Magiversary creature 301 - 306

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Magiversary creature 301 - 306

Post by Peaches »


Jaktus Dragon
Egg: Image
Hatchi: (female/male) Image
Adult: Image


Green/Gold Torveus Dragon
Egg: Image Image
Hatchi: Image Image
Adult: ImageImage

Saerulis Crystalwing
Egg: Image
Hatchi: Image
Adult: Image


Golden Sonerus Dragon
Hatchi: Image
Adult: Image

Bronze Sonerus Dragon
Hatchi: Image
Adult: Image
Artist is GlassWalker and again Damien did the descriptions.
Bronze wrote:Base Description:

Sometimes a strange song can be heard, reverberating through the mountains. All who hear it immediately stand still, transfixed. When the sound finally fades away, people continue moving as though nothing happened, and cannot even remember the song. The same is true for other companions, with the exception of dragons. It is for this power that adult sonerus dragons must remain far from the castle, lest their music halt all activity. Any sonerus dragons that approach the castle refrain from singing, as they know very well what effects their music can cause. Wherever one of these dragons go, they are closely followed by an alagos. No one is quite certain how this odd friendship began, but the two are very close, and often build their homes near one another. Sonerus dragons treat alagos almost as if the birds are their companions. It is an odd arrangement, and the dragons take it upon themselves to ensure their alagos's safety. They feed them, help them with nest building, and even look after their young. When the two sing together, the music is even more fascinating. Anyone nearby is completely mesmerized, and can easily be convinced by magic to follow commands. As one can imagine, sonerus dragons are not very good hunters, as they have no need to be – they can merely freeze their prey where it stands. Though everyone makes sure not to say so in their presence, sonerus dragons are a bit more plump than others.

Egg Description:

This bronze egg has a small tail escaping from it, as well as a scaled wing.

Hatchling Description:

Although young sonerus dragons cannot mesmerize anyone with their song, these little ones love singing. As they age, their music becomes more and more powerful. Even as young hatchlings, their songs evoke all manner of emotions. At times, a lonely hatchling will produce a haunting song, but a group of rowdy dragons may compose a tune that is impossible not to dance to. Sometimes, a sneaky hatchling will use their growing magic to make people feel as though they should do something. People with food suddenly feel the urge to feed sonerus dragon hatchlings. A magi about to undergo an adventure may abruptly desire to bring their dragon hatchling along with them.

Adult Description:

Although these large dragons possess magics quite unlike others of their kind, they are similar in other respects. They share eating habits, social mannerisms and live in the same areas Their caves are dug out of the earth, arranged in much the same manner. Sonerus dragons love to hoard treasures, and spend hours rearranging their prizes. These collections are a bit different than most, for they treasure instruments above all else, even ones they cannot play. Their massive nests are a strange mix of twisted harps and golden flutes. Like any other dragon, these companions guard their nests fiercely. Sonerus dragons do not hesitate to breath flame at trespassers. These flames burn at great temperatures, and can even melt rock. Luckily, young sonerus dragons cannot produce such destructive flames, or captivate people as easily. A dragon hatchling takes much longer than others to age, but once grown, are eager to venture into the mountains. It is there that adult dragons create their nests and go about the business of finding a mate. When it comes to mating, these dragons only choose one, and the decision can take as long as ten years to make. As dragons have incredibly long lives, choosing a partner is a very serious undertaking. A sonerus dragon's mating ritual is not a commonly seen sight, but it is a lovely one. They take to the sky, weaving in and out of clouds, and the male dragons produce music for the females. These songs take the males years and years to compose, and each one is different. If the female finds the serenade captivating, she will take the male as a mate, and the two will remain together forever.
Golden wrote:Base Description:

