Random Writing

This section is for writing that is completely your own, including the world it is set in

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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 14 War

Legend tells of a place where all mythical creatures consider sacred. A forest that people once believed was the birth place of all forms of magic. Past the forest wall such grounds are deemed neutral. Fighting is not permitted nor tolerated in this vast paradise of tranquility. Even the mythical creatures' rivalries are set aside to bask in the magnificent energies that seem to weave and flow through the trees.

In the early years when the Earth was new, the elements were at peace. Helping each other where needed to help the world grow and prosper. The elements were in harmony with each other. Sadly all harmony, no matter how glorious, never lasts.
As the years had gone by, the elements grew prideful of their work and began disputing whose work was better over the rest. Arguing over who was the better element, be it stronger, more intelligent, swifter and the like. It became so heated and so enraged that harsh words were said, fists were being thrown and fights would break out. Then the battling over who should rule over what they created began to spread making matters worse and war an inevitability.
The world shook as the battle for supremacy ensued for hundreds of years to come. With it the hostility, begrudging and prejudice grew to such degrees they began to loose sight of what it was they were really fighting for. Loathing for each other became a way of life and within each of their ranks, major elements and lesser , any talk of peace was deemed as treason. Banishment or death, depending on how severely the superiors took it. It seemed to be the only punishments for such talk, just to cut such things off before too much of it spread.
In their rage they built their own kingdoms, their own territories and tried to reshape the world to their own likening. Killing off enemies for the soul fact of being neutral elements like the All elements and the Creature elements. They were deemed too powerful, too intelligent and were alienated amongst the others. Destroyed for their loyalties were unknown. Far too dangerous to let them live for they wouldn't help the other elements realize the world they were making for their own image.
Though they had tried to show the other elements the err of their ways. That in the end the world that they harmoniously created would be destroyed by their constant fighting over it. It was simply seen as a way to gain control. The rest of the message was lost in the arguing but they still held onto it in hopes one day the other elements would remember that only by working together will they be able to save the world from its utter destruction. Hopefully it doesn't come too late, for the world is already starting to break apart.

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 15 Regret

Its funny. Life has a way of evening out. Yet there are times where things get bad to worse with no relief to it getting any better. No silver lining. No light to run to. So when I hear that life evens out I laugh. It couldn't be further from the truth.

