The Protected OOC Thread

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The Protected OOC Thread

Post by Snowflake »

Please post the forms here :t-:3: !

Please read the rules of the RP at the RP Thread before posting forms!

Link to the RP : Here


Character Name:
Character Type: (Natural/Unnatural/Human)
Power(s): (Unnatural Characters Only)
Personality (optional) :
History (optional) :

Code: Select all

Character Name:
Character Type: (Natural/Unnatural/Human)
Power(s): (Unnatural Characters Only)
Personality (optional) :
History (optional) :
Last edited by Snowflake on June 19th, 2015, 4:40:45 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Accepted Characters - Naturals

Post by Snowflake »

This is the list of the accepted Naturals.

Username: firejay1
Character Name: Lucas Ryeoung-Hwa Yoo
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Appearances: Image
Character Type: Natural
Power(s): None
Personality (optional) : He’s slightly sadistic at times, partially because he trusts and cares for no one. He has no problems hurting others, but only does it when he actually wants to see them hurt. Insults roll off his shoulders because, again, he doesn’t care about others’ opinions of him, but he keeps well aware of how people see at him so he can use it against them. He is not afraid of dying, and expects someone will kill him before he’s 20, though he will fight to survive.
History (optional) : He was born a prodigy of inventions, but only made things for his own pleasure. He had a younger brother (Eun Hwa) and loved his family with all his heart. However, both Naturals and Unnaturals realized quickly that he could be used for either of their purposes, and contacted his parents to see if they wouldn’t let him apprentice with them. A confrontation occurred and his parents and brother were killed by Unnaturals when he was four. This was when his distrust of all others was born. He knows that the Naturals in question were the first ones to attack, but he believes in responsibility for the result.
Other: He also keeps a huge set of hidden weapons on his person at all times, but they are all of his own invention, have at least some anti-Unnatural properties, and are more high-tech. His headphones and scarf choker thing are part of this ensemble. He does, indeed, own a grey snake that stays coiled around him at all times, but it is thicker than in the picture, and there is only one. He also very openly keeps a sword on his belt, which most people don’t know is actually one sheath with Twin Swords called Ssanggeom – Korean swords a bit like short katanas. He’s extremely skilled in using them precisely because he practices with them constantly, particularly when he’s in the middle of thinking of an invention design.
Username: HoarderofMistWalkers
Character Name: Max Lien
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Appearances: He has tan skin and mud brown eyes. He often is seen wearing a shark tooth necklace. Max carries an expression that shows he is calm and confident, as well has sly. This expression hides his sadness because his father is dead and his mother is nothing to him. He smooths back his black hair with hair gel and never leaves home without his sword as well as a lot of Unnatural sensors.
Character Type: Natural
Power(s): None
Personality (optional) : Calm and confident, Max is swift and cunning like a fox. He is friendly to most unless they happen to be an Unnatural. In that case things could get ugly.
History (optional) : His mother was an Unnatural while his father was human. Max's parents grew up together before the rise of the Naturals. Shortly after the Naturals became known, his father left her while she was pregnant with Max to fight with the Naturals. When Max's mother told him this, he felt betrayed and followed in his father's footsteps. Now Max bears a fierce grudge against all Unnaturals because he soon learned his father was killed by one, leaving him with no family.
Other: None
Last edited by Snowflake on June 19th, 2015, 4:41:34 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Accepted Characters - Unnaturals

Post by Snowflake »

This is the list of the accepted Unnaturals.

