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Therapy corner?

Posted: November 29th, 2019, 1:37:21 pm
by GilraenNenharma
So I am not sure if there is a topic already, but is there a space here, or can this be a space where people with anxiety and depression can come together and help each other out? I have bad anxiety and had it for years. The last time I was on this site I did better when I was talking to people and we came out with little sayings or strategies to help each other out. Does that sound like a good idea? Let me know and I hope I can help out some people and get some help in turn. <3

Re: Therapy corner?

Posted: November 29th, 2019, 3:46:47 pm
by Ardroth
I personally wouldn't be against it, but the "How Was Your Day" thread does mention how no one here is licensed or trained to handle extreme/mental health crises, that and I worry negativity would bother people. I dunno, maybe PM a mod about the idea? Again, I wouldn't be opposed, but I dunno if it's a good SITE idea.

Re: Therapy corner?

Posted: November 30th, 2019, 10:36:46 pm
by ToxicFlame
I agree with Ardroth we should probably check with a mod first, but I'd love for this to be a thing. I was thinking about starting something like this myself. As someone who suffers from mental health issues and has participated in private and open therapy for several years, I think just having an avaliable open forum is comforting for some people. At the very least, if we wouldn't talk about it here... maybe it could just be a "hey I'm looking for a comfort buddy to PM" kinda thing, the way we post "searching for RP partners."

Re: Therapy corner?

Posted: December 2nd, 2019, 4:09:48 am
by BradTheMad
I think this is a good idea as long as it:

- Doesn't devolve to a "how was your day"-thread but stays on the topic of anxiety and depression and how it influences your life (or a particular day, situation etc.).

- No complete diaries typed out here either please.

Suppose somebody ran into a problem and wants to know how others with depression, anxiety or other mental issues dealt with it in a constructive way. We've had a few threads in the HoS with people asking for advice so I see no reason against one combined thread for this.

Also, nobody here is a trained health-care professional and even if somebody claimed to be it cannot be checked so; MS cannot be held responsible for any advice given nor for the consequences of such advice.

As long as we could all take care not to turn this into another HWYD-thread or personal blog I think a topic like this would be suitable for the HoS.

Re: Therapy corner?

Posted: December 8th, 2019, 5:30:27 pm
by ToxicFlame
Well since the holidays are here...

Does anyone else out there with depression/anxiety or just... life troubles have experience with toxic family members or estranged family members?

I've (not long ago) removed my toxic mother and father from my life (within the past year) but as per almost always they (and by they, I mean HER) are trying to buy back my love and wanting me to come for xmas eve and apparently they have gifts for me and my husband?

My husband and I don't want to accept them, not just because we want nothing to do with them but because it wouldn't be right to do so. It's kinda really targeting my anxiety so I'm really struggling on how to handle it. Any one else with a similar experience?

I won't go into major details for legal and just... many reasons, but just be aware these individuals have displayed both toxic and illegal behaviors through many years towards me and my husband.

Re: Therapy corner?

Posted: December 9th, 2019, 3:39:24 pm
by chokeholds
I honestly have a similar issue to you Toxic with my mother. She's currently trying to buy my communication and friendliness by offering a car part my S.O needs to us along with cash... Not gonna get too deep into it but she is probably single highhandedly responsible for the rapid development of my and my sibling's depression/other mental illnesses.

Currently my main issue is anxiety that's gotten to the point where I feel like I can't leave the house. I used to feel the same living at my parent's home but i just thought it was situational but clearly it's a deeper issue than that.

Re: Therapy corner?

Posted: December 9th, 2019, 8:04:07 pm
by ToxicFlame
I feel your pain. Literally lol
I wish you the best, especially trying to get through the holidays with it.

Do you have any idea how you're gonna handle the situation? Because I still don't know what to do. We're in a financially tough situation so my instinct wants to accept the things... but all my morals say not to.
I know it sucks because when we turn down the things, WE look like the jerks, huh?

Re: Therapy corner?

Posted: December 10th, 2019, 3:14:37 pm
by GilraenNenharma
I am glad to see people here talking about things like this. For me I have been having a hard time with just getting enough money to cover even basic needs. I am living with my friend, and her mother is so awful. She thinks I work 40 hours a week and make like 2k a month and owe her so much and it's just Currently I am working two jobs and barely even getting 8-12 hours a week combined. I can barely afford food let alone toilet paper, food for the two cats or anything else. My dear friend can't really get a job at all because of her family being so incompetent that she has to do every stinking little thing for them and with a whole bunch of bills and everything...I am so overwhelmed.

Thankfully I completely got my internet back so I am able to stream on Twitch again so that's at least helping.

Re: Therapy corner?

Posted: December 11th, 2019, 7:50:16 am
by ToxicFlame
I'm so sorry you're going through that. My husband and I are struggling with the financial thing to, since we both lost work not long ago. But we don't have the jerks to deal with...
It's good that you're not forgetting to try and do the things you love to balance out all those negative things. Its easy to forget or stop doing things that make you happy when depression can set in. I know I can be very bad for stuff like that.

Re: Therapy corner?

Posted: December 25th, 2019, 8:31:57 pm
by ToxicFlame
Is everyone doing okay considering the holiday? I know this time can be complicated and stressful for people who have a rough situation with their family.