~Where are my Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, etc.?!~

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~Where are my Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, etc.?!~

Post by ToxicFlame »

So I'm from (and live in, not by choice mind you) a very conservative and Christian part of the United States. I've had a "long road to hoe" (as we say in the south) when it comes to religion. I was forcibly raised Baptist/non denominational Christian and later struggled with my "faith" in college as something of a guilty identity crisis. I spent almost a year crying about it.

Anyway, I found Wicca through research and broadened my horizons, and quickly realized I had been believing, behaving, and feeling this way all my life and just never had words for it! It just clicked and it was wonderful. Since then I've spent the last several years exploring my own faith and spirituality and deciding what labels and practices were best for me.

But around where I live, I know very few people with "alternative" faiths. (I use this term lightly considering pagan faiths vary far and wide and probably statistically outweigh abrahamic beliefs, but there is still a massively Christian-esque pop culture in my country - even if pagan faiths are starting to make a comeback.)

So I thought I'd start this little forum here so we can all freely talk about what we've learned, what we feel, believe, think, and practice (if we so choose). Because I've seen a pleasantly surprisingly large number of pagan varied users here on Magistream and it makes me so happy! :bounce:
I know it's possible some of us live in places we can't talk about our faiths, so here is where we can! Maybe we'll find others who believe like us, but most importantly we can all connect and enjoy practicing who we are.
So let's share what we think, practice, believe... what our preferred religious labels are... how we found them... stuff like that!

I look forward to hearing all y'alls stories and faiths.
And if there's already a forum for this out there, my apologies!

~ A Pagan Eclectic Witch ^w^
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Re: ~Where are my Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, etc.?!~

Post by BradTheMad »

ToxicFlame wrote: And if there's already a forum for this out there, my apologies!
We've had a few specfically Wiccan etc. threads but not a broad pagan-thread so it's fine as it is. I also think it is a great idea for a thread as, like you said, not all pagans can exchange information so freely.

I myself just recently came out of a strict Jewish background and though I still respect the faith it just wasn't for me personally. I was raised agnostic (read: a weird mix blend of Catholicism/Judaism/my father's scientific views) and even dabbled heavily into the occult during my teens but decided to "return" to my mother's faith when I turned 25.
I've learned so much, even got a degree in Theology, but something was always "off". Slowly but surely I unglued myself from the religious community; I am now living with my partner in another town. It hasn't been easy but I feel no guilt whatsoever.

My pagan path started when I reread an old book I had on Norse mythology. It triggered something and I started devouring everything about old Northern-European history and religions and what was there before the Christianization of the continent.
Another important factor was a nearby museum I visited. They had an exhibition on shamanism with items that called out to me. Can't describe it any better than that.
Last few months I have been studying shamanism in many different cultural setting and things just clicked for me.

At age 40 I'm now practicing shamanic trancework and am slowly getting into Seidr. I'm just careful to give myself any label for now and freely explore everything for myself. Most would probably call me Asatru but I feel the label is too restrictive for me.
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Re: ~Where are my Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, etc.?!~

Post by ToxicFlame »

I hear ya. Although I found my faith through Wicca, I often find that label too restrictive for me too.

I really should explore and research more things like shamanism! I've got Native American blood in me somewhere down the line so it's something I would at least like to know a little bit about. Do you have any recommended reads/studies on it?

It's good to have placed to visit around where you live like a museum. There's NOTHING around here. The closest I've ever delved into is a couple spa practitioners in the area that are Reiki masters - which if you haven't looked into, I highly suggest you do, as you'd probably find it interesting.

As far as labels go I go with "Pagan Witch" because it is so generic, lol! But I feel a kinship with the openendedness of it, kind of like selecting pansexual as my sexuality label.

Do you share your pagan information or faith freely with your family, or do they even know? I'm sure I'm not the only one that's been criticized by my abrahamic family for being "satanic."
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Re: ~Where are my Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, etc.?!~

Post by BradTheMad »

ToxicFlame wrote:Do you have any recommended reads/studies on it?
An oldie but thorough anthropological study is Shamanism by Mercea Eliade. It's a bit dry and scientific but still part of studies today. It also mentions all forms around the world.
Other books kind of depend on what form draws you most. Native American? Siberian? I'd say go with the basics first and see if your ancestors or certain spirits call out to you. If you are meant for this path strange opportunities in your life will arise to get you there.

