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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

Mira usually being quiet and shy towards others seeing as she had a fear of letting people down, the last thing she wanted to do was let that fear be known though as she realized San’s seemed to be catching onto the fact that she was a people pleaser. This was so embarrassing...it wasn’t as if she was incapable of saying ‘No’, it was just...

What if she said ‘No’ and her rejection ended up hurting someone in the end?

“I promise I will say no if something bothers me~”, Playfully rolling her eyes as she smiled at the friendly skeleton, Mira wanted him to known she may have looked small and defenseless but she was tenacious if anything, “I’m not a little kid, y’know~”.

The human turning her attention towards the old looking books that Alphys had acquired though, Mira could only hope that within them there was perhaps a way to get rid of this barrier so she could go home and her new friends could go free as they deserved, the scientist focusing on one in particular that said on its faded cover, ‘The seven souls: guidance to determination and-‘

The rest of the title was too worn to read.

“These are amazing!”, Piping up as there was ‘determination’ of sorts in her heart, though not the human kind, to finally have some hope for a new way to the surface after all these years, it was a long shot but who’s to say they couldn’t get there eventually?

“Alright, is anyone up f-for a deep dive?”, Glancing at each of the monsters and the human in the room as she helped Asgore to bring the many books onto a table in the lab, Alphys even wasn’t going to get through these in a single night, “Of course if your Uhh, busy it’s totally cool though, just thought I might offer”

(Shall everyone start heading back from the lab? :))
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

(Sure! Are we introducing Mira and Papyrus to each other next? If so, Papyrus can always call demanding to meet Mira as soon as possible to give them an excuse to leave XD)

Sans smiled back, relieved to hear Mira wouldn't just agree if Alphys suggested anything ridiculous. Sans was glad Mira wanted to help, but he really didn't want it to be at the cost of her comfort. Despite the rocky start, Sans could tell that Mira was a friendly, kind person. And he didn't want Alphys to accidentally take advantage of that in her quest to research human souls and such.

"i know," Sans replied to her latter comment, "i just didn't want you convincing yourself you had to do anything you didn't want to."

Seeing Alphys and Asgore returning with the books, Sans' attention was immediately on all the books. The scientific side of him was already eager to learn as much as he could from them. At Alphys' inquiry, Sans was ready to immediately offer to start researching with her; however, he glanced at Mira and Asgore first to check if they were as up for hours of research as he was.


Asgore chuckled sheepishly at Alphys' question as he set the last of the books down. "I'd be happy to help with the research here and there, but I'm afraid I can't hole myself up in here for hours on end. I do have responsibilities I must attend to, after all."

Asgore felt bad he couldn't be more help, but as the king of the monsters, he needed to be readily available in case someone came to visit him. While he wasn't called upon for assistance too often, he felt he should be available in case someone did need his help with anything. "If you'd like, I can take a book with me and read through it back at the castle. I'll let you know if I learn anything, of course."
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

(Yeah! I was actually thinking of doing that in the last post but wanted to confirm it with you first xD)

Meanwhile, back in Snowdin...

Having done his best to set up what he thought was a suitable room for a human to show he could actually be ‘responsible in caring for one, Papyrus seemed to kind of get that Mira wasn’t a pet...but he still figured the squeaky toys he had gotten would make her happy while she was stuck down here.

At least he hadn’t gotten her a dog bed though like he had originally planned, the overeager skelebro for once having followed what his brother had said as he decided to call them up once again to tell them the exciting news!

“It’s done! I think the human will find it’s new home quite comfortable”, Papyrus sounding quite proud of himself when he called Sans, he had decide to forgo the idea of a sparkly collar for Mira luckily as he didn’t know if she was even into overly cute stuff or not yet.

“I got her new clothing too! Some of our neighbors were happy to help with such a new creature coming to town~! ”, Papyrus basically having told everyone and their grandparents about the fact that a human had fallen from the surface world, Mira meanwhile had gotten curious and opened one of the books Alphys was planing on researching while Sans was on the phone.

‘A history of humans and monsters...’

Alphys meanwhile knowing that the king was usually busy and wasn’t able to stay in the lab all day, that mostly met that Sans and Mira were her only other study partners that she trusted with the info in these books.

“That could help~ I mean, the faster we get through these the more chance that we can figure out the physics of the magic behind the barrier”, It was beginning to get late though by now and honestly the scientist was starting to think early tomorrow might be the best bet to begin to look through the old page.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

(Okay ^^)

Sans was honestly expecting Papyrus to call sooner or later, so when his phone rang this time Sans wasn't surprised at all. "great job, bro. i'll let her know you want to meet her," Sans said, glad to hear Papyrus had prepared a (hopefully) suitable room for Mira to stay in if she wanted to. Though, the fact he seemed to have told their neighbors about Mira was a bit concerning; Sans hoped they wouldn't all try to meet Mira at once since that might be a bit overwhelming. Regardless, there wasn't anything he could do about it now, so he might as well just hope for the best.

