Tattoos and Piercings

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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by HoneyBunny »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: i have 18 tattoos and 3 piercings

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? Heck no! I have a face tattoo, and am a functioning member of society. its artwork, and i am still perfectly able to do my job just as well as everyone else. it doesn't change who a person is. if someone gets a scar, does it make them a different person?

Why do you think people should/should not have them? i think you should have them if you want them because its a way to show who you are, you get what you WANT and it shows everyone a look at your personality.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? no. i have tattoos and piercings and i do my job just fine. been there for 5 years and i am a reliable worker.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by SmellyMouse »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: I only have my ears pierced.

If not, Are you against them in any way?: I am not. I find tattoos to be a beautiful art form. And I'm a little cliche and want my first one to mean something. After that, I'll probably be a little more lenient on what a "special meaning" defines.

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?: Of course not. It doesn't affect how one does a job or lives their life. Having a ton of tattoos does not mean you are mean, a bad person, or a drug dealer as a lot of older people seem to think. It is just a way to express yourself.

Why do you think people should/should not have them?: People should have them if they want them. I'm having an issue with my in-laws. They are very religious and believe a body is a temple and should be treated as such. I use the argument that I want my temple to have art on the walls! Just like many things in life, I think this should be left up to the choice of the person getting the procedure. Want it? Get it. Don't want it? Don't.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?: It should not be the deciding factor. I guess the one exception could be facial tattoos when working with elderly dementia patients because it might scare them. I'm not even allowed to wear a costume for Halloween or do heavy makeup in case it scares them. But other than that, I really don't think it should matter at all.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by RainMoon »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:

Not yet and I peobably wont ever get any piercings. I am still thinking about tattos though providing any allergy tests go well.

If not, Are you against them in any way?

No I am perfectly fine with people having them.

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?

No looking down on someone because of them having a piercing or tattoo just doesn't make sense to me.

Why do you think people should/should not have them?

I think if you are planning to take a trip abroad somewhere such as Japan for example then it might be best to double check what their cultural attitudes are to them. Then get them done after the trip so you don't get locked out of certain things. It might also be a good idea to wait until after you move out and able to support yourself if you live in an overly religious or strict household that are against them. But otherwise I think people should be able to have them where ever they want on their bodies.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?

No unless there is some proof that it will cause a safety hazard or harm to other people it should not be a deciding factor.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by Rilletroll »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: No tattoos on me, but i plan on getting at least one because my mother has a tattoo which represented a time in my families life in which we were all happy and content and i think it's really nice that she did that, so in turn i want to get a tattoo of the same thing but change it a bit to my liking. As for piercings ive only got my ears pierced.

If not, Are you against them in any way? Nah not against them, but would be dependant on the individual getting them, are they allergic? then id would advise them not to, but otherwise not against them.

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? No. People shouldn't be looked down on because of a tattoo or piercing! Maybe if you over-do it with piercings and tattoos it can appear as intimidating to others at first but, we should all know by now that we cant make a proper judgement on a person solely by appearance alone.

Why do you think people should/should not have them? A reason they shouldnt would be that if the person is too immature and goes overboard with the piercings and tattoos and regrets it later. I think they gotta know what they want and understand the consequences. Another reason might be face tattoos, cause it can potentially cover up facial recognition on technology. And i agree with the above, in case of certain cultures they may see it as a negative thing and lock you out of certain activities or places.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? Should not be the "deciding factor", if other factors come into play such as strength or intelligence then i think it should be overlooked. Again though with the facial recognition tech, might become bothersome. Agreed with above again, unless there is a hazard or will harm other in any way should not be the decision maker.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by JadedStars »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: I only have my ears pierced, but I plan on getting a tattoo as soon as I can find a reputable tattoo parlor near-ish to where I live. I live in the middle of nowhere so it's kind of a long drive to get to anything.
If not, Are you against them in any way? No absolutely not! I do have a lot of friends and family who are though. Bible belt territory, so they look down on/hate people who have any kind of body modifications.
Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? No! We shouldn't judge people by the color of their skin, so why should we judge them for what they put on (or technically in) their skin?
Why do you think people should/should not have them? They're cool! If you want one, get one! If you don't, don't! It's your body, so it's your choice.
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? Tattoos, no. Piercings, kind of. Let me explain. No one has ever been hindered in their job performance by having a tattoo. Only other people's perceptions have been affected (judgmental people) by someone's tattoo, ant THAT might affect their ability to get or perform a job. Now, a piercing is a little different. While I still think no one should be judged by their piercings, there are certain jobs that would be dangerous for someone who has a piercing in an "odd" place. MRI machines and industrial equipment could grab a piercing and rip it out, causing bodily damage. Now, I think that the decision lies on the worker to be smart and either not wear their piercing to work or find a job that doesn't make wearing it dangerous. However, even if they're not smart, the employer should still have a say because, unfortunately, they would still have to pay insurance, workman's comp, and/or paid sick time for an employee who was injured on the job by their piercing. There could (and probably should) be some legal protections put in place so that an employer doesn't get punished for their employees being dumb and putting themselves in danger, so that they don't have to discriminate against people with piercings.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by Piano »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: I have my ear lobes pierced and I'm thinking heavily about getting another two piercings on my ears. Nose rings are cute, but I don't think I'd be able to maintain one.
If not, Are you against them in any way? No.
Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? No, nobody should be looked down upon for their piercing/tat decisions unless they are attack/rude/explicit tattoos that are out in the open.
Why do you think people should/should not have them?
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? It really depends on the tattoo, piercings I think are fine so long as they're not all over your body. If the tattoos/tattoo is inappropriate for your field of work, then cover it.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by Sassenach »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: Gauged ears, a nose ring, and an eyebrow piercing. Three tattoos with another waiting on an appointment to start.

