The Neverending story!

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Re: The Neverending story!

Post by Moonripple »

[quote="HiddenMystic"]Llamas eat grass with spoons and sporks that seem very strange. Also, they punch someone in the face with wet sponges. They also like to steal monkey's tools because they can make wooden swords to kill each other with. Aiden is one of them. He is a really unusual because his pie tastes like socks dipped in lemonade. Sometimes cucumbers like pooping rainbows with birds that don't alphabetize correctly. One time there was alpacas, that would dance The Rick Roll and imitate a BritwhileI tried swimming but care lessly stopped when the triceratops started facepalming because I lost her face.

Suddenly a fluffy-demon jumped into my sandwich while sweating raspberries. Dancing with me under green skies are some egoistic skeletons holding broken lions, who ate my cranberry sauce and kidnapped the rainbow turkey fairy man, whose arms seem too big. When my gorilla decided to make fruit salad llamas,I tazered Chuck Norris with it. In my pajamas, underwater I ate corndogs made of popcorn and easter chocolate bunnies. Then I drunk balloon sized marshmallows with Extract Straws, and Freddie. So when Alden tried to make me spit it out i spitted it on his face and then some lobster slapped me. It was very weird.Then small aliens apocalypse came to the beach and eat mangoes thus growing Dante's son Peeta a Katnisstongue.

After they shot JFK, an egg decided to fly right into my taco bell and my dragon ate the wolf who ate the Zanfan. So, Zanfan went goodbye and died. Aladin spazzed out in the city eating poison and drowns.Then kittens appear, glowing magnificently golden. This means only they can eat dogs who jump over lazy ponies and green small grapes. So when mermaids died the crapping Stopped but bunnies started Hopping across the rainbow towards the concession stand that called a guy named Diesel. After that they went to the library and tried to say something but couldn't kiss each Orange because they ate potato beans and onions before foxes could kill bananas and get married.

Suddenly, epic pears nommed foxesrule on her cute eye and then sprinkled cinnamon roses with taco shells and helped the epic pears in their conquest of world domination. They sang of mystical creatures, some killed striped idiots just danced likea crazy person but to be honest, they ate supercalifragalisticexpealadocious.Budgiesatecreatures that frolic near smiley rainbows since the green cloud smelled like broccoli and cheese. Although the paper didn't know who should buy scary tools, it always helps. My pet dragon ate cows to show how he was brave. Many crazy pickles man stores with tools in boxes. This is why fairies nibble upon crunchy trolls shaped likefennec tacos foxes in England while Morgaln seemed sad because he lost her nose.

One time my dog sniffed snozzberry flavored puffy gooey foxes. Then he had written this crazy story about popcorn and a wolf who tried to sing lullaby's to [a] small child. Thiscrazytoad loved eating apple mango smoothies while watching Officereruns and licking Ice Blood; he liked sponges. But he hated the holes that annihilated Ducky's pancreasthatdidn't properly fit together. One of the flippers were monofilament cobwebs that used plastic surgery.

The crazy thing was hellhounds ate pineapples and disco when Lady Gaga eats diamonds for underprivileged koalas that smoke hamster food and really should lay off running around everywhere. Running away like Italian plumbers who are afraid of their shadows and cooked cat with limes.

Whenever Gergia drew Indiaitcriedaboutcatsand rain clouds. Afterthe random sunshine was lost, blue heaven started running towards blue striped pajamas while dancing likemaniacalpacas glittering with jewels and Edward Elric chewing gum.

When prince tabernackle survived the Capricorn killed bob for no reason, but skipped Jimmy because of the oncoming horde of child-beasts. So, my pet golem tried eating mold. Why did the moon smile at me? Was it because curly horns coming out shined brighter?

Squeezing this purple people eater resulted in very warm tickle being quickly summoned -antidisestablishmentarianism ruled. There were several eagles hiding outside watching superciliously. Floccinaucinihilipilification yelled "Hallelujah!"and ran to fetch his green potatoes before rushing serendipitously into the igloo.

Aghast at penguin inside that was crawling across pudding, Terri was sneezing uncontrollably weirdly. However, Troy wanted yellow cookies before exploding into a thousand bits of pie. Betwixt all, the Bandersnatch sniggered creepily.

Pumpkins hate apples as much fun in Phantasmagoria loves the sweet cakes. They also bit skinny and slightly eat livers of spotted spiders, which are surprisingly tasty. Fast ones kiss your pancreas before they scratch out your yellow eyeballs. Slow humans dragged Simon to the graveyard because he smelled lemony.

Screaming, trolls ran away quickly since squirrels started jumping on a toadstool while brandishing sticks made everyone fart causing bob to sit on his pet Sloth, who just sat on a rocket waiting for something magical until a troll bit part of it.

Magically, making tequila, Terri the Bobsled had worn down his wooden ice machine. Terri felt the magical cupcake fire harden and ooze cupcakes. The nose on Bonquisha's umbrella started blinking rapidly. Terri cried out, "My sandwich! Bonquisha, my sandwich has been a monstrous crab!"

"How did that elephant fit in circular houses while beansprouts surrounded Simon? It's terribly cold today!" Thinking unlike the magical Merlin brand, he jumped into their bucket car peeling bananas. Simon was very injured from his incident with invisible penguins and decided squirrels were less juvenile than minions.

Baking ice cream with Troy, Mardigraz was under the roof sleeping. Suddenly, shattering feet skipped out from icy water, causing the zebras to sing "Hallelujah!" Mardigraz steadily made progress eating Popsicles. Purple globs bounced aimlessly in Troy's time-machine pet Hippocampus corral. The puppy Direwolf Bonobi decided yawning and then it screamed. Hurting bananas, Bonobi seeds the plants in the strange mulch filled with custard pudding.

Drinking pineapple slushies with green potatoes, Bonquisha does can-can sexually. Then Luke Skywalker vaporized some unbelievable piglets with huge appetites while every wyvern sang like opera ladies. Drinking the mead voraciously, drunken iguanas sprinkled, when startled, spewed lava and molten caramel candies with nuts. Iguanas ate drunk ostriches with mead while writing plays on fantastic purple paper,


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Re: The Neverending story!

Post by HiddenMystic »

Llamas eat grass with spoons and sporks that seem very strange. Also, they punch someone in the face with wet sponges. They also like to steal monkey's tools because they can make wooden swords to kill each other with. Aiden is one of them. He is a really unusual because his pie tastes like socks dipped in lemonade. Sometimes cucumbers like pooping rainbows with birds that don't alphabetize correctly. One time there was alpacas, that would dance The Rick Roll and imitate a BritwhileI tried swimming but care lessly stopped when the triceratops started facepalming because I lost her face.

Suddenly a fluffy-demon jumped into my sandwich while sweating raspberries. Dancing with me under green skies are some egoistic skeletons holding broken lions, who ate my cranberry sauce and kidnapped the rainbow turkey fairy man, whose arms seem too big. When my gorilla decided to make fruit salad llamas,I tazered Chuck Norris with it. In my pajamas, underwater I ate corndogs made of popcorn and easter chocolate bunnies. Then I drunk balloon sized marshmallows with Extract Straws, and Freddie. So when Alden tried to make me spit it out i spitted it on his face and then some lobster slapped me. It was very weird.Then small aliens apocalypse came to the beach and eat mangoes thus growing Dante's son Peeta a Katnisstongue.

After they shot JFK, an egg decided to fly right into my taco bell and my dragon ate the wolf who ate the Zanfan. So, Zanfan went goodbye and died. Aladin spazzed out in the city eating poison and drowns.Then kittens appear, glowing magnificently golden. This means only they can eat dogs who jump over lazy ponies and green small grapes. So when mermaids died the crapping Stopped but bunnies started Hopping across the rainbow towards the concession stand that called a guy named Diesel. After that they went to the library and tried to say something but couldn't kiss each Orange because they ate potato beans and onions before foxes could kill bananas and get married.

