Trigger Warning: Sexual harassment/assault

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Re: Trigger Warning: Sexual harassment/assault

Post by IzzieDragon »

What are your thoughts on sex crimes themselves?
I hate it all. It's awful. You need to own up for your actions.
Do you believe people 'ask for it' when they dress provocatively?
No. Why should someone's style choice be responsible for your actions?
What is consent to you?
Set boundaries. If you're unsure, ask. Never assume.
Have you ever experienced sex crimes?
Yes. I have been sexually assaulted on three different occasions by three different males. The latest being when I was a freshman in highschool (I am now a College Freshman). Sadly the other two are too early in my childhood for me to remember too many details.
How do you think society's portrayal of sex crimes hinders or helps us?
The people who scream rape to get out of a situation make me mad. It doesn't help anyone with a true case. The fact that I'll see young men joking about rape tells me that we need to educate society on the truth of sex crimes.
Do you think the media plays a role in all of this?
Partially, but you can't blame it entirely.
Do you believe men can be a victim of sex crimes too?
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Re: Trigger Warning: Sexual harassment/assault

Post by NuclearGal »

What are your thoughts on sex crimes themselves?
Bad. They are not acceptable and never will be
Do you believe people 'ask for it' when they dress provocatively?
The way someone dresses should not mean its a free ticket, so no.
What is consent to you?
A person says yes (and physically allows is) as long as they are not under the influence or anything
Have you ever experienced sex crimes?
How do you think society's portrayal of sex crimes hinders or helps us?
I think it mostly hinders us, but it CAN be kinda helpful sometimes
Do you think the media plays a role in all of this?
Do you believe men can be a victim of sex crimes too?
Have sex crimes affected you or loved ones?
Kinda, but i'm getting over it
Do they leave harmful and lasting affects?
For other victims, usually, for me, not really
Do you think there's a way to stop sex crimes?
No. We can find ways to try though
Any other thoughts?
Rape and other sexual assault is sometimes taken lightly, and I honestly hope that stops :(
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Re: Trigger Warning: Sexual harassment/assault

Post by Jazzafrazz »

What are your thoughts on sex crimes themselves?
Sex crimes are very serious, and should be treated as such. While it is important not to see sex crime as the worst form of crime, sex crime still makes a large impact on the lives of victims.
Do you believe people 'ask for it' when they dress provocatively?
I don't understand this logic, though I have seen this argument before. Clothing that seems provocative to some people isn't to others, and even if someone dressed provocatively, are they really "asking for it"? I understand how some people link clothing to sexuality, though this has little to do with rape. People shouldn't be scared to dress a way they want when they go out, just in fear of being raped.
What is consent to you?
Consent to me is an agreement by both parties, preferably verbal. Physical consent has little meaning, as reacting in a way that shows that "they like it" can be a natural response, not a thought out one.
Have you ever experienced sex crimes?
Personally, no. I've never committed or been a victim of one, and I'd very much like to keep it that way.
How do you think society's portrayal of sex crimes hinders or helps us?
The portrayal of these crimes does help and hinder, in different ways. On one hand, this portrayal allows for sexual crimes to be recognised and taken seriously, though it depends on what form of media we're talking about here. Things such as PSAs do help, but there are other forms of media that glorify sexual assault and the like, and this is definitely a hindrance (Keep in mind that making light of a situation and glorifying it are two different things).
Do you think the media plays a role in all of this?
The media plays a role in almost anything in current society, and views on sexual crimes are no different. Trying to maintain an unbiased opinion is difficult these days, which leads to many people leaning very far on either side. As for the sexual crimes themselves, I don't think that's the media's fault. Choosing to commit crimes is a personal choice, and the blame shouldn't be put on the media. Having opinions and going through with actions are very different things.
Do you believe men can be a victim of sex crimes too?
I'd be worried if people didn't believe this. Unfortunately, sexual assault on men isn't always taken as seriously, but people's views seem to be changing on this, which is good. Sexual assault can happen to anyone, by anyone. Man to man, man to woman, woman to man or woman to woman.
Have sex crimes affected you or loved ones?
No, not as far as I know. I haven't heard of any sexual harassment happening within my family or friend group.
Do they leave harmful and lasting affects?
Of course. Unless tackled head on, these problems often never leave the back of a person's mind. It takes guts to get over sexual harassment, and not everyone can do it.
Do you think there's a way to stop sex crimes?
Honestly, no. There's always going to be someone in the world who murders, someone in the world who abuses, someone in the world who steals, etc. That's just how humanity is and we can't change that. It's worth a try, however.
Any other thoughts?
I think a big problem with sexual harassment is that there's a grey area. Evidence means nothing as even when it can be found, consent can rarely be documented, and a lot of false claims can be made. False claims ruin lives just as sexual harassment itself does, and I hope both of these things are taken seriously.