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? Absolutely not, even (and this is... odd sounding and particularly odd to say) when the tattoos are discriminatory, explicit, rude, etc. It's one thing to disagree with the decision involved in committing to a design that falls into one of those descriptors and the mentality behind them, but it's an entire new ballpark to start looking down on people for their decisions. Everyone has room to grow and learn.

Why do you think people should/should not have them? I think they're an artform and an incredible form of self expression. I can show what I love, can literally wear my heart on my sleeve, while stepping away from societal norms expected from individuals my age/assigned gender. My mom used my calf piece as a launchpad to have her own tattoo restored after years of letting it fall into disrepair because of my father's preferences, and it sort of opened the door for her to reclaim parts of herself now that her kids are both grown.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? Heck. No. A person's ability to perform a function within a business is not limited to their personal appearance. I work nights as a bartender and host at a fine dining restaurant in a tourist trap designed for ridiculously wealthy people. I'm literally the face of Ms. H's entire business for most folks that come through the door. She still hired me because she considered me consistent and dependent enough to fill the roles she interviewed me for. I understand that most employers are not as open, and without proper care, piercings and tattoos do pose risks in certain industries, but if your first thought is to consider someone lesser for their appearance... my dude, there may be some things that you need to reassess.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by Saphira455 »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: Ear piercings, but they keep closing on me because I forget to put in earings, lol.
If not, Are you against them in any way? Nah.
Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? Not really. Unless it's a really obviously horrible idea and/or offensive like nazi markings or anti-jew or etc.
Why do you think people should/should not have them? I think they should have them if they feel it means something to them. Maybe it was their act of mini-rebellion. Maybe it represents a lost family member. Maybe it just looks really good on them and they like it.
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? I think that it mostly shouldn't. Maybe the scarier facial modifications shouldn't be the face of a family friendly company to not scare kids, but I don't see face tattoos as really bad. Like other than if they'd often be around kids, I don't see them as a problem. Do I care if a devil faced person is bagging my groceries? Nope. And even for the kids, I've seen a lot that don't scare easily either. As for piercings, I'd say that's a bit iffier. Maybe make sure they are secure or safely put away when working around things like food. To try and avoid piercings ending up in food. Maybe plug up mouth/nose gauges/piercing holes too for working around food or close to people to lessen contagion possibilities. Or they could wear a face mask.
Basically my concern is health related for other people rather than how the worker looks.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by chokeholds »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: yes, one professional tattoo on my arm and three stick n pokes on my leg ( do not recommend to anyone esp since its almost always done before turning 18) along with septum, both nostrils, and 4 different ear piercings.
If not, Are you against them in any way? im only against like, younger teens getting them (14 and below in middle school/intermediate)
Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?no way, theyre a form of self expression but i think the excessive ones are clearly for a rise.
Why do you think people should/should not have them? n/a
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? in todays society i see it affect the work space a lot less which is great, but i know that in the food industry body mods usually need to be taken out for sanitation reasons which i can understand.
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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Post by Amethyst »

Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: yes. 2 on each earlobe and a septum piercing.

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?
Nope! What someone does with their body should be of no concern to you.

Why do you think people should/should not have them?
People should have them if they want, but people shouldn't have them if they're not willing to do research for their piercing before getting it, or are not willing to care for it properly once they have it. Also if you want to get it done with a gun then just no.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?
They shouldn't unless it's for health and safety reasons. For septum piercings you can get a barbell to flip up into your nose, which avoids the risk of it being pulled out. But for some piercings it isn't that easy and should be taken into consideration. If we're talking about it from the standpoint of it being deemed "unprofessional" in the workplace, then I don't see why that matters as long as the person does their job correctly.
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