The New Wolf

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The New Wolf

Post by JackGondor »

Chapter one: The past returns

The old oak tree swayed as the night wind howled. It howled so like a wolf, that Alex thought there was one right next to her. She looked at the oak tree. It was where she had met her friend and mentor, Jockla Crag. The old tree was gnarled from age. The roots curled all around the hill, as if clinging to life itself. The color of the leaves was changing from wilted green, to bright orange and blood red. The bark glistened in the light of the full moon. In the centre of the trunk, there was a hole, just big enough for Alex to crawl through. Inside, she had stashed the last thing her father gave her. Before he turned.

Alex's father was a lycanthrope. She also remembered the last words he said to her, before the next full moon.

"Always believe Alex, that you can do greatness".

She always wondered what he meant. Her ears twitched as she heard someone approaching. She turned as the person came out of the mist that perpetually surrounded the hill of the old oak.

"What's the difference between a lycanthrope and a werewolf?" She asked.

"A werewolf can control transformations and, unless a tragedy has recently occurred, control themselves in wolf and half form. A lycanthrope cannot". Jockla answered her.

Alex looked up at the full moon. "Does traveling really help my father?"

"It can. By avoiding the full moon, he can remain human. But it only lasts for so long".

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that your father will eventually be caught by the full moon. Because of the earth's rotation and the moon's orbit, he will eventually be caught by it, and transform".

"You mean that lycanthropes can transform even in the daytime?"

"Yes, if the moon is full. It takes longer, and avoiding direct sightline of the moon can halt the process, but in a basic sense, yes they can".

Alex pondered this.

Not part of the story. I'm trying to write a sort of horror story. If you have any comments, feel free to post them. That being said, I would like constructive criticism. This is a story based off of something I had to do for an English class. I would have used that story, but I thought I would elaborate on it. Besides, I may just come up with something better.

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