Christmas! 2017 Style

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Christmas! 2017 Style

Post by Arrias »


I can't wait! I can't wait! Whether you're brand new or have been here for years, Christmas at the Keep is one of the most wonderful times of the year. :facepalm: So, what do you think Tristan and Co will create this year? Will we get more holiday bags filled with long forgotten creatures or some sort of Christmas themed new companion? Let the holiday madness begin! :D

#837 Red-Capped Quetzalcoatl
Location: Stream
This egg is brightly colored compared to the snowy nest it's tucked inside.

This small egg has hatched into a nippy chick that can deliver a sharp bite if you are not careful. It is quite active, only occasionally stopping to bask under a heat lamp or near a fire before speeding off down the Keep's halls. Your quetzalcoatl is a fast and agile flyer, and you have to keep it in sight to make sure it doesn't get into trouble. Ordinary snakes are good at getting themselves stuck in tight spaces, and this hatchling can do the same thing in inaccessible places like ledges near the hundred-foot-high ceiling of the front hall. The hatchling seems to learn fast, however, and is always eager to learn new behaviors if prompted with a sweet blueberry.
Adult red-capped quetzalcoatls only reach their full size after a decade, growing more slowly than other quetzalcoatls, but reaching lengths of up to twelve feet if well-fed. They are a bit too large for magi to carry on their shoulders, so they'll often follow their human companions by slithering or flying behind them. Despite their bulk, red-capped quetzalcoatls are fairly light and surprisingly fast flyers, able to chase down jackrabbits running at full speed. They calm down considerably after they reach a few months old, becoming docile, curious creatures that form surprisingly close bonds to humans who care for them. They retain the mild venom hatchlings use for defense, but never bite unless threatened. Though the bites themselves are painful and cause a small bit of swelling, the venom is regularly collected to be used in potions. It can be refined with other materials and added to a sweet beverage to make a potion that brings back good memories, a popular drink for the holidays.
Most quetzalcoatls venture south for the winter if they live in places with cold seasons, preferring the warmth of summer, rainforests, and deserts. Not so for the red-capped quetzalcoatl; these creatures are covered in a fine layer of downy feathers all along their serpentine bodies to keep them warm. They remain active year-round in Silva Forest, the Alasre Mountains, and even up into the lower reaches of the Arkene and Boreus. They must eat high-energy foods to burn enough energy to stay warm in the depths of winter, so they tend to eat honey and fruit in the summer and switch to meat when these become scarce. One might imagine their bright colors to be disadvantageous for camouflage, but since they only hunt when snow is on the ground, their white feathers do them no harm, and though their red feathers may be bright to humans, their favorite prey (rodents, rabbits, and small hoofed mammals) cannot easily distinguish these colors from shadows or the bark of trees.
Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: PKGriffin

#838 Satura
Location: Stream
This feathered green egg has wisps of blue flame rising from its shell.

Hatchling satura are surprisingly ugly for the first few months of their lives, before their feathers grow in to cover their green skin. They spend most of their time sleeping, preferably cuddled up with nestmates, parents, or inside a magi's shirt. Their fire and ability to create silence don't appear until their feathers are fully grown in, and before that satura hatchlings should be kept in a warm area. Despite their small size, satura hatchlings are noisy creatures and can make a large variety of sounds, from chirps to grunts and gurgles. When old enough, but not yet ready to fly, satura hatchlings entertain themselves by climbing everything in sight, and particularly seem to enjoy sitting on the highest thing in the room to look down on and judge people walking by.
An adult satura may look large, but the majority of their mass is wings and feathers. When fully grown, an adult satura is capable of spreading silence over a large area, and is almost impossible to hear when flying. Those in the jungle will sometimes be able to see them flying through the trees, trailing blue fire, but when not actively hunting, they spend most of their time sitting in hollows and sleeping. Satura that live with magi can be quite affectionate and enjoy grooming their magi's hair, but there are some places with people who have lingering doubts about just what a satura is thinking behind its wide yellow eyes.
Found deep in both Raza and Ixan jungles, the satura is both an omen of ill tidings and of good harvest, depending on who you talk to. Nocturnal and silent, they often spook those who are out after dark by passing close by, the only warning of their appearance the ghostly blue of their flames. This fire is usually cold, and harmless to those that the satura trusts, but can be heated almost instantly to allow the satura to defend itself. Satura feathers can be used by magi to make themselves silent, muffling footsteps and voices, and some students at the Keep have been known to use them to sneak into the kitchen late at night to steal sweets.
Sprite art: Tekla | Description: Sochitelya

