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Re: The Pet and Pet Behavior Thread

Post by Tereghan »

TxCat wrote:We have two betta fish, a male and a female. They currently reside in a glass bowl in my office. I had given them plants, but they ate them. We don't leave them in stagnant water. Ours have a small pump with an air stone to keep the water circulating and they both love to ride the bubbles. Once in a while Ryo gets amorous and chases Yoko around the bowl. I understand, from reading my aquarium books and fish lover sites, that it's somewhat normal for the male to nip at the female when courting. He initially tore her tail fin up badly, but she's recovering. Both of mine are of the dark blue crown variety and I adore them. Both beg shamelessly whenever they see a human face appear at their level.
This is actually a very bad idea, keeping the male and the female in the same bowl. Bettas can be extremely aggressive fish and males and females should only be housed together when you're actively trying to breed them. In the wild most males have a territory of about a square yard which overlaps the territories of several females. This may not sound like much, but 3x3x3 is 27 feet of space for them to exist in, and the females can always flee past his range should he become aggressive. In captive breeding situations males and females frequently injure each other, tear each others' fins, and even kill each other when placed in the same tank. This is why people who show their fish often wait to breed their males until after they're done showing them, since the female can utterly ruin his fins. In practical terms, fish of any species who injure each other should be separated.

Really the only bettas that can safely be housed together are groups of females, typically five or more in a large tank. Breeders and show breeders typically use no less that a 10 gallon tank and bigger is better. These are still aggressive fish, and they will pick on the smaller females. Having more females spreads that aggression between several of the smaller girls, and even then people sometimes lose fish. It is also imperative to have small hides and densely plant the tank so that the smaller ones can flee. Even then, it's not always a good setup. I've tried a "sorority" tank, and lost all my girls when one of them got a fairly mild bacterial infection. I caught it quick and removed her, but it spread through the tank and killed the rest. A friend of mine who used to breed them mentioned that it is still a high stress situation and makes he fish more susceptible to disease.

Your setup may be working for now, but for the safety of your fish I'd really recommend getting another bowl. There is some evidence that providing mild heat (making sure the bowl is over 70 degrees) can also help with keeping them healthy in the long run.
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Re: The Pet and Pet Behavior Thread

Post by Imposibibble »

Wolfe0134 wrote: Well in some shelters, I'm not saying ALL, but in some, they totally don't care for dogs. They may say they're no-kill, but some send out dogs and have OTHERS kill them. So technically they aren't "no-kill." This infuriates me. And also, if any dogs have health issues, they usually just leave them like that. They don't try and treat the illness at all! And they don't let dogs stay there for long either. Shelters usually give dogs around a day to get adopted. Not much of a chance. Otherwise, they get put down. They get sent to the shelter, just to be euthanized. Again, I'm not saying ALL are like this. Just some...
It's not that shelters don't want to treat sick animals that come in, it's just that they don't have the money/supplies to treat seriously sick animals (ie. Chemo drugs for cancer, stomach tubes for tube feeding, orthopedic pins for broken legs, etc.). A lot of shelter funding come from public donations and a lot of shelter supplies are donated from vet clinics (even then, it's very limited). If an animal comes in really sick/injured, the most economical and humane way to deal with it is euthanasia (so they don't leave them sick and injured as you seem to be saying).
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Re: The Pet and Pet Behavior Thread

Post by Soleil »

We have had my cat (though due to my absence for college he isn't mine anymore...) for about 5 years now. He was the only kitten in our stray's litter that mom could catch before we moved, which I'm glad she caught him. He may be a little freak that refuses to let anyone hold him, but he's amusing as hell. I've never seen a cat do "Matrix" moves on the wall in the hallway before... he does.. wish I could get it on video some day!

He also has a weird habit of drinking out of the toilet, even when there is fresh water available all the time for him and our one inside dog. He just refuses! He's always hanging over the seat like he has a hangover getting a drink.

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Re: The Pet and Pet Behavior Thread

Post by Atuin »

Soleil wrote:We have had my cat (though due to my absence for college he isn't mine anymore...) for about 5 years now. He was the only kitten in our stray's litter that mom could catch before we moved, which I'm glad she caught him. He may be a little freak that refuses to let anyone hold him, but he's amusing as hell. I've never seen a cat do "Matrix" moves on the wall in the hallway before... he does.. wish I could get it on video some day!