I am of mind that neo-shamanism isn't a bad thing per se but we should get into "plastic shamanism" where we appropiate teachings from cultures not our own. Shamanism isn't just communing with nice and friendly spirits and being zen all day in nature, there is darkness too.
ToxicFlame wrote:Do you share your pagan information or faith freely with your family, or do they even know? I'm sure I'm not the only one that's been criticized by my abrahamic family for being "satanic."
I do with my partner as he's also very open and explorative. My family probably knows but I don't really bring it up as a topic in conversations you know? It's not that they would start fearing for my soul but we are just all very relaxed about it. My family is very multi-cultural to begin with so we have many different religions and philosophies amongst us.
I did lose a lot of of my Jewish friends when I went "off the path" but that was to be expected as they are very orthodox in their views. It's kind of sad in a way but I wish them well. I'm of the mind each and every path leads to the same source eventually.
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Re: ~Where are my Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, etc.?!~

Post by HobbitFeet »

Hi hi!

I want to open this by saying I'm not a pagan in the sense that I'm polytheistic, but I'm pagan in the heathen way. I don't believe in spirits either.

However. I do believe that everything has energy. I have one foot in Wiccan practice and one foot in the scientific. For instance, if you tell me to burn incense designed to make me calm, both the nice smell and the idea that it'll work can convince me that it is working. I have no idea if that makes sense. It's the power of suggestion, is what I mean.

I also do enjoy the White Witch lifestyle. The idea that what their practice is for healing and for good, and in association with nature. I feel I most closely associate with that ideology. I keep crystals around me on the off chance that they help, but I won't lie and say I'm a fully practicing Wiccan with all the appropriate tools.

I too was born into a Christian family, but they had a slightly looser take on it. I was very religious in my younger days though, because it was a comfort in difficult times. It also made me arrogant. By the time I entered college, my attitude had shifted, and I was more open. I became an atheist, and eventually a Satanist. Within the last handful of years, I started learning about Wiccans and pagans outside of the heavily edited version from popular culture, and it has been a very informative, beautiful ride. I'm still a nonbeliever, staunchly, but I've incorporated several of the witchy ideals that suits me best.
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Re: ~Where are my Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, etc.?!~

Post by ToxicFlame »

I completely get how you would fall on that spectrum, as I fell on that same wavelength for a very long time. I, myself am of the mindset of "hey it may be placebo but if it works, who gives a crap?" so I often encourage people to try as many things as possible because you never know what might work for you.

I love that you bring up the scientific side of witchcraft because there is SOME background to it (not all of it, of course). Holistic means can often get a very bad rap from people who are all in and take the path to 100, and refuse any means of modern medicine (which is, personally, kind of crazy). But there is scientific evidence suggesting that spearmint deters insects, that tea tree oil helps with skin rashes, that citrus blends help boost the livelihood of those around you... and so on and so forth. I would NEVER tell anyone not to seek medical help! If you have an infection or a suspicion of cancer or something else serious... PLEASE go to the doctor! But if you have like... some poison ivy rashes or maybe JUST a sore throat, I feel like there is a place for holistic means.
And if you explore that avenue and find you enjoy it, I think there is no harm and exploring it further. Like if you think citrus incense makes you feel less depressed, freaking BURN IT! And so on and so forth...

But I feel we often get an equal bad ride as other thiests for not believing in modern medicine, or for denouncing it, when in fact I think science and witchcraft can truly go hand in hand.
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Re: ~Where are my Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, etc.?!~

Post by BradTheMad »

HobbitFeet wrote:It's the power of suggestion, is what I mean.
The power of the placebo is pretty magical in itself in my opinion!

I might speak of spirits but in my mind they are probably not what most people would make of them. I tend to see them more as manifestations of Jungian archetypes if that makes any sense. I recently had some weird experiences which made me move back away from the atheism where I was headed but I'm still very much agnostic. There's so much we don't know and the tendency for people to cling to scientism rather than actual science is as equally frightening to me as religious fundementalism.

I agree we need to keep an open mind yet be careful not to let our brains fall out... :lol:
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Re: ~Where are my Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, etc.?!~

Post by ToxicFlame »

I'm similar in how I think of "gods." I prefer the olden cultural relationship with gods (which, back then might have been more literal due to lack of advancements, but still...) wherein the praising of gods was casual and not this all important thing, and gods were seen as able to have very humanistic traits - they could mess up, make mistakes, have affairs and offspring, and could have negative behaviors like jealousy and anger. And these olden gods were often represented as idols or manifestations of certain concepts - rather than the all encompassing/all knowing/all good abrahamic god.

