but completely crazy.” ― Ilsa J. Bick
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Re: The Dragonsouls ~ OOC Thread

Post by Silvereil »

Mm... I suppose it's accepted, though given that this is a semi-lit to advanced RP, I would really like you to display better use of grammar than what appears in your form. Okay?
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Re: The Dragonsouls ~ OOC Thread

Post by ParadiseSeeker »

Ah yes I definitely will I was just in a rush and using my phone.
“...she said all writers were prima donnas, drunks, social misfits, pompous, or depressed. Brilliant, maybe, but completely crazy.” ― Ilsa J. Bick
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Re: The Dragonsouls ~ OOC Thread

Post by Silvereil »

Oh my goodness. I feel so bad. I am so sorry for disappearing on everyone. I got really really sick and have just managed to get back online now. Again, my deepest apologies.

I am back now and hopefully won't go away again (at least not until May when I have my cousin's wedding to go to).

@ParadiseSeeker: All right. Sounds good.
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Silvereil ▪ Writer ▪ Dreamer
Flight RisingGryffsScripturient

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