Tales from Shoal Keep: Ch. 19 - Anemoné

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Re: Tales from Shoal Keep: Ch. 18 - Let's Talk it Out (comme

Post by Chess »

*backs away*

Well, I'm only eleven! D:
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Re: Tales from Shoal Keep: Ch. 18 - Let's Talk it Out (comme

Post by sammythethief »

^ Never stopped me :P

Nineteen. Anemoné

Expressions of horror passed across the faces of both men. With identical shouts of "Red!", the both took off and passed under the arch after her.

There was no flash of white light when they passed through, no loud noise. The air around them did shift, however. It felt almost as if they were being tilted sideways. Loryn held his hands out and two strong looking branches burst forth from the ground. They reached out and took hold of the branches for stability. Nikko looked over at Loryn and gave him a grateful not.

"Loryn? Nikko?" Red's voice echoed and rebounded off the quartz pillars.

"Red! Are you hurt?" Loryn asked, his voice brightening.

"No, I'm fine. Confused, but I'm okay," she called. Loryn furrowed his brow.

"Erm, why are you confused? I mean, the disappearing act was a little weird at first, but if you think about it, it's not all that strange..." he carried on.

"I'm not in my clothes," she said.

"This is bad how?" Nikko asked seriously. Loryn shrugged, considering his options.

"You're going to have to come out here. I really think Nikko and I should check you for any injuries," he said sagely.

"Thoroughly," Nikko added. There was silence for a moment, then,

"You two are fiends," Red said in agitation. She stepped out from behind a pillar several meters away from where the men stood. She was, to their inward disappointment, not nude at all, but the clothes she wore were not her own. Her long red hair, which had previously been braided, hung wild and free. She donned a pink and white dress with long, belled sleeves. It was made of thin silk that clung to her waist and chest, but bellowed out passed her ankles. A dark pink sash was tied at her slim waist. She was barefoot, though a belled bracelet adorned her left ankle. Her skin was flushed slightly and she looked very out of place and confused.

Nikko and Loryn gaped at her. Red crossed her arms and glared at her companions.

"Thank you, now put your eyes back into their sockets, please," she said tersely.

"No can do, love. That dress could be poisoned..." Nikko began.

"And it could soak into your skin and kill you," Loryn finished. It was Red's turn to gape.

"Enough with the perverted telepathy. Go find my clothes," she grumbled. "Separately! I think Nikko is having a negative effect on you, Loryn."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Nikko walked off. he hadn't the slightest idea where Red's clothes could by, or how she'd gotten out of them in the first place. He wandered behind a rather tall pillar and nearly ran headlong into another woman.

She was tall and pale, but her violet eyes danced with mirth and she had a small smile on her face. Her hair was the many shades of the rainbow, and her short, shimmering dress was the same colour as her eyes. Those eyes now raked over Nikko appreciatively.

"Ooh, hello there," she sand. The sorcerer took a step back, then smirked at her.

"And who might you be?" he asked, his voice low.

"Someone who can help you," she told him. Her voice was light and flirty, which was right up Nikko's back alley. He leaned against the pillar and crossed his arms, the ever present smirk still in place.

"And what is it you would be helping me with?" he asked. The woman laughed and walked toward him. As she passed him, she tapped him on his nose.

"You're a bold one, sorcerer," she said. "Making passes at demigods."

"Ah, but the demigod likes what she sees, no?" he questioned, glancing back over his shoulder.

"Alas, if only you were immortal," she said wistfully. She peered around the pillar, looking at Red curiously. "My, she's a pretty little thing," she said excitedly. "Her boobs are small though, what a pity. She's got a nice curve, though." She spoke softly, to herself. She then turned to Nikko again. "Are you with her?" Nikko pursed his lips.

"I travel with her out of necessity," was all he said. "Is every being in the world concerned with Red and I?" he asked waspishly. The demigod approached Nikko and stared very hard at him.