Having been separated from the rest of the army we had ducked into the underbrush of the forest we had been close to. Hitting the ground we panted looking at our wounds. The blood flowed freely but there was slight discoloration in it. "Poison…..," I whispered to my superior, Keeru. She is a very rare, if not the only, black phoenix demon, and the second ranking demon of Hell.
"Fuck.. Of all the rotten luck… We march for days searching for our enemy with hardly a chance to eat and then this?" She cursed under her breath as she tried to wriggle out of the underbrush and onto the deer trails.
Following suit I stood beside her and looked on to see that our army was no where to be seen. "Dammit how far did we run?" Keeru asked looking around for any sign of our comrades. "Razor Fang, I want you to check closer to the left of this tree line. Meet me back in half an hour."
"Of course," I gave a bow and headed in the direction I was ordered to go in. I could see the trail through the long grass where Keeru and I had made a mad dash away from the onslaught of Demon Hunter shurikens, but there was no sign of the rest of the army. No stragglers, pairs or groups who had possibly been separated as well. It was apparent that Keeru and I would have to make an attempt to regroup with them later.
Making my way back I had felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. There was someone here, watching my every move. I looked around feeling a sudden swoon, from the poison pumping through my veins, but could see no sign of the stalker.
"Any sign?" Keeru asked as she walked up beside me. I gave a start before giving her my answer. She cursed giving me the same result. "We could just regroup back at Headquarters, but we were supposed to be attacking them today. Getting back to Hell is far too lengthy and strenuous on everyone." I gave a nod. We hadn't the kind of energy to open a portal to our lovely city. If we did, we would've done it long ago and the whole marching thing could be avoided.
My head spun again, this time knocking my balance off so much that Keeru had to catch me from falling over. "I think you have a bit too much poison in your system," She warned sitting me down against a tree. That's when we finally noticed. Things had been quiet in this forest since the beginning, but it was only now, when that feeling of being watched, did it seem of some significance.
"How many you think they are?" I whispered.
Keeru shook her head, gently picking me up and we began following the deer trails.
She said nothing for a while as we pressed on. No matter what direction we turned in, the feeling never left. We were not just being followed, we were being toyed with and being hunted. The silence was thick, the feeling was getting closer. So used to hunting the feeling of being on the other side of it was most unwelcome. I hated it and through Keeru's cursing I could tell she hated it just as much, if not more so than I.
Finally finding a clearing, with what looked to be a cave near by, we stopped. A scent had filled the air. A scent so strong that it stung our eyes and clouded the mind. Straining to look at our attackers they peppered us both with shurikens. A cowardly tact, but effective when our senses were being muddled up.
Through blurry eyes I saw her drop. There was too much poison now in her veins, and the smell that was in the air was burning our lungs. It wasn't long before I too dropped, but I had just a bit more strength. Straining I moved my stiffening limbs and grabbed a hold of Keeru's body, and pulled her to me. I heard voices, the sound of laughter and the sound of finality. They didn't care what happened to us, knowing full well that the poison within us would kill us just as effectively as cutting our heads off. They had wandered off leaving me with a dieing, if not already dead Keeru, and my own thoughts.
Stubborn as I was, and thick headed as I am, I dragged my ever stiffening body, and the dead weight of Keeru to the cave that was near by. It was a long trek and with it was a long string of thoughts, events, and regrets. In those final moments, I was thinking of my lover. My young, and troubled lover. His name was Loki.
The things we had been through and the love we shared was precious to me. I had only hoped that he felt the same way. It certainly felt that way, despite him leaving without telling me. Disappearing for days, weeks sometimes months on end. Loki would never tell me if there was something wrong, if he needed help, or if he was in trouble. I could see it in him, but he would never tell me a single word of it. Sadly I was driven to joining the army. I had been so spiteful towards him. Making me worry for years over him, and yet he still not trust me enough to tell me anything. Of course I was going to do something stupid. I never regretted joining, I enjoyed being around the people I was with. Being Keeru's right hand man in all sorts of mischief and darkness was a blast, and I wouldn't change that. What I would change, was staying in the army. I stayed for too long and I knew it. Keeru knew it, and she and Loki were at each others throats. It just took me to that moment to hit me. Gods it hit me like a brick wall.
"Loki…. I'm sorry……," I whispered to the cave around me. " I am so sorry… I hope.. One day you can forgive me for abandoning you…… I am a fuck up…. I should have stayed with you… I should have been better for you…… Just know… that I love you always… and that I want you to live as happily as you can…… Just… Do not… forget me……. I'm sorry I won't be coming home like I promised……"
With those final words I let the poison take me. Blackness was what followed next, and then a deep restful sleep. I didn't think, didn't feel, didn't dream… and I didn't hear. Until I woke up centuries later in a more modern world, as a wandering spirit.

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 16 The Last

"There's just no way we can-"
" Don't say it!!!"
"We have to leave him…. They'll find and kill us all…. This is the only way for him to live…."
"……*sob*…….My poor baby….."

