Frozen Egg
Name: unnamed
Species: Albephas
Birthday: Saturday, June 15, 2019
Owner: caniskoppie

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Element: Light An icon depicting the element Light

This grey egg is gilded.

Albephas are regal-looking creatures, with sharp tusks and a proud posture. They are also incredibly intelligent. They never forget anything they are taught. In addition, they often develop a great amount of respect for ancient artifacts, being naturally drawn to old ruins or burial sites where treasures can be found. Some suspect they are able to smell some aspect of age with their trunks. However, this isn't the only reason they are often used as guards for temples and places of worship. They are tiny creatures, only about the size of a large dog, but their small size hides incredible strength. They are as strong as a full-size elephant, able to lift hundreds of pounds with ease. When compared to their body-weight, some magi deem them the strongest creatures in the world. Any potential temple thief or troublemaker knows not to mess with an Albephas.

Sprite art: Borealum (egg) | Description: Raneth