The Best Superman?

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Who makes the best Superman?

Kirk Alyn
No votes
George Reeves
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Christopher Reeve
John Haymes Newton
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Dean Cain
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Tom Welling
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Brandon Routh
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Henry Cavill
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Total votes: 4

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The Best Superman?

Post by Thylacina »

Which actor/s do you think were the best at being Superman? I ask because I practically grew up on Superman movies and the TV series 'Lois and Clark' and I have to say, Christopher Reeve is my favourite and it's really hard for me to picture anyone else playing the part. But that's just me. I saw "Superman Returns' and I didn't like Brandon Routh as Superman at all, and I've seen a preview for the new 'Man Of Steel' movie and I think the redesign of the suit looks dreadful. Plus I think they could've gotten a WAY better looking actor to play the part. What do you guys think?

Also, who else has heard of the Superman Curse?
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Re: The Best Superman?

Post by mandalorianlady »

i did not vote yet as i have not seen the 'new man of steel' movie.
personally though George Reeves and Christopher Reeves are my favorites.
Dean Cain and Tom Welling did excellent in their tv series runs as clark-superman too.
i like the 'returns' movie for the whole cast but Routh on his own did not impress me very much i'm sorry to say.
so that is my opinion as of the current time. if that changes i'll edit.

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Re: The Best Superman?

Post by TNHawke »

Christopher Reeves, all the way. He had the look, the attitude, he just WAS Superman, y'know?

I just saw Man of Steel and ... the plot was good. The graphics were great. The acting.... not awful. The casting, amusing at times. (the audience giggled upon discovery that Kevin Coster was Clark's earth daddy, and... "Morpheus" as a newspaper editor in chief? Lol.)

I liked Man of Steel's costume better than Returns' costume. But it was still... odd. "It's not an 'S', it means "hope"." "It's an S" hee hee! However... I've always wondered, ok, so Supes is impervious to everything, but why is his costume too? Then again, I suppose I can let Spidey have the only Incredible Shredding Costume.

But whoever's idea it was to hire the camera crew out of a Parkinson's Ward needs to be shot. Shakey Cam in 'found footage' movies is one thing, but totally unnecessary and extremely annoying in a super hero action adventure. I'd rather deal with crazy lens flare in Trekki movies any day over the constant shakey cam in Man of Steel.
Hawke's IRL fiance, Lunaroki, suffered a massive stroke and died on Tuesday, March 31st, 2015.

Hawke needs to concentrate on other things, and is leaving MS permanently.

Thank you all for many fun years.

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