He also has a weird habit of drinking out of the toilet, even when there is fresh water available all the time for him and our one inside dog. He just refuses! He's always hanging over the seat like he has a hangover getting a drink.

Caught in the act xD
Some cats like running water. My sister's cat only drinks from a running tap. Myabe you can teach him to drink from the tap and tell you when he wants one?
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Re: The Pet and Pet Behavior Thread

Post by Soleil »

Atuin wrote:
Soleil wrote:We have had my cat (though due to my absence for college he isn't mine anymore...) for about 5 years now. He was the only kitten in our stray's litter that mom could catch before we moved, which I'm glad she caught him. He may be a little freak that refuses to let anyone hold him, but he's amusing as hell. I've never seen a cat do "Matrix" moves on the wall in the hallway before... he does.. wish I could get it on video some day!

He also has a weird habit of drinking out of the toilet, even when there is fresh water available all the time for him and our one inside dog. He just refuses! He's always hanging over the seat like he has a hangover getting a drink.

Caught in the act xD
Some cats like running water. My sister's cat only drinks from a running tap. Myabe you can teach him to drink from the tap and tell you when he wants one?
We've allowed him to do it for so long, it would be more trouble than it's worth to re-train him. Plus the only sink that has a full cabinet is the kitchen and my bathroom. Both of which he is not allowed on due to the amount of crap that my mother has on the cabinets that is breakable.

I had a friend would would do that with the tap, as that's all her cat would drink as well.

Mine's a crazy little thing though. Every morning you have to shake his food container or he won't eat. He just needs the illusion that you are giving him fresh food, so shaking it makes it okay to eat o_o
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Re: The Pet and Pet Behavior Thread

Post by TxCat »

Tereghan wrote:Your setup may be working for now, but for the safety of your fish I'd really recommend getting another bowl. There is some evidence that providing mild heat (making sure the bowl is over 70 degrees) can also help with keeping them healthy in the long run.
Blah, I forgot to update and explain that was a temporary set-up. The new one is about 10 gallons and has a divider that the male cannot get through and which is non reflective. They don't need a heater here because I live in Florida. The house --- and generally the surroundings outside --- are NEVER lower than 70 degrees.

These guys look good. They both have full, deep body color and intact fins. No signs of disease.

That said, when I was much younger and didn't know better, I somehow managed to keep two males in a twenty-nine gallon tank with other community fish and for some reason they never did anything to each other or the other fish. I realize now I was just extremely lucky (and it was a well planted tank).

I keep habitat tanks, not aquariums. I try as closely as possible to approximate the fishes' natural habitat if they had been in the wild. It's much more interesting to observe them from a scientific point of view and see them interacting as they normally would.
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Re: The Pet and Pet Behavior Thread

Post by Tereghan »

TxCat wrote: Blah, I forgot to update and explain that was a temporary set-up. The new one is about 10 gallons and has a divider that the male cannot get through and which is non reflective. They don't need a heater here because I live in Florida. The house --- and generally the surroundings outside --- are NEVER lower than 70 degrees.

These guys look good. They both have full, deep body color and intact fins. No signs of disease.

That said, when I was much younger and didn't know better, I somehow managed to keep two males in a twenty-nine gallon tank with other community fish and for some reason they never did anything to each other or the other fish. I realize now I was just extremely lucky (and it was a well planted tank).

I keep habitat tanks, not aquariums. I try as closely as possible to approximate the fishes' natural habitat if they had been in the wild. It's much more interesting to observe them from a scientific point of view and see them interacting as they normally would.
Oh excellent! That sounds about as close to a perfect setup as you can get. I've got two males in a divided 10 gallon and while one is looking a little raggedy (he's almost three years old) the other is doing just fine. Thank goodness. I work in a pet store and you wouldn't believe (actually, you might) the number of people we get in with the typical male betta in a half gallon bowl or less, complaining that they're boring because they never do anything. Well duh, they never move because they have no space to move!

One woman recently wanted to buy a new male to replace her old one, but mentioned she had a female in with it in an undivided and bare 5 gallon. We had to get the manager in to refuse the sale, and she threw a fit because she'd always done it that way and nothing bad had ever happened. Except that the male apparently wedged himself under one of the river rocks trying to get away from the female and got stuck and died. Yeah, nothing wrong there at all.

