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Re: Veganism/Vegetarianism

Post by Revan »

Moeru wrote:With the huge amount of available vegetarian products available in some countries there is just no excuse for continuing to eat meat except laziness.

So you know, humans are omnivores by nature. There's nothing wrong with eating meat. Also, to imply that those who eat meat are lazy is quite rude. Just because you choose not to eat meat does not mean you should be aggressive towards those that do.

1: Are you vegetarian or vegan? No, but as of late I eat meat sparingly as it doesn't seem to agree with me. I do rather enjoy fish, which unlike most other meat doesn't make me feel sick, but I also eat it sparingly as it is quite expensive where I live.

4: Would you ever consider becoming vegan/vegetarian (if a meat eater)? I would consider becoming vegetarian (I love milk far too much to ever be vegan) for health reasons only. If I did decide to become vegetarian though, I don't think the transition from meat eater to vegetarian would be very difficult for me (see #1) as I already eat lots of salad, broccoli, cauliflower, and potatoes. Especially potatoes! <3

6: How are your energy levels/iron levels etc? Iron levels are good. Currently my energy levels are horrific. That's due to different reasons though, other health troubles that I have, and not so much my diet.

7: Do you take a vitamin supplement? No, though I did for awhile when I was dealing with low iron levels in my teenage years.
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Re: Veganism/Vegetarianism

Post by vipor »

1: Are you vegetarian or vegan?
No. I do eat meatless on occasion, but I like the taste of meat.

4:Would you ever consider becoming vegan/vegetarian (if a meat eater)
No. We are omnivores by nature and jumping through loops just to avoid eating a certian thing is pointless in my eyes. Yes I understand many people don't eat meat because they feel sad for the animals, can't stand meat because of the flavor/upbringing/genetics, don't have to money to or just follow some pointless diet.

6: How are your energy levels/iron levels etc (i guess both could answer this)
Normally good, but I am currently recovering from an illness so it's low at the moment.
This has nothing to do with me eating meat. It is because my meds kill my immunesystem.

7: Do you take a vitamin suppliment. (i guess both could answer that too)
No. Vitamin suppliments can actually do more harm than good. CBS news had a small story about it based on several science papers
Many vitamins are stored in fat and high enough doses of these vitamins can actually make you very sick. Yes with a bad diet or just not being able to get the vitamins in food you can use it to get the amounts you need in a day.
With normal meals, it is a waste of money.

First off,
It was noted on the last page that for honey you need to kill animals.
Cute as this is not the case.
Bees are kept to make honey, these honeygrates are removed and most honey is taken away. There is always left enough for the bees to raise their young and they get extra sugarwater if they can't make more honey due to other reasons. None of these bees are killed for it. The smoke doesn't calm them, but give them more CO2 in their bodies making them less able to respond. This keeps them at the bottom and safe from harm.

There are many ways to just not eat meat. You don't need special products to take it's place.
Frankly I think that if you avoid eating meat just by using those products, your the lazy one. Many other products can be used to make a good filling meal without meat of those fake things. It is also cheaper than those fake things.
It just takes more time and knowleage about the products.

True, the prehistoric man ate more fruit, roots and other plants than meat. However this does not mean they ate this because it was healtier, it could simply be because they couldn't hunt effectively back then.
Thing is, while I am not against eating meat or even the ways the Netherlands kill them (I know how they do it and the way of the chicken is the thing they do need to do better) I am against killing just for sport.
Kill an animal, use every part of it. Don't just take a pic with it and either leave it to rot or just take the head.

Also, sorry Moeru, but being more healthy now than when you lived in the US does not mean being a mostly vegitarian did that to you. Sadly while the US has good products and you can get a lot of good healthy products, there are always a ton of products in the supermarkets that contain a ton of sugar, preservatives and plain junk. Unless you take your time to find the good stores or read the ingredients to pick the less bad items, you will get junk in your system.
In the Netherlands a lot of preservatives and junk arn't allowed in the food and Japan is even stricter in it.
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Re: Veganism/Vegetarianism

Post by myultimateanswer »

Now i am omnivorous myself and have little judgement for veterinarians on the whole as I too love animals and or can understand people liking the taste, what i like less is pesciterians and while i accept the second reason I feel like it's kind of mean to eat fish just because it isn't as cute looking, feel free to tell me other reasoning.