#839 Striped Taedan Gryphon (Location- Solstice Caravan 2000g)
Red, green, and white stripes cover the shell of this egg.

Taedan gryphon hatchlings are nothing more than bundles of energy. When they're not busy waging war against each other, they're inventing new, noisy games. One such game is tunneling through snow, and popping out in random places, spraying snow everywhere and startling any nearby people. These mischievous younglings love surprising people, and are patient enough to be quite skillful at it. Those with green plumage can blend in with almost any green plant, while those with red sometimes suddenly lose their color and hide in snow. They will lurk there for hours, waiting for some unsuspecting person to walk by. When the victim finally appears, the hatchling springs out of hiding, crying out in a hideous squawk and pecking away. Once the recipient of this attack has recovered, the hatchling clumsily flies away, sometimes crashing into things, as they are too busy chortling to navigate very well.
As a taedan gryphon hatchling grows, it can double or even triple in size. Vibrant plumage becomes thick as the gryphon's wings strengthen, and a grown gryphons can fly for hours on end without tiring. These companions carry passengers with ease, and if asked politely, will give their magi a ride. Though these companions are hesitant to reveal themselves to most people, they strike up friendships very easily with magi. Taedan gryphons do not migrate as other birds do, but move further north when the weather turns warmer. At the edge of the forest, a small strip of land remains permanently covered with snow, and the temperature suits the gryphons well. When forced to go into warmer climates, taedan gryphons become sluggish and surly, and no one is sure what would become of them if they remained for too long. The Keep is safe enough for them to visit during the depths of winter, and they do so now and again. Whenever they arrive, they are given sweet candies, which they are extremely fond of. Rowdy taedan gryhon hatchlings will even raid the castle for these delicacies. Sometimes these treats are stockpiled for future use, as males use them to woo females. Once bonded, gryphons remain together until the end of their days. Mates live together in nests, which are nearly impossible to spot. Taedan gryphons create some of the most unique nests, and guard them with their lives. It is incredibly difficult to catch even the smallest glimpse of one of these nests, yet it is well worth the effort. They are delicately woven from holly and pine needles, and are thought to take months, if not years, to create.
Though they look quite different, taedan gryphons share many similarities with other types of gryphons. They possess the same temperaments, hunt in the same areas, and travel freely through one another's territories. Despite this friendliness, taedan gryphons have never been seen living among other gryphons. Instead, they prefer the most northern edges of the forest, where winter comes early and lingers late. Taedan gryphons blend in seamlessly with the numerous pine trees growing there, and even eat the needles of these trees. They also prey upon small animals, but seem to prefer munching on holly berries and leaves. Instead of drinking water as most creatures do, these colorful gryphons prefer to nibble at ice to satisfy their thirst. Only hatchlings have any interest in water. Despite their size and fighting abilities, taedan gryphons like to stick to shadows, and hide whenever they see humans. These gryphons have the unique ability to blend in with snow or trees, but do so most effectively with pine trees. The feathers of taedan gryphons shorten and seemingly change into pine needles, and even their silvery markings fade to resemble snow. Those with brilliant red plumage like to take refuge in holly bushes, their coloring fading away until they are nearly invisible. One could walk so close as to brush against a taedan gryphon and still not be aware of their presence.
Sprite art: DarrkestDrow/Cassowary/Jrap17 | Description: Damien


Solstice Caravan Items-
Marshmallow Mash (125g)
Makes posts drunks, drops 'Ho!' from the top screen.

Breeding Restoration Potion (500g)
This potion can be used to restore breedings to a creature.
It works to restore breedings to Tinsel Wyrms, Coal Wyrms, all Arkai, and both Ornamental Penguins.

