MagiVersary 2020

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MagiVersary 2020

Post by CinnaminDraconna »

Onuchsia Crystalwing
These bright eggs are usually found in hanging baskets.

Male hatchling / Female hatchling
Hatchling Description
Hatchling onuchsia are shyer than adults, preferring to spend their time nestled in hanging baskets among the camouflage of flowers. However, they can easily be coaxed out of their baskets by music, though their dancing is clumsy. As onuchsia eat wood, hatchlings need to be well-supplied with food until they learn what's not supposed to be eaten, like a magi's front door. Fortunately they don't generally mean any harm, so they're easily forgiven.
Male Adult / female adult
Adult Description
Adult onuchsia aren't very good parents, often placing their eggs in the nearest hanging basket and wandering off again. Although they get along well with others of their species, they just don't really want to parent. Their days are spent generally feeding, dancing, and napping in warm areas. Crystals shed from an onuchsia are said to enhance musical instruments if used to decorate them, and many musicians have a special song they play as thanks to the onuchsia that formerly owned the crystals.
Onuchsia crystalwings are friendly, brightly-coloured creatures found mostly in warmer climates, though they don't like much direct sunlight. They're often found at festivals, especially ones held in spring, where they perch on high areas to watch the activity. When they hear music, onuchsia crystalwings can't help but dance, leaping around on rooftops until they get overtired and have to go lie down to rest. During very warm days, onuchsia crystalwings can often be found swimming in local ponds, rivers, and occasionally bathtubs.

Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: Sochitelya

Venox Crystalwing
This egg is covered in scented petals.

Male hatchling / Female hatchling
Hatchling Description
These hatchlings must be handled with gloves, as they are not yet in full control of the poison they produce. Luckily for their magi, the poison of a hatchling is not very potent, and is even used in some varieties of medicines. They like it most when their magi makes tiny nests for them to sleep in, usually built with bits of clothing or hair so the nest smells like their caretaker.
Male Adult / Female Adult
Adult Description
Once they reach adulthood, the poison of a venox crystalwing reaches its full strength. They can secrete it along their bodies, or even spread it via the air using their petals. Even if they do not choose to use it, it is present within their bodies, making them both poisonous and venomous. With their magi, however, they are docile and harmless, preferring to wrap themselves around their magi’s neck like a flowery scarf. Some nobles in tropical regions also like to adorn their bodies with them, feeding them choice vegetables and keeping them quite content. Of course, if any harm threatens their chosen companion, they are a highly effective means of defense.
Venox crystalwings are brightly colored, the petals and shimmering scales on their bodies iridescent shades of red and purple. They are quite lazy, preferring to spend long days basking in the sun or resting beneath the shade of trees. Eye-catching and slow moving, they are easy to spot. However, they have no natural predators whatsoever. Every part of their bodies, from their skin to the petals, is covered in a highly potent toxin that will paralyze anyone it touches. No creature or person is immune except for certain varieties of unicorns, and even they show no desire to harass a venox crystalwing. Thankfully, venox crystalwings are herbivorous, and will only use its poison for defense.

Sprite art: Xenomorph | Description: Raneth

Gerbera Crystalwing
This egg has cheery floral patterns.

Male hatchling / Female hatchling
Hatchling Description
Gerbera crystalwing hatchlings are bundles of inexhaustible energy. They have many wings on their backs, and can hover and zip around in the air very quickly by using all of their wings in concert. They enjoy buzzing from flower to flower, lapping up nectar, and when they get tired they used their long tail to wrap around the flower stem and sleep among the petals.
Male adult / Female Adult
Adult Description
The buzzing of many wings accompanies anyone who has a gerbera crystalwing companion, as they hate to leave their chosen magi alone. They will hover nearby constantly, or rest happily on their magi’s shoulders. A trained gerbera crystalwing can use their magic to cheer people at will, or refrain from doing so if it is not wanted. They much prefer to use their magic, however, as they seem to want everyone around them to be happy, even other creatures. They can defuse aggression in anyone, human or not. A true sign that one is favored by these creatures is if they gift one of their feathers, which also has the same aura of happy contentment.
Gerbera Crystalwings are small, but easy to spot due to their bright, cheery colors. They’re also more likely to seek out companionship than they are to simply let themselves be spotted. They love people, and a trip to a region where these creatures are common may result in someone being literally covered in bright, chirping crystalwings. No one seems to mind it, though, as exposure to gerbera crystalwins and the lovely scent of the flower-like feathered wings on their bodies will fill someone with a sense of giddy happiness.

Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: Raneth

Lilias Crystalwing
This egg has speckled feathers.

Male Hatchling / Female hatchling
Hatchling Description
Lilias hatchlings are dull compared to their parents, the petals on their wings and bodies mere buds that do little to help them get nourishment from the sun. As hatchlings, they cannot fly either. Instead they must learn to dive and hunt underwater. They can eat kelp and reeds, but prefer tadpoles or other small water-dwelling creatures for more energy. When not hunting beneath the waves, they like to sit in the sun as well, as though waiting for the day their petals will grow.
Male adult / Female Adult
Adult Description
With no need for nourishment except the sun and water, lilias crystalwings are commonly taken as companions on long journeys. Not only do they not need food themselves, but they can spread this ability to their magi, resulting in a sharply reduced need for food. At night, they fold their wings and sleep curled against their magi, the sweet scent of their speckled wings soothing. Of course, as a result of their need for sunlight, they will not follow their magi on long journeys into caves. They are best when traveling in tropical regions, as they will get all the sun they need and can help their magi find fish to eat in tropical waters. When not traveling, they are content to soak up the sun and spend their time relaxing, with the occasional dip into a nearby body of water.
Lilias crystalwings are beautiful creatures, and are always seen with their petal wings spread, soaking up the sun. They require no food as adults, and will happily live on just sunlight and water. Unlike many other species of crystalwings, Lilia prefer to swim rather than fly, and the speckles on their wings help them hide in the shimmering waters. They care deeply for their young, and will spend much time helping them learn to hunt for tadpoles in the tropical lakes and ponds they commonly dwell in. Rarely, these creatures will fly as a group to scout out a new location, perhaps seeking a safe place to raise their young together.

Sprite art: Lazuli | Description: Raneth

Kitanchosa Crystalwing
This green egg has a smooth, almost waxy shell.

Male hatchling / Female hatchling
Hatchling Description
The small size of a kitanchosa hatchling is misleading; although they grow slowly, they can reach quite large sizes. They aren't cuddly - in fact, they tend to be literally a bit prickly - but they don't mind stretching out quietly in the sun beside their magi. Their skin is tough and they don't injure as easily as some other creatures, but while they don't need as much attention, neglecting them for too long will result in them becoming hard to handle.
Male Adult / Female Adult
Adult Description
The majority of adult kitanchosa stand around 3 feet tall at the withers, but it's not that unusual for some to grow bigger; the largest ever recorded grew to 20 feet before disappearing into the Etain Desert. Adults are conscientious parents and will defend their territory fiercely, using their antlers to drive away intruders and popping spikes out of their skin if physically attacked. They don't often lose their crystals, but those few that magi find can be embedded in wells to guarantee that the well will never dry up.
Kitanchosa crystalwings are tough and hardy, and even those hand-raised by magi remain a little wild. They like hot temperatures and dry places for the most part, but also enjoy standing out in heavy downpours, absorbing the rain to keep them going for quite a while. They tend to prefer to have their own distinct territories, sharing only with a mate and any hatchlings. Unlike most creatures, kitanchosa don't lay their eggs; plantlets are removed from their bodies and grow into eggs before hatching. Kitanchosa are prized for their ability to find water in any kind of environment, literally sniffing it out if they need it, or when asked by their magi.

Sprite art: Tekla (egg and adults) Mysfytt (hatchlings) | Description: Sochitelya

Vilodaes Crystalwing
This crystal-studded egg sits in a bed of brightly coloured flowers.