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Re: Trigger Warning: Sexual harassment/assault

Post by vixenwish »

What are your thoughts on sex crimes themselves? They're horrible and shouldn't exist. It's disgusting that people can sink so low and do something so terrible.

Do you believe people 'ask for it' when they dress provocatively? No. I think you should be able to wear whatever you want. It's your body and your life. If you like the clothes, then wear them!

What is consent to you? Verbal agreement from both parties.

Have you ever experienced sex crimes? Yes, but not as extreme as what other people have gone through..

How do you think society's portrayal of sex crimes hinders or helps us? I mean, it helps spread awareness on the issue. Sexual assault isn't something that's good in the world, but it's good to show people how horrible it is and why you should never even think about doing it. So both.

Do you think the media plays a role in all of this? I think it does, but it isn't the main cause of it. You're going to find some creeps on the internet at some point, that's for sure.

Do you believe men can be a victim of sex crimes too? Of course! It should be more recognized, but some people don't believe that it's possible, but it's true.

Have sex crimes affected you or loved ones? Yes, and its horrible.

Do they leave harmful and lasting affects? Assault is damaging to everyone who it happens to or to anyone surrounded by the person who is assaulted.

Do you think there's a way to stop sex crimes? Jail is the best thing we have at the moment, but I don't think we can ever stop it completely.

Any other thoughts? I hope at some point this all stops. I know someone who is quite young and has been sexually assaulted, and I would share, but it's highly inappropriate and I would to keep her safe. You know what's a shame? I was assaulted, along with many of my friends, in school with cameras and teachers. All of the girls were watching out for eachother and huddled together because we were so scared. This lasted for weeks and it's now almost a year later and the people who have done this aren't even slightly in trouble.
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Re: Trigger Warning: Sexual harassment/assault

Post by Draegi »

What are your thoughts on sex crimes themselves?
They're the most atrocious crimes a person can commit

Do you believe people 'ask for it' when they dress provocatively?

What is consent to you?
A clear yes in the form of verbal expression or body language indicative of such. Children cannot consent.

Have you ever experienced sex crimes?

How do you think society's portrayal of sex crimes hinders or helps us?
If you mean the "girl walks home and gets jumped in an alley" portrayal, it's a hindrance. Most victims know their assailant

Do you believe men can be a victim of sex crimes too?
If my experiences say anything, certainly

Have sex crimes affected you or loved ones?
I personally struggle to maintain healthy relationships with others because of what happened.

Do they leave harmful and lasting affects?
Definitely. Many people I've spoken to have been assaulted years ago, but still remain debilitated and traumatized.

Do you think there's a way to stop sex crimes?
There isn't any way to stop all sex crimes, but preventative measures can be taken. Consent and the signs of sexual abuse should be taught and all people should be encouraged to carry a weapon on them in case of emergency

Any other thoughts?
That's about it
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Re: Rape

Post by AHorseNamedPalette »

ConjoinedWeasels wrote:What are your thoughts on rape itself
It's a terrible thing and it shouldn't exist.

Do you believe people 'ask for it' when they dress provocatively

What is consent to you
A sober person saying "Yes, I do want to have sex with you".

Do you believe men can be raped too
Of course. It's not as common as women being raped, but it does happen and it's just as important.

Do you think there's a way to stop rape?
Raise your sons right. Always impress on them that rape is not acceptable. Don't try to tell women what they should to to avoid being raped--tell the men not to rape.

Any other thoughts?
On your last comments, first of all it isn't always the way they were raised that gives them the desire to have sexual congress with a woman without consent. They could have psychological problems and, yes, they could have been raised badly, but what parent would sit down with their son and say, "Don't rape people, okay?". If the child is raised right, is without and psychological problems, and is taught about sex and such things at the right age, I think they should be fine on their own.

