Christmas Creatures (1466-1469)

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Christmas Creatures (1466-1469)

Post by PrincessOfVampires »

Image Winter Solstice Image 3 new creatures in the Stream.

Image #1466 Yulspiro
Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: Sochitelya

This egg always seems to sit in its own little puddle of clean water.

Image (no dimorphism)

Hatchling description:
Yulspiro hatchlings are small enough to curl up in the palm of a magi's hand - which they will happily do, generating just enough water to stay moist. For their safety, magi should ensure they're confined somewhere where they can't be accidentally stepped on. The hatchling's wings are barely more than tiny stumps when first hatched, but these wings will grow as the hatchling does. Magi can keep their hatchling happy by providing it with safe places to explore, especially if they hide sugary treats for the hatchling to sniff out. As a bonus, magi will never have to clean or change the yulspiro's water, as yulspiro will keep their water pristine even from a young age.

Adult description:
Even when fully grown, yulspiro adults retain their adorable appearance and are known to provoke adoring coos from magi all over the Keep. Most yulspiro are happy to have the attention, and find this attention even better when it comes with some sort of sugar. When not giving magi their best innocent looks, yulspiro adults are known to seek out water to cleanse, whether that's a brackish pond or someone's mop bucket. Magi should try to keep yulspiro from cleaning every body of water they come across, as there are other creatures who might actually like their water dirty. As parents, yulspiro are conscientious and protective of their hatchlings, but won't hesitate to discipline any hatchling that gets too rambunctious. Left to their own devices, however, groups of yulspiro can easily cause accidental water damage, so should be kept away from more delicate areas of the Keep.
General description:
The yulspiro is an odd creature: a wyrm at first glance, but ones whose wings are too soft to let it take flight. Instead, these supple wings curl up as the yulspiro grows, until each one forms a tree-like shape. When the yulspiro is especially happy, tiny bits of light in all the colours of the rainbow appear within these curls. Yulspiro are able to breathe both air and water, so can easily spend time on land; however, they prefer to at least have a water source nearby so they can keep their skin from drying out. Fortunately yulspiro have the ability to generate their own water, at least enough for a puddle to roll around in, and can also purify dirty water with just a touch. Yulspiro are naturally friendly and curious - magi may wake to the occasional damp tongue in their ear in the middle of the night if they take one to raise - and can be bribed to do almost anything with an offer of sugar.

Image #1467 Glyceris Heilla
Sprite art: Xenomorph/Lazuli | Description: Real

This pure white egg has two tiny holly-like wings.

Image (no dimorphism)

Hatchling description:
Heilla hatchlings are usually raised deep inside holly trees or bushes. The little hatchlings rarely poke out their heads from the safety of the leaves, preferring to stay hidden until they are ready to face the world. As shy as they are small, the only signs of glycerin heilla hatchlings are the gleeful screeches heard in the middle of the night. They learn to teleport faster than they learn to fly, and they use their magic for short distances until they feel ready to leave the nest. Once they are brave enough to explore, the heillas fly from one holly to another, always seeking safety between the leaves when they land. It takes time and patience for a hatchling to get attached to a human, but once it happens, the bond is unbreakable.

Adult description:
With bodies resembling snow and leafy wings, the glyceris heilla adults are masters of disguise. They blend in perfectly with the hollies around them, only a rare twitch of an ear giving away their location. The adults are cheery and visit the Keep every winter for the festivities when they know holly wreaths are present. Otherwise, they remain in the cold regions, where they choose their mates and live in perfect harmony with the hollies around them. The heillas are faster than the oaklets when teleporting, as they can almost instantly attach themselves to the holly leaves - this allows them to reappear in a different holly. Although it takes time, the heillas can be trained to teleport to different kinds of trees, but they will do so only in the cold regions, never venturing to summery places. As much as they are related to the oaklets, the heillas are just as different and will always prefer to be part of the cheerful festivities instead of using their magic.
General description:
Spotting a glyceris heilla is all about luck. These adorable creatures blend in with the leaves and berries of the holly trees and shrubs so well that only those with a trained eye can catch a glimpse of them. They are fluffy and small, living mainly in the cold regions, where the holly trees and shrubs are abundant. Their wings are made of leaves and berries, always in healthy shades of green and red. Their round bodies are covered in pure white fur, easily resembling patches of fresh snow. The glyceris heillas hibernate during the warmer months, becoming active only after the winter comes. Once the cold seasons start, some heillas choose to visit the Keep, making their homes inside the holly wreaths magi like to decorate their places with. As for their magic, chiropterologists claim that the heillas are closely related to the oaklets. Their magic allows them to teleport from one holly to another, always surprising people with their sudden appearance.