Username: Snowflake
Character Name: Snowflake Blizzard
Gender: Female
Age: 16
(The picture is of her with her Arctic Wolf Ears)Standing at the height of 5'5", Snowflake has straight snowy-white hair that goes down until her chest and a pair of lilac purple eyes. She has an unusually pale complexion, but not pale until she looks like a living ghost. She can transform entirely and unentirely, and she wears a snowy-white snowflake pendant on a small and fine silver chain.
Character Type: Unnatural
Power(s): Control over Snow and Ice; can transform into an Arctic Wolf
Personality (optional) : Quiet, cold and quite serious. She will talk only if she needs to.
History (optional) : She was an only child, but when she was 10, her parents left her one night with an unknown reason.
Other: None.
Username: firejay1
Character Name: Ayako Kamiya
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Appearances: Similar to her younger sister, Aimi, but less delicate, fuller (more muscle and fat) and taller (5’6”). Also black hair, but tied up into a bun braid she keeps up with gold, double chopsticks that are actually disguised stilettos. Eyes are the same as Aimi’s except that they turn red when angry and blue when sad, having the respective flecks. Skin is darker. Left-handed. Wears dark-colored cropped tops, jean short shorts and a loose, lopsided, black leather belt with silver studs in it, as well as black leather boots. All her clothes are worn.
Character Type: Unnatural
Power(s): Can cause death/illness/pain
Personality (optional) : Self-dependent, refuses to go out of her way to be nice to people, but is undyingly loyal and protective of those she comes to care for, most important of whom is her sister. Would gladly die to protect her. Doesn’t trust others easily and has kind of feral behavior when people threaten her. Very physically strong.
History (optional) : Her mom was an Unnatural, while her dad was a Natural. She was the product of a one-night stand, but they really did like each other. Her mom was killed after being discovered as an Unnatural and her father died trying to protect her mother when she was six. She escaped into the woods and learned to survive there.
Other: She always carries a myriad of hidden weapons that her father left for her. She lives deep in natural reserves, woods, hiding from the Naturals and even other Unnaturals. Keeps a ring with her, given to her by her mother, a purple lily with four, open petals, it lets her know if the holder of the other ring, Aimi, is in danger. She wears it on her right ring finger.
Username: GriffinHeart101
Character Name: Kyle Bourne
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Character Type: Unnatural
Power(s): Mershark transformation (will describe what he looks like then in rp) and can materialize into water.
Personality (optional) : Kyle is a quiet boy who likes to be in a secure place, preferably the lagoon that he watches over. He doesn't like humans, Naturals and even other Unnaturals because he believes that they cannot be trusted. He will almost always seem standoffish and rude to everyone who isn't a creature he's familiar with. He doesn't talk often or at all, which makes people believe that he incapable of vocalization. This is not true, but he thinks that it is good that people make that assumption. He can be playful with people that he gets used to over a long period of time, but he adores to be around the creatures that he lives with in the water.
History (optional) : His parents abandoned him at a young age and left him at the lagoon that he resides in now. Both himself and the creatures there believe him to be the protecter of the area as he is a aquatic creature while also having resemblance to a human. He takes his job very seriously and will protect his home and new family at any cost, no matter who it is.
Other: When he gets angry and he isn't a mershark, his teeth become pointed and his pupils become slit.
Username: PaperStars
Character Name: Sarabella Mathewson
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Appearances: Short curly black hair with piercing yellow eyes. She stands at 5'7" and has a thin frame, as well as her skin being fair.
Character Type: Unnatural
Power(s): Can predict the future using cards that depict a large white/black/grey skull with a black/white/dark grey background. All of her cards have this design. But the outcome depends on the person. She can also levitate.