Men aren't the only ones who rape. Their have been abductions that were carried out by woman, they just aren't spoken about as often, neither do they happen as much. Not only that, but women should be told to take the proper precautions. Picture this; You have a daughter that you love very much. You know there are bad people in this world, and you want to keep her safe. You aren't always going to be around to keep her safe, so what do you do? Would you rather her getting taken from you without giving so much as a little fight? Or would you like her to know when she should get help from authorities or how to fight back and at least have a small chance of escaping such a horrible situation?

I do not take kindly to people who think it's all the men's fault in such ways. A woman never asks for it, no, but it's not always a man committing the crimes. And before you bash me on being "masculist", let me tell you I am a woman. I am not transgender, I am am biologically a woman, and I do not take kindly to people who think men are always the ones to blame, not do I take kindly to the sick people of the world who think that raping women is okay.


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Re: Trigger Warning: Sexual harassment/assault

Post by AHorseNamedPalette »

What are your thoughts on sex crimes themselves?
It is one of the most horrible things humans have/are doing. I have younger sisters whom I am very protective of and if anything ever happened I would be willing to give my life because I can only imagine how scary being in that situation would be and it still makes me sick. I believe that anyone who has ever committed these crimes, especially to children, should have very little mercy.
Do you believe people 'ask for it' when they dress provocatively?
No. Nobody asks for anything when they dress in a certain way. They are merely expressing themselves in their own unique way, and I think they should have their freedoms.
What is consent to you?
Verbal consent between two parties. An agreement, such as a man and a woman coming together in marriage, or deciding whether or not they are ready to have children.
Have you ever experienced sex crimes?
No, and I plan to keep it that way for me and my family.
How do you think society's portrayal of sex crimes hinders or helps us?
This is a hard one. I really don't know, I haven't seen much of the effects, as my dad doesn't like cable and doesn't allow us to watch live television and news.
Do you think the media plays a role in all of this?
My dad does, and I know that yes, they do to an extent. There are movies and documentaries out there that give supportive evidence
Do you believe men can be a victim of sex crimes too?
Yes, they can and they have, it's just not as common or as heard of in media discussions.
Have sex crimes affected you or loved ones?
I do not think so, and I plan to keep it that way. If any of my friends or family get hurt, I will go through hell and back to help them and bring those who deserve it to justice.
Do they leave harmful and lasting affects?
Yes, very much so. People and children are emotionally and physically scarred after such events. I've seen it at my school.
Do you think there's a way to stop sex crimes?
Not completely. There will always be some sicko in the world still ruining people's lives, one by one. It will never be completely stopped.

Any other thoughts?
Teach your children about sex, keep them away from harmful imagery, teach both sons and daughters about sex crimes, consent, and how to defend themselves against criminals.


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Re: Trigger Warning: Sexual harassment/assault

Post by Sanne »

What are your thoughts on sex crimes themselves?
They are the lowest of the low, all about power and not about sex at all. It's about dominating another, hurting another, damaging them at your own hand.

Do you believe people 'ask for it' when they dress provocatively?
Hell no, no matter what you wear, you never ask for it. BUT, I do believe in some form of modesty. There are people who dress very inapropriate in certain places and demand to be respected. (ie a person on a beach designed for families who wears only a thong and nothing else). But that still doesn't warrend a sex crime!

What is consent to you?
If one says yes.

Have you ever experienced sex crimes?
Yes unfortunately, my sister was sexually assaulted and I got away from a child molester.

How do you think society's portrayal of sex crimes hinders or helps us?
Ow yes very! Let's see;
1. Women are not taken seriously with complaints. Not just rape, but sexual harassment or stalking are not taken seriously. Women are still shamed for being a victim!
2. Men don't come forward with their stories because of the same shame.
3. There are still people who feel women are property, for their pleasure.
4. Victim shaming, victim shaming (you really can't say it enough).
5. Punishment ar still laughable, if convicted at all.