Suddenly, epic pears nommed foxesrule on her cute eye and then sprinkled cinnamon roses with taco shells and helped the epic pears in their conquest of world domination. They sang of mystical creatures, some killed striped idiots just danced likea crazy person but to be honest, they ate supercalifragalisticexpealadocious.Budgiesatecreatures that frolic near smiley rainbows since the green cloud smelled like broccoli and cheese. Although the paper didn't know who should buy scary tools, it always helps. My pet dragon ate cows to show how he was brave. Many crazy pickles man stores with tools in boxes. This is why fairies nibble upon crunchy trolls shaped likefennec tacos foxes in England while Morgaln seemed sad because he lost her nose.

One time my dog sniffed snozzberry flavored puffy gooey foxes. Then he had written this crazy story about popcorn and a wolf who tried to sing lullaby's to [a] small child. Thiscrazytoad loved eating apple mango smoothies while watching Officereruns and licking Ice Blood; he liked sponges. But he hated the holes that annihilated Ducky's pancreasthatdidn't properly fit together. One of the flippers were monofilament cobwebs that used plastic surgery.

The crazy thing was hellhounds ate pineapples and disco when Lady Gaga eats diamonds for underprivileged koalas that smoke hamster food and really should lay off running around everywhere. Running away like Italian plumbers who are afraid of their shadows and cooked cat with limes.

Whenever Gergia drew Indiaitcriedaboutcatsand rain clouds. Afterthe random sunshine was lost, blue heaven started running towards blue striped pajamas while dancing likemaniacalpacas glittering with jewels and Edward Elric chewing gum.

When prince tabernackle survived the Capricorn killed bob for no reason, but skipped Jimmy because of the oncoming horde of child-beasts. So, my pet golem tried eating mold. Why did the moon smile at me? Was it because curly horns coming out shined brighter?

Squeezing this purple people eater resulted in very warm tickle being quickly summoned -antidisestablishmentarianism ruled. There were several eagles hiding outside watching superciliously. Floccinaucinihilipilification yelled "Hallelujah!"and ran to fetch his green potatoes before rushing serendipitously into the igloo.

Aghast at penguin inside that was crawling across pudding, Terri was sneezing uncontrollably weirdly. However, Troy wanted yellow cookies before exploding into a thousand bits of pie. Betwixt all, the Bandersnatch sniggered creepily.

Pumpkins hate apples as much fun in Phantasmagoria loves the sweet cakes. They also bit skinny and slightly eat livers of spotted spiders, which are surprisingly tasty. Fast ones kiss your pancreas before they scratch out your yellow eyeballs. Slow humans dragged Simon to the graveyard because he smelled lemony.

Screaming, trolls ran away quickly since squirrels started jumping on a toadstool while brandishing sticks made everyone fart causing bob to sit on his pet Sloth, who just sat on a rocket waiting for something magical until a troll bit part of it.

Magically, making tequila, Terri the Bobsled had worn down his wooden ice machine. Terri felt the magical cupcake fire harden and ooze cupcakes. The nose on Bonquisha's umbrella started blinking rapidly. Terri cried out, "My sandwich! Bonquisha, my sandwich has been a monstrous crab!"

"How did that elephant fit in circular houses while beansprouts surrounded Simon? It's terribly cold today!" Thinking unlike the magical Merlin brand, he jumped into their bucket car peeling bananas. Simon was very injured from his incident with invisible penguins and decided squirrels were less juvenile than minions.

Baking ice cream with Troy, Mardigraz was under the roof sleeping. Suddenly, shattering feet skipped out from icy water, causing the zebras to sing "Hallelujah!" Mardigraz steadily made progress eating Popsicles. Purple globs bounced aimlessly in Troy's time-machine pet Hippocampus corral. The puppy Direwolf Bonobi decided yawning and then it screamed. Hurting bananas, Bonobi seeds the plants in the strange mulch filled with custard pudding.

Drinking pineapple slushies with green potatoes, Bonquisha does can-can sexually. Then Luke Skywalker vaporized some unbelievable piglets with huge appetites while every wyvern sang like opera ladies. Drinking the mead voraciously, drunken iguanas sprinkled, when startled, spewed lava and molten caramel candies with nuts. Iguanas ate drunk ostriches with mead while writing plays on fantastic purple paper.

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Re: The Neverending story!

Post by OathKeeper »

Llamas eat grass with spoons and sporks that seem very strange. Also, they punch someone in the face with wet sponges. They also like to steal monkey's tools because they can make wooden swords to kill each other with. Aiden is one of them. He is a really unusual because his pie tastes like socks dipped in lemonade. Sometimes cucumbers like pooping rainbows with birds that don't alphabetize correctly. One time there was alpacas, that would dance The Rick Roll and imitate a BritwhileI tried swimming but care lessly stopped when the triceratops started facepalming because I lost her face.

Suddenly a fluffy-demon jumped into my sandwich while sweating raspberries. Dancing with me under green skies are some egoistic skeletons holding broken lions, who ate my cranberry sauce and kidnapped the rainbow turkey fairy man, whose arms seem too big. When my gorilla decided to make fruit salad llamas,I tazered Chuck Norris with it. In my pajamas, underwater I ate corndogs made of popcorn and easter chocolate bunnies. Then I drunk balloon sized marshmallows with Extract Straws, and Freddie. So when Alden tried to make me spit it out i spitted it on his face and then some lobster slapped me. It was very weird.Then small aliens apocalypse came to the beach and eat mangoes thus growing Dante's son Peeta a Katnisstongue.

After they shot JFK, an egg decided to fly right into my taco bell and my dragon ate the wolf who ate the Zanfan. So, Zanfan went goodbye and died. Aladin spazzed out in the city eating poison and drowns.Then kittens appear, glowing magnificently golden. This means only they can eat dogs who jump over lazy ponies and green small grapes. So when mermaids died the crapping Stopped but bunnies started Hopping across the rainbow towards the concession stand that called a guy named Diesel. After that they went to the library and tried to say something but couldn't kiss each Orange because they ate potato beans and onions before foxes could kill bananas and get married.

Suddenly, epic pears nommed foxesrule on her cute eye and then sprinkled cinnamon roses with taco shells and helped the epic pears in their conquest of world domination. They sang of mystical creatures, some killed striped idiots just danced likea crazy person but to be honest, they ate supercalifragalisticexpealadocious.Budgiesatecreatures that frolic near smiley rainbows since the green cloud smelled like broccoli and cheese. Although the paper didn't know who should buy scary tools, it always helps. My pet dragon ate cows to show how he was brave. Many crazy pickles man stores with tools in boxes. This is why fairies nibble upon crunchy trolls shaped likefennec tacos foxes in England while Morgaln seemed sad because he lost her nose.

One time my dog sniffed snozzberry flavored puffy gooey foxes. Then he had written this crazy story about popcorn and a wolf who tried to sing lullaby's to [a] small child. Thiscrazytoad loved eating apple mango smoothies while watching Officereruns and licking Ice Blood; he liked sponges. But he hated the holes that annihilated Ducky's pancreasthatdidn't properly fit together. One of the flippers were monofilament cobwebs that used plastic surgery.

The crazy thing was hellhounds ate pineapples and disco when Lady Gaga eats diamonds for underprivileged koalas that smoke hamster food and really should lay off running around everywhere. Running away like Italian plumbers who are afraid of their shadows and cooked cat with limes.

Whenever Gergia drew Indiaitcriedaboutcatsand rain clouds. Afterthe random sunshine was lost, blue heaven started running towards blue striped pajamas while dancing likemaniacalpacas glittering with jewels and Edward Elric chewing gum.