Personality: Quiet, and rarely talks. Hates large groups of people and any places that isn't a forest. She's very friendly once you get to know her, if she ever lets you near her.
History: To be RP'd
Other: Her facial expression makes her look like she's angry/about to kill someone. Her older sister's name is Saffron.
Username: PaperStars
Character Name: Saffron Mathewson
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Appearances: Long black hair with blue eyes and tan skin. Has a medium frame and stands at 5'8".
Character Type: Unnatural
Power(s): Carries around a large brown sack holding...human remains, she uses those remains to make a somewhat invincible army of sorts.
Personality: Cruel and calculating, always tormenting people, and laughing at their demise.
History: To be RP'd
Other: Has a very sweet face, although she's a you-know-what. Both sisters hate each other with a burning passion.
Character Name: Lisa Elve
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Appearances: I guess you could compare her to an elf. She wears a green cape that she wraps around herself and wears a white shirt underneath. Her hair is long and black with braids at the front. Her eyes are green like her cape and she always has her bow with her.
Character Type: Unnatural
Power(s): She can communicate with others using telepathy and can move things using telekinesis.
Personality (optional) : Gentle yet powerful, Lisa is shy and will hide away from most others.
History (optional) : She remembers little because of side effect of her powers. Lisa lost her parents when she was young and remember having a human friend, before the Naturals came (depending on how long the Naturals existed.)
Other: Besides her powers, she is a skilled sword fighter and has good aim with a bow.
Character Name:Asterophe Riene
Gender: Male
Character Type: Unnatural
Power(s): Invisibility
Personality: He is not very chatty and prefers to read by himself. He can be nervous around others and solitary, he can be very sweet though once you get to know him, however very harsh on those whom he dislikes or dislike him or his friends
History: To be roleplayed
Other: None
Username: cantthinkofausername
Character Name: Canada License
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Character Type: Unnatural
Power(s): She is good at manipulating certain people, and she controls the element of fire
Personality: To be RPed
History: To be RPed
Other: She's an Unnatural secretly working with the Naturals
Character Name: Athea Song Fallen
Appearances: About five feet six inches tall. Light colored skin. Bright emerald green eyes. Long black hair with silvery tips that ends about mid back. She is on the skinny side and rather light. She wears jeans, boots, dark green tank top, dog tags, and a jeans jacket that ends about mid rib cage and is always open. The tank tops back dips to about two inches above the ending of her jacket though it covers six inches past her hips.
Character Type: Unnatural, though you usually would never notice.
Power(s): Athea is able to shift out pitch black wings with silver tiped feathers creating a striking image, and manipulate shadows.
Personality (optional) : The first impression you get from Athea is that she is that girl dating the bad boys at school. Loud, fierce, and loves a good fight. She can be kinda rude at first. But once you get to know her and gain her trust you meet her soft motherly side.
History (optional) : Ask. She will either share or laugh at you.
Other: :t-ninja: Athea has a scar above her left eye and two little devices one in her ear rings and one above her spine to disrupt unnatural seeking equipment. Has twin a twin called Amou.
Character Name:Amou Song Fallen
Appearances: Six feet seven inches tall. Eyes like his twins. Slightly shaggy brown hair that no matter how much you brush is always messy. Light colored skin. Loose green tank, jeans jacket, blue jeans, boots. Tank top is styled like sister's, jacket is normal.
Character Type: Unnatural
Power(s): Able to shift out silver wings with black tipped feathers. Minor light control.
Personality (optional) : Amou is that guy that until you get to know you are terified to even aproach. However once you get to know him you find out he is really a big sweet heart who will only hurt you if you hurt his twin.
History (optional) : Ask him. He will either share or laugh at you.
Other: Has scar through left eye, is twin to Athea. :t-ninja: :t-sick:
Last edited by Snowflake on June 19th, 2015, 4:49:09 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Accepted Characters - Humans

