In My Eyes

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In My Eyes

Post by SilverStream »

A cute little love story I wrote maybe a year or so the middle of one of my classes at college... I've been working on another short story that would be similar to this titled In Other Words. It's about a deaf girl and a persistent guy who thinks her silence is just her playing hard to get.

Once upon a time, I could not see a thing. I was born at that point in my life I had never seen anything before. It made relationships difficult. I was often told that I was rather attractive, but I had no way to judge beauty. So how was I to know? Well, I was born unable to know until after a consultation with a doctor who had successfully done vision surgeries to make blind people see for the first time in their lives. He was one of the few doctors in the country who could do the surgery. But that isn't what this story is about...his intern...she was kind, clumsy, and kind of dorky... I kind of liked it. I couldn't see her, obviously, but I had very quickly fallen in love with her quirky personality. She seemed to get my personality so well! Leading up to the surgery, I visited that doctor a lot in order to prepare for the surgery. I always took great care to make sure my appointments were at times when she would be working in his office, even after my friend/caretaker found out and persistently teased me about her. I flirted with her regularly and found it easy to pick out when I'd flustered her, which became somewhat a hobby of mine. She was always so adorable when she was flustered! We continued our relationship like this for about two years as there were a few setbacks during that time that pushed my surgery back a couple times.

Finally, it came time for the surgery! I had asked her to come, though I wasn't sure if she would come. She was a shy girl and outings like this weren't really her thing, and even though we'd talked regularly for almost two years I had no way of knowing how she felt about me... Still, I'd fallen in love with this odd girl and I had all the intent in the world on her being the first thing I saw when the surgery was over. I was determined to make sure that she was the first beautiful woman I would ever see! That and I planned on proposing to her when I got to see for the first time... I'd already talked to her parents, they were tickled that I was interested in their daughter though clearly worried that after seeing her I wouldn't feel the same anymore. I didn't really understand this at the time because I'd always heard that beauty was in the eye of the beholder. So, if I really loved her, then she would be beautiful in my eyes...right? It wouldn't matter how anyone else thought of her as long as I loved her. It was revealed to me at this time that my girl spoke of me quite often. Her parents told me before I left that she had spoken of a crush on me, but thought I was just a flirty guy... Oh, how wrong this wonderful lady was!

The surgery was likely a success, but I wasn't to know until she was in the room and bandages removed. My nerves had me shaking like I had just fallen into an icy river as I heard her enter, and I could barely breathe as she cautiously removed the bandages around my eyes. The light was brighter than I thought it would be but, once my eyes accustomed to it I decided I didn't mind it so much because it highlighted her hair in the most gorgeous way possible. She was the first woman I had ever laid eyes on, and since that day, she's always been the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I proposed to her on the spot, and after a few awkward, silent moments she finally said yes! She was more shocked than anything. Apparently, she never thought a guy would take such a liking to her. We were married shortly after the surgery, which came as no surprise to my friends and family...a little bit of a surprise for hers though...

Then my girl and I moved onto some land owned by my parents, sort of given to us as a wedding gift. We had a house built on the property big enough for our small family, a son and daughter. We also managed an unofficial black cat shelter from our home, and while we did adopt a few cats out from time to time most of the cats became permanent residents. Not that we cared, the whole family preferred the self-cleaning cats to the loud and rambunctious we basically just had a lot of pets! It was here that I learned to do many of things I'd always wanted to do growing up...I learned to shoot, to read, to run, to swim... My girl became an amazing therapist who constantly overworked herself in an effort to help as many people for as cheap a cost as possible, and I became a full-time dad with a part-time writing career. I also became my wife's moral support and personal chef. We work so well together that we rarely fight, and even when we do we are both so calm that we're able to come to a peaceful resolution. If I had known what I know now, then I would have proposed to her the day I met!

I can see why some people would find other women more attractive than my girl, after all, she's most definitely not perfect. Doesn't matter to me, I find perfection a bit overrated these days. Who wants beauty that is made when you could have natural imperfect beauty? To put it simply, women are kind of like diamonds. The cheaper ones are the ones that are man-made because they lack the imperfections that give them the beauty of a naturally made diamond. Meanwhile, naturally made diamonds have several imperfections, but it is those imperfections that make the gem shine and sparkle like a rare thing near impossible to attain. Therefore, my girl is better than other girls. She is imperfectly unique. She is the rarest diamond I've ever come across, and a thing that precious is something I'm never letting go...
Looking for 1 stream born female Alpine, 1 female Coastal, 2 male Coastal, and 1 male Forest Pygmy Graga. PM me if you have any and what price. Will trade anything in my For Sale tab or pay gold.

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