Eyes fluttered open to reveal a dark expanse. A room with no windows, and one door, shining a minuscule amount of light from around the tiny gaps around it. Familiarity rose, knowing full well that this isn't his first time in such a room, and felt it wouldn't be the last.
It was strangely comforting to be in the darkness. Feeling as though he were completely safe, alone, and without fear. He couldn't see anyone and they couldn't see him, as if he didn't even really exist. He wish he could stay there, despite the grubbiness of his "room" and the filth, it felt safer than the outside world.
Recalling the dream a sob had crept into the boy's throat. His parents abandoned him for reason's he couldn't understand. Sadly he was too young to even know their faces. It was the only thing that shook the solace of his solitude, as he let the sorrow loose.
No noise came from his voice box, for a special sort of spell was in place so he couldn't speak, couldn't scream, and, of course, couldn't cry. This was the only time when it was a mercy. Where he could cry to himself and no one would be banging at his 'room' to shut up, or barge in and give him a beating, or worse.
Other times it was a curse. No one could hear him to save him. Even mentally his screams were cut off. A demon with no telepathic capabilities to communicate was crippled. The man who had placed the spell made certain it would stick, any wrong move to get rid of it and it would tear the boy's mind and throat, apart. If the 'caretakers' hadn't already torn his mind apart.
The sound of foot steps jarred the boy from his thoughts, instilling fear and panic. He crawled to the farthest corner of the cell, covering his ears and closing his eyes tightly, as he heard the dreaded sound of jingling in front of the door. Hearing the bolt unlock was like dropping that metal into the boy's stomach. He knew what came next and he hated it. People always wanted him for something. Sick pleasures of all kinds, being what he was made him quite exotic and favorable for customers.
In a brilliant shock light was in his 'room', shining dangerous light to every corner. There was no where to hide, nothing to cover him as he sat in the corner cowering. A large, heavy set man stood in the door way looking inside. His face seemed permanently transfixed in a disapproving scowl. Large scraggly black beard hung low making him seem more sinister and hardened.
"This the one you want?" He said with a slur, brought on by either a birth defect or stroke." You sure he is the one you want?" He clearly didn't want to lose the boy, for the money he brought in.
A voice that sounded, out of the boy's line of sight replied," That's him." It was calm, deep but strangely had a ring to it that made it sound young. There was arguing and finally the man gave in.
A deep growl came from the man as he strode inside and grabbed a hold of the boy roughly. The boy wanted to scream but nothing came out as he was then tossed to a hooded, tall young man. The man didn't stick around to see his greatest asset leave his establishment. "It's okay…," The hooded man said as he gently brought the boy to his feet. "I won't hurt you." Despite the boy's fear the man smiled warmly, which in turn seemed to help reassure the boy.

Once outside of the establishment the young man took off his hood, revealing a shock of sapphire blue hair, and striking blue cat like eyes. He looked older than he was and very appealing to the eyes. The boy just seemed to stare. He didn't really trust anyone, no matter how well they looked or how they seemed to act. Friendly was another tact used to harm him.
The young man chuckled despite the obvious tension," I know you are worried but we have a friend in common… Shiruba…. She told me to get you…." The warm shock ran through his blood. Only one person called him Shiruba and she was the only one who managed to hear him, through his curse.
"The place we're going is very friendly. Keero had no doubt told you of it. I am here to take you there," The young man continued," She has a message for you….." His tone turned sad and somber," She tells me that you are the last of your kind. A silver metal elemental. Your blood had been sought for since before you were born. You, sadly, are a product of a throw back. Your parents were Bronze metal elementals…. But not much else is known… I'm sorry…"
The warmth that was once there soon turned cold again. The last? How could that be? There had to be more, there just had to. Despair hit him harder than he imagined. Sure he was purely unique, but also sought after and utterly alone.
"Come on… Lets take you home… There you will be among other demons….. You'll be safe now…," The young man interrupted his thoughts and gave a sad smile," By the way.. I'm Loki… It's nice to meet you Shiruba."

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 17 Betrayal (sorry this took so long to post up guys!!)