When prince tabernackle survived the Capricorn killed bob for no reason, but skipped Jimmy because of the oncoming horde of child-beasts. So, my pet golem tried eating mold. Why did the moon smile at me? Was it because curly horns coming out shined brighter?

Squeezing this purple people eater resulted in very warm tickle being quickly summoned -antidisestablishmentarianism ruled. There were several eagles hiding outside watching superciliously. Floccinaucinihilipilification yelled "Hallelujah!"and ran to fetch his green potatoes before rushing serendipitously into the igloo.

Aghast at penguin inside that was crawling across pudding, Terri was sneezing uncontrollably weirdly. However, Troy wanted yellow cookies before exploding into a thousand bits of pie. Betwixt all, the Bandersnatch sniggered creepily.

Pumpkins hate apples as much fun in Phantasmagoria loves the sweet cakes. They also bit skinny and slightly eat livers of spotted spiders, which are surprisingly tasty. Fast ones kiss your pancreas before they scratch out your yellow eyeballs. Slow humans dragged Simon to the graveyard because he smelled lemony.

Screaming, trolls ran away quickly since squirrels started jumping on a toadstool while brandishing sticks made everyone fart causing bob to sit on his pet Sloth, who just sat on a rocket waiting for something magical until a troll bit part of it.

Magically, making tequila, Terri the Bobsled had worn down his wooden ice machine. Terri felt the magical cupcake fire harden and ooze cupcakes. The nose on Bonquisha's umbrella started blinking rapidly. Terri cried out, "My sandwich! Bonquisha, my sandwich has been a monstrous crab!"

"How did that elephant fit in circular houses while beansprouts surrounded Simon? It's terribly cold today!" Thinking unlike the magical Merlin brand, he jumped into their bucket car peeling bananas. Simon was very injured from his incident with invisible penguins and decided squirrels were less juvenile than minions.

Baking ice cream with Troy, Mardigraz was under the roof sleeping. Suddenly, shattering feet skipped out from icy water, causing the zebras to sing "Hallelujah!" Mardigraz steadily made progress eating Popsicles. Purple globs bounced aimlessly in Troy's time-machine pet Hippocampus corral. The puppy Direwolf Bonobi decided yawning and then it screamed. Hurting bananas, Bonobi seeds the plants in the strange mulch filled with custard pudding.

Drinking pineapple slushies with green potatoes, Bonquisha does can-can sexually. Then Luke Skywalker vaporized some unbelievable piglets with huge appetites while every wyvern sang like opera ladies. Drinking the mead voraciously, drunken iguanas sprinkled, when startled, spewed lava and molten caramel candies with nuts. Iguanas ate drunk ostriches with mead while writing plays on fantastic purple paper.

Ghostly kittens
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Re: The Neverending story!

Post by CrownedExorcist »

Llamas eat grass with spoons and sporks that seem very strange. Also, they punch someone in the face with wet sponges. They also like to steal monkey's tools because they can make wooden swords to kill each other with. Aiden is one of them. He is a really unusual because his pie tastes like socks dipped in lemonade. Sometimes cucumbers like pooping rainbows with birds that don't alphabetize correctly. One time there was alpacas, that would dance The Rick Roll and imitate a BritwhileI tried swimming but care lessly stopped when the triceratops started facepalming because I lost her face.

Suddenly a fluffy-demon jumped into my sandwich while sweating raspberries. Dancing with me under green skies are some egoistic skeletons holding broken lions, who ate my cranberry sauce and kidnapped the rainbow turkey fairy man, whose arms seem too big. When my gorilla decided to make fruit salad llamas,I tazered Chuck Norris with it. In my pajamas, underwater I ate corndogs made of popcorn and easter chocolate bunnies. Then I drunk balloon sized marshmallows with Extract Straws, and Freddie. So when Alden tried to make me spit it out i spitted it on his face and then some lobster slapped me. It was very weird.Then small aliens apocalypse came to the beach and eat mangoes thus growing Dante's son Peeta a Katnisstongue.

After they shot JFK, an egg decided to fly right into my taco bell and my dragon ate the wolf who ate the Zanfan. So, Zanfan went goodbye and died. Aladin spazzed out in the city eating poison and drowns.Then kittens appear, glowing magnificently golden. This means only they can eat dogs who jump over lazy ponies and green small grapes. So when mermaids died the crapping Stopped but bunnies started Hopping across the rainbow towards the concession stand that called a guy named Diesel. After that they went to the library and tried to say something but couldn't kiss each Orange because they ate potato beans and onions before foxes could kill bananas and get married.

Suddenly, epic pears nommed foxesrule on her cute eye and then sprinkled cinnamon roses with taco shells and helped the epic pears in their conquest of world domination. They sang of mystical creatures, some killed striped idiots just danced likea crazy person but to be honest, they ate supercalifragalisticexpealadocious.Budgiesatecreatures that frolic near smiley rainbows since the green cloud smelled like broccoli and cheese. Although the paper didn't know who should buy scary tools, it always helps. My pet dragon ate cows to show how he was brave. Many crazy pickles man stores with tools in boxes. This is why fairies nibble upon crunchy trolls shaped likefennec tacos foxes in England while Morgaln seemed sad because he lost her nose.

One time my dog sniffed snozzberry flavored puffy gooey foxes. Then he had written this crazy story about popcorn and a wolf who tried to sing lullaby's to [a] small child. Thiscrazytoad loved eating apple mango smoothies while watching Officereruns and licking Ice Blood; he liked sponges. But he hated the holes that annihilated Ducky's pancreasthatdidn't properly fit together. One of the flippers were monofilament cobwebs that used plastic surgery.

The crazy thing was hellhounds ate pineapples and disco when Lady Gaga eats diamonds for underprivileged koalas that smoke hamster food and really should lay off running around everywhere. Running away like Italian plumbers who are afraid of their shadows and cooked cat with limes.

Whenever Gergia drew Indiaitcriedaboutcatsand rain clouds. Afterthe random sunshine was lost, blue heaven started running towards blue striped pajamas while dancing likemaniacalpacas glittering with jewels and Edward Elric chewing gum.

When prince tabernackle survived the Capricorn killed bob for no reason, but skipped Jimmy because of the oncoming horde of child-beasts. So, my pet golem tried eating mold. Why did the moon smile at me? Was it because curly horns coming out shined brighter?

Squeezing this purple people eater resulted in very warm tickle being quickly summoned -antidisestablishmentarianism ruled. There were several eagles hiding outside watching superciliously. Floccinaucinihilipilification yelled "Hallelujah!"and ran to fetch his green potatoes before rushing serendipitously into the igloo.

Aghast at penguin inside that was crawling across pudding, Terri was sneezing uncontrollably weirdly. However, Troy wanted yellow cookies before exploding into a thousand bits of pie. Betwixt all, the Bandersnatch sniggered creepily.

Pumpkins hate apples as much fun in Phantasmagoria loves the sweet cakes. They also bit skinny and slightly eat livers of spotted spiders, which are surprisingly tasty. Fast ones kiss your pancreas before they scratch out your yellow eyeballs. Slow humans dragged Simon to the graveyard because he smelled lemony.

Screaming, trolls ran away quickly since squirrels started jumping on a toadstool while brandishing sticks made everyone fart causing bob to sit on his pet Sloth, who just sat on a rocket waiting for something magical until a troll bit part of it.

Magically, making tequila, Terri the Bobsled had worn down his wooden ice machine. Terri felt the magical cupcake fire harden and ooze cupcakes. The nose on Bonquisha's umbrella started blinking rapidly. Terri cried out, "My sandwich! Bonquisha, my sandwich has been a monstrous crab!"