Good on you BTW, for keeping your bigger plecos around. Far too often we have people bring them in and surrender them (we adopt them out if we can) and then want to buy another small one for their miniscule tank.
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Re: The Pet and Pet Behavior Thread

Post by TxCat »

Tereghan wrote:the typical male betta in a half gallon bowl or less, complaining that they're boring because they never do anything
They're not boring (and neither are the plecos, believe it or not). I put a small bubbler in mine because some of the betta breeders said they like that. Boy howdy, do they! They ride up and down it all day long, as though it were an elevator. I had to move to silk plants, though, because they did keep eating them and plants are expensive. They have places they can hide behind but not in. Most people forget these guys are air breathers and need to surface to breathe.
Good on you BTW, for keeping your bigger plecos around. Far too often we have people bring them in and surrender them (we adopt them out if we can) and then want to buy another small one for their miniscule tank.
I'll take 'em! That's how we got Big Boss Man. He had been left there (the Petco doesn't sell their animals to people who demonstrate no knowledge of them or who mistreat them or neglect them; even their birds are young, handled, and well cared for) and Dee insisted on bringing him home. I'm glad he did. When they get too big for the 29 gallon set-up they'll get either a 100 gallon tank or a heated pool outside with a zapper on it to ensure that my raccoon friends don't help themselves to the fish.

Our next project is going to be a community tank, though I don't want tetras. They've gotten too fragile. I like the pearl gouramis and they do well with the smaller catfish like the corys. The store I mentioned has spotted corys, julii, emeralds, and albinos.

Their reptile and fish guy is a big biker dude who looks like he should be on American Chopper, not in a pet store...but I caught him talking to the fish as he fed them and he handles all the snakes and lizards to make certain they'll be owner friendly. He talks to those too and the snakes in particular really seem to like him.

Their bird lady hand raises the birds they get in from an approved breeder. When the time comes to get my budgies, I'll get them from there too. I've never seen a sick, dying, or injured animal anywhere in that store...not even the so-called 'expendable' pets like the mice and rats. Even their crickets look good (don't look at me like that, the boys wanted some for pets so I gave in!)
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Re: The Pet and Pet Behavior Thread

Post by Tereghan »

Quoted text under spoiler:
TxCat wrote:
Tereghan wrote:the typical male betta in a half gallon bowl or less, complaining that they're boring because they never do anything
They're not boring (and neither are the plecos, believe it or not). I put a small bubbler in mine because some of the betta breeders said they like that. Boy howdy, do they! They ride up and down it all day long, as though it were an elevator. I had to move to silk plants, though, because they did keep eating them and plants are expensive. They have places they can hide behind but not in. Most people forget these guys are air breathers and need to surface to breathe.
Good on you BTW, for keeping your bigger plecos around. Far too often we have people bring them in and surrender them (we adopt them out if we can) and then want to buy another small one for their miniscule tank.
I'll take 'em! That's how we got Big Boss Man. He had been left there (the Petco doesn't sell their animals to people who demonstrate no knowledge of them or who mistreat them or neglect them; even their birds are young, handled, and well cared for) and Dee insisted on bringing him home. I'm glad he did. When they get too big for the 29 gallon set-up they'll get either a 100 gallon tank or a heated pool outside with a zapper on it to ensure that my raccoon friends don't help themselves to the fish.

Our next project is going to be a community tank, though I don't want tetras. They've gotten too fragile. I like the pearl gouramis and they do well with the smaller catfish like the corys. The store I mentioned has spotted corys, julii, emeralds, and albinos.

Their reptile and fish guy is a big biker dude who looks like he should be on American Chopper, not in a pet store...but I caught him talking to the fish as he fed them and he handles all the snakes and lizards to make certain they'll be owner friendly. He talks to those too and the snakes in particular really seem to like him.

Their bird lady hand raises the birds they get in from an approved breeder. When the time comes to get my budgies, I'll get them from there too. I've never seen a sick, dying, or injured animal anywhere in that store...not even the so-called 'expendable' pets like the mice and rats. Even their crickets look good (don't look at me like that, the boys wanted some for pets so I gave in!)
I know, right? I love how much personality my fish have when they're given the necessities and can show off. I second the silk plant thing, plastic ones can shred their fins. I've read in a few places that Java Moss is good to have around, can be fairly cheap, and is pretty safe if they decide to start taking nibbles off it (plecos included).

