Are You Adopted?

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Are You Adopted?

Post by Triceratops »


This is a topic I've been interested in knowing with others due to the fact I haven't met others in the same boat as I. In other words, I'm adopted! It's extremely obvious that I am anyway since my family and I look drastically different from each other. Otherwise, it's not a common sight among friends and strangers as they wonder more about what it's like for an adopted child.

Me? I love my family here in America as I never knew anything about the place I was born (Korea). I haven't any major plans to visit Korea, or see my birth mom if it's possible yet. Maybe one day?

Though anyway - I'd love to hear from others who were adopted too! I always wanted to meet y'all and see what it's like for everyone else. I admit I vaguely remember one case from someone, but it's not exactly a happy tale to share so I won't.
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Re: Are You Adopted?

Post by Wynterborne »

I wasn't adopted, but my mother was. She went thru almost her entire life not knowing, and it really shook her when she found some old papers that revealed the truth.

Also, she gave up a baby girl before she met my father, and for many years we didn't know. Guess who I am going to get to meet for the very first time this spring! Yep, my big sister!

I love and support families who adopt, without them I would have had a completely different life.
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Re: Are You Adopted?

Post by Sanax »

I wasn't adopted, but one of my good friends and her sisters were (they're triplets!). They were born in Bulgaria and were moved to the US and adopted by their adoptive parents when they were really little. They were adopted and raised by an American family, though they still know how to speak Bulgarian fluently.

My friend doesn't know much about her parents, but her boyfriend is big into and is digging to find out everything he can for them. At the moment, he thinks he may have found one of their cousins and they're planning to meet her. c:
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Re: Are You Adopted?

Post by missshadedlove »

My mom was. I don't know at what age she found out. She did contact her birth mother after i was born because she needed medical history. The story goes is that her mom got pregnant at 15 and out of wedlock which was a no-no back in the late 50s early 60s. My mom's bio mom claimed that she had gone to sleep sometime after my mom was born and when she woke up my mom was gone. That my moms bio mom's aunt and uncle secretly put her up for adoption. So when my mom called looking for her bio-mom her aunt (moms) answered and when my mother told her that it was Tracy (the name her bio-mom gave her, my grandparents (adopted ones) had changed her name) her aunt started crying and told her that they had been looking for her for years. She finally talked and met with her bio-mom and had a relationship with her and her brother,and one of her sisters. The other sister doesn't like my mom, one of the reasons we think is because jealousy, at least i think that anyway. It wasnt like close close but they kept in contact and I was able to meet them when i got older. My mom's Bio-dad had died before my mom ever got to meet him, he was also the father of her brother and sisters. My bio grandparents had married sometime after my mother was taken.
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Re: Are You Adopted?

Post by Saphira455 »

I'm kinda half-adopted? So I hope you don't mind me hopping in on this discussion.
My mom's my genetic mother, but my dad's not my genetic father. I didn't know for most of my still young life. My genetic donor was a butt apparently which is why I don't know him. Though he recently found me and briefly got in contact. I'm curious... but not. I have a half sister. I kinda want to get to know her, but I'm not very social. I also kind of want to get to know Him, but... I don't. I'm happy with my dad and mom. He's not being pushy thankfully. I haven't talked with Him in months and months but... Idk how to feel honestly. I sorta wish that I never learned my Dad's not my genetic father. Because I'm conflicted.
It's a bit of a brain twister. I want to get to know Him. But I don't. I want to get to know my half-sister since I've never had any siblings, but.... I'm kinda cruddy at friend making.
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Re: Are You Adopted?

Post by tinkerbees98 »

I'm adopted! My birth parents were around 15-16 and wanted me to have a good life so they chose my parents :) I've known since a very young age as my parents didn't want it to be some kind of secret to me. I'm not sure if I have any other biological siblings as I am not in touch with my birth mother and my birth father died when I was around 5. Two summers ago I did get to meet my paternal grandmother who was super nice! She gave me lots of photos and even my birth father's old guitars! While I 'fit in' with my adopted family and you wouldn't guess that I'm adopted (many people think I'm joking when I tell them), it was weird to meet my paternal grandma as we looked very similar and had the same eyes! I want to meet my birth mother just to see what she's like and how similar we are in both personality and looks but not meeting her would not have any effect on my life either.
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Re: Are You Adopted?

Post by Sorrelwind »

I'm also adopted! I actually know nothing about my birth family except that they're Chinese... I've returned to China for visiting and schooling stuff 3 times since, 'tis a fun time, every time. I used to go to groups / summer camps where the children were all adoptive children and I remember making a lot of friends there~ Some of whom I'm still friends with to this day! <3
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Re: Are You Adopted?

Post by darksouls »

I'm adopted from south-east China, can't remember the specific province. I never knew my birth parents, but I don't think I need to. I'm sure they loved me, and I'm sure they didn't WANT to abandon me. I hold no ill will towards them, and if I ever could tell them one thing, it'd be that it's not their fault, and that I still love them. My adoptive mother, and my now deceased father, are still wonderful parents, though, I love them to hell and back. ;w;

I consider myself very lucky to be adopted from China and brought into an upper middle class family in Canada. ;w; :) I wasn't brought up with my culture, but I honestly don't hold much interest in it. XD;
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Re: Are You Adopted?

Post by Laeril »

No, but I have two cousins who were adopted as teens. I have friends who were adopted as babies. And I'll be honest, the friends are more well-adjusted adults than my cousins. No doubt a mix of their pre-adoption issues and my aunt's less than warm personality and parenting style.
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Re: Are You Adopted?

Post by Sharl »

My mom's twin cousins were. When I was a kid I frequently wished I was, because I didn't (and still sometimes don't) get on with my parents all too well.
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