"How did that elephant fit in circular houses while beansprouts surrounded Simon? It's terribly cold today!" Thinking unlike the magical Merlin brand, he jumped into their bucket car peeling bananas. Simon was very injured from his incident with invisible penguins and decided squirrels were less juvenile than minions.

Baking ice cream with Troy, Mardigraz was under the roof sleeping. Suddenly, shattering feet skipped out from icy water, causing the zebras to sing "Hallelujah!" Mardigraz steadily made progress eating Popsicles. Purple globs bounced aimlessly in Troy's time-machine pet Hippocampus corral. The puppy Direwolf Bonobi decided yawning and then it screamed. Hurting bananas, Bonobi seeds the plants in the strange mulch filled with custard pudding.

Drinking pineapple slushies with green potatoes, Bonquisha does can-can sexually. Then Luke Skywalker vaporized some unbelievable piglets with huge appetites while every wyvern sang like opera ladies. Drinking the mead voraciously, drunken iguanas sprinkled, when startled, spewed lava and molten caramel candies with nuts. Iguanas ate drunk ostriches with mead while writing plays on fantastic purple paper.

Ghostly kittens purr
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Re: The Neverending story!

Post by GirlzRule »

Llamas eat grass with spoons and sporks that seem very strange. Also, they punch someone in the face with wet sponges. They also like to steal monkey's tools because they can make wooden swords to kill each other with. Aiden is one of them. He is a really unusual because his pie tastes like socks dipped in lemonade. Sometimes cucumbers like pooping rainbows with birds that don't alphabetize correctly. One time there was alpacas, that would dance The Rick Roll and imitate a BritwhileI tried swimming but care lessly stopped when the triceratops started facepalming because I lost her face.

Suddenly a fluffy-demon jumped into my sandwich while sweating raspberries. Dancing with me under green skies are some egoistic skeletons holding broken lions, who ate my cranberry sauce and kidnapped the rainbow turkey fairy man, whose arms seem too big. When my gorilla decided to make fruit salad llamas,I tazered Chuck Norris with it. In my pajamas, underwater I ate corndogs made of popcorn and easter chocolate bunnies. Then I drunk balloon sized marshmallows with Extract Straws, and Freddie. So when Alden tried to make me spit it out i spitted it on his face and then some lobster slapped me. It was very weird.Then small aliens apocalypse came to the beach and eat mangoes thus growing Dante's son Peeta a Katnisstongue.

After they shot JFK, an egg decided to fly right into my taco bell and my dragon ate the wolf who ate the Zanfan. So, Zanfan went goodbye and died. Aladin spazzed out in the city eating poison and drowns.Then kittens appear, glowing magnificently golden. This means only they can eat dogs who jump over lazy ponies and green small grapes. So when mermaids died the crapping Stopped but bunnies started Hopping across the rainbow towards the concession stand that called a guy named Diesel. After that they went to the library and tried to say something but couldn't kiss each Orange because they ate potato beans and onions before foxes could kill bananas and get married.

Suddenly, epic pears nommed foxesrule on her cute eye and then sprinkled cinnamon roses with taco shells and helped the epic pears in their conquest of world domination. They sang of mystical creatures, some killed striped idiots just danced likea crazy person but to be honest, they ate supercalifragalisticexpealadocious.Budgiesatecreatures that frolic near smiley rainbows since the green cloud smelled like broccoli and cheese. Although the paper didn't know who should buy scary tools, it always helps. My pet dragon ate cows to show how he was brave. Many crazy pickles man stores with tools in boxes. This is why fairies nibble upon crunchy trolls shaped likefennec tacos foxes in England while Morgaln seemed sad because he lost her nose.

One time my dog sniffed snozzberry flavored puffy gooey foxes. Then he had written this crazy story about popcorn and a wolf who tried to sing lullaby's to [a] small child. Thiscrazytoad loved eating apple mango smoothies while watching Officereruns and licking Ice Blood; he liked sponges. But he hated the holes that annihilated Ducky's pancreasthatdidn't properly fit together. One of the flippers were monofilament cobwebs that used plastic surgery.

The crazy thing was hellhounds ate pineapples and disco when Lady Gaga eats diamonds for underprivileged koalas that smoke hamster food and really should lay off running around everywhere. Running away like Italian plumbers who are afraid of their shadows and cooked cat with limes.

Whenever Gergia drew Indiaitcriedaboutcatsand rain clouds. Afterthe random sunshine was lost, blue heaven started running towards blue striped pajamas while dancing likemaniacalpacas glittering with jewels and Edward Elric chewing gum.

When prince tabernackle survived the Capricorn killed bob for no reason, but skipped Jimmy because of the oncoming horde of child-beasts. So, my pet golem tried eating mold. Why did the moon smile at me? Was it because curly horns coming out shined brighter?

Squeezing this purple people eater resulted in very warm tickle being quickly summoned -antidisestablishmentarianism ruled. There were several eagles hiding outside watching superciliously. Floccinaucinihilipilification yelled "Hallelujah!"and ran to fetch his green potatoes before rushing serendipitously into the igloo.

Aghast at penguin inside that was crawling across pudding, Terri was sneezing uncontrollably weirdly. However, Troy wanted yellow cookies before exploding into a thousand bits of pie. Betwixt all, the Bandersnatch sniggered creepily.

Pumpkins hate apples as much fun in Phantasmagoria loves the sweet cakes. They also bit skinny and slightly eat livers of spotted spiders, which are surprisingly tasty. Fast ones kiss your pancreas before they scratch out your yellow eyeballs. Slow humans dragged Simon to the graveyard because he smelled lemony.

Screaming, trolls ran away quickly since squirrels started jumping on a toadstool while brandishing sticks made everyone fart causing bob to sit on his pet Sloth, who just sat on a rocket waiting for something magical until a troll bit part of it.

Magically, making tequila, Terri the Bobsled had worn down his wooden ice machine. Terri felt the magical cupcake fire harden and ooze cupcakes. The nose on Bonquisha's umbrella started blinking rapidly. Terri cried out, "My sandwich! Bonquisha, my sandwich has been a monstrous crab!"

"How did that elephant fit in circular houses while beansprouts surrounded Simon? It's terribly cold today!" Thinking unlike the magical Merlin brand, he jumped into their bucket car peeling bananas. Simon was very injured from his incident with invisible penguins and decided squirrels were less juvenile than minions.

Baking ice cream with Troy, Mardigraz was under the roof sleeping. Suddenly, shattering feet skipped out from icy water, causing the zebras to sing "Hallelujah!" Mardigraz steadily made progress eating Popsicles. Purple globs bounced aimlessly in Troy's time-machine pet Hippocampus corral. The puppy Direwolf Bonobi decided yawning and then it screamed. Hurting bananas, Bonobi seeds the plants in the strange mulch filled with custard pudding.

Drinking pineapple slushies with green potatoes, Bonquisha does can-can sexually. Then Luke Skywalker vaporized some unbelievable piglets with huge appetites while every wyvern sang like opera ladies. Drinking the mead voraciously, drunken iguanas sprinkled, when startled, spewed lava and molten caramel candies with nuts. Iguanas ate drunk ostriches with mead while writing plays on fantastic purple paper.

Ghostly kittens purr obscenities at night
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Re: The Neverending story!

Post by Teleway »

Llamas eat grass with spoons and sporks that seem very strange. Also, they punch someone in the face with wet sponges. They also like to steal monkey's tools because they can make wooden swords to kill each other with. Aiden is one of them. He is a really unusual because his pie tastes like socks dipped in lemonade. Sometimes cucumbers like pooping rainbows with birds that don't alphabetize correctly. One time there was alpacas, that would dance The Rick Roll and imitate a BritwhileI tried swimming but care lessly stopped when the triceratops started facepalming because I lost her face.

