Dreams..Had any? Share here.

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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by Angelch17 »

I just woke up from a dream ....

I for some reason had just been elected as President. There were people trying to get me as they didn’t want me to take the office.
I was traveling with someone I didn’t know down a road towards the House. We were on horseback and as we rode down the road I could see some vehicles that had been attacked and there were bodies all over the place. Just then someone started to shoot at us and we veered off the highway down a small dirt side road. Going down this road, my horse got very uneasy and suddenly to the left of us there was a large animal behind a fence. I was relieved that it couldn’t get us. I’m not sure why but we turned around to go back towards the highway, when suddenly my horse veered to the left off of the road into a canal of water or mud. I’m not sure which. Suddenly I was inside a house and people there were discussing the situation and trying to decide how to get me to the House. I remember opening a door that led to a garage where a car that I felt was mine was parked and as I looked past the car I saw that the garage door was wide open. I quickly shut the door and asked several times in panic, “Who opened the garage door?” Just then a man (I’m guessing a bodyguard) ran past me towards the door to the garage and just before he opened the door he looked at me as if he knew he was going to die. But no one was there and that’s when I woke up.
There were a lot of little details of the dream that faded as I woke unfortunately but wow that one was crazy I just had to come and post it here.
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by missshadedlove »

The other day i just dreamed my dad had died too..but it wasnt as emotional..which is weird because i love both my parents.
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by Angelch17 »

That is odd. My dad passed when I was 3 so I don’t remember much more than what I see in old pictures. I don’t recall having dreamt of him more than a time or two.
I truly hope that we are reunited with our loved ones after we pass. Until then I can hope to dream of them.

Has anyone had any dreams that keep recurring or dreams of flying? I have had these both happen in the past and always wondered what it really meant. My flying dreams are really more like swimming through the air and they don’t last long I find myself trying hard get off the ground or to even keep flying.
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by TheWhiteTigerGod »

There are a few dreams I remember.

The first one, I was flying over the African Savanna, and when I landed, I immediately woke up, since it felt like I had just fallen right onto my bed.

The second dream is where I'm in an office, my family is there, I can't see the owner's face, but I can notice other things, like the blue dress shirt, his red striped tie and black slacks. We all stand to leave and he shakes our hands. A few months later, the feeling of Déjà vu hits me like a ton of bricks because I see my mother's divorce lawyer has on the same clothes as the mystery person in my dream. However, that wasn't what made me realize it, it was the handshake. It felt exactly the same as it had in the dream. I have had other déjà vu moments originally appear in dreams, but that one was the longest.

Then of course there are the really odd/scary ones. I once dreamt I was going through this incredibly scary roller coaster ride and once it ended, the atmosphere turned red and meteors started appearing in the sky. The family huddled together for our final moments, and then I woke up.
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by MakuroMythos »

I've had very realistic-feeling reoccuring dreams for as long as I can remember. My earlier one developed during my preschool/kindergarten years. My school at the time was very strictly Catholic (I'm not), which, looking back, very clearly terrorized 3-5 y/o me. :devil: That dream was set in a forest on the bank of a river. The river started out calm, but quickly transitioned to whitewater-rapids-level current. Mary would be standing in the calm water holding baby Jesus and at some point he ends up in the water. I'm watching him get drowned and tossed by the rapids. :sweat: That's it. I'd always wake up shaking, heart pounding, and with a feeling of intense terror.

I've found that I generally remember dreams that have really high levels of emotion. I used to get those kinds of nightmares frequently and they'd keep me from going back to sleep, but now if I get those high-emotion dreams, even if they're "nightmares," the anxiety doesn't stay with me as long when I'm awake.

:derp: Sooooo.... Does anyone else have reoccurring dreams? Are yours always the same, or do they change? Some of mine have been with me so long they've kind of become a game dungeon; I'm just re-exploring the floors and finding new rooms! :bounce:
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by strawfurries »

i have very vivid dreams, like, all the time. they range from terrifying to obscure, and my most recent one that i feel comfortable sharing was actually quite wholesome :D

i had rescued a possum from the wild. i named her speedracer. i knew in my heart that she was too large to keep as a pet and must be returned.

when i awoke, it was clear i'd been crying. i had strong feelings about her and she'd felt like a real pet.
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by LastLullaby »

One of my biggest dreams is to fly to Los Angeles or Maldives.
(did you know the maldives are flooding and may disappear?)
My second dream is banal. I want to be happy and make my relatives happy.
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by Othaniel »

I usually have pretty boring and mundane dreams :wtf: I've had dreams so boring that I've woken up from them because I was bored (I dreamed that I was back in school, my junior English teacher was going over something that we'd been over four times and she'd taken away my paper so I couldn't pass time that way).

The most recent dream I've had = was set in 1860 for some reason and my gang of outlaws were sitting at a nice family dinner with some folks we'd just met and they served us our gang leader for dinner. :sweat: Donner Party anyone?
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by CorruptedUnicorn »

Today I had a dream where my children from the future travelled back in time to meet me in the present. They were a boy and a girl, but "combined" into one person because apparently they couldn't time travel otherwise. I spent most of the dream asking them how they came to be and thinking how to tell them I am not interested in having kids and thus they shouldn't exist. It was... awkward, yet sort of sweet.

As someone who believes dreams tell something about the person having them, I don't know what this means and I feel a bit uneasy. I hope it's not telling the future... O.o
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by juniperberry »

i usually remember my dreams, as they're always very vivid and real feeling, and i often experience lucid dreaming where i can actually knowingly interact with the dream which helps with the remembering afterward, since it makes it feel more like a real Experience. i also sometimes have dreams that seem almost prophetic, or that, after it happens in real life, i go, "oh! i dreamed about this happening exactly like this!" maybe it's just deja vu, but it is a bit disconcerting, lol

the dream i remember most, though, is one that i had after an extremely rough time in my life. in the dream, i was floating face-up in a lake of crystal clear water that had pine trees growing up from the lake bed and the tops of the trees were about 15-20 ft under me. the water had no movement or ripples at all except for around where i was floating. then, a little bird flew down and landed on the water beside me, but it didn't like float like a duck would, it stood on top of the water and its feet made little indents the way water bugs do. nothing else happened, but it was such a serene scene, and the me in the dream felt so at peace and the bird seemed to be telling me that things would be okay. when i woke up after that dream, i felt better inside than i had in ages.

i also have a certain recurring nightmare that i remember quite clearly (from having had it multiple times ^^;) but i'll only talk about the nice dream this time, lol
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