These Last Years. ooc

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These Last Years. ooc

Post by Hopefire »

It is here I will post everyones full forms.
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Last edited by Hopefire on June 25th, 2015, 2:19:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Hopefire »

Username: Moonstone
Name: Shiirubi
Species: Dark Elemental Wolf
Subspecies: Spirit
Gender: Female
Age: Young Adult
Looks: Shiirubi normally appears to be a black wolf with a slender frame, fur bearing an almost purple sheen. She's pretty inconsistent, she's here one moment, and gone the next. She's a dreamer, always wandering off and doing things she shouldn't be. She's almost like a ghost, but can make herself solid when she feels like it. Occasionally she accidentally walks through trees, or an unlucky passerby. This doesn't do anything except give her and the "victim" a chilly feeling, which quickly fades when she passes through. She's perfectly alive, however, and does have feelings. Occasionally she turns invisible when she wants to play pranks or be by herself.
Personality: Shiirubi is a generally friendly wolf, though shy at first. She's pretty dreamy and has a hard time concentating, though if you get her nervous or frightened she's steely cold and can become rather unnerving, seeing that she becomes larger and more wispy when she's angry. Normally calm and composed, she does love a good joke. Shiirubi is timid and easily jump-scared, though normally she'll laugh it off, or just become annoyed and wander off somewhere. She does have a bad side, and it involves a lot of cold silence-- or, at her worse, she attacks and loses herself to a bloodlust, which, thankfully doesn't last long.
History: She's not sure how she ended up like this, but she did have a lively puppyhood. She assumes herself to be a hybrid, or maybe accidentally ate something that turned her into a half-spirit. She still bleeds like anyone else though.
Bonded Companion: n/a
Likes: Jokes, actual funny ones, not pathetic poop jokes; squirrels, what? She's a canine; tranquility; peace; daydreaming; stars
Dislikes: Jump-scares; unpredicatable creatures; boredom
Crush: n/a but I plan on adding one
Boy Friend/Girl Friend: n/a
Husband/Wife/Mate: n/a
Siblings/Children: n/a
Other: Your neon colors are a little hard on my eyes. e_e'
Username: Parsee
Name: Blue Summerwind
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Looks: Image Blue has light brown hair that goes to her mid-back. Her eyes are unusual, one is bright green and the other a bright yellow. Blue stands 5'5 and likes her hight, her skin is slightly tanned due to being outside her whole life. On her right shoulder is a scar made into words that says, 'monster.' Also, Blue does her best to hide this but her k9's are unusually long and sharp.
Personality: You could say Blue created flirtashious, and she was the original bad girl. These traits are what she is most known for, she has broken many laws, but has had a fun time doing it. Blue is always kind and seems to never be sad, cause she seals it inside, she is also always happy. Blunt, if course she is, although it is not rude but does get annoying. When she is angry Blue lashes out with words but not violence. Blue does get sad, surprised? But she hides it and is constantly in pain, but she believes it is her job to make people happy this is why she hides it.
History: Blue grew up with her father, her mother was never there and they did not know where she was. Her father was poor and they lived in a extremely dangerous part of town, her father though was a good man and tried to provide the best for Blue. Blue was always harassed by the gangs and drunkards who lived in the area, as did every other girl, but her father was always there to protect her. But when the worlds collided something happened to her k9's so her father and her hid them. This continued for a year, then she turned 19, she was celebrating with friends when she was taken by men. They were going to do unspecable things to her, until they saw her eyes and fangs, they gave her the scar and left her. Now she lives alone, when she returned that day her father was missing and no one knows why.
side: Good
Bonded companion: open
Likes: Music, Blue constantly has headphones with her. Animals, Blue cares and loves animals dearly.
Dislikes: Men, since that day she has a trust issue with them. The cold, it does not sit well with her.
Crush: none
Boyfriend: none
Husband: none
Sibling/children: None
Other: gone. Blue owns and can play the guitar extremely well.