Cookie Jar(800g)
Gives you some cookies. Look below for what they do. NB: They can be used all year round.

Fine Tuning Glass (500g)
A specific item to adjust a frozen creature's percentage.
The Fine Tuning Glass is a concept from 2006 January Item designing competition and the last of the winning three to be implemented.

The Fine Tuning Glass can only be used on creatures based on certain conditions:
-The creature must be an egg or a hatchling. The Fine Tuning Glass cannot be used on adult creatures.
-The creature must be frozen.
-The creature's stage percent must be over 0% and under or equal to 5%.
-The Fine Tuning Glass will adjust the creature's stage percent to be anything between 0% to 2%.
Latifra Beasts
Image + Image = Image
The cookie can only be used on Adults. No dimorphism. Their name doesn't change and they're not counted as a new creature. And they do not pass on their white colour to their offspring.


#840 Chupareno
Image + Image Chupacabra egg (found in Remy's shop)
This cookie can only be used on eggs, frozen or unfrozen. The name does change, and it's counted as a new creature. They will eventually become breedable. And they will pass on their new colour to their offspring as the cookie effect makes them a new creature.

Soft spikes have forced their way through this shell.
Sweetly curled up, this youngling has many spikes running along its back, pressed close as it slumbers. Soft to the touch, these quills will harden as it ages, become powerful weapons. Small fangs protrude from the baby's mouth, which bites gently now and then, deep in dreams. You reach down to pet it, running a hand along the soft fur. With a squeak it awakes, startled, spikes standing straight up. Seeing you it relaxes, folding its stiff quills down slowly and resting its chin on your knee, nudging your hand for more rubs.
No one can quite decide if a chupareno is a small canine or a large rodent; with an angled face that can be beautiful colors, if seems more like a cute weasel, but a powerful body with heavily muscled limbs makes it seem more like a dog. Regardless to its appearance, it is a mighty hunter, and just as strong as its wild cousins. Untamed chuparenos can be frightening and strange looking, with matted hair and uncared for spikes. These species, when cared for by magis, are vastly different; frequent grooming and training make it more sweet tempered, and its fur is soft and glistens. Playfully romping with the direwolves, these chuparenos seem different animals altogether than those that frequent the vast and cold plains.
Vampiric in nature, these creatures are fearsome to look at; covered with spikes and boasting large fangs, they are swift and dangerous. Many northern farmers complain of discovering their reindeer drained of blood, the work of wild chuparenos. Magis often take on such cases, finding the culprits and relocating them to the plains on Arkene or Boreus. Often an egg or two can be obtained in such cases. When tamed and raised in human company, they appear to be more of a dog-like creature, the spikes growing out of their backs typically lying tight against their fur and harmless, unless they are threatened. When being attacked, their spikes raise up and stiffen, an effective defense against those who would do them harm. With sharp teeth and strong jaws, chuparenos can be extremely vicious, and need to be trained effectively.

#841 Mammoth Snail
Image + Image An Elephant Snail egg (found in Remy's shop)
This cookie can only be used on eggs, frozen or unfrozen, and it will turn the Elephant Snail egg into a new creature, the Mammoth Snail. Just as the Elephant Snail, they will not be breedable.

This is a heavy egg looking almost like the shell of a snail.