Suddenly a fluffy-demon jumped into my sandwich while sweating raspberries. Dancing with me under green skies are some egoistic skeletons holding broken lions, who ate my cranberry sauce and kidnapped the rainbow turkey fairy man, whose arms seem too big. When my gorilla decided to make fruit salad llamas,I tazered Chuck Norris with it. In my pajamas, underwater I ate corndogs made of popcorn and easter chocolate bunnies. Then I drunk balloon sized marshmallows with Extract Straws, and Freddie. So when Alden tried to make me spit it out i spitted it on his face and then some lobster slapped me. It was very weird.Then small aliens apocalypse came to the beach and eat mangoes thus growing Dante's son Peeta a Katnisstongue.

After they shot JFK, an egg decided to fly right into my taco bell and my dragon ate the wolf who ate the Zanfan. So, Zanfan went goodbye and died. Aladin spazzed out in the city eating poison and drowns.Then kittens appear, glowing magnificently golden. This means only they can eat dogs who jump over lazy ponies and green small grapes. So when mermaids died the crapping Stopped but bunnies started Hopping across the rainbow towards the concession stand that called a guy named Diesel. After that they went to the library and tried to say something but couldn't kiss each Orange because they ate potato beans and onions before foxes could kill bananas and get married.

Suddenly, epic pears nommed foxesrule on her cute eye and then sprinkled cinnamon roses with taco shells and helped the epic pears in their conquest of world domination. They sang of mystical creatures, some killed striped idiots just danced likea crazy person but to be honest, they ate supercalifragalisticexpealadocious.Budgiesatecreatures that frolic near smiley rainbows since the green cloud smelled like broccoli and cheese. Although the paper didn't know who should buy scary tools, it always helps. My pet dragon ate cows to show how he was brave. Many crazy pickles man stores with tools in boxes. This is why fairies nibble upon crunchy trolls shaped likefennec tacos foxes in England while Morgaln seemed sad because he lost her nose.

One time my dog sniffed snozzberry flavored puffy gooey foxes. Then he had written this crazy story about popcorn and a wolf who tried to sing lullaby's to [a] small child. Thiscrazytoad loved eating apple mango smoothies while watching Officereruns and licking Ice Blood; he liked sponges. But he hated the holes that annihilated Ducky's pancreasthatdidn't properly fit together. One of the flippers were monofilament cobwebs that used plastic surgery.

The crazy thing was hellhounds ate pineapples and disco when Lady Gaga eats diamonds for underprivileged koalas that smoke hamster food and really should lay off running around everywhere. Running away like Italian plumbers who are afraid of their shadows and cooked cat with limes.

Whenever Gergia drew Indiaitcriedaboutcatsand rain clouds. Afterthe random sunshine was lost, blue heaven started running towards blue striped pajamas while dancing likemaniacalpacas glittering with jewels and Edward Elric chewing gum.

When prince tabernackle survived the Capricorn killed bob for no reason, but skipped Jimmy because of the oncoming horde of child-beasts. So, my pet golem tried eating mold. Why did the moon smile at me? Was it because curly horns coming out shined brighter?

Squeezing this purple people eater resulted in very warm tickle being quickly summoned -antidisestablishmentarianism ruled. There were several eagles hiding outside watching superciliously. Floccinaucinihilipilification yelled "Hallelujah!"and ran to fetch his green potatoes before rushing serendipitously into the igloo.

Aghast at penguin inside that was crawling across pudding, Terri was sneezing uncontrollably weirdly. However, Troy wanted yellow cookies before exploding into a thousand bits of pie. Betwixt all, the Bandersnatch sniggered creepily.

Pumpkins hate apples as much fun in Phantasmagoria loves the sweet cakes. They also bit skinny and slightly eat livers of spotted spiders, which are surprisingly tasty. Fast ones kiss your pancreas before they scratch out your yellow eyeballs. Slow humans dragged Simon to the graveyard because he smelled lemony.

Screaming, trolls ran away quickly since squirrels started jumping on a toadstool while brandishing sticks made everyone fart causing bob to sit on his pet Sloth, who just sat on a rocket waiting for something magical until a troll bit part of it.

Magically, making tequila, Terri the Bobsled had worn down his wooden ice machine. Terri felt the magical cupcake fire harden and ooze cupcakes. The nose on Bonquisha's umbrella started blinking rapidly. Terri cried out, "My sandwich! Bonquisha, my sandwich has been a monstrous crab!"

"How did that elephant fit in circular houses while beansprouts surrounded Simon? It's terribly cold today!" Thinking unlike the magical Merlin brand, he jumped into their bucket car peeling bananas. Simon was very injured from his incident with invisible penguins and decided squirrels were less juvenile than minions.

Baking ice cream with Troy, Mardigraz was under the roof sleeping. Suddenly, shattering feet skipped out from icy water, causing the zebras to sing "Hallelujah!" Mardigraz steadily made progress eating Popsicles. Purple globs bounced aimlessly in Troy's time-machine pet Hippocampus corral. The puppy Direwolf Bonobi decided yawning and then it screamed. Hurting bananas, Bonobi seeds the plants in the strange mulch filled with custard pudding.

Drinking pineapple slushies with green potatoes, Bonquisha does can-can sexually. Then Luke Skywalker vaporized some unbelievable piglets with huge appetites while every wyvern sang like opera ladies. Drinking the mead voraciously, drunken iguanas sprinkled, when startled, spewed lava and molten caramel candies with nuts. Iguanas ate drunk ostriches with mead while writing plays on fantastic purple paper.

Ghostly kittens purr obscenities at night when
Always egglocked. Always. DO NOT MINE MY KEEP. Only click the eggs/hatchlings I've got in the signature or have posted on the forums! 9/25 gifts! Thank you!

Fire (M), Water (M), Life (M), Earth (F), Light (M), Void (M), Saerulis (M) Crystalwings, Pale (M) and Nova (F) Arkais, and Quail (F) Amagnae! Though I'm not picky. (M or F indicates genders)
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Re: The Neverending story!

Post by HiddenMystic »

Llamas eat grass with spoons and sporks that seem very strange. Also, they punch someone in the face with wet sponges. They also like to steal monkey's tools because they can make wooden swords to kill each other with. Aiden is one of them. He is a really unusual because his pie tastes like socks dipped in lemonade. Sometimes cucumbers like pooping rainbows with birds that don't alphabetize correctly. One time there was alpacas, that would dance The Rick Roll and imitate a BritwhileI tried swimming but care lessly stopped when the triceratops started facepalming because I lost her face.

Suddenly a fluffy-demon jumped into my sandwich while sweating raspberries. Dancing with me under green skies are some egoistic skeletons holding broken lions, who ate my cranberry sauce and kidnapped the rainbow turkey fairy man, whose arms seem too big. When my gorilla decided to make fruit salad llamas,I tazered Chuck Norris with it. In my pajamas, underwater I ate corndogs made of popcorn and easter chocolate bunnies. Then I drunk balloon sized marshmallows with Extract Straws, and Freddie. So when Alden tried to make me spit it out i spitted it on his face and then some lobster slapped me. It was very weird.Then small aliens apocalypse came to the beach and eat mangoes thus growing Dante's son Peeta a Katnisstongue.

After they shot JFK, an egg decided to fly right into my taco bell and my dragon ate the wolf who ate the Zanfan. So, Zanfan went goodbye and died. Aladin spazzed out in the city eating poison and drowns.Then kittens appear, glowing magnificently golden. This means only they can eat dogs who jump over lazy ponies and green small grapes. So when mermaids died the crapping Stopped but bunnies started Hopping across the rainbow towards the concession stand that called a guy named Diesel. After that they went to the library and tried to say something but couldn't kiss each Orange because they ate potato beans and onions before foxes could kill bananas and get married.

