Halloween 2020 Discussion

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Halloween 2020 Discussion

Post by Rosehill »


Go see the Site News: https://magistream.com/3-site-news/2276 ... oween.html

And remember if you have unopened gifts from this year's Magiversary, be sure to open those latest on October 22nd! :t-boo:


#1166 Lash Fly - Stream
This egg has two small, transparent wings.

Image Image male/female
When the weather begins to grow cold, tiny eggs that have been laid on the underside of the leaves of tall trees suddenly hatch at once. Multitudes of tiny insects burst into the sky, enough to block out the sun with their swarming despite their small size. Defenseless as hatchlings and full of a tart flavor, they are favored delicacies by birds, other insects, and even people. Very few survive to adulthood. Luckily, they grow quickly.
Image Image male/female
Upon reaching adulthood, lash flies are no longer the defenseless, plump snacks they were as hatchlings. Their scorpion-like stinger is twice the length of their body, and full of poison. On smaller creatures, it will kill, but thankfully humans will only be temporarily blinded. They don’t use it to hunt, but only for defense, as they prefer to consume pollen rather than meat. If left alone to buzz around flowers, they will be harmless, and magi at the keep are instructed to leave them alone. Those who bond with them will have a reliable, sneaky protector on long journeys.
General description:
These creatures are tiny but dangerous. They will fill the skies once a year as hatchlings and serve as an important food source for many other creatures, but lash flies who reach adulthood are definitely not safe to consume. Their stinger blinds or kills those who they sting, and if the creature is consumed, the poison will paralyze whoever was foolish to eat them. They are quick fliers, able to flit around at high speeds with unparalleled agility. Solitary creatures, they have little interest in others of their species, preferring to stake out small territories where they can forage for pollen in peace. Sometimes they sting larger creatures indiscriminately, though, and some say that they harbor grudges toward people or animals who ate their siblings in the hatchling stage.
Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: Raneth

#1167 Giant Thelyph - Stream

This egg is hard and smells faintly of vinegar.

A thelyph nymph is small and fragile for their first few days of life, living off of fat reserves they hatch with. However, once their exoskeleton hardens, they become much like small versions of the adults, able to hunt for themselves by instinct. They are surprisingly gentle when they're small, and can be acclimated to magi with enough patience and attention. They will let a magi hold them, and some magi have even been known to feed their giant thelyph hatchlings by hand. However, one has to be attentive, especially around larger thelyphs, as their acid grows stronger with age.
The beautiful iridescent shell of a giant theylph seems to contrast starkly with the frightening appearance of these creatures. They resemble enormous scorpions superficially, though they lack a stinger. Their whip-like tail may seem harmless, but it exudes noxious acid that the animal can flick at predators and prey alike. The acid blinds, burns, and otherwise overwhelms the thelyph's victims. While humans are usually not on the menu, especially large thelyphs have been known to attack traveling caravans that come too close, so magi that raise these creatures must be especially cautious. The best practices for thelyph care include ensuring they are fat and comfortable, and given plenty of sand to hide in.
General description:
Thelyphs are small creatures found throughout the world under leaf litter, but one of their number stands out for its unusual characteristics. The giant thelyph grows many times larger than its miniscule cousins, reaching the size of a large sheep. Instead of springtails and fleas, the giant thelyph hunts birds and mammals, terrorizing rabbits and jackalopes in the southern deserts by ambushing them from under the sand and spitting noxious acid at them. The thelyphs bury themselves during the day, and at night, if nothing has wandered by, they will emerge and stalk the dunes, looking out for any creatures large enough to sate their hunger. Desert travelers know to give these arthropods their distance, for they are not picky about their prey, but lack the speed to chase down anything wise enough not to come too close.
Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: PKGriffin


#1168 Giant Cukurba - Stream

This seed is heavier than you expected it to be.