In terms of vegans, i myself raise chickens and other fowl to produce eggs and see nothing wrong with it but can understand not liking this especially in terms of milk production and ripping away calf's from their mothers and eternal pregnancy. I have always wondered though that vegans need calcium and as they cannot get it from other sources you must take calcium pills, but where does the calcium come from if not milk/ground up bones etc. and so can a human be a vegan?
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Re: Veganism/Vegetarianism

Post by Tekla »

myultimateanswer wrote:Now i am omnivorous myself and have little judgement for veterinarians on the whole as I too love animals and or can understand people liking the taste, what i like less is pesciterians and while i accept the second reason I feel like it's kind of mean to eat fish just because it isn't as cute looking, feel free to tell me other reasoning.
I've never heard of people eating fish because it's less cute looking than, say, a cow. The reasoning I typically hear is that it's healthier (generally, it is). I do object to pescetarians terming themselves vegetarians, an assertion I've heard and been dumbfounded by before; fish meat is still meat, even if it's a different texture from cow meat.
In terms of vegans, i myself raise chickens and other fowl to produce eggs and see nothing wrong with it but can understand not liking this especially in terms of milk production and ripping away calf's from their mothers and eternal pregnancy. I have always wondered though that vegans need calcium and as they cannot get it from other sources you must take calcium pills, but where does the calcium come from if not milk/ground up bones etc. and so can a human be a vegan?
There are a number of calcium-rich vegetables (lamb's quarters is a plant). Fruits also contain calcium; here's a shortlist of 10.

I think you're be thinking of vitamin B12 rather than calcium, which vegans have a problem getting in their diet because of the lack of non-animal sources for it. Here's a short article thing.

Ultimately, yes, humans can be vegans. Given the difficulty of getting B12 without fortified foods and supplements, though, the argument can be made that it's an unnatural diet.

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Re: Veganism/Vegetarianism

Post by BCC »

1: Are you vegetarian or vegan?
Yes, I'm vegan

2: If yes WHY did you decide to become vegetarian/vegan.
I love animals. I could never stand to let a dog or cat suffer, so why go around supporting the suffering of animals who are sometimes even better companions?

3:If you are, how long have you been vegetarian/vegan.
I was pescetarion for two years (meaning I only ate fish) but after realizing, whoa duh, fish feel too, I went vegetarian last year. I've been vegan for a few weeks now

4: Would you ever consider going back to eating meat (if vegan/vegetarian)
Would you ever consider becoming vegan/vegetarian (if a meat eater)
I will never, EVER eat meat again. However, when we move to Washington and have our own farm, I will eat my own chickens eggs and eat dairy and cheese from our goats.

5: Do you feel healthier/less healthy since going vegetarian/vegan (if vegetarian/vegan)
Healthier, but I have an eating disorder so I'm a way not. I would say a lot healthier though, I'm no longer majorly over weight and my depression isn't as bad,

6: How are your energy levels/iron levels etc (i guess both could answer this)
Awful, but I'm the kind of vegan who sleeps all day and eats chips and drinks soda lol
7: Do you take a vitamin suppliment. (i guess both could answer that too)
No. it's actually quite easy eating healthy vegan foods to get your nutrition =\
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Re: Veganism/Vegetarianism

Post by Melissima »

I would like to become a vegetarian and possibly a vegan, but I heard it can be expensive. Could anyone help me discover recipes and cheaper products to buy? I also would like to know vegetarian/vegan clothing products and makeup products if there are any out there. Thanks!
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Re: Veganism/Vegetarianism

Post by BCC »

Melissima wrote:I would like to become a vegetarian and possibly a vegan, but I heard it can be expensive. Could anyone help me discover recipes and cheaper products to buy? I also would like to know vegetarian/vegan clothing products and makeup products if there are any out there. Thanks!
Hello! It's really not! If you're a picky eater, I suggest vegetarianism. It's probably the cheapest way to go. Many fake meat alternatives are often worth less money than actual meat. I've learned from personal expirience, vegetarianism is easy, but it still does usually support animal cruelty, so I suggest trying to find ways to get eggs and dairy from farms you can visibly see. (Fairlife if the best dairy that could come to mind, and I'm not sure about eggs, I'll research after school for you if you'd like). As for being vegan? I feel unbelievably healthy without any of the old processed stuff. Though, if you want to be vegan, I do highly suggest starting our vegetarian and slowly going vegan. It's actually cheap too, since you're not paying for meat or dairy/eggs. And it is for a more advanced pallet... unless you do what we do and make homemade things (like homemade vegan alfredo, there's recipes online!)

