Non-Binary Genders

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Re: Non-Binary Genders

Post by BBkat »

What gender do you recognize as/what pronouns do you use?

Female, with she/her pronouns, although I have no problem with they/them either

How do you feel about non-binary genders?

I see no issue with them. They aren't hurting anyone and if it makes someone more comfortable to be referred to with they/them or any other gender neutral pronoun then why should I make them uncomfortable? That's just being a dick.

Do you thing gender neutrality when not talking about specific individuals is important?

Of course. For one thing it helps normalize using gender neutral pronouns. Plus that's uh, what they were originally for.
Also you might not always know the gender of a specific individual(i.e if you're talking about a person online, god knows I never know what anyone is :derp: )
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Re: Non-Binary Genders

Post by Draegi »

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Re: Non-Binary Genders

Post by Rodwena »

Weeell hello, isn't this a threat to my liking...
I am one of the squiggliest squiggles, I imagine. I AM non-binary, or genderqueer, or genderfluid. I use those as synonyms. I use she/he/they pronouns, although I'd never dream of shouting at anyone "I'm male today, call me he!" People can't smell it, and as it can change daily...meh. Not worth the trouble.
And I can honestly say, it is, for me myself, sometimes the weirdest thing. I never know as what I wake up.
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Next morning, eeeeeeek I can't stand that blouse, please can I have a checkshirt and would you just NOT wear tight jeans today thank you, we're not a girl ya know!
I have been told even my body language changes and I move differently on male days than on female days.
Then again there are weeks where I'm meh, gender, who needs a gender...I'm a fluffball and that's all there is to it.
And then, the days where I'm like, shorts and eyeliner go great together! Woohoo!
The changes in my head go way deeper than that, so it's not only a thing of clothing or androgyny.

I do have to say, people who don't understand or don't believe that something like fluid gender exists, people who think there are only male and female...I somehow get it, maybe? As long as they are respectful, I have no problem with them and I don't go around telling them what they should believe, I'm not part of a sect. I have a hard time imagining how it must be, having only one gender. I always knew I was a little different, even as a kid, and growing up, I thought everyone had a little bit of both in them and changed from time to time. Sometimes I still cannot imagine being only one half, I imagine I would feel incomplete. So, since my brain just can't grasp the concept of being only one of all the different things that feel, I cannot possibly tell people who can't grasp the concept of genderfluidity to just get a grip or something. I don't think it would be right. The concept of genderfluidity exists for me, and for others, and for some it doesn't. As long as both groups respect each other I think there should be no problem between the two.
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Re: Non-Binary Genders

Post by DarkEcho17 »

What gender do you recognize as/what pronouns do you use?

I’m a cis female, and I use she/her, but don’t mind other pronouns. Refer to me as you’d like! ^^”

How do you feel about non-binary genders?

Most of my close friends are genderfluid, agender, trans, or some other gender identity, and at first it was a bit hard to start using different pronouns after knowing them for years by other pronouns, but now it’s like second nature to me. So, I’m cool with them! They aren’t hurting anyone, and honestly using they/them pronouns isn’t that hard or really out of the way tbh...

Do you think gender neutrality when not talking about specific individuals is important?

This question is worded a bit oddly for me, but usually if I’m writing or speaking about non specific people I do use they/them, so yes?
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Re: Non-Binary Genders

Post by Athenaash »

What gender do you recognize as/what pronouns do you use?: I am pretty sure I am genderfluid, and they/them pronouns please!

How do you feel about non-binary genders?: They're pretty cool!

Do you think gender neutrality when not talking about specific individuals is important?:I do think that that is important, I personally feel really guilty when I misgender someone. So I use they/them pronouns when I don't know someone's pronouns!
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Re: Non-Binary Genders

Post by ZaraTina »

What gender do you recognize as/what pronouns do you use?

I have been born a female and will always see myself as a girl, so she/her. Although, one could say that while my appearance (I believe that it's referred to as gender expression) is feminine (long hair and arguable pink colour scheme), my personality itself (gender identity? Question mark?) is more masculine, since I tend to be very loud, active and over all prefer masculine toys and colours. Why I primarily wear pink will forever be a mystery to me.

How do you feel about non-binary genders?

I do not understand them, as I am not a non-binary person myself. I also believe that gender is a social concept (as most people agree that your genetics has little to nothing to do with your personality), so in a way, I personally don't see non-binary genders as infinite, as sometimes, the line between a identity and an oddity gets a litte... blurry when you use the word "infinite". However, if someone reveals to me that they prefer a different pronoun or that they are not a girl nor a boy, I will respect who they are and refer to them as such. As long as the pronouns don't get too absurd, such as a hamburger gender, which I have actually seen in the depths of the internet before.