Do you think the media plays a role in all of this?
I have to say that I don't really have an answer for this one. On one hand I'd say yes, because media can change your perception on things. On the other hand no, because sex crimes will always happen.
But if you look at movies, video games, tv shows, it's also very apparent that women are overly sexualized, sometimes even portrayed as something a man is allowed to have, even if they say no.

Do you believe men can be a victim of sex crimes too?
Hell yes! Men, women, children and animals.

Have sex crimes affected you or loved ones?
Unfortunately yes. I believe everybody is affected either directly or indirectly. If you hear about a sex crime in the neighborhood you automatically change your behavior.

Do they leave harmful and lasting affects?
Hell yes, every person who has been sexually assaulted or raped will have lasting trust issues, sexual issues (fear), anxiety etc.

Do you think there's a way to stop sex crimes?
Unfortunately no, I believe we can reduce the rates, remove stigmas and bring criminals to justice. But evil will always exist in the world.
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Re: Trigger Warning: Sexual harassment/assault

Post by Rodwena »

What are your thoughts on sex crimes themselves?
They are disgusting and gross. There is no such thing as non-consensual sex, it is called rape, it's not sex. As the internet says, if someone knocks you over the head with a spade, you wouldn't call it gardening.

Do you believe people 'ask for it' when they dress provocatively?
No, it has nothing to do with the way someone dresses, you never ask for it. Asking for it is a phrase that is paradox in itself, because nobody would ever ask to be violated like that.

What is consent to you?
Saying yes.

Have you ever experienced sex crimes?
Yes, sexual harassment and sexual assault.

How do you think society's portrayal of sex crimes hinders or helps us?
It depends on the society. There are still cultures where it is quite normal, think about child marriage or forced marriage. There is also something called "corrective rape", for example in Africa, where young lesbian girls are raped by men to bring them back on the "right" path, because they say it'll "cure" the woman of homosexuality. This kind of rape is seen as okay even by some government officials. I myself grew up in a society that absolutely condemns rape. I think it is a topic that is being discussed more and more now, after centuries of pretending it is not a problem.

Do you think the media plays a role in all of this?
The media can help spread the word, and educate people, cause outrage and change. Certain adult websites, however, are part of the media, too, and they often still propagate that rape is okay even "hot". It goes both ways, and I think we should boost the first and ban the latter. Personal kinks in consensual arrangements are not as important as protecting people is.

Do you believe men can be a victim of sex crimes too?
Absolutely, male rape is an issue, and men are often shamed into silence even MORE than women, so we do not even know the real scale, but it's happening around the world, every day.

Have sex crimes affected you or loved ones?
My experiences have affected me, but never loved ones, as far as I know. Not that I would, probably, as my own loved ones do not know about my experiences either.

Do they leave harmful and lasting affects?
They do, of course they do. Nine years have passed and I am still working on my issues. It gets better every year, but often, when I think it's gone, something triggers me and you can chisel me out of a dark corner months later. But it DOES get better, the more I deal with it, which I do mostly by writing stories about it.

Do you think there's a way to stop sex crimes?
Unfortunately, no. We can introduce harder punishments, we can only educate everyone, particularly the next generations, about respect and consent, but it will never vanish completely, because no crime ever really does. But I think changing people's attitudes can go a long way.
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Re: Trigger Warning: Sexual harassment/assault

Post by missshadedlove »

What are your thoughts on sex crimes themselves? obviously horrendous.

Do you believe people 'ask for it' when they dress provocatively? No

What is consent to you? When someone says yes. Though I will say if two people are drunk and they both say yes then it is consent. To me if you say yes,regardless of if one or both are drunk then it is consent.

Have you ever experienced sex crimes? Yes. When I was in middle school I got sexually harassed twice. I didn't realize it really at the time.

How do you think society's portrayal of sex crimes hinders or helps us? This is a tricky question because i think it's a mix of both. But there is progress for help.

Do you think the media plays a role in all of this? Media plays a role in alot of things so yes.

Do you believe men can be a victim of sex crimes too? Of course!

Have sex crimes affected you or loved ones? Luckily,even though I was sexually harassed it has not. As for people i know, no.

Do they leave harmful and lasting affects? Some can depending on the crime I think.

Do you think there's a way to stop sex crimes? Sadly no, we might be able to dampen them but in the long run it will never stop.

Any other thoughts? nope.

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