The air was cold and tense. Trees surrounded the area, shrouding the private conversation between two opposing war leaders. The sky above was clouded giving it a navy color that was native to the world of Eve as a sign that it was threatening to storm. The two men stood in silence, decked out in plate armour, bearing the symbols of their lineage.
Dark armour with markings of a basilisk and the other like bronze or tarnished gold, as if it hadn't been warn in centuries, showing a pair of gilded wings. One man with black short hair and golden eyes like that of a snake. The other with long silver hair and eyes of dark red, yet rich like that of blood.
The silver haired man closed his eyes in great pain. "How could you…," He whispered with a chill that would freeze the very air around them. The other man simply smirked. "'How could I' what?" He replied mockingly," The part where I am trying to take your position, as all demons do, a fight to the death? Or the fact that I betrayed your love?"
The red eyed man twitched involuntarily, feeling the sting of his emotionally fresh wound tear wider. He swallowed hard trying to hold back the tears. "Either way… I want an explanation…. Why did you do it?" He forced out through gritted teeth.
"Well… Mem," The black haired man began. A smile stretched across his face making his entire expression dark and sinister. This was not at all the same person Mem had fallen in love with. " It was easy. Who would have thought that the Lord of the Underworld was lonely. The city itself is harsh, and you, the softest being inside of it. Hell cannot be governed in this way. Its too harsh, too cruel for one so weak."
"I am far from weak Amel," The Lord hissed. Eyes drawn into a intense glare." Don't you dare test my patience, otherwise you will meet my wrath." If it was anyone else standing there, they would be trembling. The wind had picked up right as Mem's anger swelled. The pain and sorrow was easily turning into rage. "I'd ask you to stand down, but I'm afraid that you have gone too far," The silver haired Lord growled," We end this….. I will not have anymore of my people fight and kill each other for this fake supremacy you so strongly claim. How dare you pit our brethren against each other. We have enough issues with demon hunters on the surface world trying to find their way here, that we don't need this within our own people."
"Is is really so fake?" Amel replied with a scoff," You give laws to keep your own people away from their live stock. Why? Because that is what the man upstairs has told you to do? We have this natural thirst for blood and human flesh yet you deny it from us. We can't run as we please culling these puny creatures, for our own survival. Instead we cater to their imaginations and feed meagrely on their emotions. How is any of this justified? We should be running the world!"
Mem strained to keep his anger under control. Lightening struck in the back ground as he cracked his neck in frustration. " If we ruled the Surface, do you have any idea what hell you might unleash? We would be wiped out before we could properly populate the world. The Angels would come down and beat our asses to a pulp. I don't care what you think about how Hell should be ran. Fine, give me some ideas to work with to better run the city, but do not tell me how I should handle the Surface world and Humans. They were put there to appease a child's need for observation. I don't want to see these creatures exploited anymore than they already are. If we culled them, as you suggested, there would be mayhem and nothing left of them. I do not wish that."
Amel threw his head back and laughed. The rain finally started to pour. It was clear that this would not be solved peacefully, until one or both of them were dead. Mem hated being there and wished above all else that this madness would end. His people were dieing over this.
The killing and eradicating of some lineages was getting more and more out of hand. It wasn't just demons killing their own, but demon hunters were joining in the fray. What did that prove? Why were they doing it? Was it a means to even the odds? Or was it killing for the sake of killing and the lineages were of most importance, being the eldest of the demons. True some if not a good portion and very traditional bloodlines were against him. Since they feel the only way to rule was with a strong, iron fist. The very thing Mem did not want for his people. Proud and strong creatures, born out of what humans and angels believe to be evil. This was not what Mem had created them for.
"Do you wish to be so mindless as the lesser demons?" Mem's voice took on a threatening note that made Amel's smirk disappear." I can have that arranged! Become creatures bent on feeding their insatiable hunger for pain!……I made all of you to be thinking beings. To choose life over death. To choose to be something other than the role you were given! And you spit in my face for it? It ends here! You and me no one else… Whoever wins decides what happens to all of Eve and Hell."

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by abby42474 »

that is very nice .
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 18 Running Scared