Image #1468 Scarf Wyrm
Sprite art: Xenomorph/Lazuli | Description: Kestrad

To stop the sprite from rotating use Image.

Image Image Image Image
This frilled egg is so fluffy and warm. Holding it makes you feel so cozy you don’t want to put it down.

(no dimorphism)
12 am Image 6 am Image 12pm Image 6pm Image

Hatchling description:
Few things are as pleasant on a cold winter day as having a scarf wyrm hatchling in one's lap. They are placid hatchlings, content to stay still for hours in exchange for scratches behind their frills, and as their bellies are covered in fluff and they give off a gentle heat of their own, they make an excellent tiny lap blanket. Hatchlings are not yet very adept at controlling their patterning, and so will sometimes end up with strange color combinations and patterns on their scales. Some magi make a competition of showing off the most unsightly pattern on a hatchling they can find, to the delight of everyone involved, even the hatchling.
Image Image Image Image

Adult description:
Scarf wyrms grow to be very long, and are aptly named, as they make for wonderfully soft, always warm living scarves. Some prefer to be just scarves, but others will perch their upper body on their magi's head, serving the function of a fluffy hat too. Adults have learned to control their patterns deliberately, and take delight in changing their patterns, sometimes shifting so slowly and subtly that if it weren't for the different end result, a magi would think no change had occurred. Other times they shift patterns quite quickly, deliberately showing off their ability in mesmerizing changes. Style-conscious magi will teach their wyrms specific patterns, whether to better match a wardrobe or make a big statement, and the wyrms will happily learn and comply.
General description:
For a magi who likes to show off their companions and wishes to be warm and stylish while doing so, there is no better companion than a scarf wyrm. Capable of changing their colors at will, scarf wyrms take great delight at riding around on their magi's shoulders and head as living accessories, changing colors on demand to match their magi's fancy. Scarf wyrms have bellies covered in wonderfully soft fur, though they have far finer control over color shifting the warm scales on their back. Their shed fur is collected to make wonderfully soft and warm clothing. It usually takes the cast off fur of multiple wyrms to make a single shirt, and the fur stops changing color once shed, which means the clothes often have bizarre color combinations. Therefore, for magi who care about appearances, the whole wyrm makes for a much better article of clothing. Some magi delight in the strange colors and patterns that result from the varied shed furs, though, and compete over who has the ugliest one.

New drink in Remy's Inn

Glögg Image 125 Image

randomly gives: Image Image Image Image

Ornaments floating on your screen: Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image


Gifting badge: Image

Gift from Magistrem Staff

Image #1469 Yule Castor
Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: Real

This sweet-smelling egg almost looks like it was carved out of wood.


Hatchling description:
Yule castor hatchlings learn to carve wood as they age. The first few dozen carvings are not exceptionally beautiful, many of them resembling odd shapes that would never be hung on a tree. More often than not, a carrot-like carving or an ear-shaped one had to be removed because it simply ruined the otherwise beautifully decorated tree. But as they age, the hatchlings become more skillful. They revisit their works and reshape what can be reshaped, making new decorations from the scraps. It might take a few months for the hatchlings to reach a desired level of wood carving mastery, but they never give up, and the improvement is visible with each passing day.
General description:
After the first snowfall has fallen, one can hear the sound of wood being chopped deep inside the forest. The creatures that chop the wood are benevolent and love to have spectators as they carve intricate decorations with their nimble fingers and skillful teeth. They live near rivers, where they laze around when not shaping something out of wood. Adept swimmers, the yule castors can travel for great lengths even upstream if they sniff out a sweetly scented wood. Although they can carve things out of any wood, they prefer the scented ones. There is no explanation for this other than the wood probably smells better and makes the carving more pleasant for the castors while they are at it. Each individual focuses on its task, caring little about what the other castors do around them, but they do work together in a sense. If one of them chops off a tree, then more castors will gather around, each taking a chunk of the trunk to carve so no wood would come to waste.
Last edited by PrincessOfVampires on December 25th, 2023, 12:13:55 pm, edited 11 times in total.