"hey," Sans said to Mira, "my bro wants to meet you now, if that's alright with you?" Sans had noticed Mira starting to read through a book, and hoped that he wasn't interrupting her, but figured Papyrus would be annoyed if Sans didn't pass on the message right away. It was clear Papyrus was extremely eager to meet Mira.


Asgore nodded. "Of course. I'll read through this book and get back to you tomorrow on what I've learned," he said, picking up one of the books on the table. "Well then, I'll take my leave for now," he continued, waving to the others. It was starting to get late anyway, he noticed as he stepped back out of the lab. This certainly had been an exciting day! Not wanting to let the others down, Asgore headed directly back to the castle to start reading the book and hopefully learn something useful.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

Mira flipping through the old book she had picked up curiously as it seemed to show that sometime in the far, far past both humans and monsters had gotten along in a way that didn’t seem to show any difference between them much, it made the girl want to know more about just what had happened, well...to cause all of this.

Most human children were taught from a early age that monsters had been locked up because they were vile and dangerous creatures, but that was clearly not the case with the kind treatment she was experiencing....but that did bring up a Interesting thought to her mind that she preferred to not think about....

What was the actual capacity for cruelness among them?....

“I-oh, you have a brother??”, Mira snapping out of her focus when Sans spoke up as she seemed bewildered with why his brother would want to meet her, the girl nodded and put the book back on the table with a small smile, “I would love to meet him~!”.

Papyrus more than happy to have a human around as he awaited Sans to ask the girl if she was going to come over soon, it almost seemed as if he could hear Mira on the other end when she said she would love to meet him, “Me and her are going to be the best puzzle makers out there! I’m going to get some prepared right now for when she arrives, see you guys later!”.

(I totally forgot if he mentioned Papyrus to her or not before xD And if you like you can go back to using Pap since the phone stuff is over or I could continue with em, it’s up to you!)
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

(It's fine! Sans mentioned the initial phone call was from his brother, but other than that he hasn't told her about him really ^^ If you want to be Papyrus for their meeting, feel free, if not I can be Papyrus again ^^ I don't mind either way so if you have an idea for their meeting you can totally use it!)

Sans noticed Mira seemed to be pulled out of her thoughts by his question, and felt a bit bad about it. At least she seemed happy with the idea of meeting Papyrus, he thought. Though he wondered why she seemed surprised Papyrus would want to meet her. Then again, she hadn't actually met him yet, so she didn't know (yet) how curious and excitable he was.

Sans chuckled a bit at Papyrus' comment about them making puzzles together; he hoped Mira would enjoy making puzzles, since he knew Papyrus could be quite hard to say no to. "see ya soon, bro," Sans replied, before hanging up and turning back to Mira. "want to walk or take a shortcut?" Recalling how Mira had been reading a book and was seemingly deep in thought, he added, "if it's alright with dr. alphys, you can bring the book and keep reading it." Pausing and turning towards Alphys, he added, "i'll probably bring a book too, just to get a head start on the research, if you don't mind?"
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

(I think you using em would be pretty interesting xD I’m really very curious to see what he would have in store for this human~)

(Also hope you like my lil bit with Alphys being sneaky~ She knows Mira is valuable and wants to keep her safe, as a friend but also as a key to potentially weaken the barrier and sees her as not a good being to get attached to if fate comes down to needing her soul)

Mira growing more happy with the idea of meeting other monsters now that she was more used to the underground, the fact that the friendly skeleton she had become quick friends with had a brother didn’t seem too odd. After all, she was sure that monsters had families just as humans did, right?

“A shortcut? Yeah, let’s do that~”, Mira blinking a bit when Sans offered the odd idea of a shortcut when he had finished talking on the phone to his brother, the girl hadn’t noticed that Sans had caught her deep in thought about the book she was reading until he had asked Alphys if they could take some of the books home to research themselves.

‘He really does pay close attention to everything, doesn’t he? Yet he seems so oblivious....’

“That would be perfect!, just take whatever ones you want and get back to me if you find anything interesting~”, Nodding with a smile when Sans asked if they could borrow some of the human books, Alphys too had noticed Mira being interested in a particular volume and wasn’t going to deny them a chance to help with this research.

Having a human in the underground was a very rare event, the scientist knew this just as much as anyone else. It had almost been tempting to put some type of invisi-tracker on her to make sure she didn’t get into too much trouble by herself but Alphys had decided against it with seeing how Sans appeared to have a eye socket on her at all times.

If they lost this human the chance to research her soul and potentially use it to weaken or break the barrier would be lost as well, Alphys knowing her duty as the Royal scientist met she had to think of what was best for the underground and not always individuals.