"The stars of your fate are mixed with hers," she said gravely. Nikko's eyes widened and he stared at her in shock. After a tense moment, she cracked a smile and laughed. "Relax, I was just pulling your chain," she said, winking at him. "I don't know anything about the stars." Nikko snapped his mouth shut and glared at her. "But I can help you all out." She walked out from behind the pillar and made her way over to Red. Nikko followed, scowling.

"The robes look amazing on you," she said. Red turned to look at her, and Loryn appeared from behind a pillar not far from her, looking curious.

"That's great, I'm glad they fit," Red remarked sarcastically, but not maliciously. The demigod approached her and captured a loose curl in her fingers.

"These are the robes o the Summoner. Since you are the only female in your trio, there was no need for any decision making, and you were put into them automatically," she explained. Red looked slightly defeated, as if she'd been jipped out of her demands.

"She needs to wear certain clothes to summon the Air Goddess?" Loryn asked.

"Any of the elemental goddesses. The clothes are representative of the individual goddess's element. They are also indicative of the qualities within the summoner that each goddess values." She released Red's hair and turned to Loryn and smiled. "Are you all prepared for the summoning?" she asked.

Red, Loryn, and Nikko exchanged glances and short nods. The demigod clapped her hands together once and smiled at them.

"Good luck, mortals!" she said cheerfully. In a flurry of rainbow shimmers and a gust of wind, she vanished.

"So, that's two... beings sent from the Air Goddess to confront us, and we haven't learned much," Loryn said, disheartened.

"We've learned that the Air Goddess thinks Red looks nice in billowey, see-through clothes," Nikko offered.

"We've also learned that Nikko will flirt with anything that walks, even if they're immortal," Red countered. Nikko mock-bowed to her, his white hair falling forward.

"Well, what did the book say about the actual summoning?" Loryn asked.

"That we must each use our magics to control the element of the goddess we are trying to summon. Then the female must turn and kiss each of her companions passionately," Nikko replied smoothly.

"Nice try, but no. We have to meld the magics together and... I am assuming, that their combination in this area will summon the goddess," Red said. Nikko rubbed his chin.

"This could be problematic for you," he said, looking at Loryn. "You're all about rocks and dirt and plants. Won't air be an issue for you?" Loryn fixed Nikko with a flat look.

"Not just 'rocks and dirt'," he said tonelessly ("And plants!" Nikko included helpfully). "It will be challenging, but I've got an idea that I'm hoping will work."

Without speaking, Nikko and Loryn stood on either side of Red, their bodies shifted toward her slightly. Nikko was the first to lift his hands, the first to call upon the magic. His long fingers drew a simple rune in the air, and he pressed his palm against it. A frigid wind came from behind him, whipping his cloak and his hair around. Instead of the haphazard billowing that one normally experienced with wind, his cloak flowed around him in a most unearthly way. Small white snowflakes floated in the wind, which swirled in a miniature cyclone in front of them.

Loryn raised his hands next. Taking a deep breath, he splayed his fingers wide, then balled his hands into fists. From far above them, small yellow flowers drifted down. No wind that could be felt buffeted him, but the tiny flowers tumbled and swirled in the air in front of him, dancing for their puppetmaster. They continued to prance through the air for a moment, then drifted over to mingle with the snowflakes Nikko had summoned.

And then it was Red's turn. She lifted her hands in front of her and folded them together, looking as if she were praying. When she peeled them open, a sprig of juniper floated a few inches above her palms. She took a deep breath and blew onto it gently. A warm spring breeze flowed from her lips and did not ghost across only the juniper. It moved all around the trio and came up behind them. Small golden orbs, aglow with their own light, burst forth from the juniper sprig and were swept into the cyclone of magic by the warm air.

The three magic users stood in silence for a moment, their magics retaining their tantric dance in front of them. Then all at once, they each spoke one word, one name, as if they'd known it all their lives.

"Anemoné." It came out as but a whisper on their lips, the cyclone of magic in front of them came to a standstill, then fired off in several directions. They watched, mystified, as their magic zipped through the air and fluttered around each of the quartz columns, darting in and out of them. The magical wind whipped through the columns, and they now knew the reason why they were so riddled with holes and crevices.

