Leviathans time (Another CE)

MagiStream's legend competition. Winners have their writing as part of the world.
Posts: 146
Joined: July 9th, 2009, 4:45:47 am

Leviathans time (Another CE)

Post by Kelsea »

In the South-West areas here was a lake where tropical and exotic plants grow abbundently.Here also live a kind of creatures whit serpents body and large fins whit their body covered in wonderfull colorfully scales.People started calling them leviathans because they can't be either giant water snakes or sea monsters.

One day two little hatchlings were playing outside the lake covering themselves whit algaes and pretending to be mummy's.Suddenly from the middle of the lake appeared a colorfull head that said "You two come here NOW" it said angry.The little leviathans could do nothing but run as fast as they can whit their fins .As they got in the water they starterd to swim to the location of the head .

"What we done?" they asked curiously "Now you ask what you've done?! you were playing outside the lake !"
"But we are bored to play in the water.WE live in water after all !" the little green hatchling said intrigued
"Don't you dare contradict me!" she shouted at her hatchling .The little leviathan angry leaved to the bottom of the lake where all the newborn hatchlings play

The little green leviathan drilled in the ground searching for something,he found a very old door .He tried to pull the door whit his little fins and finally done it .A small passage was leading to the surface .He entered and swimed his way to the end . "Finally out!" he said when he got on the dry ground .He went trough the "forest" of grass to a place named "lialaee pond".The little hatchling ran as fast as he can to the water but before realising he was chased by a giant dog!

Runing as fast as he could he finally made it to the lake jumping in it like jumping on something very bouncy .Splashing evrything around he swimmed fast to his mother hugging her and saying " i will never leave home again" .His mother laughed as seeing he learned his lesson.

Yay another story ^^A little bit longer but im proud of it
Posts: 146
Joined: July 9th, 2009, 4:45:47 am

Re: Leviathans time (Another CE)

Post by Kelsea »

i always find leviathan hatchlings cute ^^

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