Username: DrBeansMD
Name: Alan Saunders
Gender: male
Age: 36
Looks: He looks like this. Alan is tall and lanky, and not muscular at all. His skin is quite pale, considering he spends most of his time indoors, and he is usually well-dressed and seldom goes anywhere without a tie. His favorite colors are navy blue and hunter green, though the colors are only ever seen in his various ties and sweater vests. I'm serious, this guy REALLY likes his ties.
Personality: Some might call Alan a know-it-all, but he is very proud of the knowledge he has gathered over his lifetime. He is a historian, and can teach you everything you never thought you wanted to know about the past. He specializes in the history of Western Civilization, specifically the Dark Ages. He is civil to other people, though not very friendly overall. Most of his friends are his colleagues, and he has never really taken an interest in romantic relationships in the past, mainly because he was rather socially awkward as a youngster, and always just assumed he'd be alone for the rest of his life.
History: Alan took an interest in history at a young age. Consequently, he was labelled a nerd throughout school, which of course was not helped by his habit of dressing well. He was always awkward around girls and guys alike in college, and so poured all of his attentions into his studies. He eventually earned his Ph.D. and is now an adjunct professor at a small college. He teaches (you guessed it) history, and also heads up the local historical society.
Side: Good
Bonded Companion: None at the moment, likely will have one later.
Likes: Black coffee; Reading; Trivia; Fantasy lore (He secretly obsesses over Tolkien's Legendarium)
Dislikes: Children (He finds them annoying); Small Animals (He also finds these annoying); Rude people
Crush: Has none, but might have one later
Boy Friend/Girl Friend: N/A
Husband/Wife/Mate: N/A
Siblings/Children: None, was an only child
Other: Gone

