Trials of the Wisps OoC

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Re: Trials of the Wisps OoC

Post by ParadiseSeeker »

Ah yeah here I go with excuses where I live its super late but during the roleplay and other posts that won't happen promise. I ment make a male character.
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Re: Trials of the Wisps OoC

Post by SethDaimon »

Ah gotcha. It is no problem. If you would like to make one I am fine with that. I have a friend making a sample character as an example if you want to see it first
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Re: Trials of the Wisps OoC

Post by EmLenore »

I'll be posting it tomorrow. Too late for me to make tonight.
Hello, I am in my second year of college and am very busy.
I am also an avid roleplayer and have got myself caught up in several rps on three different sites. Not too mention I'm trying to create a guild on Gaia and run a roleplay on here. If I don't RP fast enough, I'm sorry, I have my reasons.
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Re: Trials of the Wisps OoC

Post by SkyShard »

Username: SkyShard
Name: Cassiopeia Everly (Prefers Cass or Cassie)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Gender Identity: Female
Just imagine her hair curlier.
In one glance one would miss the beauty that is hidden behind blocky glasses and sweaters. Cassiopeia possesses long dark tresses of wavy/curly hair that falls just past her waist; though its length is unknown to others for that it is always up in some sort of bun, nerdy and professional, a look she prefers to distance herself from others. The color of her hair is most intriguing with its underlying tones; it is outwardly a rich dark brown, but when in direct light shades of blonde and red become visible. Its color compliments her candy apple green eyes that are harshly hidden by the blocky glasses that she wears. When met with her gaze it would almost freeze you in your tracks, a deer caught in headlights, she seems to strip you bare with a single glance and is capable of discovering all your secrets. Thin eyebrows and long lashes frame her eyes and contrast greatly to her pale ivory skin. Her lips, full, but her bottom a bit fuller than the top almost in a permanent pout.
Cassiopeia stands at a tall and graceful height of 5' 9", which often makes her stand out among others, something she rather avoid as if it is the plague. She is often seen in jeans, sneakers, and oversized sweaters that conceal her natural hourglass figure from wandering eyes. The young woman was very self conscious about her body; which has old burn scars marring her upper back and right arm from her shoulder to her elbow.
Personality: Life is rather odd in its ways and how it plays out; especially when it comes to Cassie, who's looks and personality seem to endlessly contradict each other, but at the same time not. At first she seems she and nerdy, but if you look closer she's actually quite beautiful and strong willed. She is very reserved and distant to those around her and often seems to have escaped into the deep recesses of her mind. Cassiopeia hates attention and tries to go unnoticed, being more of a introvert, observer, and loner to all else. Underneath the rough exterior there is a brilliant mind aspiring for greatness and endless streams of sarcasm and witty remarks. Books have become her best friends over the years, they were her release, a way for her to forget about what was happening around her. Some may call her obsessed but she'd just say that it fuels her own imagination; seeing as when she isn't seen in lessons or with her nose in a book, she's more than likely writing frantically in an old notebook. If someone were to ever ask, which would require others to actually speak to her, they would find that her time was dedicated to writing her own tale.
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Ideals: Cassie treasures her ideals of living life with no regrets, to be herself, and love everyone even if they feel as if they don't deserve it.
Fears: One of Cassie's greatest fears would have to be complete darkness; perhaps a rather childish fear in the eyes of others but to someone with an overactive imagination it can be rather terrifying. She also fears abandonment, the feeling of being stranded after trusting someone whole-heartedly, and having them tossing it away without a second thought. Her greatest fear would have to be fire, an element of beauty and destruction, that shows little mercy to innocent life.
Desires/Dreams/Goals: Cassie dreams of becoming an author above all else, it wouldn't matter if she was a famous one, she only desires for something of her own to be published and recognized.
Relationships/Bonds: None
Flaws: As once said before, Cassiopeia fears abandonment, but that only stems from her relationship issues. The young woman guards her heart a little too fiercely, with no one being able to worm their way in, she doesn't even know what it is to love and be loved. On the other hand, she tends to over analyze situations, and she always has to know the answer to every question. It certainly drives her mad when left in the dark and unknowing.
History: Often people find their childhood memories as something to cherish and the years that they look back on and smile. When is comes to Cassiopeia, it is the complete opposite, she only feels guilt, pain, and remorse. (Although she does not yet remember ever felling such things.) Cassie was always a curious child, an endless stream of questions running from her mouth, and often found playing with things that she shouldn't have. Who could have known that she would have ended up getting her hands on her father's favorite lighter? It was an accident really, she had no harmful intentions, or foresight to what would happen. Cassie was only playing, flicking the lighter on an off in her parents bedroom as they slept, admiring the small flame that would appear. After all, when a child is only five, they would have very little knowledge of the dangers that fire may present when not contained. Everything had gone down hill from there. With clumsy fingers, the lighter had fallen from her hand and quickly spread, thankfully the fire alarm had gone off and the local firemen were automatically contacted. Trapped on the canopy bed, Cassie's parents perished, while the girl herself was rescued with deep second degree burns. Accident or not, Cassie was responsible for the death of her parents, something that would leave a scar far deeper than any burn.
Last edited by SkyShard on January 27th, 2015, 5:20:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Trials of the Wisps OoC

Post by XanetheDragonKnight »

Username: Xanethedragonknight
Name: Lance
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Gender Identity: Male
Appearance: Image
Personality: He has a very bleak sense of the world, he cares very little for those around him and he could care less about them. His heart has become very closed to others around him.
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Ideals: Wishes to be accepted, but he has never known acceptance so he keeps from others.
Fears: Heights and clowns are the ones that affect him the most.
Desires/Dreams/Goals: He does his best to find a way that he can belong.
Relationships/Bonds: none
Flaws: He refuses to help others, as well as having high anxiety when it comes to being in large crowds.
History: Before coming to the school, he had been tormented by a drunken father in his use. This made him very cold and the lack of true friends only intensified his feelings of loneliness. He has tried reaching out, but given the fact that every attempt has been turned down. He became very standoffish and he closed himself off to the world.
More will be added later as we discussed Seth.

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Re: Trials of the Wisps OoC

Post by SethDaimon »

(All accepted :) I think we have enough people to start what do you guys think?)
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Re: Trials of the Wisps OoC

Post by EmLenore »

I think we might want maybe one more to help diversify the group?

Also I'll be posting my counselor here.
Hello, I am in my second year of college and am very busy.
I am also an avid roleplayer and have got myself caught up in several rps on three different sites. Not too mention I'm trying to create a guild on Gaia and run a roleplay on here. If I don't RP fast enough, I'm sorry, I have my reasons.
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Re: Trials of the Wisps OoC

Post by SethDaimon »

You speak the truth. Okay we will wait a little while longer.
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Re: Trials of the Wisps OoC

Post by SkyShard »

I can't wait To get started! :woo: Also, I feel as if I should apologize for the length of my form, it's a lot of information to comb through. I'm familiar with playing Cassie though, so I felt it would only be right to create another version of her story, and judging by the other characters that you all have created it will certainly be exciting.
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Re: Trials of the Wisps OoC

Post by SethDaimon »

(Please do not apologies. I was so happy when I saw that form. The length is great. I do not mind longer forms in fact they are my preference in this rp just because of how i will be running it)
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