Suddenly, epic pears nommed foxesrule on her cute eye and then sprinkled cinnamon roses with taco shells and helped the epic pears in their conquest of world domination. They sang of mystical creatures, some killed striped idiots just danced likea crazy person but to be honest, they ate supercalifragalisticexpealadocious.Budgiesatecreatures that frolic near smiley rainbows since the green cloud smelled like broccoli and cheese. Although the paper didn't know who should buy scary tools, it always helps. My pet dragon ate cows to show how he was brave. Many crazy pickles man stores with tools in boxes. This is why fairies nibble upon crunchy trolls shaped likefennec tacos foxes in England while Morgaln seemed sad because he lost her nose.

One time my dog sniffed snozzberry flavored puffy gooey foxes. Then he had written this crazy story about popcorn and a wolf who tried to sing lullaby's to [a] small child. Thiscrazytoad loved eating apple mango smoothies while watching Officereruns and licking Ice Blood; he liked sponges. But he hated the holes that annihilated Ducky's pancreasthatdidn't properly fit together. One of the flippers were monofilament cobwebs that used plastic surgery.

The crazy thing was hellhounds ate pineapples and disco when Lady Gaga eats diamonds for underprivileged koalas that smoke hamster food and really should lay off running around everywhere. Running away like Italian plumbers who are afraid of their shadows and cooked cat with limes.

Whenever Gergia drew Indiaitcriedaboutcatsand rain clouds. Afterthe random sunshine was lost, blue heaven started running towards blue striped pajamas while dancing likemaniacalpacas glittering with jewels and Edward Elric chewing gum.

When prince tabernackle survived the Capricorn killed bob for no reason, but skipped Jimmy because of the oncoming horde of child-beasts. So, my pet golem tried eating mold. Why did the moon smile at me? Was it because curly horns coming out shined brighter?

Squeezing this purple people eater resulted in very warm tickle being quickly summoned -antidisestablishmentarianism ruled. There were several eagles hiding outside watching superciliously. Floccinaucinihilipilification yelled "Hallelujah!"and ran to fetch his green potatoes before rushing serendipitously into the igloo.

Aghast at penguin inside that was crawling across pudding, Terri was sneezing uncontrollably weirdly. However, Troy wanted yellow cookies before exploding into a thousand bits of pie. Betwixt all, the Bandersnatch sniggered creepily.

Pumpkins hate apples as much fun in Phantasmagoria loves the sweet cakes. They also bit skinny and slightly eat livers of spotted spiders, which are surprisingly tasty. Fast ones kiss your pancreas before they scratch out your yellow eyeballs. Slow humans dragged Simon to the graveyard because he smelled lemony.

Screaming, trolls ran away quickly since squirrels started jumping on a toadstool while brandishing sticks made everyone fart causing bob to sit on his pet Sloth, who just sat on a rocket waiting for something magical until a troll bit part of it.

Magically, making tequila, Terri the Bobsled had worn down his wooden ice machine. Terri felt the magical cupcake fire harden and ooze cupcakes. The nose on Bonquisha's umbrella started blinking rapidly. Terri cried out, "My sandwich! Bonquisha, my sandwich has been a monstrous crab!"

"How did that elephant fit in circular houses while beansprouts surrounded Simon? It's terribly cold today!" Thinking unlike the magical Merlin brand, he jumped into their bucket car peeling bananas. Simon was very injured from his incident with invisible penguins and decided squirrels were less juvenile than minions.

Baking ice cream with Troy, Mardigraz was under the roof sleeping. Suddenly, shattering feet skipped out from icy water, causing the zebras to sing "Hallelujah!" Mardigraz steadily made progress eating Popsicles. Purple globs bounced aimlessly in Troy's time-machine pet Hippocampus corral. The puppy Direwolf Bonobi decided yawning and then it screamed. Hurting bananas, Bonobi seeds the plants in the strange mulch filled with custard pudding.

Drinking pineapple slushies with green potatoes, Bonquisha does can-can sexually. Then Luke Skywalker vaporized some unbelievable piglets with huge appetites while every wyvern sang like opera ladies. Drinking the mead voraciously, drunken iguanas sprinkled, when startled, spewed lava and molten caramel candies with nuts. Iguanas ate drunk ostriches with mead while writing plays on fantastic purple paper.

Ghostly kittens purr obscenities at night when evil
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Re: The Neverending story!

Post by catcrazyme »

Llamas eat grass with spoons and sporks that seem very strange. Also, they punch someone in the face with wet sponges. They also like to steal monkey's tools because they can make wooden swords to kill each other with. Aiden is one of them. He is a really unusual because his pie tastes like socks dipped in lemonade. Sometimes cucumbers like pooping rainbows with birds that don't alphabetize correctly. One time there was alpacas, that would dance The Rick Roll and imitate a BritwhileI tried swimming but care lessly stopped when the triceratops started facepalming because I lost her face.

Suddenly a fluffy-demon jumped into my sandwich while sweating raspberries. Dancing with me under green skies are some egoistic skeletons holding broken lions, who ate my cranberry sauce and kidnapped the rainbow turkey fairy man, whose arms seem too big. When my gorilla decided to make fruit salad llamas,I tazered Chuck Norris with it. In my pajamas, underwater I ate corndogs made of popcorn and easter chocolate bunnies. Then I drunk balloon sized marshmallows with Extract Straws, and Freddie. So when Alden tried to make me spit it out i spitted it on his face and then some lobster slapped me. It was very weird.Then small aliens apocalypse came to the beach and eat mangoes thus growing Dante's son Peeta a Katnisstongue.

After they shot JFK, an egg decided to fly right into my taco bell and my dragon ate the wolf who ate the Zanfan. So, Zanfan went goodbye and died. Aladin spazzed out in the city eating poison and drowns.Then kittens appear, glowing magnificently golden. This means only they can eat dogs who jump over lazy ponies and green small grapes. So when mermaids died the crapping Stopped but bunnies started Hopping across the rainbow towards the concession stand that called a guy named Diesel. After that they went to the library and tried to say something but couldn't kiss each Orange because they ate potato beans and onions before foxes could kill bananas and get married.

Suddenly, epic pears nommed foxesrule on her cute eye and then sprinkled cinnamon roses with taco shells and helped the epic pears in their conquest of world domination. They sang of mystical creatures, some killed striped idiots just danced likea crazy person but to be honest, they ate supercalifragalisticexpealadocious.Budgiesatecreatures that frolic near smiley rainbows since the green cloud smelled like broccoli and cheese. Although the paper didn't know who should buy scary tools, it always helps. My pet dragon ate cows to show how he was brave. Many crazy pickles man stores with tools in boxes. This is why fairies nibble upon crunchy trolls shaped likefennec tacos foxes in England while Morgaln seemed sad because he lost her nose.

One time my dog sniffed snozzberry flavored puffy gooey foxes. Then he had written this crazy story about popcorn and a wolf who tried to sing lullaby's to [a] small child. Thiscrazytoad loved eating apple mango smoothies while watching Officereruns and licking Ice Blood; he liked sponges. But he hated the holes that annihilated Ducky's pancreasthatdidn't properly fit together. One of the flippers were monofilament cobwebs that used plastic surgery.

The crazy thing was hellhounds ate pineapples and disco when Lady Gaga eats diamonds for underprivileged koalas that smoke hamster food and really should lay off running around everywhere. Running away like Italian plumbers who are afraid of their shadows and cooked cat with limes.

Whenever Gergia drew Indiaitcriedaboutcatsand rain clouds. Afterthe random sunshine was lost, blue heaven started running towards blue striped pajamas while dancing likemaniacalpacas glittering with jewels and Edward Elric chewing gum.