Image evening
Male and Female hatchling
Hatchling Description
Vilodaes crystalwing hatchlings are tiny, delicate creatures often found hovering around the Keep's flower gardens, and occasionally hiding within them when spooked. Independent from almost the moment they hatch, vilodaes hatchlings are friendly with others of their species but don't tend to congregate. Hatched in early spring, they reach full size within two months and don't usually need any special attention, though small bowls of liquid sugar are appreciated.
Image night
Image morning
Image noon
Image evening
Male / female Adult
Adult Description
An adult vilodaes crystalwing is small but compact, sturdier than it seems. They don't spend as much time in the air as their hatchlings do, though they're fully capable of flight when needed. The blooms on the ends of their tails are shed in the fall, and magi often collect them to plant in their gardens, where they can stay alive indefinitely as long as they're taken care of. Magi wishing to befriend a vilodaes should be patient, as they can be easily spooked by loud noises and large gestures, but offering sweet treats and freshly tilled soil as a bed can speed up the relationship.
Vilodaes crystalwings are usually found around Keeps and settlements, where they can easily access flower gardens. Magi enjoy having them around not only because of their beautiful and diverse colours, but also because they eat harmful bugs, help pollinate the flowers, and can even use their bodies to provide either extra light or extra shade. Vilodaes prefer cooler areas where they can sun themselves as long as they want, and then move into a more shadowed area to cool down, and aren't often found in areas with snow and ice. They occasionally shed their crystals, which can be used in medicine and also as decoration which retains the ability to cast a soft light.

Sprite art: Lazuli | Description: Sochitelya


The new badge for gifting 10 different people. - Image

Remy's Inn New Drink - Image - Floral Fuzzy Navel @ 85Image per drink
Reima wrote:Anyone grabbed the drunk effects? Le Confetti

Drops Rewin Dragon hatchlings Image
A light and tingly taste bristles on your tongue, and the strong super sweet yet sharp aftertaste surprises you.
As you try to take another sip you find your mouth blocked by a small dragon hugging your face.
Drops Sunshards and Moonshards ImageImage
Stops/Starts rotation of Forgotten Unicorn and Vilodaes Crystalwing sprites
A light and tingly taste bristles on your tongue, and the strong super sweet yet sharp aftertaste surprises you.
You burb loudly and a bright object plops out of your mouth in a cheerful bubble.
... okay. Wait, what?!
What does Remy put in these...?!
Drops flowers to throw at other players - ImageImageImageImageImageImage
Throwing flowers has a chance of giving/receiving 'old' crystalwings
A GLITCH allowed some Donation crystalwings to drop, players who received them were allowed to keep them.. glitch has been fixed
Flowers max out at 255 like regular items
Rosehill wrote:The flowers won't turn into crystalwings after the event. :italian: The flowers are just for throwing. You also get flower tokens in your inventory when you get one of the flowers either from it being thrown at you, or getting it from a drink.
The flower 'tokens' look just like the throwing flowers.

Drops the following 'old' crystalwing hatchlings..
ImageImage - m/f Jinglong Crystalwing
Image - Spectrum Crystalwing
Image - Fluorowing Crystalwing
Image - Hadros Crystalwing
ImageImage - m/f Kuanos Crystalwing
Image - Kobaldibar Crystalwing
Image - Sacris Crystalwing
ImageImage - m/f Hexapo Crystalwing
Image - Moroi Crystalwing
ImageImage - m/f Rauna Crystalwing
Image - Osanyin Crystalwing
Image - Accipito Crystalwing
Image - Cypheles Crystalwing
ImageImage - m/f Dionych Crystalwing
Image - Komainu Crystalwing
Image - Iwan Crystalwing
Image - Lesoni Crystalwing
Image - Sacer Crystalwing


May is MagiVersary month!!! :woo: MV usually means NEW crystalwings and NEW cw pygmy hybrids!!

