Pit Bulls

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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by lorikeetlovr »

I think it all depends on the owner and how the dog is raised/cared for.
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by mizukiuki »

lorikeetlovr wrote:I think it all depends on the owner and how the dog is raised/cared for.
This! I think any dog can be dangerous if cared for to be dangerous. Pitbulls are usually used as fighters or protecters, so people see them as "dangerous". However, if cared for to be neither and just a family dog, im sure they wouldnt be dangerous. Unless someone messes with their family! But than again as humans if someone messes with your family, we are just as dangerous haha.
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by Oreo770364 »

Hi well pit bulls aren't a dangerous Breed ya they bite a lot but it's all about the pepole who raise them pit bulls are actually really sweet and really smart but they just keep jughing the dog breeds like Doberman and Rottweiler and other ones but they need to blame the pepole who raised them it's not fair to the dogs a lot of pit bulls get put down because of pepole. Now if you are one of thoes pepole who think they are then do more research you might find something interesting you don't know for share if they are dangerous or not. It's the pepole who raise them and make them fight. We need to start blaming humanity, not the dogs
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by Marras »

I think that every breed of dog can be dangerous if human "ruins" the dog or if there's noticable aggression in heritage already (or for example the guarding is so intense that they may attack easier).

I truely love molossers :italian: so i like to participate discussions about dogge danger.

In my opinion, every dog reacts in different way when treated poorly. Molossers are labeled dangerous because they are usually so massive, have strong jaws and when biting they won't let go.

Does anyone else have or like molossers? :3 (Sorry if OT is not allowed!)
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by Startedraining »

About a week ago my 9 month old puppy was attacked by a passing pitbull, and despite hurting my dog, the pit was incredibly well behaved.

When I pulled her off of my dog she never bit me nor did she bark or struggle to get away. I was afraid for my small dog, absolutely terrified, but he came away unscathed.

Even though this happened, and even though there are a lot of local pits that are unfriendly and mean, some aren't, and I'm a firm believer in training. (I get that some dogs are just easier with other dogs/people, but training is a big part of both aspects that can help alleviate some of those problems.)

I don't think pitbulls are a dangerous breed, their reputation is skewed by bad owners and media.
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by Solembumer »

1.) Do you own a pit bull or a pit bull-type of dog?
My brother has a likely pit/whippet/beagle cross. She definitely looks like the trio. So... yes.
2.) If yes, then did you train them from a puppy?
I wasn't there for most of her puppyhood due to college...
3.) How do you feel about certain breeds being banned?
No breed should be banned. Idiot owners should be banned. Honestly, I support IQ testing. Minimum IQ of 60 to drive, 80 to own a pet, 120 to have a kid.... that would solve most of these issues.
4.) Do you think pit bulls are dangerous breeds?
Only if raised to be dangerous.
5.) Why do you think someone might disagree with you?
The media blows everything out of proportion.
6.) Have you ever been attacked by a dog or know someone who has?
Nope. Closest thing is that my dog and I were once attacked and bitten by a fox.
7.) Anything else?
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by ghostqueer »

1.) Do you own a pit bull or a pit bull-type of dog?
I have two- two girls. one of them is about 4 months old.

2.) If yes, then did you train them from a puppy?
yeah, my dad raised haiku, the older one, and obviously, leia is a puppy, so...yes!

3.) How do you feel about certain breeds being banned?
it really bothers me. it's like prohibition in america in the 30s... it only served to drive things underground, which, in turn, just made it more dangerous. the fact of the matter is that people are still going to continue breeding and raising pit bulls under the radar, which is dangerous for the dog and the human. it doesn't help that banning a breed of dog doesn't magically make them all go away.

4.) Do you think pit bulls are dangerous breeds?
they're not dangerous unless they're raised improperly. just like any other dog. especially those who have a lot of brute strength like rottweilers or german shepherds.

Why do you think someone might disagree with you?
stigma, ignorance. or maybe they had a run in with one pit bull who happened to be aggressive.

6.) Have you ever been attacked by a dog or know someone who has?
i don't actually.

7.) Anything else?
when raised properly, pit bulls are extremely sweet and sociable dogs. they're also really good with kids and families. they're my favorite dogs and it breaks my heart that they're demonized the way they are.
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by kapera »

1.) Do you own a pit bull or a pit bull-type of dog?
-I do not own a pit of any kind. But I have had dogs that were rescued from the streets. And they kind of get a bad reputation as well though not for quite the same reasons.

2.) If yes, then did you train them from a puppy?

3.) How do you feel about certain breeds being banned?
-I hate it. There are good dogs and bad dogs just like there are good people and bad people. As a society we are much nicer to bad people then to 'bad' dogs.

4.) Do you think pit bulls are dangerous breeds?
-I think there are some dog breeds that were bred to be hunters or guardians and they require a bit more care in raising then other dogs. So while pitties may be a breed originally intended for protection they are not inherently dangerous unless you have ill intent to them or their people.

5.) Why do you think someone might disagree with you?
-Their are those who like to live willfully uninformed about dogs, dog breeds, dog training, dog care, etc. There are those who were in a violent event with a pittie and carry that idea of pitties being dangerous as an all encompassing truth. There are those that "heard it from the grapevine" so it must be true.

6.) Have you ever been attacked by a dog or know someone who has?
-I got bit by a 5lb mutt when I was about 9. Right on the nose. Dog didn't like anyone but my mother. One of my ex's was attacked as a kid, still had scars on his face and even had surgery to reduce the scars. I don't remember what breed mix it was, but it was a mutt of about 40lbs.

7.) Anything else?
Once I get my own place I can finally get my own dog (which probably wont be for a year or so) and I would actually prefer a pittie mix. They have some of the best happy dog faces and smiles. They wont squish if you roll into them in bed. And as a shorter woman... people would be less likely to mess with me if I have a nice beefy loyal pittie at my side.
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by macintot »

1.) Do you own a pit bull or a pit bull-type of dog? No, but my sister has a Pitt cross.

2.) If yes, then did you train them from a puppy? No, she didn't adopt it until she was a year old.

3.) How do you feel about certain breeds being banned? I'm against it.

4.) Do you think pit bulls are dangerous breeds? Well, it depends on how they were raised, and the dog's general temperament, sometimes.

5.) Why do you think someone might disagree with you? Personal experience, different way of processing the evidence, more rumors of "evil" Pitt bulls that stories or experiences with nice ones.

6.) Have you ever been attacked by a dog or know someone who has? My pawpaw was attacked by a Chau-Chau once. (At least, I think it was a Chau-Chau). I think it was before I was born.

7.) Anything else?N/A
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Re: Pit Bulls: A dangerous breed?

Post by BB8 »

1.) Do you own a pit bull or a pit bull-type of dog?
Yes, a almost 4 year old male.

2.) If yes, then did you train them from a puppy?
I got him when he was 8 months of age.

3.) How do you feel about certain breeds being banned?
Banning things is purposeless.

4.) Do you think pit bulls are dangerous breeds?
Most animals are/have the potential to be dangerous. Pit Bulls are strong animals with a lot of drive. They make wonderful companions if the owner understands the breed.

5.) Why do you think someone might disagree with you?
Fear and personal events tend to cloud judgement.

6.) Have you ever been attacked by a dog or know someone who has?
I've been chased by a Malinois mix and have been almost attacked by my neighbor's unknown mix.

7.) Anything else?N/A
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