Because lot of people overlook those key differences, they jump to so many conclusions about polytheism and paganism; they cannot wrap their mind around the idea that there are OTHER versions and types of gods through history and religion.

And to add to the science discussion AND incorporate the olden theme...

There was a time where the ideas of these gods were used as an explanation for scientific phenomenon humans just didn't have an understanding of yet. I find it interesting that, in many ways, as our grasp of the world has improved (or rather, our ability to... since some people still are ignorant) - our understanding of human nature and religion keeps getting more and more screwy. Just because I know WHY it rains, doesn't mean I should appreciate it any less. And it doesn't mean I can't have a manifestation of a "rain god" in my head to help me appreciate that particular, beautiful part of mother nature.

On another note.... I can't STAND when people cling to "scientism." That's the same ideology that SWORE that people of African descent had warped skulls (and therefore lesser brains) or that homosexuality is "unnatural" despite there being plenty of other species that perform it completely naturally.

Sorry, got on a couple tangents. Just some of my thoughts on the topics at hand lol
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Re: ~Where are my Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, etc.?!~

Post by BradTheMad »

ToxicFlame wrote: Sorry, got on a couple tangents. Just some of my thoughts on the topics at hand lol
I think it is an important topic to discuss. I believe people shouldn't cling to anything 100 percent. True skepticism is hard to find as it means you are willing to question everything, even those core truths you cling to yourself.

It is true that the old deities were much more manifestations of forces rather than anthropomorphic beings. With the advancement of modern societies, and the emergence of classes, deities are given more and more human form and traits.
There are only a very few tribal societies left where you can still see such "primitive" religions in action. They basically see everything as a small part of all that is. Most of the time there is only a creator without any definitions and even if there are others they are very vague and not worshipped at all.
I find these religions very interesting and they feel, at least tot me personally, as being closer to the truth than religions with dozens of concepts, rules etc.

Paganism is very misunderstood but I do think it it because it's an umbrella-term that encompasses so much. Kind of like how Hinduism is frequently thought to be just one big polytheistic religion whilst there are many sects and some are very monist!

It's why I personally prefer to call myself a heathen nowadays if I need to explain my religious views.

Paganism; a religion other than one of the main world religions, specifically a non-Christian or pre-Christian religion.
Heathen; an adherent of a Neopagan religion that seeks to revive the religious beliefs and practices of the ancient Germanic peoples.
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Re: ~Where are my Pagans, Wiccans, Witches, etc.?!~

Post by ToxicFlame »

BradTheMad wrote: Paganism is very misunderstood but I do think it it because it's an umbrella-term that encompasses so much. Kind of like how Hinduism is frequently thought to be just one big polytheistic religion whilst there are many sects and some are very monist!

It's why I personally prefer to call myself a heathen nowadays if I need to explain my religious views.

Paganism; a religion other than one of the main world religions, specifically a non-Christian or pre-Christian religion.
Heathen; an adherent of a Neopagan religion that seeks to revive the religious beliefs and practices of the ancient Germanic peoples.
Yeah. It is an umbrella term, which so many people, both people who identify as Pagan and believers of other faiths that tend to ridicule us, don't realize.
Would "Heathen" apply to old religious beliefs outside of Germanic people? What about eastern practices? I totally like the word Heathen, even if just to freak out people. Lol! But I literally live in an area of the world where I could get shot for saying that tho...
I particularly choose to go with just generic "Pagan" because it is an umbrella term. :)

I do also agree, though that older pathways, while more ignorant scientifically, seemed to develop a much more genuine and sincere appreciate for the world around them. We may know how to develop and create many amazing things today to help us through scientific innovations, and that's wonderful! But I feel so many people neglect to just appreciate nature in itself as well.
Many years ago, people didn't understand (biologically) even HOW they existed... and now we do, and it's super cool to know! But that doesn't mean we should be any less amazed by the wonder of our mere existence. Whether we believe in a/multiple deity(ies) or not, the way so many things exist is amazing.

And I do think that modern religions don't really make room for genuine appreciation of things like that. The magic has kinda been lost, so to speak.

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