The Beast Master (My Keep and Dragon Cave Stories)

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The Beast Master (My Keep and Dragon Cave Stories)

Post by Shadowweb11 »

Note: To be able to continue my story, for DC and MS, I'll need clicks to get eggs to hatch or hatchlings to grow into adults. (Adults do not need clicks) To access my Keep click here, to access my Scroll click here. Or click the eggs and hatchlings in my signature. These first couple of chapters are about my first few dragon eggs, which already have grown up into adults. Also, please do not post anything here, as I plan to make each post a chapter and it'll become cluttered with comments everywhere. You may PM me for critiques or comments, or until I announce that I posted the last chapter. Thank you.

Chapter One - New Eggs!

I poked at the blue egg, my eyes stitched together as I stared at it. "This egg shines brilliantly in moonlight, and is covered in red spots." it narrated to me. As I bore into it's egg shell with my eyes, I thought long and hard about gathering it or leaving it to it's own mother. I had not seen such a description before, so it must be uncommon. I could definitely use an uncommon to adorn my collection, as I already had two other common eggs waiting back in my cave. Finally making my decision, I grasped at the egg...

Only to discover another had taken it. "Sorry, this egg has already been taken by somebody else." Sighing, I walked around looking for another egg to replace it. Eventually, after a long while, I found the same description. Without a second thought, I grabbed it and hauled it back to my cave. There, two other eggs and a small hatchling welcomed me. The hatchling kept nuzzling it's head against my leg. I took out a large plum and let them eat.

I checked on the dark red egg first, a large crack already forming. Contented, I checked the other. A large hole in the center greeted me, and I felt my heart beating rapidly. The hatchling approached me again, prancing from one side of it's body to another. I patted it's head and received a light nuzzle.

I headed back out to forest, but saw a large pile of abandoned eggs. Curious, I looked through the tall pile. A quick flash of a darker orange attracted my eye, making me inspect it closer. The orange I saw was as if it was splashed across a dark green egg, making it both attractive and yet unattractive to one's eye. Smiling, I took the egg back to the cave with me.


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