Post by Snowflake »

This is the list of the accepted Humans.

Username: firejay1
Character Name: Aimi Kamiya
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Appearances: Small, delicate body, about 5'2. Long, straight black hair with two thick deep red and pale yellow strands of string braided into a thin braid on the right side of her head, a light red feather coming out of the strands at the bottom of the braid. Eyes are mostly black, but with green and gold flecks in them. They turn gold with green and black flecks when angry, and green with black and gold flecks when sad. Sharp, slightly pointy features with skin ever so slightly tanned. Wears plain, non-logo T-shirts with equally plain khaki shorts with deep pockets. Black, gladiator-style boot sandals.
Character Type: Human
Power(s): None
Personality (optional) : Kind, sweet, cheerful, but a little clumsy. Loves and makes friends quickly and easily, but has never trusted anyone with just THAT ONE SECRET. She’s very protective of her sister in that aspect, and hates Naturals.
History (optional) : Her parents divorced when she was two, because her mother cheated, and her father gained custody. After he died, her uncle’s family took her in. She found out about her sister because of the whispers of her father doing it with an Unnatural. She went out into the woods to look for Ayako, and Ayako saved her life. That’s when Ayako gave her mother’s extra ring to Aimi, in case she was ever in danger. They don’t keep in touch, much, but Aimi will go out and visit Ayako when she thinks she can get away with it.
Other: Her ring is pink, instead of purple, and she wears it on her left middle finger. Her eyes changing color is a weird trait from her father, there is no Unnatural blood in her veins.
Username: GriffinHeart101
Character Name: Skye Garrett
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Character Type: Human
Power(s): None
Personality (optional) : Skye is an adventurous girl who always seems to get herself in trouble one way or another. She's loud and good at getting people's attention. She has nothing against the Unnaturals or the Naturals and will help either side if they ask, depending on the task. She couldn't bring herself to kill somebody but she'd be alright with making a weapon to do so, as long as the customer realizes that in no way is she responsible for the killing. Skye is a somewhat lazy person and gets most of her work done at night, so you can find her sleeping in her workshop in the lighter hours. She enjoys prototyping and making gadgets that will make her life easier and a lot more fun. So far her favorites are a glider jumpsuit and gloves with "retractable" claws, both of which she wears on a regular basis.
History (optional) : Skye's father was a mechanic as well and she hung out with him for all of the time he was around, watching him repair things. She wasn't big on repairing and more of inventing her own things. She never knew her own mother and in later years, her father was assigned to fight in the war against the Unnaturals. He didn't have a choice, was forced in and shot down. Skye inherited the garage and modified it so that it was also a functional living space.
Other: She fights for what she believes in and is on neither side of the war. Also, she's pretty strong when fighting, if she has to.
Last edited by Snowflake on June 19th, 2015, 4:49:56 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Snowflake Blizzard - Unnatural

Post by Snowflake »

Username: Snowflake
Character Name: Snowflake Blizzard
Gender: :t-ninja: Female
Age: 16
Standing at the height of 5'5", Snowflake has straight snowy-white hair that goes down until her chest and a pair of lilac purple eyes. She has an unusually pale complexion, but not pale until she looks like a living ghost. She can transform entirely and unentirely, and she wears a snowy-white snowflake pendant on a small and fine silver chain.
Character Type: Unnatural
Power(s): Control over Snow and Ice; can transform into an Arctic Wolf
Personality (optional) : Quiet, cold and quite serious. She will talk only if she needs to.
History (optional) : She was an only child, but when she was 10, her parents left her one night with an unknown reason.
Other: None.
Last edited by Snowflake on June 19th, 2015, 4:52:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Protected OOC Thread

Post by firejay1 »

I knew it! I was keeping my eye on this one, just in case it was the replacement for Everglade. Impt question though, Snow. Can there be half-siblings with one an Unnatural by half, and the other fully Human?
Last edited by firejay1 on July 24th, 2014, 9:48:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Protected OOC Thread

Post by Snowflake »

Yes, firejay1 :D . Creativity xD !
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Aimi and Ayako Kamiya - Human & Unnatural

Post by firejay1 »