Running was useless as we were all corralled into a seemingly harmless clearing. Our enemy began blocking the exists forcing some of us to take to the trees only to be met with a cruel net. Desperation was setting in as we realized our fates were sealed. The net was strong, laced with demon binding magic, rendering us as useless and as powerless as a mere mortal. We were lambs to a slaughter.
They advanced with malice filled grins. Some had their tongues hanging licking like blood thirsty hounds ready for the kill. The sight of specially tempered metal, and surges of powerful magic sent the rest of us on the ground into a tightly closed circle. Desperate for some form of comfort, but there was no hope for us. Our magic and powers were rendered helpless by the poison that had been fed through our only source of water, weeks prior. The entire village was sick and without means of protection.
Lunging they first aimed for our limbs, our meaty flesh and whatever body part that wasn't fatal but would be critical enough to leave us excruciating pain. The crazed look on their faces made me shudder, knowing full well they were enjoying it to the outmost extreme. They toyed with us on the ground and did the same to our screaming brethren in the trees. Blood pour down on us like rain as our brothers and sisters were slew without thought or remorse. The sound of metal tearing flesh and bones breaking accompanied the howl of screams.
There really was no use reasoning with these mad men, though people tried. It was a cruel and abominable blood sport, and they were lapping up as much as they could. Maddened by the sight, by the sound it only further their need and their rush, making them kill more vigorously. Death was a god send to most. To others it was only a look into their imminent future.
Terrified, I tried my damnedest to hide in the middle of the group. Cold it may of seemed but I knew that if I didn't find some way out of it, my death would be something more of playing rather than the swift death that would soon befall those around me. I was young, and easy. A defenceless child amongst men who would love nothing more than to mess with innocence. Watching it die within their grasps.
Curling up into a ball I pressed my body as close to the ground as I could possibly manage. The surge of bodies swayed and pushed me this way and that trying to loose my footing. I cried helplessly, covering my head with my hands to try and block out the sounds. Closing my eyes tightly, to block out the images.
Soon the hacking and slashing was dieing out. The blood crazed mad men were finally reaching their fill, as the numbers of my fellow villagers dwindled and fell.
Bodies were still pressed against me so I opened my eyes. What I saw not only touched me but horrified me in one fell swoop. They protected me. They didn't stray from my side to be sure that those brutes didn't touch me. They died for me.
I almost broke out into helpless weeping when I heard voices and movement. The ground was slick with demon blood since their footing sounded wet as if from rain, only thicker. Their voices subdued satiated from the kills and the terror they ingested. I only caught a few key words that made everything click into place. It was the brutal royalty wars that was happening in Hell and all over the Surface. Anyone opposing or strong enough to be considered a threat was wiped out. They would do the same to the next neighbouring demon village. Their royalty was considered highly dangerous and must be terminated. My village was collateral damage. The little in between village that would keep the blood lust going.
I waited until they left, knowing they would simply leave the bodies as is. Anything left behind on the Surface that was demon in nature, be it a body or otherwise, burns. A natural percaution to make sure no mortals ever got a hold of it. We'd be wiped out if they did.
Once I was certain their pressence was a long ways away from my I pushed over my dead comrades. The stench was over powering as I noted some of my fellow villagers were still alive. Blood still dripped from the tree tops as I saw strewn bodies across the branches. Pulling away from the pile of death I puked into the pool of blood.
Weak as I was I still pushed myself to run. If I screamed there it would spell my doom and weeping wasn't an option. I needed out of there fast, before whom ever wanted to inspect the damage came around and saw me standing. Saw me being the sole survivor.
Running to keep my feet underneath me, it was all I could do to prevent me from collapsing where I stood. The tears streamed down my face but no sound came. The fear carried me through the forest, dodging carelessly past fallen trees, low branches and other various obstacles. Terror fueled whatever energy I had left to keep my legs going until finally I couldn't anymore.
I wasn't anywhere near civilization and it was a long time since I went off the beaten deer paths. Nothing looked familiar and there would be no way I could find my way back. The power signatures of the ones that killed my family and friends were long gone. The worst pain of all was the fact that these cold blooded murderers were demons just like I was. Brother in arms no matter what lineage we came from, or what clan we hail from. We were demons through and through.
Finally, I screamed.

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 19 Suicide
Yelling, screaming. The sound of dishes smashing against the floor. Fist meets flesh in a loud thump, followed by weeping and more yelling.
"Do it OVER again!" He cries, while dark eyes look down into the kitchen through stair railing. She whimpers but complies, tears streaming down her face while she cleans up the shards of glass and he takes another beer from the fridge. The TV plays loudly to drown out the sounds of weeping and cleaning.
Three little girls torment their mother asking for sweets, pulling her in every direction while she finishes her tasks. They care not for what she is doing, because they know if she doesn't obey they can run to their daddy and watch her get beat again.
Rage burning in the little one watching helplessly. This poor boy seethes with a hatred for the one on the couch and his helpless to do anything. Any anger he may direct at the one called father will only prove to make things worse for himself and more so his mother . Moving quietly and swiftly the little one heads to his room in the hopes of curbing the mounting anger.
Bitter tears streaming, he finds no solace this time in his dark humoured comic books. The laughable figures and situations does little to separate him from the noises downstairs. The temper only mounts and almost becomes unbearable until he hears soft but hurried patter of footsteps up the stairs. With how loud the television is downstairs the dark haired boy realizes that the abusive one thankfully didn't hear them.
Stepping out of his room quietly he hears the soft gentle weeping of his mother. Her sobs catching in her throat while trying to calm her breathing as he nears her room quietly. Then the crying stops and the breathing turns into a tone the young one hadn't heard before. It's not evenly measured. Constrained as if set to a task that takes considerable courage and inner strength. Turning the little one has clear view of his mother catching a glint of silver flashes in his eyes and watches it quickly disappear into his mother's chest.
Struck with horror he stands frozen as the broken one crumbles to the ground. Her mouth silently grasping words or air only to have no voice come out while the blood forms around the kitchen knife embedded into her flesh. Shaking he too crumbles to he knees as his mother now bleeds out from her wound. She looks to him and smiles mouthing the word: freedom and then dies in front of him.
A voice barely audible to the boy's ears demands to know how much longer his dinner is going to take while he watches TV with his daughters. The boy's mind cannot take the horror of what happened. The loss of the only person who cared for him, who would protect him was forever gone. The one person he truly cherished in his living hell had killed themselves before his very eyes.
With one more bellow from the man downstairs the boy's mind snaps like a twig breaking. All sanity lost he cackles and pulls the knife out of his dead mother and heads downstairs. His world turns a wonderful shade of crimson and sets about his own freedom, with a far more gruesome twist. A malicious grin stretched across his face.