This was not the giant pumpkin you had hoped it would be, it seems to be a cukurba, but it is much larger than any normal hatchling cukurba you have seen. Curkubas move extremely slowly. Once in motion, though, they will stop for nothing. There isn't an obstacle in the world that could stop a determined young cukurba from reaching its goal. There is no reason trying, either – cukurba hatchlings can take care of themselves perfectly well, and need little looking after. They're social able enough creatures, though, and will happily approach their magi, regardless if they are holding a piece of pumpkin or not. Other companions seem to enjoy their company as well, and these hatchlings do not lack for playmates.
This is the largest cukurba you have ever seen, standing as tall as a mage. Other than its size however, it seems to be like any other cukurba around the keep. Once they have reached adulthood, these companions have truly distinctive shells that are, in fact, pumpkins. Should one mistake a cukurba for an actual pumpkin, the creature will simply slowly poke its head out, regard one with a sleepy eye, and then disappear once again. It's to be noted that these companions have a great love for pumpkins, and prefer eating them above all else. Once they have devoured a pumpkin, they bury the seeds, and a new pumpkin will always grow in its place. These pumpkins are thought to be larger and have a sweeter taste than others, and closely resemble those of cukurbas. The shells of cukurbas never age or decay, except in rare instances. No one has been able to discover why such a change may take place. But when this strange transformation begins, the companion in question grows less kind, and remains in the dark parts of the forest more with every passing day. These cukurbas never willingly approach their magi, and are rarely seen. They are also the most likely to travel farther, often crossing the world very slowly with a goal in mind. Many people have noted that these companions will leave for unknown parts even when there is nothing major occurring, but once the cukurba reaches their destination, the event unfolds and they effect it in negative ways.

General description:
These companions are among the kindest and most selfless of creatures, and are well liked throughout the world. Although cukurbas move incredibly slowly, nothing will stop them from reaching their destinations, which always hold some significance. They may be on the path to find a person consumed by sadness, or even to halt an horrific event. They do so without much action at all – they simply find the correct human or animal, and touch them. Through this touch, cukurbas are able to inject feelings of joy, but also of energy and selflessness. Whomever they come in contact with somehow becomes more cheerful in the following hours, and is likely to pass that cheer on. They do so through seemingly insignificant acts, such as making a pie or easing someone's work. Somehow, these simple acts grow and pass from person to person, transforming the entire mood of the castle. These companions themselves, however, rarely step foot inside The Keep's walls. Cukurba prefer the wilds of the outdoors, and will roam from the depths of the forest to the comfort of The Keep's gardens. This is where these creatures are usually found, when the day turns dark and night approaches. Cukurbas retreat into their shells to rest, and resemble nothing more than rather large pumpkins.
Sprite art: Jrap17 | Description: Damien/Jrap17


#1169 Giant Pumpkin - Stream

This seed is slightly larger than a normal pumpkin seed.

A few months into growing and your pumpkin is already larger than most normal pumpkins, although it will still be a while before it is fully grown. While growing a large pumpkin takes a lot of patience, you are sure it will be worth it.
After close to a year of growing and many enchantments and potions later, you have the perfect pumpkin. It is as large as a carriage and you foresee a lot of pumpkin pies in your future. Now the only thing left to do is whip out your knife and carve a face into it, or maybe hollow it out and make it into a horse drawn carriage so that you can show up at the many Halloween parties in style.
General description:
Giant pumpkins take a lot of time and hard work to grow, one must be patient if they want to succeed. You must make sure everything is absolutely perfect, from the soil temperature, to making sure the ground is perfectly watered every day, but you are sure that you are up for the task at hand. A little bit of growth potions here or there never hurt either.
Sprite art: Jrap17 | Description: Jrap17


#1170 Giant Jack-o-Lantern - Use a Carving Kit (available in the Halloween Shop) on an adult Giant Pumpkin

Image Image (day/night)
Having carved a face into your pumpkin, you can not help but feel a little unnerved. Even though the eyes are hollow, they still feel as though they are staring directly at you, following you. It is worse at night, when the pumpkin is lit up. The flicking of the candle inside gives off an eerie glow and gives you a feeling of dread when you look at it. You would just turn it into a pumpkin pie instead, but the inside of the jack-o-lantern gives off a sickly sweet smell and you are sure you would be poisoned if you ingested any bit of this pumpkin now.
General description:
Giant pumpkins take a lot of time and hard work to grow, one must be patient if they want to succeed. You must make sure everything is absolutely perfect, from the soil temperature, to making sure the ground is perfectly watered every day, but you are sure that you are up for the task at hand. A little bit of growth potions here or there never hurt either.

#1171 Umagum - 3,000 gold, Halloween Shop

This slimy egg is brightly coloured as a warning not to touch.