Do you thing gender neutrality when not talking about specific individuals is important?

I always refer to an unknown individual as "they", whether it be on the internet or in real life. This is probably because it's sorta weird for me to just refer to someone as "he" or "she" without having actually ever seen them. But I do not see it as overly important, so I will never force this on people.
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Re: Non-Binary Genders

Post by Bananaz10 »

What gender do you recognize as/what pronouns do you use?

I'm still a trying to figure that out myself, lol. I was born female and have no problem if people see me as that or call me she/her. But I also feel not-female sometimes. Like I can be feeling more masculine one day or more feminine the other or sometimes neither or even both at the same time. It gets me confused honestly. I don't know that much about all the genders that exist and which I identify the best with, but my best guess is either agender or genderfluid. As for pronouns, I don't really care what someone calls me, all of them work fine for me.

How do you feel about non-binary genders?

Honestly, I used to get very confused with non-binary genders since I was taught that they were only female and male. When I was younger I used to get frustrated about being female, not because I didn't identify as one, but because I wanted more freedom to express myself without anyone saying it was for one gender only (which happened a lot unfortuntely). I was always flexible with my gender expression and that used to confuse/scare me before I understood more about gender. I slowly learned by via internet the many different genders that existed and the difference between gender and sex. And I'm still learning, haha. I don't know anyone that is non-binary but I would have no problem with them if I did.

Do you think gender neutrality when not talking about specific individuals is important?

I try to keep it neutral, using they/them if I don't know what the other person prefers. So yes, I guess?
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Re: Non-Binary Genders

Post by SQUIP »

Old bost but meh, why not?
What gender do you recognize as/what pronouns do you use?
Genderfluid but for simplicity sake, I just tell people I'm a man, I'm fine with any pronouns but my prefered ones are he, they or it. Honestly, you can call me whatever, it, xe, bunny, I don't care. Though using she pronouns makes me uncomfortable, probably because I'm mostly trying to present as a man.

How do you feel about non-binary genders?
They're fine, why wouldn't they be? Gender is a social construct and there have been many civilisations and cultures over the years that didn't reinforced gender binary, and honestly who cares if somebody identifies a certain way? You can be non-binary, agender, bigender, idk fucking, stargender, I don't care. It doesn't affect me whatsoever so why should I care? I don't understand some labels but that doesn't stop me from respecting people using them as human beings. Honestly, you can think what you want to but if you treat other people like shit or call them names and make fun of them for being "special snowflakes" then you're just an asshole looking for attention.

Do you think gender neutrality when not talking about specific individuals is important?
Yes, that's just a part of English language. Saying "Do you know when she or he will be here?" just feels extremely unnatural and weird, and it kind of pisses me off when transphobes complain about singular "they/them" because these pronouns are there to use when you don't know somebody's gender. I was always taught in my English classes (I'm a non-native English speaker) to use they/them so I guess that's kind of my pet peeve when people don't do it.
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Re: Non-Binary Genders

Post by Goldenwolfmidna »

Sure, let's finally post.

What gender do you recognize as/what pronouns do you use?
I am genderfluid, so they/them and he/him work well for me. I'm fine with female pronouns but would prefer they/them and he/him.
How do you feel about non-binary genders?
Me being me, I can't really argue and say they don't exist. I just wish that people in general would recognize that.
Do you thing gender neutrality when not talking about specific individuals is important?
Yep! It's something that can annoy me. Why say "he or she" when "they" is perfectly fine? This seems like common knowledge to most, but it still gets me annoyed when someone won't just say, "They'll be here later." it always has to be "he or she'll get here later," with some people.
(Feel free to add any other comments you have!)
Nope, no comments here. Just happy this forum exists.
Pronouns | He/him or They/them
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Re: Non-Binary Genders

Post by SmellyMouse »

What gender do you recognize as/what pronouns do you use?
I was born a woman and identify as one. I use she/her pronouns.

How do you feel about non-binary genders?
They aren't hurting anyone. If they feel they are born in the wrong body or want to express their genders differently, go for it. We don't have a choice in how we are born, but we can choose how we dress and act. As long as no one is hurting others, I do not see a problem at all. I have a friend I grew up with who identified as male (also born male) for a very long time. But recently they want to use they/them pronouns and I respect it. They are still the friend I had, just with longer hair and a different pronoun. I still make mistakes and accidentally use the wrong pronoun from time to time but they are patient and don't make a big deal out of it.

Do you thing gender neutrality when not talking about specific individuals is important?
If I'm talking about someone, I usually know their preferred pronouns and will use them. But if I'm in doubt, I will stay neutral and use they/them. He/him and she/her are still the majority, so I usually say those without thinking. But if corrected, I will use the proper ones.

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