A small snail has hatched from your egg. It has an unusual appetite and is constantly eating, usually anything leafy and green, though also drier branches vanish without a trace. The first night after it emerged, you made the mistake of letting it run around your quarters unchecked, with the result that one of the plants you had was eaten whole. You now keep the snail in a glass bowl with a lot of food, and it increases in size daily. Before long, this odd hatchling will challenge the gryphon younglings in size.
Your snail has almost reached a foot in length. While it is still eating whatever it can, it hasn't grown in the last few days and you suspect it has reached its final size. By now it seems to recognize you, because it always flaps its hairy ears in greeting when you come near it, although you suspect it does this more in expectation of a meal than in genuine interest for you. Its trunk is surprisingly nimble and more than once it has broken out of the bowl you are keeping it in. When this large creature escapes, it proceeds to demolish most of your quarters, using its tusk to break into your cupboards. More than once you have considered getting rid of the thing, since it doesn't seem to serve a useful purpose, but every time you do, it wraps its trunk around your wrist affectionately and makes you reconsider. Strange though it is, you have become attached to this creature, and even the burden of feeding it seems not so difficult.
A distant cousin of the elephant snail the mammoth snail is a well-known nuisance dreaded by every gardener, originally hailing from the northernmost parts of the Silva Forest. Its appetite is legendary, and one snail alone can destroy a good-sized garden in only a single night. Worse, these creatures usually come in large groups and can easily destroy the harvest of a village in short time, causing famine among the people. Mammoth snails usually appear in irregular intervals at the Silva Forest, separated by several years. In those years, they eat a swath through the forest, until they lay their eggs and die off. Careless magi who didn't watch their mammoth snails have caused swarms of them in other regions of the world, which caused the Keep to put a ban on breeding them. The Keep has a team of experts ready to move out when hearing about a swarm in an inhabited region and contain the infestation.
Sprite art: Niwer/Lazuli | Description: Morgaln

Tundra Nulorn
Image + Image Nulorn egg (found in the Stream)
This cookie can only be used on eggs, frozen or unfrozen, and it will turn the Nulorn egg into a new creature, the Tundra Nulorn. They will eventually become breedable. And they will pass on their new colour to their offspring as the cookie effect makes them a new creature.

There's a small wreath around this heavy white egg.

Much like the adults, young nulorns are cautious creatures. They usually remain deep in the forest, searching for vegetation to snack on. Sometimes, though, their own curiosity gets the better of them, and they leave to explore The Keep. Should one spot a nulorn hatchling, it is best to remain perfectly still and let the hatchling approach on its own. They are very shy around humans, and if one moves too suddenly, they will run off. Offering a few treats will help lure a nulorn hatchling near - they love apples, mushrooms, and berries. If the hatchling accepts the treat, a friendship has been established. Other nulorn hatchlings usually take this as a good sign, and come out to play.
Tundra nulorns are most active in the winter, when the snow starts to fall and the air grows cold. At this time they are busy choosing mates, a process that can take many weeks. Their bellows can be heard all the way from the castle, a deep sound that attracts females. Male nulorns strive to capture the attention of them, and engage in fights to do so. Although they are large beasts, with tremendous antlers, it is rare for them to injure one another. As soon as one has asserted his dominance, the fight ends and the victor prances off. It is the females who are more intelligent, and take on the important task of caring for hatchlings. This is an activity easier said then done, for nulorn young do not tire readily. As they age, nulorns focus their time on finding food, rather than playing. These companions eat all manner of vegetation, and much of the energy is focused on males growing antlers. While growing, these antlers are covered in a soft fuzz, which disappears over time. As winter approaches, male nulorns lose their antlers, so that the energy might be used for other means. They will regrow them in the spring. From time to time, people find their discarded antlers. After some experimentation, a magi discovered that these antlers possess a strange power. Crushed and added to potions, this powder allows anyone to navigate the Borean plains with ease. This knowledge fades after a few short hours. There is one other mystery that has yet to be understood; the tales that are still told by those who live near the northern parts of the world. These villagers say they sometimes see nulorns with tiny beings riding on their backs, beings that look much like small humans. No magi has ever been able to verify this.
Although these creatures prefer the northern parts of the world, they are sometimes seen around the castle during the winter storms. Tundra nulorns are taken out of the Borean plains by blizzards as they tend to follow in their wake. On these occasions, most magi keep their distance from the creatures. Although nulorns are peaceful companions, they are wary of humans, and will quickly disappear back into the plains if bothered. Young nulorns are less cautious, and charge into the water and snow banks at once, eager to swim and play. These companions are excellent swimmers, and can cross lakes if they so desire. If a magi has a very close bond with their nurlorn companion, the nulorn may even allow them to ride upon their backs. This is a speedy form of travel, both on land and water, as nulorns are very powerful creatures. They know almost every tree that grows in the woods, and can travel at great speed. Even deep snows do not stop them, as their wide hooves act as snowshoes. It is during the cold seasons that these companions focus all of their attention on their survival. The only food available are the few leaves that cling to the trees, and nulorns will even eat bark. Very few creatures dare to attack them, but it is in the depths of winter that they are most vulnerable. Even then, only a large pack of wolves stand any chance at bringing down a nulorn.