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Hey guys i am hoping to get more of these up... regularly... Im gunna try kicking myself in the pitooty to try and get more of these out..... And trust me once i hit 100 i wont stop... i am pretty sure i could get more out if i tried... hahaha anywhos... hope to hear from you guys.. Later!

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

Theme 20 Stolen Moments
The urge became stronger as she glared at her reflection. She dared not let it loose for fear of alerting people to her. That was the last thing she needed. Instead she screamed through her mind, letting it out and clearing any other thought. Just a feral yell that would reach the heavens if she could use her throat instead of her mind. Inside she could feel someone trying to calm her.
She turned to see Quinn standing beside her. Having, no doubt, appeared by coming in through the window at such preternatural speeds. " It will get better... This separation cannot last," He whispered to her ear, stretching an arm around her to pull her closer.
Sighing she leaned against him closing her eyes, feeling as if she was dreaming again. A cold hand brushed against her cheek wiping away her tears, her gray eyes opening to look at the mirror again. He was there, Quinn was actually there beside her. " Mem said that the visits should be cut down to a minimum," she reminded gravely," To maintain that fine line between the mortals and you guys...." Quinn sighed turning the girl around looking at her with eyes that were no longer their metallic blue. Instead where it should be white was dark almost black red and where the blue was supposed to be was a much paler red, like a light coating of dried blood against white. He looked at her searching her expression before turning her chin up to look at him.
" Keero... Its not perfect but its better than how we were living before.....," His own expression saddened, pained. "... Do you remember the beginning? I could hear you scream for freedom... when you were at your lowest... but I could not do a fucking thing about it....... Could not free you from such despair .. Such anguish." He kissed her forehead taking in the scent that lingered in her hair closing his eyes to savor it. " I would have gone through Mem's basement if i could have even this.. All the torturous levels that are held in those depths.... Just to be this close to you..... To never have to have either of us stay in the dark.....Never again separated by one miserable law after another......."
Lacing her arms around Quinn, Keero held tightly to him. She remembered it clearly. The lonely nights where her mental crying went unanswered. The stolen dreams where she swore she could feel his body underneath her fingertips. Smell the leather of the trench coat he used to wear and feel his gentle squeeze while he held her.
" I don't want to remember that night....," her voice catching on remembered tears," The night you told me..... you couldn't come get me.... You couldn't keep..... your promise to me..."
Quinn pulled away to look down to see the tears he had hoped to quell had returned. A sad smile crept across his face, gently stroking Keero's hair. She looked up at him looking more afraid than sad. " I don't want to have to wake up the next morning again and again thinking that the time we do share with one another is just dream! I don't want that!... Or worse! To be found out by other demons and the end up killed for a treason that Mem, himself, constructed!" He understood her worry, her fear, and it was a cruel reminder of why he couldn't stay with her through every waking moment. Taking her cheek into his hand again he looked at her and said softly," It is not a dream.... Let us cherish the moment we have together.... right now..... And i will tell you how you can remind yourself that any of our time is never a dream after... "
Quinn didn't wait for an answer as he pulled her into a deep kiss. Her body was trembling from the dread in her heart and the frustration that was filling her mind, it soon stilled as she responded eagerly.
Last edited by KeeroTashimi on September 15th, 2012, 2:21:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
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Re: Random Writing

Post by KeeroTashimi »

I am still having troubles trying to get this stuff regulated... life has a nice way of running away with you (yaaay).... Anyways i will deffinately try to be a little more regular with my writings (if anyone is reading these.... *sigh*).. Anyway Enjoy!!

*~Alchemist and dreamweaver~*
Clicks are slower when on my phone but they do happen
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Thank you to Ryves, Altairia, Anonymous, and the Magistream Team!! ^^


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