Username: DrBeansMD
Name: Ballindir Arastor, King of the Old Wood
Species: Elf
Subspecies(optional): Light
Gender: Male
Age: 3,612
Looks: The Elf Himself and his armor
It is not difficult for one to find themselves lost in the gaze of the storm-grey eyes of Ballindir Arastor. There is a wisdom found there that comes only with age and experience, and Ballindir has had plenty of both. Like most Elves, his lithe body is muscular and strong without being bulky. His long, dark hair is usually tied back in some sort of braid, though the patterns and knots can differ daily. His robes are usually various shades of blue or violet, often with gold trim. He may not always wear his crown, but you will never see him without his wedding ring. Even though his wife passed many centuries ago, Ballindir refuses to ever remove the gold band set with a bright sapphire, a tribute to his everlasting love for his wife, even in her death.
Personality: Ballindir is devoted to say the least. He sees himself as the protector of his people, and it pained him greatly when he failed in the case of his late wife. He still blames himself for her death, and always will. Consequently, he carries sorrow in his soul, and is no longer as carefree and joyful as he once was. Now somber and heavy-hearted, it is rare for him to laugh or even smile. But with that being said, it would not be accurate to describe him as a mean or heartless person. In fact many who have met him would describe him as kind and gentle. Since his wife's passing, he has been ever more protective of his only son, much to said son's irritation.
History: Ballindir was still quite young (~800) when he met his wife to be. It was on an expedition to a far off town, sent as a messenger for his father who was then the King, when he first laid eyes on the beautiful golden-haired elleth. Her eyes were like pools of the clearest ocean waters, and her skin was fairer than a summer's day. She was of semi-noble birth, and so Ballindir's father approved of the pairing. They were happily wed within a century of their first encounter, and five hundred years later, Ballindir's father perished in battle and left the crown to his son.
The centuries passed peacefully enough, in which time a son was born to the royal family. All was well, until a fateful journey took the Ballindir's beloved wife from him forever. She had gone to visit her sister in her native town, but had to cross a good stretch of wilderness in order to get there. He had done all he could to ensure her safety, sending over a score of guards to escort her there. But in the end the traveling party was ambushed in the night, and no number of armed guards could have saved her from the dark, shadowed beings that attacked them.
Ballindir was inconsolable, he had loved his wife more than even himself, and would have gladly given his life for her to live. But he was not with them that day, or perhaps things would have been different. There were days his advisors thought he would follow suit after her, perishing from his own grief, but still he survived. As a result, he has become cautious and overprotective, especially of his son, whose sea-blue eyes and golden hair remind him daily of the wife he failed to protect.
Lately Ballindir’s son has been spending more and more time away from him, causing his father to worry even more. A few days back, the son disappeared into the forest, but has not been seen since. A day later, it was discovered that the barrier between the two worlds had been breached. The King knows there is a very good possibility that the elfling responsible for the breach was his son, but he he does not want to believe his son had anything to do with it.
Bonded Companion: Possibly later
Likes: Riding his horse, Findulas; Strong tea with blackberry pastries for breakfast; Quiet moments of peace in his busy life; Spending time with his son, who has grown increasingly distant through the years since his mother's death.
Dislikes: Disorder, especially within his household; Flirtatious ellith, specifically when their attentions are trained on him; Stifling heat, though he doesn't mind the cold so much.
Crush: N/A
Boy Friend/Girl Friend: N/A
Husband/Wife/Mate: Gilraen Arastor (Deceased)
Siblings/Children: Younger brother, Bregolon Arastor; Son, Corunir Arastor. ((Names could possibly change if someone else wanted to take them up as their own character))
Other: Gone...
Username: Superblox
Name: Annabelle (Anna) Logain
Species: Were-Dragon
Subspecies: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Looks: Anna is a slightly tall woman with shoulder length crimson hair, reaching a height of 6'7". She has piercing red eyes with slits for pupils, her face having a slightly sharp look, making her more than intimidating. Anna has a single pair of wings located in between her shoulders, covered in shiny black scales. Each wing is around 5ft. wide. She also has a thin, whip-like black tail that is almost 7ft. In addition, Anna has two small cream-colored horns jutting straight out of the back of her head.
Personality: Despite all of her somewhat scary features, Anna is actually a very nice being. She is a shy girl who gets easily flustered by many things. While she has her moments, she rarely is anything but skittish, hiding from scary things more often than not. Luckily, she is too acustomed by her own reflection to be that scared by it... Unless she isn't paying that much attention at first. Yes, she literally get's startled by her own image if she's out of it enough before seeing it.
History: Anna had been a human at one point, but on the day that the barrier between worlds was broken, she had underwent the transformation that caused her to become what she is today. She ran from home afterwards, terrified of what would happen to her if anyone found out about her. She spent quite some time roaming from place to place, slowly becoming more used to her new appearence, leading her to begin to experiment. She soon learned to control her apparent powers that came with her body. She found she had better senses, and had basic control over the Elements. She even found that she could understand some reptiles as if they spoke english, leading to her friendship with her draconic companion, Garuga
Bonded Companion: Garuga
Likes: Quiet places, Being in the company of reptiles, and in general being in a calm environment/atmosphere.
Dislikes: Loud noises, Hateful people, Spiders, and Anything that is made of leather/hide(Reminds her of the hunters that could very well find her and make her into one as well).
Crush: N/A (Open for any who request, but be warned now that Anna is into other girls)
Boy Friend/Girl Friend: N/A
Husband/Wife/Mate: N/a
Siblings/Children: N/A
Other: Gone

Username: Superblox
Name: Garuga
Species: Dragon
Subspecies(optional): Light
Gender: Male
Age: Physical Age = 7, Mental Age = 26
Looks: Garuga is a dog-sized (Great Dane to be exact) dragon of pale lime scales, with a long, thin snout, and cat-like purple eyes. He is around 6 ft long with a lithe body, two pairs of wings, a big pair 5 1/2 ft long by the shoulder blades, and a much smaller pair, only 3ft long at the hind legs. Garuga has little purple spines going from his head all the way to his tail.
Personality: Garuga is a spirited dragon, getting easily excited over the littlest of things. He encourages Anna to get out of her comfort zone at times, feeling that she needs to try new things. He also goes out of his way to make Anna happy, enjoying the feeling of making her smile, whether it be a small present, or a huge surprise.
History: Before the event happened, he was just a regular Komodo Dragon (Ironic, huh?), who was in the middle of having a meal before he was transformed. His body seemed to absorb the light of the Sun durin the change, which gave him power over light. Not too long after, he felt a presence nearby that felt similar to him in nature, so he followed it, soon finding Anna by herself. After some consolation, the two had become fast friends.
Bonded Companion: Anna
Likes: Hunting, Making Anna smile, Running around while hidden(Due to his ability to control light, he can bend the light around him in a way that is similar to a sort of camoflauge).
Dislikes: Having to fight, People being idiots, and in General stupid, illogical things.
Crush: N/A
Boy Friend/Girl Friend: N/A
Husband/Wife/Mate: N/A
Siblings/Children: N/A
Other: Gone
Last edited by Hopefire on January 2nd, 2016, 8:30:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: These Last Years. ooc

Post by ParadiseSeeker »

Hope for side could you please our good, for blue.
“...she said all writers were prima donnas, drunks, social misfits, pompous, or depressed. Brilliant, maybe, but completely crazy.” ― Ilsa J. Bick
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Re: These Last Years. ooc

Post by Hopefire »

Current Seek/Wish-list:
Nightshade Hearthhound or any other Hearthhound
Synara Nekomata
Alasre Nekomata
Kursim Jackalope
Aetus Jackalope(Female)
Flos Jackalope
Medeor Jackalope
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Re: These Last Years. ooc

Post by ParadiseSeeker »

Thank you!
“...she said all writers were prima donnas, drunks, social misfits, pompous, or depressed. Brilliant, maybe, but completely crazy.” ― Ilsa J. Bick
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Re: These Last Years. ooc

Post by Hopefire »

No problem. :)
Current Seek/Wish-list:
Nightshade Hearthhound or any other Hearthhound
Synara Nekomata
Alasre Nekomata
Kursim Jackalope
Aetus Jackalope(Female)
Flos Jackalope
Medeor Jackalope
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Re: These Last Years. ooc

Post by ParadiseSeeker »

Let me know if I need to make another character of any gender by the way.
“...she said all writers were prima donnas, drunks, social misfits, pompous, or depressed. Brilliant, maybe, but completely crazy.” ― Ilsa J. Bick
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Re: These Last Years. ooc

Post by Hopefire »

If you want to you can for now we are good.
Current Seek/Wish-list:
Nightshade Hearthhound or any other Hearthhound
Synara Nekomata
Alasre Nekomata
Kursim Jackalope
Aetus Jackalope(Female)
Flos Jackalope
Medeor Jackalope
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Re: These Last Years. ooc

Post by meadowsong1101 »

Username: meadowsong1101
Name: Isolde Faith Emerson (Nick.: Izzy, Iz)
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Looks(Describe of necessary): Image
Personality: Shy, kind, caring, sweet, helpful, stubborn, argumentative
History: Lost father in war, lost mother to a murderer just recently, and separated from siblings
Side: Good
Bonded Companion: None yet
Likes: Reading, writing, riding bikes, playing sports (especially tennis), playing the french horn, animals
Dislikes: Rude people, going to school, nonfiction things, abuse of animals, abandonment
Crush: None yet
Boy Friend/Girl Friend: None yet
Husband/Wife/Mate: None
Siblings/Children: Charles Jr. Emerson (brother/missing/19), Elena Alora Hope Emerson (twin sister/missing/17), and Matthew Robert Emerson (brother/missing/15)
Other: Is searching for siblings and hopes to make new friends and possibly new companions along the way.
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Re: These Last Years. ooc

Post by Hopefire »

Current Seek/Wish-list:
Nightshade Hearthhound or any other Hearthhound
Synara Nekomata
Alasre Nekomata
Kursim Jackalope
Aetus Jackalope(Female)
Flos Jackalope
Medeor Jackalope

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