Do you believe in anything supernatural?

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Do you believe in anything supernatural?

Post by NodoBird »

I really really like this topic and I find the subject matter really interesting. I would like to believe in things like the Mothman and Nessie, I'm pretty agnostic about those. But I'm pretty confident about my belief in ghosts, aliens, and bigfoot.

Just for fun, free of judgement, I was wondering what you all thought about this stuff!
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Re: Do you believe in anything supernatural?

Post by BradTheMad »

In my personal opinion many paranormal things aren't outside the normal as so many people experience them it should be considered a normal human experience.

Supernatural is usually a term people use for the same thing but it also involves things such as cryptids.

I believe in a lot of paranormal things but I do not believe in people claiming to have all the answers. I don't have all the answers but I have some personal beliefs.
Nobody can for a fact state what happens after death for example. If we'd all turn into ghosts there are very few of us around going bump in the night.
I used to be a ghost hunter and rather than what tv-shows make you believe it is quite...boring. In the seven years I did that line of work I have only three unexplainable encounters with what I believed to be human spirits.

The biggest problem with these topics is human bias. Many hauntings I investigated were nothing more than people adding details from external sources. The details they added were straight from horror movies and stories they were influenced by. Some were heavily influenced by their own beliefs or religion.
Also, people tend to focus on human ghosts but there are animal and many non-human spirits. Most so-called hauntings act like 'recordings' and have zero interaction with their environment.
Slamming doors, flying objects...yeah no that just doesn't happen. Forget about those silly hoax videos on YouTube and TikTok and ghost-hunting tv-shows made for cheap thrills(and money, lots of money). It's funny how many pubs and hotels are supposedly haunted...
The most amazing things I witnessed whilst ghost-hunting was a silvery glowing orb that floated next to me and my friend and a necklace that was clearly and quite visibly ripped from around somebody's neck. These things I still think back on and go "wow" but I cannot tell for certain what was going on. I have theories but they are just that; personal theories.

I'm a pretty spiritual person but I believe that spirits and such are always here and around us and not just rattling doors at midnight or 3am (or whatever time is popular these days). Their influence in the physical world is subtle. If you do not know where to look you won't notice and that is as it should be. No weird stuff; it's how the universe works in my opinion. It is all interconnected and works in harmony. If stuff like that would happen all the time nobody would be able to live an actual life.

Cryptid's are interesting as the big monstrous creatures they describe aren't real. With all our modern technology we have never found any physical evidence. The lake/Loch where Nessy should be living in is just not sustainable for a creature so large.
Purely physically cryptids aren't real but I believe there is a combined psychological and spiritual component at work and they are "real', just not in the flesh.

Aliens. Statistically speaking they should be out there somewhere. Or already here. Civilizations could rise and fall throughout the universe. There might have been huge alien empires long gone or still in the early stages of development. I do think we are staring ourselves blind on human-like aliens and I am of the belief that alien life could be so truly alien we might not even recognize them as living beings.
The state of the human race makes me hope that any aliens out there are smart and would pass us by though. If some of us cannot even bear the thought of people with another skin-color what the heck would we do with actual alien life-forms? It won't be like Star Trek or Star Wars. Humans need to grow up; we cannot even take care of our own home planet. If I were an alien I would dodge the human race for sure.

So yes I believe in a lot of these things but to me they aren't easy "I am a believer"-topics. It's not so black and white.
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Re: Do you believe in anything supernatural?

Post by SeagullSongs »

I don't really believe in any cryptids; so many wild animals behave in ways that can be unexpected and eerie, it seems like a lot of stories about strange creatures could be a case of mistaken identity. Especially if we account for sick animals (mange can make all kinds of animals look extremely freaky, for example) or individual animals that have ended up far from their usual range (either particularly adventurous wild animals or escaped exotic pets). And as for creatures seen in the water, it's really hard to get a good look at something underwater from a boat, especially if the weather isn't great. Plus, a lot of aquatic animals look pretty bizarre all on their own even if you did see them perfectly clearly! Now, some cryptids have their roots in extremely old oral storytelling traditions, and stories about them might be preserved memories of animals that are now extinct. Which I think is plenty cool enough on its own, even if those creatures are long dead.

None of this is to say that the people who report seeing bizarre creatures are stupid for interpreting what they've seen as a cryptid. If you see/hear something you weren't expecting to, especially at night, and it isn't something you easily recognise, it's human nature to try and piece things together with whatever information you have. Being out in the wilderness is a little unnerving in its own right, too; I've definitely had moments where I suddenly felt on edge for no apparent reason. But personally, the thing I'm most afraid of finding in the wilderness is another human who has bad intentions.

