Fake smile

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Fake smile

Post by Echobreeze »

Look around,
are you alone? Or maybe your just in a room filled with people you really don't know. Maybe your not alone at all but you feel out of place or just want to get away.
Do you ever wonder if anyone really notices you? If you stand out or are just looked over like a mistake. Treated like dust and brushed away from memory.
Dose anyone notice the small things you do for them or how you try to be 'normal'? How you go everyday feeling left out, lonely, stressed, stretched to your limits. Pulled and ripped, thrown in the rollercoaster of life.
Do they notice you exist? If they did would they care? Care enough to reach out to you. Care enough to just look your way and smile. Make you feel wanted. Care enough to just say hello.
Or does everyone look away? Avoid you because you different, because your not exactly like them. Because your unique, beautiful
When someone looks at you do you wonder if they can see through? See your pain and suffering. See the fake smile you wear so well. The painted look that fools so many. Those emotions you've played flawlessly. That fake smile can look so real
But your okay, just tired right? Everyone who notices asks you but you can't admit it. Nothings wrong, there can't be, there's no reason to be. Your life is fine. Or you say. You just can't make since of it anymore. Just tried
Can someone really see you for you? Not just the picture you paint. Your pain, your uniqueness, your fake smiles, your real ones and your beauty. You. Can anyone really see that? Can you see it?
Does a fake smile define you? Does it burden you? Make you feel like your living someone else's life. In a world that hates you
A fake smile can't define anything. A forced laugh can't help you.
Hurting yourself only brings satisfaction for a second. It can't fix it. Death passes it to someone else, it doesn't destroy.
Your beautiful. Your loved. You exist for a reason. Nothing lasts forever. It will get better and if it doesn't, someone cares. Even when it looks like your alone.
Fake smiles, you see them and spread them. Someone notices and someone cares.

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