Gellie's Art WIPS

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Gellie's Art WIPS

Post by Gelliebeen »

Hey all! I'm not a very good forum person, but I do generally like to take part in art forums. So, that being said, I thought I'd try to keep up a small art journal here. Feel free to comment/critique and so on. I value other people's opinions about my work.

Also, I'm willing to open up one commission at a time if people are interested. Just throw me a message. I'll put a tag about whether they're open or not in my sig. Chances are good your WIP will appear here!

Anyway, without further ado, here's my current WIP piece.
It's the first of a pair of tattoos I'm making for my sister and I, based on a story that's told about us at all gatherings when my parents are involved.
According to legend, when my sister and I were little (we're only a year apart), there was a pre-school graduating ceremony where everyone got up on stage and said what they wanted to be when they grew up. Amidst a line of children with typical dreams of being firemen, policemen, and astranauts, my sister got up and stage and proudly proclaimed "I want to be a fairy princess!", and I followed up with "I want to be a dinosaur!". My parent's proudest moment of us, I'm sure.

So, my sister is getting a fairy princess themed tattoo, and I'll be getting a dinosaur. Hers is harder, so I'm starting there. She wanted crystal stars, nature, and a tiara. Something not so fairy-ish, but more natural. We've got the drawing how she likes it, and I've mostly finished the crystal stars and flatted the rest. But now we're unsure about yellow - as this is going on skin. Will the yellow show properly? Who knows! I might make it more orange-y or green-y.
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