I'm excited this year.. I remembered to get all my breeding pairs ready for the hybrids, so I can breed gemdragons ASAP. Now I wonder what else will be happening and thought maybe other players would like to chat about it too. So what are 'you' hoping for and looking forward to?

I'm hoping for drinks at Remy's to drop Rewin hatchlings.
I'm hoping the Black Market opens with mystery bags containing transformation items (the jewels and candies) and potions.
I'm hoping the Black Market or some other shop opens with 'old' crystalwings and parentless hybrid crystalwings. I need more parentless gold, purple, blue, green, bronze, gold Pteira and purple Pteiras.
A new contest or team competition would be cool too.
Thread approved by Soch
My dear Herbalists and Tridenties, Alveans and Preservationists, Magis, Beasts, Creatures, Dark Magi, Artificers and Arkaists.

Soon it is the site's one hundred and eleventh birthday!

Magistream's 11th Birthday Celebrations include:

New creatures will be available starting from May 10th. These limited event creatures will be available up to and including May 20th.

Egg slot increase
The egg slot amount will be raised by two on May 10th and lasting up to and including May 23rd.

Gifting will be possible starting from May 10th and lasting up to and including May 17th. Opening gifts will be possible starting from May 18th.

For those new to the site or gifting events, here's a quick break-down as to what gifting means:

You can gift unfrozen eggs and hatchlings to other users.
In order to gift a creature, click on "Give" on the creature's page or next to the creature in your keep view, fill in the recipient's username, fill in a note if you want, and send it.
You can gift an unlimited amount of creatures, but only three creatures to any one person.
You can receive a maximum of 25 presents. In order to see how many presents you have, go to your Keep page and scroll to the bottom. If you see no mention of presents then you don't have any yet.
There will not be a gift-born creature but you will receive a badge for gifting.

Other stuff:
Remy has promised a new drink!

And what else?
That will remain seen until the birthday celebrations begin.

News post: ... ay-th.html
Last edited by CinnaminDraconna on May 17th, 2020, 11:27:17 am, edited 18 times in total.
05/24/2024 Moving Day - not sure how long I will be offline
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Re: MagiVersary 2020 Speculations

Post by Azima »

I hope the BM opens again too, with everything you mentioned, and maybe some older donis. :D Maybe past donis that were around for previous Magiversaries? So past May donis? That would be cool.

I'd love for a drink at Remy's to drop Rewins or even old Crystalwings. :D
Tᴏ ʜᴀᴛᴄʜʟɪɴɢ ᴏɴʟʏ, ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ. ᴄ:
Tʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴏʀ ᴄʟɪᴄᴋɪɴɢ! ♥

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Re: MagiVersary 2020 Speculations

Post by ToxicFlame »

Ooooooh! Old Crystalwings!
Honestly I just want all the incentive to get drunk at Remy's because I already have the achievements and I'd love a whole mess of lovely new anniversary creatures!
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Re: MagiVersary 2020 Speculations

Post by Scorpionrider »

I can't wait for Cypheles Pygmies! :D :D
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Re: MagiVersary 2020 Speculations

Post by DanaSoraya »

Oooh yaay new birthday creatures! <3
Wishlist: Cats & Bats
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Re: MagiVersary 2020 Speculations

Post by Leorobin »

Hopefully this time around I'll remember to be on time for gifting, always nice to get new creatures
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Re: MagiVersary 2020 Speculations

Post by FennecFyre »

I missed the big tenth anniversary, so I'm excited to make it up this time around :lol:
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Re: MagiVersary 2020 Speculations

Post by ToxicFlame »

I haven't been live for an anniversary creature since the Sonerus Dragons.
I'd love something similar to them or a 'new' version of them...
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Re: MagiVersary 2020 Speculations

Post by Hitsugaya »

A Cat like Dragon Crystalwing would be awesome :D
Like Magnadramon from Digimon :t-swoon:
Image ImageImage Like yoda I speak
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Re: MagiVersary 2020 Speculations

Post by Leorobin »

A cat dragon would be interesting. Maybe an eastern type dragon

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