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Teluxy's Journal [Magistream]

Posted: July 15th, 2020, 12:26:19 pm
by Teluxy
Teluxy's Journal
A Magistream Fanfic based on my activities

7/15/2020 - First installment made, more of a rough draft and needs editing for consistency

The First Days

The First Days

Posted: July 15th, 2020, 1:29:03 pm
by Teluxy
[Content is subject to change, as I feel the tone is inconsistent and may wish to re-write this into first person as a journal entry. I'm undecided but if I wait until my perfectionist tendencies think it's 'perfect' I will never post period. I may simply need to re-write some of the later parts to make them feel less... rushed through? I don't mind constructive criticism, please pm me if you like!]

Teluxy sat on a windowsill ledge, a book in her lap. Alba, her white elk, rested beside her on the hallway floor, as close tot he wall as possible so as not to block the path. Stealthily Teluxy glanced through her curtain of brown hair at each magi that passed, hoping one may seem familiar. None of them did though, which was frustrating.

It had already been several days since she had woken in a dusty unused room, the white elk curled up next to her on a bed that seemed abandoned with a number of other creatures she couldn't quite name crowded around on the floor nearby. Who she was was not a question, she knew her own name. She knew she preferred the quiet of nature. She knew that the force she felt flowing around, through her, through the earth, was magic. She was a Magi, that was obvious. It was everything else that was not.

Since the room she woke in and the chambers connected it were unused, it was only a matter of asking around to find where she should register them as her own. She had had to ask for directions several times to navigate the unfamiliar Keep and find the right person to talk to. Unfortunately they had no previous records of her at the tower, so her hopes that she could find her old rooms and possibly someone who was familiar were dampened.

The White elk had followed her around the Keep, somehow seeming to remember the directions she had been given better than her and nudging her gently to the right path if she strayed. Back at the rooms that were now hers, the multitude of creatures still waited. Of the creatures that were with her when she woke she remembered not one. She couldn't even properly recall their species, much less what they ate or what quirks or ecosystem needs they might have. Looking at them all the number had overwhelmed her. She liked time for quiet thought, it's what she needed now as her entire situation she found a bit confusing and disorienting.

"I cannot care for you all," She told them timidly, her voice was quiet and wavered a bit uncertainly, "I don't... remember, and I cannot let you suffer just because I don't know what you need." She paused, not entirely sure what to say or how to say it. "I... have so much I need to re-learn, you are too many." She hadn't spoken much more but lapsed into a longer pause, her gaze turned to the window and what lay outside in thought. Below the Keep a lake sat serene. Young Magi splashed at the edge, playing with their creatures. She turned back to her own. "If you have family out there in the wilds, you could return to them. If not... If not I could try to find another magi to adopt you... One who know how to care for you." She trailed off again.

It felt awkward to her, she knew some of the creatures had no idea what she said but she was sure others were very intelligent. Still, as she was she couldn't care for them. The next day she left her rooms, finding her way outside to see off those of her creatures that chose to leave, before asking for directions to a magi that specialized in rehoming. The magi was delighted to care for her remaining creatures, it seemed they ran a service to help the newer magi and those in training to find partners. The white elk though, that had helped her not get lost, refused to go. It had glanced between her and the other magi before shaking it's head and moving to stand beside her.

"You'll stay with me?" She asked it. The elk nudged her and blew into her hair in response. She took that as a yes, the other magi did too.
"I don't think she'll leave you." He said smiling.
"No, I don't think she will," Teluxy said, smiling herself and reaching out to bury her hand in the elk's soft white fur. "But I think I would get lost without her, I've become terrible with directions." She laughed softly, "And speaking of directions, could you direct us to the library? We're new here and these halls get me a bit turned around."

Teluxy waved to the other magi as they left, her other hand still buried in the elk's fur, which she found comforting. She turned her gaze back down to the floor as they walked, and glanced back through the hair that had fallen over her face as they turned the corner to see if they were far enough away not to be overheard. "Thank you," She whispered to the elk. It's ear twitched towards her, before it's head bowed, almost as if it was nodding. Teluxy thought as they walked, trying to pull at that fuzzy knowledge that seemed just out of reach. She still didn't remember the elk's name, but an alternative came to her. "Shall I call you Alba then? Alba means white... I think." The elk whuffed out a breath of air and turned, looking her in the eye and nodded again. Teluxy smiled slightly "Well then, the first thing I should look up at the library then would be you, my friend." And she did.

Every day since then had been the same. She would spend a little time in the morning tidying the rooms she had claimed, cleaning out the dust. Alba would then help her find her way to the library for a book, before finding a windowsill or bench somewhere to sit and read, glancing at the magi passing by or through the window going about their business looking for a familiar face.