Sometimes a strange song can be heard, reverberating through the mountains. All who hear it immediately stand still, transfixed. When the sound finally fades away, people continue moving as though nothing happened, and cannot even remember the song. The same is true for other companions, with the exception of dragons. It is for this power that adult sonerus dragons must remain far from the castle, lest their music halt all activity. Any sonerus dragons that approach the castle refrain from singing, as they know very well what effects their music can cause. Wherever one of these dragons go, they are closely followed by an alagos. No one is quite certain how this odd friendship began, but the two are very close, and often build their homes near one another. Sonerus dragons treat alagos almost as if the birds are their companions. It is an odd arrangement, and the dragons take it upon themselves to ensure their alagos's safety. They feed them, help them with nest building, and even look after their young. When the two sing together, the music is even more fascinating. Anyone nearby is completely mesmerized, and can easily be convinced by magic to follow commands. As one can imagine, sonerus dragons are not very good hunters, as they have no need to be – they can merely freeze their prey where it stands. Though everyone makes sure not to say so in their presence, sonerus dragons are a bit more plump than others.

Egg Description:

A small, wildly thrashing tail has emerged from this golden egg.

Hatchling Description:

Although young sonerus dragons cannot mesmerize anyone with their song, these little ones love singing. As they age, their music becomes more and more powerful. Even as young hatchlings, their songs evoke all manner of emotions. At times, a lonely hatchling will produce a haunting song, but a group of rowdy dragons may compose a tune that is impossible not to dance to. Sometimes, a sneaky hatchling will use their growing magic to make people feel as though they should do something. People with food suddenly feel the urge to feed sonerus dragon hatchlings. A magi about to undergo an adventure may abruptly desire to bring their dragon hatchling along with them.

Adult Description:

Although these large dragons possess magics quite unlike others of their kind, they are similar in other respects. They share eating habits, social mannerisms and live in the same areas Their caves are dug out of the earth, arranged in much the same manner. Sonerus dragons love to hoard treasures, and spend hours rearranging their prizes. These collections are a bit different than most, for they treasure instruments above all else, even ones they cannot play. Their massive nests are a strange mix of twisted harps and golden flutes. Like any other dragon, these companions guard their nests fiercely. Sonerus dragons do not hesitate to breath flame at trespassers. These flames burn at great temperatures, and can even melt rock. Luckily, young sonerus dragons cannot produce such destructive flames, or captivate people as easily. A dragon hatchling takes much longer than others to age, but once grown, are eager to venture into the mountains. It is there that adult dragons create their nests and go about the business of finding a mate. When it comes to mating, these dragons only choose one, and the decision can take as long as ten years to make. As dragons have incredibly long lives, choosing a partner is a very serious undertaking. A sonerus dragon's mating ritual is not a commonly seen sight, but it is a lovely one. They take to the sky, weaving in and out of clouds, and the male dragons produce music for the females. These songs take the males years and years to compose, and each one is different. If the female finds the serenade captivating, she will take the male as a mate, and the two will remain together forever.