This would be something she would have to talk to the skeleton about in private eventually, her liking Mira so far but knowing getting too attached wasn’t the best option for anyone to do since she could very well be the key to getting out of this prison for good.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

(Okay! And Sans is not gonna like that conversation XD he's very protective of his friends, and by now he's starting to see Mira as a friend so... The idea of her possibly being hurt to break the barrier is not an option)

Sans nodded, preparing to take a shortcut back to Snowdin. At Alphy's comment that they could borrow some of the books, Sans picked up one of the older and bigger books. Though Sans would never tell anyone, he still had nightmares sometimes about the past actions of a certain talking flower, and he figured if he happened to wake up and be unable to fall back asleep tonight... he might as well be doing something useful with the time.

Sans waited to give Mira a chance to choose a book, then teleported the two back to Snowdin with a wave to Alphys. Sans had noticed Alphys seemed to have been thinking about something; he wondered what it was but figured there would be time to ask about it later on. For now, Papyrus was definitely wondering what the hold up was.

"alright, my bro should be-" Sans began, only to be cut off by an excited shout from the skeleton in question.


To say Papyrus was excited was an understatement. It was finally time for him to meet the human Sans had found! Papyrus had already set up an assortment of puzzles in honor of her arrival. And he could serve some of his famous spaghetti for dinner! This was going to be great!

Of course, how could it be anything else? The Great Papyrus was behind it, after all!

Seeing two figures appear suddenly in the near distance, Papyrus immediately started rushing over. Why his brother had to be such a lazybones and teleport everywhere instead of walking, Papyrus would never know, but he could excuse it in this particular instance because it meant he could meet the human faster!

"BROTHER! HUMAN!" Papyrus shouted as he approached the two. Turning to the human, he said, "IT'S AN HONOR TO MEET YOU, HUMAN! I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS!"
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by PossessedPotato »

(That’s where I thought a more serious and science minded Alphys might come into play Seeing as she knows if Mira is the key to getting out of the underground they might have to do what they must whether Sans likes it or not.

Also holy shit you play Pap a lot better then I do xD! )

Mira just deciding to hold onto the book she had been eying up earlier since they now had permission to take some of them for research, the girl really did want to know more about the history of her kind and monsters and how things had degraded to the point that monsters were stuck underground.

It just seemed impossible to her that a generally kind species like this had been treated as criminals for what was likely some vague reason way back when and had suffered ever since in these caverns...

Letting her skeleton friend teleport them back to a area she was vaguely familiar with, the coldness instantly reminded her of the fact that she had fallen into a forest not too far from here, and...had been rescued after she tried to pull a knife on Sans because she had been terrified he would harm her...her cheeks burning up at the thought, it had been justified in self defense, but....

‘That was so stupid to do, I really should get rid of this old thing eventually’

The girl’s ears ringing as if they sensed she was not quite in mortal danger but up for a challenge at the sound of distant shouting nearly as soon as they arrived, Mira couldn’t help but laugh a little happily at how overeager this taller and thinner skeleton seemed to be to meet her as he bounded over to them.

“I-it’s a honor to meet the great Papyrus as well~!”, Mira’s dark eyes shoring true joy at how happy the brother seemed to be to meet a mere human like her, if she had met him earlier she met have been downright terrified of his boisterous way of speaking on top of being a monster, “You can call me Mira if you like though~”.
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Re: PotatoxSeriousSans

Post by SeriousSans »

(Oh noooo, if Alphys ever does decide they have to do that, Sans will be entering 'Serious Sans' mode and protecting Mira XD)
(Ahhh I'm so glad you like how I roleplay Papyrus! You were excellent at it too though!)

Papyrus beamed with excitement at Mira's response. "WOWIE!! SANS, THE HUMAN IS SO NICE!!" Papyrus cried out joyfully as he picked up his brother and spun him around. Papyrus would have spun the human around, but he wasn't sure if that was good for humans or not and he didn't want to risk hurting her. After setting the now-slightly-dizzy Sans back on the ground, Papyrus turned back to Mira happily. "ALRIGHT, MIRA! DO YOU LIKE PUZZLES? I HAVE PREPARED SEVERAL THAT I THINK WILL BE A LOT OF FUN!" Papyrus said, clearly hoping Mira would reply affirmatively so he could showcase the puzzles he had created. Sans always claimed to be too lazy to test out his puzzles, it would be nice to have someone as enthusiastic about puzzles as he was around.


Sans grinned at Papyrus' over-excited greeting, and was relieved to see that Papyrus' loudness didn't seem to have made Mira uncomfortable. She seemed genuinely joyful, which made Sans happy. It was good to see that Mira and Papyrus seemed to be getting along well, as Sans had worried a bit that Papyrus's slightly overbearing nature might make the meeting awkward, but fortunately that didn't seem to be the case at all.

Although, Sans certainly could have done without being spun around rapidly by his excited brother... But if it made Papyrus happy, he could handle being dizzy for a bit. Once his head stopped spinning, Sans returned his focus to the conversation. Sans sent a small smile and thumbs up towards Mira just in case she was worried about him being spun around like that - Papyrus did this somewhat regularly, so he was used to it by now.
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