Before I go much further I should probably mention that I do work at a Petco and that everything I have previously stated and will state is my own opinion and has nothing to do with and is not supported by Petco in any way.

Too bad you live across the country, it would be awesome to have a real pleco lover (with the space to have large tanks) out here. We have a guy who has a heated pond who usually takes ours, he says they do pretty well. At least they're not lacking for space in any way. We also recently got in several large (6") Comet Goldfish from someone who couldn't keep them anymore. They're a great conversation starter when someone wants to put one in a bowl.

It sounds like the Petco near you is awesome. I started off as a bird specialist at mine, and now I've certified in all the animal departments, though really only the basics are covered. I've been researching the two things I'm weakest in, reptiles and saltwater fish. Mainly though, I'm focusing on the "new" position I'm "training" for as a Customer Advisor. Basically a special person who knows a lot about a lot and is friendly and not afraid to help people with strange/complicated questions.

I'd really like a snake sometime in the future, but my boyfriend is currently against it. It's not because he dislikes snakes, but because he used to have one which his parents accidentally killed while he was gone one day. We're content with our rescue cat right now, he's had surprisingly few problems for bring an adult rescue and he's one of the best cats I've ever had. He doesn't even mess with my yarn too much and shows great restraint whenever the door is opened. I love my kitty. <3
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Re: The Pet and Pet Behavior Thread

Post by Synchronized »

Here are my jerks:
Name: Nikki
Age: ~11 years old
Sex: Male(yes, his cere is brown-- it's a hormone thing)
Species: Budgerigar
Appearance: Classic budgie colors; lime green and a yellow face and black turtle markings. Navy blue tail.
History: I bought him from a pet store with another bird named Skye(who unfortunately passed away some time ago) when I was eight years old. I had never taken the best care of him, really, but he helped me learn just how important it was to keep birds healthy and happy.
Nikki Particulars: -He is very picky about pellets. Sometimes he'll eat them, sometimes he won't.
-Very submissive. Often bossed around by the other bird.
-He compulsively stretched his head out for kisses towards you when he wants you to put him back inside his cage.
-He absolutely refuses to play with most toys, but chirps to his mirrors and chews on one bell.
-One of his back toes must have broken at some point in his life, because it never closes around perches. Doesn't seem to bother him at all, though.
-He's fond of a certain brand of ice tea I drink. He doesn't get much, but I let him have a lick from a droplet from time to time. He also likes to chew on the straw.

Name: Romeo
Age: ~4 years old?
Sex: Female
Species: Budgerigar
Appearance: Romeo is a type 2 yellowface/violet-factor/opaline budgie. It's hard to see in those pictures, but there's a faint band of yellow over her middle(mottled with blue), and while most of her body is light blue there are random splotches of violet near her head/wings/tail. Half of her head is yellow while the rest is white. Her tail is very dark blue, almost black, with a white stripe near the base.
History: She was previously owned by a younger cousin who didn't care for her, and as a result, she became aggressive and hates hands. She's semi-tame but always bites if you try to touch her, in varying intensity. Nothing I do seems to make her better, so I'm just dealing with it.
Romeo Particulars: -Rips apart everything.
-Keeps insisting on trying to nest in their pellet bowl, despite me providing her with another bowl with tissue paper to rip up and such.
-She also just sits in the bowl, and scoops out pellets just to throw them on the floor. She does this as I watch and stares me in the face as she scratches at the bottom like a tiny chicken. Jerk.
-She hates when I cover the cage for the night, and also when you put your hands near the cage bars. She attacks both the blanket and your fingers.
-Curiously, she has absolutely no issue with my face. Can't touch her with my hands but I can kiss her head and back all I want. Odd.
-She also likes my iced tea. Rather trying to bite the box than the taste, though.
-She's very pushy and mean-- she often bullies Nikki and shoves him off of perches frequently. I'm getting kind of sick of it and her attitude but I'd never get rid of her. I can't separate her because compared to Nikki, she has a horrible high-pitched chirp that grates on my ears that she only uses when she's separated from him-- and the only other place to put her is where I sleep. No thanks.
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