And for clothing, don't buy wool. It's honestly as simple as that. Wool farms are just as bad, sometimes worse, than slaughterhouses. For makeup, you can search up vegan makeup (or I will for you after school)
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Re: Veganism/Vegetarianism

Post by ShaiNeko »

BCC wrote: And for clothing, don't buy wool. It's honestly as simple as that. Wool farms are just as bad, sometimes worse, than slaughterhouses.
I disagree with this statement in so many ways, but before I do so would you mind explaining your reasoning?
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Re: Veganism/Vegetarianism

Post by SilverWolf »

1: Are you vegetarian or vegan?

4: Would you ever consider becoming vegan/vegetarian (if a meat eater)
That depends. Definitely no to vegan though. I have no issues with replacing my meat diet with a plant based supplement that tastes like meat, and in fact I've seen recently developed "plant patties" that apparently taste just like hamburgers that I would love to try out. However, I can't replace my diet until the use of these plant based meat replacements become more readily available. Here in meat-loving Texas, none of that kind of stuff has made it here, except for that crappy stuff that doesn't actually taste anything like meat.

6: How are your energy levels/iron levels etc (i guess both could answer this)
Both are good, though I suffered from extreme fatigue for several years due to an unrelated issue.

7: Do you take a vitamin suppliment. (i guess both could answer that too)
Yes, Vitamin D. I have to take it due to a shot I take, which causes a vitamin D deficiency.
BCC wrote:I love animals. I could never stand to let a dog or cat suffer, so why go around supporting the suffering of animals who are sometimes even better companions?
This is very poor reasoning, in my opinion. I am a CVA, a Wildlife Rehabilitator who spends at least every Saturday at a Wildlife Rescue, and I own many animals of various species, most of whom were in need or homeless. Animals are my entire life. I do wish slaughterhouses were a bit more humane, though there really isn't anything humane about death, whether it come from the hand of a human or the jaws of a coyote. But to say the reason you're vegetarian just because you love animals isn't very logical. Rats are very intelligent animals who can make great companions, but I bet you'd be killing them if you had an infestation of them in your house. Some people are vegetarian just because they don't like the taste of meat, and that's perfectly fine, but don't go around insinuating that those who are omnivorous like our ancestors were don't love animals or love them less than a vegetarian.
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Re: Veganism/Vegetarianism

Post by Melissima »

BCC wrote:
Melissima wrote:I would like to become a vegetarian and possibly a vegan, but I heard it can be expensive. Could anyone help me discover recipes and cheaper products to buy? I also would like to know vegetarian/vegan clothing products and makeup products if there are any out there. Thanks!
Hello! It's really not! If you're a picky eater, I suggest vegetarianism. It's probably the cheapest way to go. Many fake meat alternatives are often worth less money than actual meat. I've learned from personal expirience, vegetarianism is easy, but it still does usually support animal cruelty, so I suggest trying to find ways to get eggs and dairy from farms you can visibly see. (Fairlife if the best dairy that could come to mind, and I'm not sure about eggs, I'll research after school for you if you'd like). As for being vegan? I feel unbelievably healthy without any of the old processed stuff. Though, if you want to be vegan, I do highly suggest starting our vegetarian and slowly going vegan. It's actually cheap too, since you're not paying for meat or dairy/eggs. And it is for a more advanced pallet... unless you do what we do and make homemade things (like homemade vegan alfredo, there's recipes online!)

And for clothing, don't buy wool. It's honestly as simple as that. Wool farms are just as bad, sometimes worse, than slaughterhouses. For makeup, you can search up vegan makeup (or I will for you after school)
Awesome thank you! I just find it difficult because I am an extremely busy person that does not always have time to make food, so I find it hard to find vegetarian fast food places.
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