Obtained through gift from Magistream. Everyone gets three, and they will eventually become breedable.

This beribboned egg smells lightly of eucalyptus and fruit gummies.

A hatchling nimikoolah is a slow, pleasant creature and enjoys spending most of its time cuddled up in pouches and bags. As it gets older, it will spend more time in higher places, and magi should allow their hatchlings to practice climbing trees whenever possible. Hatchlings begin collecting small gifts quite soon after hatching, but their idea of what constitutes a good gift may be a little lacking, leading to magi finding bugs on their pillows and rotten fruit in their shoes. Even as hatchlings, nimikoolah aren't very social, but they do enjoy cuddling with their magi as long as the magi allow them to sleep and don't keep constantly pulling them out of the bag or pouch they've chosen to nap in.
Adult nimikoolah aren't very large, but they're sturdy and need to be taught from a young age to be careful with their long claws. When not sleeping or eating, they amble around searching for small items to gift, collecting them in a hidden area until the winter months arrive. Adults will usually take care of hatchlings until the hatchlings are old enough to fend for themselves, but they don't spend time in large groups, and even with magi prefer interaction to be one on one. Many magi find that nimikoolah are very easy to talk to, especially as they appear to actively listen and will respond with grunts, bellows, and the occasional piece of candy.
Nimikoolah are benevolent creatures who love to gift anyone around them, magi or creature. They spend most of their year gathering up interesting stones, coins, and candies, and will hand these out during the winter months. Although they aren't particularly social, they usually aren't aggressive - despite rumours that lone travellers in the jungles and forests have had nimikoolah drop on them from the trees.
Last edited by Arrias on December 19th, 2017, 1:20:35 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Christmas! 2017 Style

Post by Jedi40 »

Sounds like fun I can't wait for it to start this years bags
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Re: Christmas! 2017 Style

Post by SirChicken »

I also can't wait! :woo: The holiday season is weirdly nostalgic to me and these kinds of events just add to it over the years.
I'd love to see the holiday bags come back though (you could get some pretty neat stuff from them! :look: ), but I'm down for anything new they got planned. ^_^
Please help my babies grow C:

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Re: Christmas! 2017 Style

Post by vanillachapter »

I can't wait either hehe it will be my first Christmas here. ^_^ I read about the bags on the Wiki and I really do hope they make a comeback. It sounds like a fun and exciting little activity. :woo:

I have a wishlist now <3 -> Image

I am happy to get you any Artificer Shop pets for shop price as long as you help hatch your own eggs. Just PM me. ^_^

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Re: Christmas! 2017 Style

Post by Bandita »

I've missed the last two or three Magistream Christmases, so I am hyped for this year!
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Re: Christmas! 2017 Style

Post by Butter »

:woo: The anticipation is killing me... I'm ready already! :D
I Snap Click Everything On The ENTIRE Page!
~ Happy New Year 2024 ~

1 of 25 Gifts

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Re: Christmas! 2017 Style

Post by Jedi40 »

I have been here for the others and they are lots of fun I can tell you that much :lol:
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Re: Christmas! 2017 Style

Post by xscreamyourself »

I've missed the past few Christmases here, but I'm super excited to see what's in store! :woo:
Thanks for clicking :haha:
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Re: Christmas! 2017 Style

Post by AuraDragoness »

Well for Christmas we've gotten the following:

I'm kinda hoping we get Partridges ('cause the song :3) or something of the sort
~Aura is with me~
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Re: Christmas! 2017 Style

Post by EtherealGoddess »

I have missed almost ALL Christmas events. I'm glad I get to be around this year's event. <3

<3 Working on new signature.
:yey: Chibi Pipsqueaks Commissions closed!


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