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How the Eggs got into The River (compitition entry)

Posted: July 25th, 2009, 9:21:33 am
by ape
In this magical land, many creatures roam. They are the Magi's most powerful allies. Each have special abilities and are powerful assets in battle.

This special relationship began with a clutch of eggs, laid by a mixture of Gryphons, phoenixes, and other creatures which loved the Stream. They laid their eggs on that banks, so that when they hatched, the babies would play and drink and swim.

Aquatic creatures such as the Leviathan ans Kraken laid their eggs in the lake and often they would be carried downstream, where people would find them.

Flying creatures made nests and sometimes they were so close to the bank that they might fall into the stream--and Magi would find and raise them.

Other land dwellers would also end up with their eggs being knocked into the stream! Not only because some were too close--but also because of flash floods. They would lay them on the plains through which the stream ran. When heavy rains came, the banks overflowed and the rushing stream would expand and carry the eggs far away.

This still happens today, and that is how all these eggs end up in the Stream.