When prince tabernackle survived the Capricorn killed bob for no reason, but skipped Jimmy because of the oncoming horde of child-beasts. So, my pet golem tried eating mold. Why did the moon smile at me? Was it because curly horns coming out shined brighter?

Squeezing this purple people eater resulted in very warm tickle being quickly summoned -antidisestablishmentarianism ruled. There were several eagles hiding outside watching superciliously. Floccinaucinihilipilification yelled "Hallelujah!"and ran to fetch his green potatoes before rushing serendipitously into the igloo.

Aghast at penguin inside that was crawling across pudding, Terri was sneezing uncontrollably weirdly. However, Troy wanted yellow cookies before exploding into a thousand bits of pie. Betwixt all, the Bandersnatch sniggered creepily.

Pumpkins hate apples as much fun in Phantasmagoria loves the sweet cakes. They also bit skinny and slightly eat livers of spotted spiders, which are surprisingly tasty. Fast ones kiss your pancreas before they scratch out your yellow eyeballs. Slow humans dragged Simon to the graveyard because he smelled lemony.

Screaming, trolls ran away quickly since squirrels started jumping on a toadstool while brandishing sticks made everyone fart causing bob to sit on his pet Sloth, who just sat on a rocket waiting for something magical until a troll bit part of it.

Magically, making tequila, Terri the Bobsled had worn down his wooden ice machine. Terri felt the magical cupcake fire harden and ooze cupcakes. The nose on Bonquisha's umbrella started blinking rapidly. Terri cried out, "My sandwich! Bonquisha, my sandwich has been a monstrous crab!"

"How did that elephant fit in circular houses while beansprouts surrounded Simon? It's terribly cold today!" Thinking unlike the magical Merlin brand, he jumped into their bucket car peeling bananas. Simon was very injured from his incident with invisible penguins and decided squirrels were less juvenile than minions.

Baking ice cream with Troy, Mardigraz was under the roof sleeping. Suddenly, shattering feet skipped out from icy water, causing the zebras to sing "Hallelujah!" Mardigraz steadily made progress eating Popsicles. Purple globs bounced aimlessly in Troy's time-machine pet Hippocampus corral. The puppy Direwolf Bonobi decided yawning and then it screamed. Hurting bananas, Bonobi seeds the plants in the strange mulch filled with custard pudding.

Drinking pineapple slushies with green potatoes, Bonquisha does can-can sexually. Then Luke Skywalker vaporized some unbelievable piglets with huge appetites while every wyvern sang like opera ladies. Drinking the mead voraciously, drunken iguanas sprinkled, when startled, spewed lava and molten caramel candies with nuts. Iguanas ate drunk ostriches with mead while writing plays on fantastic purple paper.

Ghostly kittens purr obscenities at night when evil minions
I've been on a really long hiatus. I apologize for all delays! Thanks!
P.S. Mining in my keep is OK, except for 'No Touchy' Tab! Thanks!
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Re: The Neverending story!

Post by Teleway »

Llamas eat grass with spoons and sporks that seem very strange. Also, they punch someone in the face with wet sponges. They also like to steal monkey's tools because they can make wooden swords to kill each other with. Aiden is one of them. He is a really unusual because his pie tastes like socks dipped in lemonade. Sometimes cucumbers like pooping rainbows with birds that don't alphabetize correctly. One time there was alpacas, that would dance The Rick Roll and imitate a BritwhileI tried swimming but care lessly stopped when the triceratops started facepalming because I lost her face.

Suddenly a fluffy-demon jumped into my sandwich while sweating raspberries. Dancing with me under green skies are some egoistic skeletons holding broken lions, who ate my cranberry sauce and kidnapped the rainbow turkey fairy man, whose arms seem too big. When my gorilla decided to make fruit salad llamas,I tazered Chuck Norris with it. In my pajamas, underwater I ate corndogs made of popcorn and easter chocolate bunnies. Then I drunk balloon sized marshmallows with Extract Straws, and Freddie. So when Alden tried to make me spit it out i spitted it on his face and then some lobster slapped me. It was very weird.Then small aliens apocalypse came to the beach and eat mangoes thus growing Dante's son Peeta a Katnisstongue.

After they shot JFK, an egg decided to fly right into my taco bell and my dragon ate the wolf who ate the Zanfan. So, Zanfan went goodbye and died. Aladin spazzed out in the city eating poison and drowns.Then kittens appear, glowing magnificently golden. This means only they can eat dogs who jump over lazy ponies and green small grapes. So when mermaids died the crapping Stopped but bunnies started Hopping across the rainbow towards the concession stand that called a guy named Diesel. After that they went to the library and tried to say something but couldn't kiss each Orange because they ate potato beans and onions before foxes could kill bananas and get married.

Suddenly, epic pears nommed foxesrule on her cute eye and then sprinkled cinnamon roses with taco shells and helped the epic pears in their conquest of world domination. They sang of mystical creatures, some killed striped idiots just danced likea crazy person but to be honest, they ate supercalifragalisticexpealadocious.Budgiesatecreatures that frolic near smiley rainbows since the green cloud smelled like broccoli and cheese. Although the paper didn't know who should buy scary tools, it always helps. My pet dragon ate cows to show how he was brave. Many crazy pickles man stores with tools in boxes. This is why fairies nibble upon crunchy trolls shaped likefennec tacos foxes in England while Morgaln seemed sad because he lost her nose.

One time my dog sniffed snozzberry flavored puffy gooey foxes. Then he had written this crazy story about popcorn and a wolf who tried to sing lullaby's to [a] small child. Thiscrazytoad loved eating apple mango smoothies while watching Officereruns and licking Ice Blood; he liked sponges. But he hated the holes that annihilated Ducky's pancreasthatdidn't properly fit together. One of the flippers were monofilament cobwebs that used plastic surgery.

The crazy thing was hellhounds ate pineapples and disco when Lady Gaga eats diamonds for underprivileged koalas that smoke hamster food and really should lay off running around everywhere. Running away like Italian plumbers who are afraid of their shadows and cooked cat with limes.

Whenever Gergia drew Indiaitcriedaboutcatsand rain clouds. Afterthe random sunshine was lost, blue heaven started running towards blue striped pajamas while dancing likemaniacalpacas glittering with jewels and Edward Elric chewing gum.

When prince tabernackle survived the Capricorn killed bob for no reason, but skipped Jimmy because of the oncoming horde of child-beasts. So, my pet golem tried eating mold. Why did the moon smile at me? Was it because curly horns coming out shined brighter?

Squeezing this purple people eater resulted in very warm tickle being quickly summoned -antidisestablishmentarianism ruled. There were several eagles hiding outside watching superciliously. Floccinaucinihilipilification yelled "Hallelujah!"and ran to fetch his green potatoes before rushing serendipitously into the igloo.

Aghast at penguin inside that was crawling across pudding, Terri was sneezing uncontrollably weirdly. However, Troy wanted yellow cookies before exploding into a thousand bits of pie. Betwixt all, the Bandersnatch sniggered creepily.

Pumpkins hate apples as much fun in Phantasmagoria loves the sweet cakes. They also bit skinny and slightly eat livers of spotted spiders, which are surprisingly tasty. Fast ones kiss your pancreas before they scratch out your yellow eyeballs. Slow humans dragged Simon to the graveyard because he smelled lemony.

Screaming, trolls ran away quickly since squirrels started jumping on a toadstool while brandishing sticks made everyone fart causing bob to sit on his pet Sloth, who just sat on a rocket waiting for something magical until a troll bit part of it.

Magically, making tequila, Terri the Bobsled had worn down his wooden ice machine. Terri felt the magical cupcake fire harden and ooze cupcakes. The nose on Bonquisha's umbrella started blinking rapidly. Terri cried out, "My sandwich! Bonquisha, my sandwich has been a monstrous crab!"