Saerulis Crystalwing hatchie:
These hatchlings are extremely heavy, and perhaps because of this, prefer to be carried. Older hatchlings who are learning to fly rarely walk. A magi with a saerulis crystalwing companion should collect shiny objects for the little ones, otherwise jewelry is sure to go missing. Crystalwings are attracted to anything shiny, and hatchlings seem to enjoy eating random objects. Their meals consist of crystals and colorful rocks, and they are partial to anything from the Caves of Nareau. As soon as they are able, crystalwing hatchlings fly to the caves and spend much of their time there.
Saerulis Crystalwing Adult:
Over the course of three years, crystalwing hatchlings grow rapidly. Young crystalwings are light enough to be carried, but as they grow gleaming feathers, their weight increases. Once these companions reach adulthood, they stand almost as high as a man's chest, and are much heavier than any human. Only their power over air allows them to fly, as they weight as much as a large boulder. It's their lovely golden gems that are responsible for their weight, as well as their curved, golden horns. These horns are unbreakable, and can pierce through wood and even most metal with ease. Saerulis crystalwings also possess long, powerful tails, which they can use as whips. It would be incredibly foolish for any creature or human to attempt to harm a crystalwing. Not only are these creatures very strong, but they have more than one potent power. Saerulis crystalwing companions have magical abilities over both air and stone, and are able to call forth blue and gold crystals from the earth. Though crystalwings usually eat these crystals, they can also be used in spells or collected for hatchlings to eat.
Saerulis Crystalwing General:
Saerulis crystalwings are rarely seen, and little is known about them. They are majestic, brightly colored creatures that prefer to remain far from humans. They are so uncommon that local villagers regard them as myth, though others believe them to have existed centuries ago. What little that is known is this: this lovely creatures fly very, very high and are sometimes seen flying over the tops of mountains, traveling to unknown lands. Their flight is silent and graceful, and their swiftness enables them to pass by unnoticed. According to ancient legend, saerulis crystalwings are originally from the Caves of Nareau, where few venture to go. Indeed, their coloring matches jewels brought back from the caves. These glittering caverns are supposedly full of treasures, but not many who venture there return. If one travels to the far off city of Synara, they can find prized jewels that prove these creatures exist. This is because once a year, these creatures molt, and their fallen gems are hunted for. Saerulis crystalwings grow these jewels as if they were scales, and they are made into exquisite jewelry, sold at a steep price to the wealthy.
Gold/Green Torveus Dragon hatchie:
Dragon hatchlings are grumpy little things. These ones in particular seem to like to destroy everything, and need to have a log nearby at all times, even when indoors. When enraged, the torveus dragon hatchling tears into the log, splintering it into many small pieces. If there is nothing nearby that is suitable for destroying, the hatchling won't mind carving up furniture instead. Any magi raising one of these companions must be very careful to teach the little one it's own strength, and how to properly vent its fury. No magi is foolish enough to not train a torveus dragon.
Gold/Green Torveus Dragon Adult:
Though many torveus hatchlings can be found around The Keep, these companions are far too large to remain there forever. Instead, adults make their homes in the mountains and forests. If a torveus dragon is ever needed, they are able to fly to the castle very quickly. If the situation is not dire, the magi may make the trek into the mountains to speak to their companions. There are many caves in those hills, and even a seasoned magi must tread lightly. Other dragons live there beside torveus dragons, and they do not take kindly to those who invade their territories. Inside these caves are sleeping adult dragons, and their treasures. These treasures include anything a dragon takes a liking to – usually gold, but there are also bright silks to be found as well. Torveus dragons arrange their collections in such a way as to form massive nests. Although these nests seem horridly uncomfortable, a dragon's scales protect them. Young dragons grow at an rapid rate, shedding their skin every year. As they age, they will shed less and less, although they never do stop growing. Discarded scales are carefully collected and saved. When there are enough scales, they are taken to a talented craftsman and made into armor. No weapon known can pierce through this armor. Of course, the same is true of a dragon – to kill even a single dragon is a near impossible feat.
Green/Gold Torveus Dragon General:
