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how to donate without card?

Posted: December 16th, 2020, 12:43:34 am
by Atlantica
hello i hope someone can help me out with this :]

i have paypal account but only have a paypal balance to use to pay for things. i dont have credit or debit cards. is there option to donate to magistream using paypal balance? if no is there any other way i could donate?

thank you very much for any help :]

Re: how to donate without card?

Posted: December 16th, 2020, 3:28:51 am
by Ardroth
I'm positive I've donated just with a PayPal balance before, so I think so? I might be remembering wrong, though. I know sometimes PayPal will just not let you use a balance to pay for certain things though, or require a card just for security purposes, even if you're paying with the balance. I've had a problem like this with a video game I play.

Unfortunately, if that is the case, that's kind of unchangeable, and there wouldn't be a way to donate without a card. D: I might just be misunderstanding though, someone do correct me if I'm wrong.

Re: how to donate without card?

Posted: December 16th, 2020, 5:05:19 am
by MistyoC
I believe there is a way to donate using Paypal, but I'm not sure, as I don't use it. lol If you don't have a regular card, though, you can use a prepaid card. I prefer those for online purchases because I'm paranoid of having my account hacked.

Re: how to donate without card?

Posted: December 16th, 2020, 11:41:27 am
by Atlantica
prepaid card makes sense or maybe a gift card? like from visa? i know you can link those to paypal... i will try that

thank you very much for your help :]

Re: how to donate without card?

Posted: December 19th, 2020, 7:47:35 pm
by BBkat
You just need to put in how much you want to donate and click 'Submit' then it'll take you to Paypal and you should be able to choose there to use your Paypal balance.
mine isn't tied to any credit or debit cards and I've been able to donate before.

Re: how to donate without card?

Posted: December 20th, 2020, 11:57:42 am
by Atlantica
thank you for your help

but paypal won't let me add money to my account without a card linked to it my dad helped make my paypal account and tried to send me some money to my balance but it won't add it without a card linked for some reason which i dont have

thank you anyway for your help guess i wont be able to donate then its too bad :( :t-cry: