Phobias.. we all have one.

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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by blockEdragon »

Apes and Monkeys, I cant stand them, they make horrible sounds , carry deadly illnesses, and throw their...ya know

EDIT: I've started to warm up to gorillas and other more peaceful apes, stuff like koko and showcases of their intelligence has warmed me to them. They're not my favorite animals by far but they're certainly not the same as monkeys and stuff.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by thestorysofar »


Please refrain from one-word answers in the Hall of Speakers. We'd like to see more in-depth discussions here. I have edited this post with extra info.

Trypophobia is a proposed phobia of small holes, particularly irregular patterns or clusters of small holes. The term was coined in 2005 from the Greek trýpa "hole" and phóbos "fear". Thousands of people say they have the condition. It is not a recognized diagnosis or condition in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) or other scientific literature. ... les-2015-8
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by Emerarudo »

I have an incredibly weird and unusual phobia... Trichophobia. It is basically either the fear of hair in general, or loose hair. In my case, it's loose hair. I feel an extreme anxiety every time I see a loose hair on the floor, on someones clothes or even in a hairbrush. And it is just as bad if it is my own hair. I gag every time I try to pluck my brows and clean my hairbrush, so I actually have short hair because of this.

I have always had this, because in kinder garden they would call my mom and be like "Hey, so... Your daughter puked. But we think there was a hair in her mouth, though" and I wouldn't get sent home. I basically puked daily because of loose hairs. I never liked barbies, because their hair had a tendency to fall out.

Right now it is not as bad as in kinder garden though. But since I study theatre, we are a lot on the floor, where there are lots of loose hairs. Some people think I am faking it when I gag because of the hairs, but I really don't. Some people even pick out hair of their head and put it up in my face, because they think it's funny. But then when I almost puke they get the point and never do it again, luckily.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by TheEmbodimentOfKarma »

EDIT: Fnaf isn't as scary for me as it used to be.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by showmethemorty »

I'm... actually even scared of defining it by using the words that make it up, so google it. :P

Funnily enough i know where this one stems from and exactly how far it goes.
When I was a little kid my father had cancer and the chemotherapy, you know, all that. My bedroom was (and still is, unfortunately) directly next to the bathroom, so. I suppose it was the fear of the real possible mortality that came with it and the repeated stimulus mixed in with it? Or maybe it was just that I got maybe 2 hours of sleep every night as a 3rd grader. Who knows.

I can't see it, write it, read it, smell it, hear it, whatever. Not in real life, anyway.

Strangely enough, YouTube videos involving it (so long as its blurred) are okay, but TV is not. Certain shows are fine (cartoons that have characters off-screen doing it is okay as well) and blood doesn't bother me, haha.

Maybe because on TV it's made out to be a very serious phenomenon while on YouTube it's usually just a bunch of idiots eating stuff they aren't supposed to and they're too busy laughing about it to care? Not sure.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by SilverDragon02 »

I have a fear of being useless and not appreciated. I have a slight fear of spiders and I dislike seein blood and bones, diseased livers, etc.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by mindfull »

persecution but when i want run faster is just think someone persecute me and a irrational extreme fear of darknes and people trying hit me
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by Hummoint »

I'm not afraid of much but when I am afraid of something I'm extremely frightened by whatever it may be. I have tokophobia, the fear of pregnancy. Not only do I fear becoming pregnant myself, but I'm really uncomfortable around other women who may be pregnant. Once I was in a group being led by a counselor who was pregnant and the fetus inside of her was moving around to the point that you could see it from across the room. Honestly it was one of the most disgusting things I had ever seen in my life. I don't know what I'd do if I ever became pregnant myself, it'd be the death of me.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by Clayem »

Well... I have a mighty impractical phobia, if I may say. I am pretty afraid of bone cracking and anything related to bone and tendons (muscles and guts are fine, strangely). Also, anything related to the cardiovascular system makes me uncomfortable (we literality have palpitating tubes inside of us...)
Well, okay, unless I walk into a major accident site, there is no problem with that... I can more or less live my daily life just fine, right?
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by YunoYandere »

I'd say it's less of a phobia and more of a discomfort, but my fear is wrists (carpophobia). I really dislike looking at the veins on both my wrists and others' and others' touching their own wrists or others kind of disturbs me. I also really hate touching my own wrists or others touching them and I have to put bracelets, wristbands, and other types of objects meant for the wrist higher up on my arm.

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