There was a time when many feared that these dragons would have to be destroyed, for they were truly violent creatures. Torveus dragons used to take great pleasure out of destroying villages and preying upon herds of cows and sheep. When the magi were turned to for aid, they decided to take all of the torveus eggs they could find. In this way, tame torveus dragons eventually outnumbered the wild ones, and the villagers no longer lived in fear. Torveus dragons are massive, beautiful creatures, and it is quite fortunate that their temperaments have become calmer. When enraged, these dragons have been seen to tear a whole tree from the ground. Fortunately, these companions are taught to be gentle around humans, and they retreat into the woods when they feel the need to destroy something. If someone is walking around the edge of the forest and hears a large crash, it may just be a dragon throwing a boulder. Young dragons love to challenge each other's strength, but they can sometimes injure themselves. Luckily, turveus dragons recover quite quickly. It is incredibly rare for a dragon to become injured enough to bleed. If this does happen, the blood is placed in a container while the dragon is being cared for. A bit of dragon's blood is very expensive, and for good reason. Even a single drop in a potion will enhance the brew a hundredfold.
Jaktus Dragon hatchie:
Most everyone likes these hatchlings, with their bright colors and sociable natures. Of course, like any young, they are also irritating at times. The orbs that they carry with them are powerful weapons, able to shock people. These hatchlings often use this to their advantage. If one doesn't dodge one of these orbs when a hatchling throws it, they will get shocked. This attack makes a person immobile for several minutes, during which the young jaktus dragon dances around them, and perhaps nips at their ankles. As soon as one begins to move again, however, the hatchling is nowhere to be seen.
Jaktus Dragon Adult:
It is obvious enough that these dragons do not look like others. Their temperaments are not similar to those of other dragons, either. Jaktus hatchlings are extremely social creatures, always following their magi about or romping around with other young. As they grow and mature, jaktus dragons enjoy exploring the surrounding lands, often alongside other dragons. Their bright colors make it impossible for them to blend in, but this is rarely an issue. While a fully grown jaktus dragon is smaller than other draconians, it is by no means weaker. Though a hatchling can only manage a few small shocks a day, a fully grown jaktus dragon can immobilize their enemy for many minutes. This is how these creatures feed, freezing a deer in place and then killing it quickly. As for their homes, jaktus dragons are nomadic, and never remain in one place for long. This is out of character for most dragons, as others love to hoard objects and guard them fiercely. While jaktus dragons share a love for gold and shiny gems, they merely bury them and move on. If one follows a jaktus dragon for long enough, they're sure to spot some valuables being buried. There's no reason not to dig these items up, as jaktus dragons seem to forget about their prizes immediately.
Jaktus Dragon General:
Jaktus dragons are thought to be from the east, from lands unknown. Their arrival was abrupt and unexpected, and almost ended in bloodshed. Jaktus dragons are social creatures, and did not hesitate to wander into towns. The people grew extremely agitated as excited dragons began knocking things over, and tried to force the dragons away. These companions did not take kindly to what they considered an attack, and retaliated. The blue orbs that jaktus dragons carry with them are not simply for show – they are full of magic. When thrown, these orbs shock and immobilize, and that was exactly what happened. Luckily for all, a magi was present when this unfolded, and gained back her movement first. She calmed the beasts down, and eventually all of these dragons were shown the way to The Keep, where they were welcomed. Despite not having wings, these dragons are usually in the air. Instead of being able to fly, they almost flit through the air, jumping much higher than should be possible. They are often found in the tops of trees, perched on thin branches that look much too delicate to hold a dragon's weight. Perhaps it is because jaktus dragons lack wings that they love to swim. They never hesitate to jump into the lake, and are quite graceful when underwater.

Credits of course
Saerulis Crystalwing
Artist: Cassowary
Description: Damien

Jaktus Dragon
Artist: Cassowary
Description: Damien

Gold/Green Torveus Dragon
Artist: DarrkestDrow
Description: Damien
Last edited by Peaches on May 12th, 2012, 10:07:03 pm, edited 25 times in total.
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Re: Magiversary creature 301

Post by Ayakashi »

Just saw that. Nothing new in the shops, no gifting option on eggs in the keep, and I haven't seen anything new in the stream yet.

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Re: Magiversary creature 301

Post by Piney »

Nothing new in the world map either.
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Re: Magiversary creature 301

Post by Gingy »

Must know before I leave :well:
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Re: Magiversary creature 301

Post by Eds93 »

now 2 more
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Re: Magiversary creature 301

Post by Enchanteddil »

303 now.
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Re: Magiversary creature 301 - 303

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Re: Magiversary creature 301 - 303

Post by Destrauxe »

I shall stalk the stream. Stream Stalkers, awaaaaayyyyyyy!
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Re: Magiversary creature 301 - 303

Post by PaleoMage »

I'll just wait for the gifting option to show up. :haha:
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Re: Magiversary creature 301 - 303

Post by Monty »

304 :woo:

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