Username: firejay1
Character Name: Aimi Kamiya
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Appearances: Small, delicate body, about 5'2. Long, straight black hair with two thick deep red and pale yellow strands of string braided into a thin braid on the right side of her head, a light red feather coming out of the strands at the bottom of the braid. Eyes are mostly black, but with green and gold flecks in them. They turn gold with green and black flecks when angry, and green with black and gold flecks when sad. Sharp, slightly pointy features with skin ever so slightly tanned. Wears plain, non-logo T-shirts with equally plain khaki shorts with deep pockets. Black, gladiator-style boot sandals.
Character Type: Human
Power(s): None
Personality (optional) : Kind, sweet, cheerful, but a little clumsy. Loves and makes friends quickly and easily, but has never trusted anyone with just THAT ONE SECRET. She’s very protective of her sister in that aspect, and hates Naturals.
History (optional) : Her parents divorced when she was two, because her mother cheated, and her father gained custody. After he died, her uncle’s family took her in. She found out about her sister because of the whispers of her father doing it with an Unnatural. She went out into the woods to look for Ayako, and Ayako saved her life. That’s when Ayako gave her mother’s extra ring to Aimi, in case she was ever in danger. They don’t keep in touch, much, but Aimi will go out and visit Ayako when she thinks she can get away with it.
Other: Her ring is pink, instead of purple, and she wears it on her left middle finger. Her eyes changing color is a weird trait from her father, there is no Unnatural blood in her veins. :t-ninja:
Username: firejay1
Character Name: Ayako Kamiya
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Appearances: Similar to her younger sister, Aimi, but less delicate, fuller (more muscle and fat) and taller (5’6”). Also black hair, but tied up into a bun braid she keeps up with gold, double chopsticks that are actually disguised stilettos. Eyes are the same as Aimi’s except that they turn red when angry and blue when sad, having the respective flecks. Skin is darker. Left-handed. Wears dark-colored cropped tops, jean short shorts and a loose, lopsided, black leather belt with silver studs in it, as well as black leather boots. All her clothes are worn.
Character Type: Unnatural
Power(s): Can cause death/illness/pain
Personality (optional) : Self-dependent, refuses to go out of her way to be nice to people, but is undyingly loyal and protective of those she comes to care for, most important of whom is her sister. Would gladly die to protect her. Doesn’t trust others easily and has kind of feral behavior when people threaten her. Very physically strong.
History (optional) : Her mom was an Unnatural, while her dad was a Natural. She was the product of a one-night stand, but they really did like each other. Her mom was killed after being discovered as an Unnatural and her father died trying to protect her mother when she was six. She escaped into the woods and learned to survive there.
Other: She always carries a myriad of hidden weapons that her father left for her. She lives deep in natural reserves, woods, hiding from the Naturals and even other Unnaturals. Keeps a ring with her, given to her by her mother, a purple lily with four, open petals, it lets her know if the holder of the other ring, Aimi, is in danger. She wears it on her right ring finger. :t-ninja:
Last edited by firejay1 on July 24th, 2014, 9:48:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Smile, not because life has full of reasons to smile, but because your smile is itself a reason for many others to smile.
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Re: The Protected OOC Thread

Post by Snowflake »

Accepted! And please use the Capital letters properly, like a Capital 'H' for Humans and Capital 'N' for Naturals and so on :) . Other than that, they're both accepted!
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Re: The Protected OOC Thread

Post by HoarderofMistwalkers »

Character Name: Lisa
Gender: female
Age: 18
Appearances: I guess you could compare her to an elf. She wears a green cape that she wraps around herself and wears a white shirt underneath. Her hair is long and black with braids at the front. Her eyes are green like her cape and she always has her bow with her.
Character Type: (Natural/Unnatural/Human) Unnatural in hiding
Power(s): (Unnatural Characters Only) She can communicate with others using telepathy and can move things using telekinesis.
Personality (optional) : Gentle yet powerful, Lisa is sh and will hide away from most others.
History (optional) : Her history? She remembers little because of side effect of her powers. Lisa lost her parents when she was young and remember having a human friend, before the Naturals came (depending on how long the Naturals existed.) :t-ninja:
Other: Besides her powers, she is an expert sword fighter and has terrifyingly excellent aim with a bow.
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