To Emander Tyris...

"Summer at the Keep" writing contest
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To Emander Tyris...

Post by shadowfighter »

Eliza sprints back to her room after hearing Archmage Thane's speech, Dead-set on writing a letter to him.
"Osiris! A man named Emander Tyris wrote Archmage Thane a letter asking what magi do in summer, and if he gets one he really really likes he will give them a Chinchilla! I really really want one, I have yet to get one and they look so very pretty! So, time to start!"

After many hours, and a few breaks to work on her Sun Dress, she has her letter written.
"To Emander Tyris, your letter was most interesting, so here I am to tell you what I have do most summers.

As with most magi, I raise Eggs to Hatchlings, and then the Hatchlings to adults. This summer my main projects are training with my young hellhound and his mother, and working on my Seasonal Dress. I also have my Golden pteira Crystalwing, my Gryphons and my Pheonixs to take care of, so I usely have quite a busy year, with creatures to take care of no matter the season.

Do you raise any Creatures? If so, what kind? Have you ever seen a Dragon? I do not go into the moutains very often, so the only Dragons I see very often are my Rewin dragon and my pygmy GemDragon.

Oh yes, do you raise any chinchillas your self? I know you know how to get their eggs, at the very least, but I hear when you get swarmed by the hatchlings it feels like a flufy hurricane! Is that true? If it is, I really want some!
They sound cuter everyday and yet I have my summer studies plus my creatures to take care of, so I do not get to go up to the mountains very much.

Well, it is time for me to say goodbye. I hope your life is good now and in the future. -Eliza S."

A/N Try and guess what Eliza's last name is! PM me if you want to guess! Only three guesses per peron per day. Oh, mods, if anything is wrong with my A/N please PM me so I can fix it. And I would like to thankWoLfgIrLyS for the Golden pteira Crystalwing, your gift will be forever loved ^_^

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