As the wind moved through them, they created a music so harmonious and serene that not even the finest singers in the would could hope to mimic. Here were mere rocks, sincing a tune so beautiful that it could only ever be used to herald a goddess into the world.

A powerful wind, not caused by any mortal, flew through the altar. Red reached out to hold onto Nikko and Loryn's hands. They took several steps back as a white and gold tornado touched down in front of them. The wind that tore through the clearing stopped, but the tornado kept spinning, generating no wind of its own.

When it finally died down, a woman stood in its place. She was tall and willowy, with magnificent pale pink and blond hair that was in constant motion, despite the nonpresence of wind. She wore an ethereal white dress of similar make to Red's, and it was adorned with a golden belt. Around her neck was a golden collar that descended her chest to cover her collarbone. There was a sense of motion about her that suggested that the air that surrounded her never stopped moving.

"That was a beautiful display, humans," she said. "Much better than the last one."

Red, Loryn, and Nikko dropped to their knees, their heads bowed. Anemoné looked down at them, her gaze approving.

"Stand, Loryn, Nikko," she said. Pausing, she looked curiously at Red. Red flushed at being addressed directly.

"Red, if it pleases you, my lady," she said. The goddess nodded.

"Red." The three of them rose from their knees and bowed. "It is not my style to make small talk. You are here to receive my token so that you may summon my mother, no?" Red, who seemed to have been appointed speaker, nodded.

"Yes, my lady," she said. "The temperature changes in the world are beginning to effect the creatures the magi hold dear."

"I know. This is because my father, Lord Voltan, has been captured. My youngest sister is a fire goddess, but she is young yet, and cannot exert the power over the world that it requires to maintain balance," the goddess said.

"Then I suppose our quest is now about rescuing Lord Voltan," Loryn said. "My lady," he added quickly. Anemoné smiled.

"So it would seem, young ones," she said kindly.

"Please excuse any... impertinence, my lady, but how did a God get captured? even an army of sorcerers would not be able to take on a God, especially Lord Voltan," Nikko said. Anemoné looked at him, her expression unreadable.

"The witch that captured my father is not of this world; her magic is not a natural occurrence here," she said gravely. She paused for a moment to let her words sink in, then pressed on. "She came here from another dimension and landed in my father's territory. Apparently she had done a great deal of scrying into our world before she made her journey, for she knew exactly where the Voltarian Godstone was. She entered the world quietly, undetected by any of us," she said, anger leaking into her voice. "She bound my father to the stone and compressed it to but a tiny bit to be worn around her neck."

Red, Nikko, and Loryn stood in shock, absorbing the goddess' words. They exchanged nervous glances. Red bit her lip, and was about to say something when Nikko cut her off.

"So, we're going to be dealing with a dimension hopping witch who has the power to take down gods?" he demanded. "If one of the most powerful Gods in the world was reduced to a piece of jewelry in seconds, what chance do we stand against her?"

"You will not do battle with her unaccompanied, sorcerer," Anemoné said reprovingly. "My sisters and I are conducting investigations. I cannot reveal more than this currently, but we are not doing nothing." She removed her gaze from Nikko and now addressed the three of them as a whole.

"The world is precious to us, as are the creatures that dwell in it. The three of you have been chosen - you are our champions. You are all creative and clever. If I do say so, we have chosen wisely indeed," see said with a pleased smile. It was Loryn who spoke up, bowing deeply to the Air Goddess.

"We will uphold your wishes, my lady, to the best of our abilities," he said. Anemoné nodded in approval, accepting his words.

"Good." She waved one slender hand and a ball of light appeared in front of them. Red held her hands out as it materialized into a solid form. It floated down to rest in her hands, and she examined it closely. It was a solid gold compass, the needle pointing north no matter which direction she twisted it.

"Present that to the goddess of the earth, who dwells deep within the heart of Silva Forest. I doubt she will give you any trouble, but keep an eye out for that bratty sprite she keeps around," Anemoné added with an unpleasant frown. "She can be rather irksome."