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Re: Christmas Creatures (1466-1468)

Post by ghostjellie »

Image - Yulspiro egg
Image - Glyceris Heilla egg
Image - Scarf Wyrm egg

Image - Moon Shard
i got this from drinking a few of the new drink at remy's. desc:
"Everything seems to calm and slow down around this cold opalescent jewelry."
it has a use button, but nothing available for me to use it on yet

[EDIT: PLEASEEEE remy!!! i forgot that your posts get slurred when youve had a couple. i am cryinggggg]
he/him < 3
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please ignore my about me, thats probably from 2012
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Re: Christmas Creatures (1466-1468)

Post by Rexsaurus »

I got a Image from the drink
Image 25/25 Gifts Image Would love to get any cats, dragons, shop creatures or new crystalwings.
Thank you to everyone who has given gifts!
ImageImageImageImage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Re: Christmas Creatures (1466-1468)

Post by Tallalune »

The Glyceris Heilla egg looks like a bat creatures egg
To Hatchling:
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Re: Christmas Creatures (1466-1468)

Post by Reima »

I love this fluff ball
Female Glyceris Heilla hatchling
Heilla hatchlings are usually raised deep inside holly trees or bushes. The little hatchlings rarely poke out their heads from the safety of the leaves, preferring to stay hidden until they are ready to face the world. As shy as they are small, the only signs of glycerin heilla hatchlings are the gleeful screeches heard in the middle of the night. They learn to teleport faster than they learn to fly, and they use their magic for short distances until they feel ready to leave the nest. Once they are brave enough to explore, the heillas fly from one holly to another, always seeking safety between the leaves when they land. It takes time and patience for a hatchling to get attached to a human, but once it happens, the bond is unbreakable.
This Signature looks so bad on mobile. Good lord it is HUGE. I'll need to work on that at some point. For now though I sleep
Any objections, Lady?
To hatchling only C:
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Re: Christmas Creatures (1466-1468)

Post by Nexosa »

The moon shard shows the scarf wyrm eggs, just can’t use on them, maybe on the hatchlings
Wish list:Hummingbirds,Any grpyhon hatchling,Any jackalope hatchling,,Pygmy wolpertinger

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Re: Christmas Creatures (1466-1468)

Post by Ryves »


Yulspiro (no dimorphism)
"Yulspiro hatchlings are small enough to curl up in the palm of a magi's hand - which they will happily do, generating just enough water to stay moist. For their safety, magi should ensure they're confined somewhere where they can't be accidentally stepped on. The hatchling's wings are barely more than tiny stumps when first hatched, but these wings will grow as the hatchling does. Magi can keep their hatchling happy by providing it with safe places to explore, especially if they hide sugary treats for the hatchling to sniff out. As a bonus, magi will never have to clean or change the yulspiro's water, as yulspiro will keep their water pristine even from a young age."
25/25 gifts, thank you so much <3

Image Find something you love as much as a pumpkin wyrm loves pumpkin seeds. Image
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Re: Christmas Creatures (1466-1468)

Post by Altairia »

I got boxeshhh oof chocolate, fine tuning glashheeshh, shhunn shhhardshh and ...hic... moon shhhhardshh ...hic... from Remy'shh drrink.
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Please help me grow these guys as well! <3
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Re: Christmas Creatures (1466-1468)

Post by Pallastronomy »

Not sure if this goes here but here’s the gifting badge
Will try my best to return any clicks!
Gender Swaps

My about me is still pretty accurate as far as wishlists go, but here is my wishlist of what individual creatures I’m currently prioritizing most/other specifics!
25/25 gifts! Thank you so much!
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Re: Christmas Creatures (1466-1468)

Post by Ryves »

Pallastronomy wrote: December 17th, 2023, 1:46:02 am Image
Not sure if this goes here but here’s the gifting badge
Is that a...pretzel?? A cookie??

And here's the scarf: Image
Also no dimorphism
"Few things are as pleasant on a cold winter day as having a scarf wyrm hatchling in one's lap. They are placid hatchlings, content to stay still for hours in exchange for scratches behind their frills, and as their bellies are covered in fluff and they give off a gentle heat of their own, they make an excellent tiny lap blanket. Hatchlings are not yet very adept at controlling their patterning, and so will sometimes end up with strange color combinations and patterns on their scales. Some magi make a competition of showing off the most unsightly pattern on a hatchling they can find, to the delight of everyone involved, even the hatchling."
25/25 gifts, thank you so much <3

Image Find something you love as much as a pumpkin wyrm loves pumpkin seeds. Image
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