"How did that elephant fit in circular houses while beansprouts surrounded Simon? It's terribly cold today!" Thinking unlike the magical Merlin brand, he jumped into their bucket car peeling bananas. Simon was very injured from his incident with invisible penguins and decided squirrels were less juvenile than minions.

Baking ice cream with Troy, Mardigraz was under the roof sleeping. Suddenly, shattering feet skipped out from icy water, causing the zebras to sing "Hallelujah!" Mardigraz steadily made progress eating Popsicles. Purple globs bounced aimlessly in Troy's time-machine pet Hippocampus corral. The puppy Direwolf Bonobi decided yawning and then it screamed. Hurting bananas, Bonobi seeds the plants in the strange mulch filled with custard pudding.

Drinking pineapple slushies with green potatoes, Bonquisha does can-can sexually. Then Luke Skywalker vaporized some unbelievable piglets with huge appetites while every wyvern sang like opera ladies. Drinking the mead voraciously, drunken iguanas sprinkled, when startled, spewed lava and molten caramel candies with nuts. Iguanas ate drunk ostriches with mead while writing plays on fantastic purple paper.

Ghostly kittens purr obscenities at night when evil minions dance
Always egglocked. Always. DO NOT MINE MY KEEP. Only click the eggs/hatchlings I've got in the signature or have posted on the forums! 9/25 gifts! Thank you!

Fire (M), Water (M), Life (M), Earth (F), Light (M), Void (M), Saerulis (M) Crystalwings, Pale (M) and Nova (F) Arkais, and Quail (F) Amagnae! Though I'm not picky. (M or F indicates genders)
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Location: Over the river and through the woods! XD

Re: The Neverending story!

Post by WhiteFire »

Llamas eat grass with spoons and sporks that seem very strange. Also, they punch someone in the face with wet sponges. They also like to steal monkey's tools because they can make wooden swords to kill each other with. Aiden is one of them. He is a really unusual because his pie tastes like socks dipped in lemonade. Sometimes cucumbers like pooping rainbows with birds that don't alphabetize correctly. One time there was alpacas, that would dance The Rick Roll and imitate a BritwhileI tried swimming but care lessly stopped when the triceratops started facepalming because I lost her face.

Suddenly a fluffy-demon jumped into my sandwich while sweating raspberries. Dancing with me under green skies are some egoistic skeletons holding broken lions, who ate my cranberry sauce and kidnapped the rainbow turkey fairy man, whose arms seem too big. When my gorilla decided to make fruit salad llamas,I tazered Chuck Norris with it. In my pajamas, underwater I ate corndogs made of popcorn and easter chocolate bunnies. Then I drunk balloon sized marshmallows with Extract Straws, and Freddie. So when Alden tried to make me spit it out i spitted it on his face and then some lobster slapped me. It was very weird.Then small aliens apocalypse came to the beach and eat mangoes thus growing Dante's son Peeta a Katnisstongue.

After they shot JFK, an egg decided to fly right into my taco bell and my dragon ate the wolf who ate the Zanfan. So, Zanfan went goodbye and died. Aladin spazzed out in the city eating poison and drowns.Then kittens appear, glowing magnificently golden. This means only they can eat dogs who jump over lazy ponies and green small grapes. So when mermaids died the crapping Stopped but bunnies started Hopping across the rainbow towards the concession stand that called a guy named Diesel. After that they went to the library and tried to say something but couldn't kiss each Orange because they ate potato beans and onions before foxes could kill bananas and get married.

Suddenly, epic pears nommed foxesrule on her cute eye and then sprinkled cinnamon roses with taco shells and helped the epic pears in their conquest of world domination. They sang of mystical creatures, some killed striped idiots just danced likea crazy person but to be honest, they ate supercalifragalisticexpealadocious.Budgiesatecreatures that frolic near smiley rainbows since the green cloud smelled like broccoli and cheese. Although the paper didn't know who should buy scary tools, it always helps. My pet dragon ate cows to show how he was brave. Many crazy pickles man stores with tools in boxes. This is why fairies nibble upon crunchy trolls shaped likefennec tacos foxes in England while Morgaln seemed sad because he lost her nose.

One time my dog sniffed snozzberry flavored puffy gooey foxes. Then he had written this crazy story about popcorn and a wolf who tried to sing lullaby's to [a] small child. Thiscrazytoad loved eating apple mango smoothies while watching Officereruns and licking Ice Blood; he liked sponges. But he hated the holes that annihilated Ducky's pancreasthatdidn't properly fit together. One of the flippers were monofilament cobwebs that used plastic surgery.

The crazy thing was hellhounds ate pineapples and disco when Lady Gaga eats diamonds for underprivileged koalas that smoke hamster food and really should lay off running around everywhere. Running away like Italian plumbers who are afraid of their shadows and cooked cat with limes.

Whenever Gergia drew Indiaitcriedaboutcatsand rain clouds. Afterthe random sunshine was lost, blue heaven started running towards blue striped pajamas while dancing likemaniacalpacas glittering with jewels and Edward Elric chewing gum.

When prince tabernackle survived the Capricorn killed bob for no reason, but skipped Jimmy because of the oncoming horde of child-beasts. So, my pet golem tried eating mold. Why did the moon smile at me? Was it because curly horns coming out shined brighter?

Squeezing this purple people eater resulted in very warm tickle being quickly summoned -antidisestablishmentarianism ruled. There were several eagles hiding outside watching superciliously. Floccinaucinihilipilification yelled "Hallelujah!"and ran to fetch his green potatoes before rushing serendipitously into the igloo.

Aghast at penguin inside that was crawling across pudding, Terri was sneezing uncontrollably weirdly. However, Troy wanted yellow cookies before exploding into a thousand bits of pie. Betwixt all, the Bandersnatch sniggered creepily.

Pumpkins hate apples as much fun in Phantasmagoria loves the sweet cakes. They also bit skinny and slightly eat livers of spotted spiders, which are surprisingly tasty. Fast ones kiss your pancreas before they scratch out your yellow eyeballs. Slow humans dragged Simon to the graveyard because he smelled lemony.

Screaming, trolls ran away quickly since squirrels started jumping on a toadstool while brandishing sticks made everyone fart causing bob to sit on his pet Sloth, who just sat on a rocket waiting for something magical until a troll bit part of it.

Magically, making tequila, Terri the Bobsled had worn down his wooden ice machine. Terri felt the magical cupcake fire harden and ooze cupcakes. The nose on Bonquisha's umbrella started blinking rapidly. Terri cried out, "My sandwich! Bonquisha, my sandwich has been a monstrous crab!"

"How did that elephant fit in circular houses while beansprouts surrounded Simon? It's terribly cold today!" Thinking unlike the magical Merlin brand, he jumped into their bucket car peeling bananas. Simon was very injured from his incident with invisible penguins and decided squirrels were less juvenile than minions.

Baking ice cream with Troy, Mardigraz was under the roof sleeping. Suddenly, shattering feet skipped out from icy water, causing the zebras to sing "Hallelujah!" Mardigraz steadily made progress eating Popsicles. Purple globs bounced aimlessly in Troy's time-machine pet Hippocampus corral. The puppy Direwolf Bonobi decided yawning and then it screamed. Hurting bananas, Bonobi seeds the plants in the strange mulch filled with custard pudding.

Drinking pineapple slushies with green potatoes, Bonquisha does can-can sexually. Then Luke Skywalker vaporized some unbelievable piglets with huge appetites while every wyvern sang like opera ladies. Drinking the mead voraciously, drunken iguanas sprinkled, when startled, spewed lava and molten caramel candies with nuts. Iguanas ate drunk ostriches with mead while writing plays on fantastic purple paper.

Ghostly kittens purr obscenities at night when evil minions dance the

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