"Thank you, my lady," Red said, sounding relieved. "We will free your father, somehow."

"Go forward with my blessing, children," Anemoné said. A gentle breeze ghosted past the three of them. With a reassuring smile as her parting gesture, Anemoné vanished in the white tornado again, the winds singing their goodbyes through the quartz columns.

Before they could even turn to each other and speak, the three companions found themselves transported outside of the clearing, standing once more before the rose quartz arch. They stood there stupidly for a moment, then looked at each other.

"Well, she was not at all like what I expected a goddess to be like," Loryn said, breaking the silence. Red shook her head in agreement. Noticing that her hair no longer fell into her face, she looked down. She was back in her traveling clothes and her hair was tied in a braid once more. She examined the compass, which was cool to the touch. She looked up at her companions.

"I suppose our next step is the Silva Forest," she said. She looked back to where they'd left Isolde, but her friend was not there. Loryn and Nikko followed her gaze, and their expressions dropped collectively.

"Well, isn't this just peachy," Nikko grumbled.

This one was rather short compared to my last ones, but I guess that's just how these things go. Well, we now know a little bit about Dreyla. But wtf did she come to this place for? What's she want with all the cute little critters? I dunno, kids.
Nikko is slowly corrupting Loryn. Our favourite druid is a good guy, but he's got needs too, yanno. Poor Red; good thing she can hold her own against 'em.

Here is Red's summoning garb
I designed these MONTHS ago while I was playing around on DollDivine; I was bored, and that's how the concept of summoning the goddesses came about :3
Here is the Air Goddess, Anemoné.
The nameless Air Princess.
The flirty air demigod.
Last edited by sammythethief on October 9th, 2011, 11:34:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tales from Shoal Keep: Ch. 19 - Anemoné

Post by SeaCrest »

:lol: Naughty boys.

I really like the goddess dressups on dolldivine <3 Some of my favorites :P
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Re: Tales from Shoal Keep: Ch. 19 - Anemoné

Post by Chess »

Awesome! You've got a typo somewhere... But it's readable, so you don't need to worry too much.
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Re: Tales from Shoal Keep: Ch. 19 - Anemoné

Post by LightningRip »

Awesome. I can't wait to see Nikko's face when he finds out about the trick Red and Loryn played on him, if he does... He'd be furious XD

Red's mother sounds.. Like a piece of work XD And the air ladies are funny. XD I totally agree with Red though - "You two are fiends." Even though it was funny. XD Isolde rocks, too.

The pics from DollDivine are pretty, I like them :)
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Re: Tales from Shoal Keep: Ch. 19 - Anemoné

Post by Ravenbird »

wow, your a good writer ;)
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Re: Tales from Shoal Keep: Ch. 19 - Anemoné

Post by bett132 »

"Thank you, now put your eyes back into their sockets, please" :lol: :woo: :lol: SOO FUNNY!! How do you come up with this stuff?!? MOOORE!!! P.s. yes, they ARE fiends!
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Re: Tales from Shoal Keep: Ch. 19 - Anemoné

Post by sammythethief »

There will be no further updates made to this story. I'm reworking the entire thing: I'm taking the characters and the plot and doing a complete overhaul on it. I'm creating my own world and tossing them into it, making it truly my own story.

I want to thank you all for your support. You've all been a part of getting me back into what I am most passionate about - writing. I couldn't have done it without you all, and I am so grateful. Red, Nikko, and Loryn thank you too.

Maybe I'll write something else involving these three; trust me, you haven't seen the last of Red's writing. And maybe, if I'm lucky enough, you'll see them on the shelves.

I'll keep this thread open for questions, and to listen to any ideas for something new.
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Re: Tales from Shoal Keep: Ch. 19 - Anemoné

Post by Eleadora »

Can I ask these?

Where was this headed? Or did you even know? Did you have the end planned out? If so, what was it?
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Re: Tales from Shoal Keep: Ch. 19 - Anemoné

Post by Lily153 »

This is awesome!!!

MORE!!!!! :D :t-:) By more I mean you could make it in to a series.
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