An umagum hatchling is brightly coloured as a warning to predators that they're highly poisonous and dangerous to consume. They're slippery and slimy, but magi shouldn't really be handling them without protective gloves to begin with. Hatchlings should be kept by themselves until they grow large enough to change to their adult colouring, at which point they become less accidentally dangerous. As long as they have access to water and a snug burrow to hide in, hatchling umagum are content to be alone, but still enjoy being talked to and given little treats.
A fully-grown umagum is large enough to take down most rabbits, rodents, and ground-dwelling birds. As adults they have more control over the toxicity level of their skin, but they also develop keratinous spines that they can pop out from the sides of their neck and abdomen to inject an attacker with poison. Umagum aren't family-minded; they prefer to stick to their own territories, meeting up only to mate and lay eggs before going on their way. However, they do respond to magi who are friendly and treat them well, and don't seem to mind those researchers who take small samples to test the psychedelic properties of their skin.
General description:
Umagum are mildly poisonous to the touch, a sensation that some magi have referred to as 'comfortably numb'. However, ingesting the poison that coats their skin can cause a range of effects, from a sense of losing reality to auditory and visual hallucinations. Deaths are fortunately rare, as most magi know the limit of what they can safely ingest. Though large, umagum aren't aggressive, preferring to go chasing rabbits over attacking magi or other creatures. Travelers of both time and space, umagum can appear randomly, but seem to spend the majority of their time around shallow waters or relaxing in the shade while they wait for the summer rain.
Sprite art: Tekla | Description: Sochitelya


#1172 Wallatrice - 3,000 gold, Halloween Shop

This bright egg has sweet chirps coming from within it, but touching it makes your fingers sting.

Image Image male/female
Wallatrice hatchlings react to most noise and movement by crouching, hissing, and biting anything that comes within range. Even newly hatched they are venomous, but fortunately this poison isn't nearly as strong as that of the adults. Hatchlings enjoy playing with each other, which looks quite rough from the outside, but their hard feathers keep them from serious harm and their parents are always nearby to break up any real fights.
Image Image male/female
Adult wallatrice are wonderful parents and terrible to any other creature that dares to approach them. If raised from an egg by a patient magi, they will see that magi as part of their family, but that doesn't mean they won't hand out a good nip or swat with their powerful wings if offended. When not actively raising a family, wallatrice adults like to groom each other, lurk in high shadowy areas to startle people walking by, and eat sweet berries until something needs fighting.
General description:
Wallatrice are named for their call, a drawn-out 'waa-laa, waa-laa' most often heard during the crisp autumn nights when they're most active. This noise is quite high and almost sweet, which means magi are often surprised to follow it and meet its large, brightly-coloured, aggressive owner. Wallatrice will fight just about anything, aided by their venomous spines and their ability to sweat poison down their legs to coat their sharp talons. Females are duller than their male counterparts to help aid in the protection of their nests, but as both parents are highly involved with their hatchlings, predators usually spot the male's bright colours and know to find easier, less poisonous prey.
Sprite art: Xenomorph/Lazuli | Description: Sochitelya


A little drop of... - 300 gold, Halloween Shop

The thick liquid pouring out of the bottle prickles on your tongue and you're not quite sure if drinking it was a good idea after all...

Amidst the slightly sickly feeling from the drink you appear to have gotten a new companion.

Sometimes you can get a past Halloween creature. (Calaveras Monkey, Nhirudo, Rotting Cukurba)

Carving Kit - 500 gold, Halloween Shop

Can be used on an adult Giant Pumpkin to turn it into a Giant Jack-o-Lantern.

Other creatures now available:
Decessus and Mortifelis appear in the stream.
Mohrior - 6,500 gold Halloween Shop
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Re: Halloween 2020 Discussion

Post by AssassinsCreed »

YES :woo:
THank you Magistream,my mood went up all of sudden!
Time to catch eggs! :bounce:
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Re: Halloween 2020 Discussion

Post by Mikos »

Hooray! I've been so ready for Halloween! ^.^
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Re: Halloween 2020 Discussion

Post by SouthernCryptid »

Halloween is my favorite holiday. I'm so happy that Magistream has a Halloween event every year!
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Re: Halloween 2020 Discussion

Post by PrincessOfVampires »

:woo: Halloween. :woo:

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Re: Halloween 2020 Discussion

Post by jessk »

This will be my first event!! I am very excited :D
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Re: Halloween 2020 Discussion

Post by Sharl »

this is Halloween

I'm so excited! This is actually my first active MagiStream Halloween, and Halloween is my favorite holiday!
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Re: Halloween 2020 Discussion

Post by feralkiwi »

yay! halloween is one of my fave events here :woo:
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happy 15th magiversary!

<3 clicks appreciated-just to hatchling pls <3
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Re: Halloween 2020 Discussion

Post by Akantia »

Oh wow, my first event since my return to the site! I'm so excited :woo:
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Re: Halloween 2020 Discussion

Post by BBkat »

Spooky time on the horizons! Yes! :wee:

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