As far as ghosts/spirits go, I think I believe in them? But I think ghost hunting tv shows are fake (and lowkey disrespectful at times), and there are a lot of cases where supposed hauntings have been proven to be something mundane instead. Sometimes it's actually really important to consider the non-paranormal possibilities, because some very dangerous things (e.g. carbon monoxide) can cause mental confusion and hallucinations that might be mistaken for a haunting. And things like sleep deprivation, malnutrition, and mental illness can also cause people to feel and perceive unusual things. So if someone's suddenly seeing ghosts, or if a location seems to make a lot of people see/feel weird things, I think it's a good idea to first rule out non-supernatural possibilities, for the safety of everyone involved. But, with all that said, I do think that on some level, an "echo" of a living thing might stick around after that thing is dead. It's a little bit difficult for me to say with 100% certainty that I believe in ghosts because I've never personally had an experience with one, and I think I would need that in order to feel more certain about them. But as far as the concept goes, I do think there might be something true, and I kind of hope that one day I do have an experience with one.

Aliens almost definitely exist; I think I'd be more surprised if it turned out that our planet is the only one in the entire universe that has life. But I don't think aliens are flying around abducting people, and they absolutely were not responsible for building any iconic structures in the ancient world. Humans are plenty capable of amazing things all on our own, and it does a huge disservice to those ancient societies and their descendants when fake experts and conspiracy theorists say that their religions and technology couldn't have originated from their own culture and ingenuity.
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Re: Do you believe in anything supernatural?

Post by Willowwindy »

Not sure about ghosts of animals but I do believe and have seen ghosts of two people. My first experience with this was when my family was living in an old farmhouse in Noyon Quebec. I was 8 years old at the time and my younger sisters were seven and six. Around 9:00 one night in October under the light of a full moon my sisters and I saw a man wearing a captain's hat and uniform just looking through the window moving very slightly. He appeared to be quite older though 85 because he had a face full of wrinkles. And we could only see the upper half of his body and that was just for about 40 seconds. We were very scared by this and my youngest sister started screaming. I only remember that we saw him three times during the 2 years we lived there. Our mother came rushing upstairs and looked outside the window but there was nothing there. It wasn't a Prowler because there was no tree by the window nor was there any way to get up to where the window was from the outside. My parents checkbook the next morning they never found any tracks in the moist earth at all.

We actually found it later when my mom talked to the local grocery store owner that the house we rented was owned by a a captain of a ship. It wasn't an ocean-going vehicle but one that carry cargo between cities on the st. Lawrence River and the Great Lakes.
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Re: Do you believe in anything supernatural?

Post by GuesssWho »

I think that it's quite possible for things to be untouchable by science. Science is a useful tool, but it relies on things being repeatable and reliable. It's not a good thing to base your entire worldview on.
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Re: Do you believe in anything supernatural?

Post by Howltrail »

The supernatural is hard for me to run away from as a native american person. I embrace the world around me as being full of spirit and soul and have experienced many little signs that the world around me is alive. It's just how things go for me.





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Re: Do you believe in anything supernatural?

Post by Syth »

In my experience there are many things that live with us on this planet that would be classified as such, if only because they are not like us.
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Re: Do you believe in anything supernatural?

Post by menmy »

i'd say yes. in my opinion it's very limiting to say i don't believe in something such as this, as there's so many things we can't prove yet. it's like how the concept of DNA was seen as crazy talk in the past and now it's common sense.

i like believing in what can't be explained just yet and maybe not ever. maybe that's a way of coping with how little i really know, who knows..
(but also, i just had some really weird stuff happen to me)

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Re: Do you believe in anything supernatural?

Post by CaityJuju »

I do believe in the supernatural as I have experienced some things over the past 6 years. In April of 2018 I was attacked by some kind of malicious entity in my home, it tried to scare me by banging loudly on my computer desk but I didn't realize what was going on until a friend of mine at the time messaged me on Discord and told me he was woken up to come help me, and there's something in my room. I burst into tears and had a panic attack realizing I didn't even notice the entity was there - which is what terrified me even more.

I've been doing spiritual work since 2018, and I have experience with other "supernatural" things, and what I can say is that those beings are always around us, though 99% of the time they rarely interact with anyone. Though, a lot of people do receive signs, or unusual things happening which were caused by something on the other side. Like a loved one sending Cardinals for example, or seeing a license plate with a very specific message on it like "MomLuvsU" as an example.

There's a lot that goes on in this world that we don't ever see because it takes place elsewhere, or on other "planes". It's all purposefully and carefully planned and crafted to work exactly as it's suppose to for all of time.
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Re: Do you believe in anything supernatural?

Post by Hollowshield »

I do, I believee in ghoshtshh, vampireesh, poltergeishtsh... I LOVE YOU MAN! eect. It'ssh hardto not I LOVE YOU MAN! believe I LOVE YOU MAN! inn doosshe dingsh, I dont exactly llike watching paranormal shhowsh but I do love leaarning about ddifffereent paranormal dingsh. Dey I LOVE YOU MAN! are alwaysh sho intwiguuing, alsho UFOshh interesht me becaushe dere are sho many difffereent shhape and shizzed onesh. Please click my little ones <3 Image

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